Severak's mods
Artifact [2e74277b79]
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Artifact 2e74277b79b085113c95feba769ef211503c2d6c:

Wiki page [Severak's mods] by severak 2012-07-22 13:16:58.
D 2012-07-22T13:16:58.421
L Severak's\smods
P fe0bc62daf23cd5f19de81c5986648ccd4840264
U severak
W 548


Adds concept of coins to minetest. Today there is only one currency called Sestertius crafted like this:


<h2>ASCII art</h2>

An lightweight alternative to WorldEdit/Multiblocks. You define asciiart-like file with description of your building and later load it with single command: <verbatim>/ascii <buildingname></verbatim>


Adds some symbols specific to Czech republic. Currently they cannot be crafted.
Z d3ef2046006f49a67919d9456fb19e92