Tcl Raspberry Pi I/O

Artifact [7f4321cd15]

Artifact 7f4321cd154fca567a078f4e9d24fbe2d1837edc:

Wiki page [Prerequisites] by schelte 2014-03-18 17:26:28.
D 2014-03-18T17:26:28.809
L Prerequisites
N text/x-markdown
P 261200d3808fe8318375e0df937b199c9099aa3c
U schelte
W 437
# Prerequisites #

## The piio command ##
Using the piio command requires root permissions.

## The twowire command ##
For the twowire command, i2c functionality must be enabled on the Raspberry Pi:

- Unblacklist i2c-bcm2708 in /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf by putting
a # in front of the line
- Enable i2c-dev by adding it in /etc/modules
- Add the user to the i2c group using the command: `sudo usermod -aG i2c pi`

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