Ttk file selection dialog

Update of "ttk::chooseDirectory manual page"

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Artifact ID: ad523402608dae9e39167add4da54abc69df5420
Page Name:ttk::chooseDirectory manual page
Date: 2014-06-01 13:21:45
Original User: schelte
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ttk::chooseDirectory - pops up a dialog box for the user to select a directory.


ttk::chooseDirectory ?option value ...?


The procedure ttk::chooseDirectory pops up a dialog box for the user to select a directory. The following option-value pairs are possible as command line arguments:

-initialdir dirname

Specifies that the directories in directory should be displayed when the dialog pops up. If this parameter is not specified, then the directories in the current working directory are displayed. If the parameter specifies a relative path, the return value will convert the relative path to an absolute path.

-mustexist boolean

Specifies whether the user may specify non-existent directories. If this parameter is true, then the user may only select directories that already exist. The default value is false.

-parent window

Makes window the logical parent of the dialog. The dialog is displayed on top of its parent window.

-title titleString

Specifies a string to display as the title of the dialog box. If this option is not specified, then a default title will be displayed.


set dir [ttk::chooseDirectory \
        -initialdir ~ -title "Choose a directory"]
if {$dir eq ""} {
   label .l -text "No directory selected"
} else {
   label .l -text "Selected $dir"


ttk::getOpenFile, ttk::getSaveFile