Changes On Branch trunk

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Changes In Branch trunk Excluding Merge-Ins

This is equivalent to a diff from 52c179f31b to 52c179f31b

Switched to the (undocumented) megawidget framework that comes with Tk. To reflect the notebook tab subcommand, the accordion pane subcommand has been changed to return a single string or a dict, rather than a list (of lists). Bumped the version to 1.1 Leaf check-in: 52c179f31b user: schelte tags: trunk
Implement a few features that were already described in the man page: - The "current" pane identifier. - The insert method moves a pane if it was already managed by the accordion. Bugfix: inserting a pane before the active pane resulted in wrong display. check-in: 421fab7984 user: schelte tags: trunk