D 2012-03-30T04:28:39.035 L make-progressor U saul W 973 'make-progressor' is a Script-fu procedure that is available for all RFX-GIMP scripts to use for creating incremental counters. The procedure requires two parameters: the initial value of the counter and the increment at each step. An optional third value can specify the period of the function. 'make-progressor' returns a function (i.e., a lambda) that evaluates to the next step in the series. For example, the following define a simple ramp function that increments from 0.0 to 1.0 over the range of selected frames:
(if (= $start $end)
  (define next-step (make-progressor 0 (/ (succ (- $end $start)))))
Each time through the loop, '(next-step)' would be evaluated to return the current value of the progressor. The first time '(next-step)' is evaluated, the initial value of the progressor is returned. Negative initial values and negative increments are permitted, and you can make create as many progressors as you would like. Z 763ee896aacf5147f483faa891326c09