Artifact [a0a4754d33]

Artifact a0a4754d33f4766c70b5091e18230d400e2c3591:

# reconnect to server

use IO::Socket;
use Text::Balanced;

$img_ext=".png"; # this is not set for trigger code.

  $rfx_port = $ENV{'RFXGIMP_PORT'};
else {
  $rfx_port = 10008;

$sock = new IO::Socket::INET ( PeerAddr => 'localhost',
                               PeerPort => $rfx_port,
                               Proto => 'tcp'
if ( not defined $sock ) {
  my $rfx_pid = fork();
  if (not defined $rfx_pid) {
    &sig_error("UNABLE TO EXECUTE GIMP: Not enough resources");
  elsif ($rfx_pid == 0) {
    if ( -f $tmpdir . "rfxgimp.pid") {
      open(PIDFILE, $tmpdir . "rfxgimp.pid");
      # should probably do some sanity checking for the off chance that
      # the PID has been recycled or the system has rebooted (e.g, check
      # if process was executed with /usr/bin/perl. But for now...
      kill(15, -<PIDFILE>); # the negative PID means kill all children, too.
    setpgid($$,0); # change the pgroup to this forked process, rather than
                   # the original LiVES (so that we don't kill LiVES when
                   # this prgroup is killed).
    open(PIDFILE, ">" . $tmpdir . "rfxgimp.pid"); # overwrite old file
    print PIDFILE $$;
    my $start_gimp = qq{ gimp -i -b "(plug-in-script-fu-server 1 $rfx_port \\\"\\\")" & };
    system ( $start_gimp ); # though started as separate process, GIMP now
                            # is part of this spawned child's pgroup, not the LiVES pgroup
    sleep(); # do nothing, forever
    &sig_error("GIMP killed by external process\n");
  else {
    while (not defined $sock) {
      sleep (1);
      $sock = new IO::Socket::INET ( PeerAddr => 'localhost',
                                     PeerPort => $rfx_port,
                                     Proto => 'tcp'