Artifact [2d73fa231b]

Artifact 2d73fa231b28400205a13fe874a2bad1ee72327c:

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or higher
# as published by the Free Software Foundation.

use IO::Socket; 
use Text::Balanced;

  $rfx_port = $ENV{'RFXGIMP_PORT'};
else {
  $rfx_port = 10008; 

$sock = new IO::Socket::INET ( PeerAddr => 'localhost', 
                               PeerPort => $rfx_port, 
                               Proto => 'tcp' 
if ( not defined $sock ) {
  my $rfx_pid = fork();
  if (not defined $rfx_pid) {
    &sig_error("UNABLE TO EXECUTE GIMP: Not enough resources");
  elsif ($rfx_pid == 0) {
    if ( -f $tmpdir . "rfxgimp.pid") {
      open(PIDFILE, $tmpdir . "rfxgimp.pid");
      # should probably do some sanity checking for the off chance that
      # the PID has been recycled or the system has rebooted (e.g, check
      # if process was executed with /usr/bin/perl. But for now...
      kill(15, -<PIDFILE>); # the negative PID means kill all children, too.
    setpgid($$,0); # change the pgroup to this forked process, rather than
                   # the original LiVES (so that we don't kill LiVES when 
                   # this prgroup is killed).
    open(PIDFILE, ">" . $tmpdir . "rfxgimp.pid"); # overwrite old file
    print PIDFILE $$;
    my $start_gimp = qq{ gimp -i -b "(plug-in-script-fu-server 1 $rfx_port \\\"\\\")" & };
    system ( $start_gimp ); # though started as separate process, GIMP now
                            # is part of this spawned child's pgroup, not the LiVES pgroup
    sleep(); # do nothing, forever
    &sig_error("GIMP killed by external process\n");
  else {
    while (not defined $sock) {
      sleep (1);
      $sock = new IO::Socket::INET ( PeerAddr => 'localhost', 
                                     PeerPort => $rfx_port, 
                                     Proto => 'tcp' 

# Define a Perl subroutine for sending messages to the SF server and waiting
# for a response.
sub rfx_sendmsg {
  my $message = $_[0];
  my $len = length ($message);
  if ($len > 65535) {
    &sig_error("ERROR: script is too long for one server request: $len > 65535");
  # send script to GIMP
  my $header = pack( 'an', 'G', $len);
  syswrite( $sock, $_ ) for ($header, $message);
  # wait for response
  my $rin = '';
  vec( $rin, fileno($sock), 1 ) = 1;
  select( $rin,  undef, undef, undef );    # wait (forever) for response start
  select( undef, undef, undef, .1 );       # wait a bit for response to finish
                                           #  increase wait if INVALID/INCOMPLETE RESPONSE occurs
  # response
  $len = sysread( $sock, $header, 4 ) or &sig_error("INVALID RESPONSE: empty response");
  ( $len == 4 and $header =~ /^G/ ) or &sig_error("INVALID RESPONSE: bad header");
  my $status;
  ($status, $len) = unpack( 'xCn', $header );
  my $response;
  ( sysread( $sock, $response, $len ) == $len ) or &sig_error("INCOMPLETE RESPONSE: $response");
  # exit if response is not "Success"
  if ( $status and $response =~ /^Error: Success\n/i ) {
    &sig_error("UNSUCCESSFUL EXECUTION: Script-fu error");

# define a Script-fu utility function to save frames using the PNG or JPG
# compression levels specified in 'gimprc'. 
# To specify a PNG compression level of 5, include the following line
# in gimprc:
#   (rfx-png-compression "5") 
# If not specified then a default level of "3" is assumed.
# "3" is a good choice for PNGs because higher levels double the write
# times while only offering about 15% reduction in file size.
# To specify a JPG compression level of 85, include the following line
# in gimprc:
#   (rfx-jpg-compression "85") 
# If not specified then a default level of "93" is assumed.

# NOTE: 'rfx-save-frame' DELETES the image.  
&rfx_sendmsg( qq{
    (define rfx-curtmpdir "$curtmpdir")
    (define rfx-imgext "$img_ext")
    (unless (defined? 'rfx-save-frame)
      (define rfx-png-compression (catch #f (gimp-gimprc-query "rfx-png-compression")))
      (set! rfx-png-compression (if rfx-png-compression
                                  (string->number (car rfx-png-compression))
                                  3 ))
      (define rfx-jpg-compression (catch #f (gimp-gimprc-query "rfx-jpg-compression")))
      (set! rfx-jpg-compression (if rfx-jpg-compression
                                  (string->number (car rfx-jpg-compression))
                                  93 ))
      (define (rfx-save-frame image basename)
        (let ((filename (string-append rfx-curtmpdir DIR-SEPARATOR basename))
              (layer (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image))) )
          (if (string-ci=? rfx-imgext ".jpg")
              (gimp-context-set-background '(6 6 6))
              (let loop ((layers (vector->list (cadr (gimp-image-get-layers image)))))
                (unless (null? layers)
                  (if (= (car layers) layer)
                    (gimp-drawable-set-visible layer TRUE)
                    (gimp-drawable-set-visible (car layers) FALSE) )
                  (loop (cdr layers)) ))
              (set! layer (car (gimp-image-flatten image)))
              (file-jpeg-save RUN-NONINTERACTIVE 
                              (/ rfx-jpg-compression 100)
                              0 ; smoothing 
                              1 ; optimize 
                              1 ; progressive 
                              "" ; comment 
                              0 ; subsmp (0-4)
                              1 ; baseline 
                              0 ; restart 
                              0 ;dct 
              (gimp-context-pop) )
              (unless (zero? (car (gimp-image-base-type image)))
                (gimp-image-convert-rgb image) )
              (file-png-save2 RUN-NONINTERACTIVE 
                              FALSE ; interlace
                              FALSE ; bkgd
                              (car (gimp-drawable-has-alpha layer))
                              FALSE ; offs
                              FALSE ; phys
                              FALSE ; time
                              TRUE  ; comment
                              FALSE ; svtrans
          (gimp-image-delete image) )))
  (define (multiply-layers image lis)
    (let* ((new-layers (map (lambda (x) (car (gimp-layer-copy x FALSE)))
                            lis )) )
      (gimp-image-add-layer image (car new-layers) -1)
      (let loop ((layers (cdr new-layers))
                 (new-layer (car new-layers)) )
        (if (null? layers)
            (gimp-image-add-layer image (car layers) -1)
            (gimp-layer-set-mode (car layers) MULTIPLY-MODE)
            (loop (cdr layers)
                  (car (gimp-image-merge-down image
                                              (car layers)
                                              EXPAND-AS-NECESSARY )))))))))