xvfs-create at [92afd4ddd3]

File xvfs-create artifact a457e756d3 part of check-in 92afd4ddd3

#! /usr/bin/env tclsh

set sourceDirectory [file dirname [file normalize [info script]]]

lappend auto_path [file join $sourceDirectory lib]

set template [file join $sourceDirectory lib xvfs xvfs.c.rvt]

package require minirivet

set mode "run"
set staticInit false
if {[lindex $argv 0] == "--dump-tcl"} {
	set mode "dump-tcl"

foreach {arg val} $argv {
	switch -exact -- $arg {
		"--output" {
			set outputFile $val
		"--set-mode" {
			if {$mode ne "run"} {
				error "--set-mode may not be used with --dump-tcl"

			set emitSpecificMode $val
		"--header" {
			set headerFile $val

proc remove_debug {input} {
	set output [list]

	set lastLine -
	foreach line [split $input "\n"] {
		if {[string match -nocase "*XVFS_DEBUG*" $line]} {

		if {$lastLine eq "" && $line eq ""} {

		set lastLine $line
		lappend output $line

	return [join $output "\n"]

switch -- $mode {
	"run" {
		package require xvfs

		if {[info exists outputFile]} {
			set fd [open $outputFile w]
			::xvfs::setOutputChannel $fd

		if {[info exists emitSpecificMode]} {
			::xvfs::setSpecificMode $emitSpecificMode

		if {[info exists headerFile]} {
			::xvfs::staticIncludeHeader $headerFile

		::xvfs::run {*}$argv

		if {[info exists fd]} {
			close $fd
	"dump-tcl" {
		set xvfs_tcl [file join $sourceDirectory lib xvfs xvfs.tcl]
		set xvfs_core_h [file join $sourceDirectory xvfs-core.h]
		set xvfs_core_c [file join $sourceDirectory xvfs-core.c]

		set cleanup {
			"#include <xvfs-core.h>" ""
			"#include <xvfs-core.c>" ""

		set core_header_data ""
		append core_header_data [string map $cleanup [read [open $xvfs_core_h]]] "\n"
		append core_header_data [string map $cleanup [read [open $xvfs_core_c]]] "\n"

		if {[lsearch -exact $argv "--remove-debug"] != -1} {
			set core_header_data [remove_debug $core_header_data]

		puts "#! /usr/bin/env tclsh"
		puts ""
		puts [list namespace eval ::minirivet {}]
		puts [list set ::minirivet::_outputChannel stdout]
		puts [list proc ::minirivet::_emitOutput [info args ::minirivet::_emitOutput] [info body ::minirivet::_emitOutput]]
		puts ""
		puts [read [open $xvfs_tcl]]
		puts ""
		puts {set ::xvfs::argv $::argv}
		puts {
			foreach {arg val} $argv {
				switch -exact -- $arg {
					"--output" {
						set ::minirivet::_outputChannel [open $val w]
					"--set-mode" {
						set emitSpecificMode $val
			if {[info exists emitSpecificMode]} {
				::xvfs::setSpecificMode $emitSpecificMode

		puts ""
		puts [list ::minirivet::_emitOutput $core_header_data]
		puts ""

		puts ""
		puts [string map $cleanup [::minirivet::parseStringToCode [read [open $template]]]]
	default {
		puts stderr "error: Invalid mode: $mode"
		exit 1