D 2014-01-27T08:42:05.570 L tcpdump\sfor\swindows N text/x-markdown P e451287dc6908e9f441adc3e10582d23bbdaf757 U rkeene W 806 tcpdump for windows =================== Introduction ------------ tcpdump for windows is everything you need to run "[`tcpdump`](http://www.tcpdump.org/)" on Microsoft Windows in a single portable executable. The "`-i`" option has been modified to support IP addresses in addition to interface names. The IP address can be a local address or a remote one. Usage ----- - Basic usage: - `C:> tcpdump -nn -i` - Write out a capture file (which can be read by "wireshark" or "tcpdump"): - `C:> tcpdump -i -w capture.pcap` Full documentation for `tcpdump` can be found in the [`tcpdump(1)` man page](http://www.tcpdump.org/tcpdump_man.html). Next Steps ---------- - [Download](wiki?name=Download) - [More Information](wiki?name=More Information) Z ff8fe8b12374608aa929e4ed7ed9f777