D 2014-01-25T05:01:31.387
L tcpdump\sfor\swindows
N text/x-markdown
P 0cb0dc5793e570497d3de84c34d9edf4ecc4d8eb
U rkeene
W 512
Everything you need to run "[`tcpdump`](http://www.tcpdump.org/)" on Microsoft Windows in a single portable executable.
- [Download](wiki?name=Download)
It is a "[`tcpdump`](http://www.tcpdump.org/)" executable, [WinPcap](http://www.winpcap.org/) library and driver wrapped in a simple executable that:
1. Unpacks the files to a temporary directory;
2. Installs and starts the "`npf`" driver (from [WinPcap](http://www.winpcap.org/));
3. Runs `tcpdump.exe`; and
4. Cleans up everything
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