D 2014-06-17T01:05:05.196 L Documentation N text/x-markdown U rkeene W 1288 Manual Page =========== `package require tcc4tcl` tcc4tcl::cproc -------------- Creates a Tcl procedure that calls C code. Synopsis: 1. `tcc4tcl::cproc ` 1. `` is the name of the Tcl procedure to create 1. `` is a list of arguments and their types for the C function; 1. The list is in the format of: type1 name1 type2 name2 ... typeN nameN 1. The supported types are: 1. Tcl_Interp* 1. int 1. long 1. float 1. double 1. char* 1. Tcl_Obj* 1. void* 1. `` is the return type for the C function 1. The supported types are: 1. void: No return value 1. ok: Return TCL_OK or TCL_ERROR 1. int 1. long 1. float 1. double 1. char*: TCL_STATIC string (immutable from C) 1. string, dstring: TCL_DYNAMIC string (mutable from C) 1. vstring: TCL_VOLATILE string (mutable from C) 1. default: Tcl_Obj*, a Tcl Object 1. `` is the C code that comprises the function Example: 1. `tcc4tcl::cproc add {int a int b} { return(a+b); }` tcc4tcl::ccode -------------- tcc4tcl::cdata -------------- Z 670ec8db6fa703f70245363df1cf55ac