tcc4tcl.tcl at trunk

File tcc4tcl.tcl artifact 13347466c1 on branch trunk

# tcc.tcl - library routines for the tcc wrapper (Mark Janssen)

namespace eval tcc4tcl {
	variable dir 
	variable count

	set dir [file dirname [info script]]

	if {[info command ::tcc4tcl] == ""} {
		catch { load {} tcc4tcl }
	if {[info command ::tcc4tcl] == ""} {
		catch {
			load [file join $dir tcc4tcl[info sharedlibextension]] tcc4tcl

	set count 0

	proc lookupNamespace {name} {
		if {![string match "::*" $name]} {
			set nsfrom [uplevel 2 {namespace current}]    
			if {$nsfrom eq "::"} {
				set nsfrom ""

			set name "${nsfrom}::${name}"

		return $name

	proc new {{output ""} {pkgName ""}} {
		variable dir
		variable count

		set handle ::tcc4tcl::tcc_[incr count]

		if {$output == ""} {
			set type "memory"
		} else {
			if {$pkgName == ""} {
				set type "exe"
			} else {
				set type "package"

		array set $handle [list code "" type $type filename $output package $pkgName add_inc_path "" add_lib_path "" add_lib "" add_macros "" add_files ""]

		proc $handle {cmd args} [string map [list @@HANDLE@@ $handle] {
			set handle {@@HANDLE@@}

			if {$cmd == "go"} {
				set args [list 0 {*}$args]

			if {$cmd == "code"} {
				set cmd "go"
				set args [list 1 {*}$args]

			set callcmd ::tcc4tcl::_$cmd

			if {[info command $callcmd] == ""} {
				return -code error "unknown or ambiguous subcommand \"$cmd\": must be cwrap, ccode, cproc, ccommand, delete, linktclcommand, code, tk, add_include_path, add_library_path, add_library, process_command_line, or go"

			uplevel 1 [list $callcmd $handle {*}$args]

		return $handle

	proc _linktclcommand {handle cSymbol args} {
		upvar #0 $handle state
		set argc [llength $args]
		if {$argc != 1 && $argc != 2} {
			return -code error "_linktclcommand handle cSymbol tclCommand ?clientData?"

		lappend state(procs) $cSymbol $args

	proc _ccommand {handle tclCommand argList body} {
		upvar #0 $handle state

		set tclCommand [lookupNamespace $tclCommand]

		set cSymbol [cleanname [namespace tail $tclCommand]]
		set cSymbol [cleanname $tclCommand]

		lappend state(procs) $tclCommand [list $cSymbol]

		foreach {clientData interp objc objv} $argList {}
		set cArgList "ClientData $clientData, Tcl_Interp *$interp, int $objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST $objv\[\]"

		append state(code) "int $cSymbol\($cArgList) {\n$body\n}\n"


	proc _add_include_path {handle args} {
		upvar #0 $handle state

		lappend state(add_inc_path) {*}$args

	proc _add_library_path {handle args} {
		upvar #0 $handle state

		lappend state(add_lib_path) {*}$args

	proc _add_library {handle args} {
		upvar #0 $handle state

		lappend state(add_lib) {*}$args

	proc _add_file {handle args} {
		upvar #0 $handle state

		lappend state(add_files) {*}$args

	proc _cwrap {handle name adefs rtype} {
		upvar #0 $handle state

		set wrap [uplevel 1 [list ::tcc4tcl::wrap $name $adefs $rtype "#" "" 1]]

		set wrapped [lindex $wrap 0]
		set wrapper [lindex $wrap 1]
		set tclname [lindex $wrap 2]

		append state(code) $wrapped "\n"
		append state(code) $wrapper "\n"

		lappend state(procs) $name [list $tclname]

	proc _cproc {handle name adefs rtype {body "#"}} {
		upvar #0 $handle state

		set wrap [uplevel 1 [list ::tcc4tcl::wrap $name $adefs $rtype $body]]

		set wrapped [lindex $wrap 0]
		set wrapper [lindex $wrap 1]
		set tclname [lindex $wrap 2]

		append state(code) $wrapped "\n"
		append state(code) $wrapper "\n"

		lappend state(procs) $name [list $tclname]

	proc _ccode {handle code} {
		upvar #0 $handle state

		append state(code) $code "\n"

	proc _tk {handle} {
		upvar #0 $handle state

		set state(tk) 1

	proc _process_command_line {handle cmdStr} {
		# XXX:TODO: This needs to handle shell-quoted arguments
		upvar #0 $handle state
		set cmdStr [regsub -all {   *} $cmdStr { }]
		set work [split $cmdStr " "]

		foreach cmd $work {
			switch -glob -- $cmd {
				"-I*" {
					set dir [string range $cmd 2 end]
					_add_include_path $handle $dir
				"-D*" {
					set symbolval [string range $cmd 2 end]
					set symbolval [split $symbolval =]
					set symbol [lindex $symbolval 0]
					set val    [join [lrange $symbolval 1 end] =]

					dict set state(add_macros) $symbol $val
				"-U*" {
					set symbol [string range $cmd 2 end]
					dict unset state(add_macros) $symbol $val
				"-l*" {
					set library [string range $cmd 2 end]
					_add_library $handle $library
				"-L*" {
					set libraryDir [string range $cmd 2 end]
					_add_library_path $handle $libraryDir
				"-g" {
					# Ignored

	proc _delete {handle} {
		rename $handle ""
		unset $handle

	proc _proc {handle cname adefs rtype body args} {
		# Convert body into a C-style string
		binary scan $body H* cbody
		set cbody [regsub -all {..} $cbody {\\x&}]

		# Parse optional arguments
		foreach {argname argval} $args {
			switch -- $argname {
				"-error" {
					set returnErrorValue $argval

		# Argument definitions (in C style) initialization
		set adefs_c [list]

		# Names of all arguments initialization
		set args [list]

		# Determine if one of the arguments is a Tcl_Interp*, if not
		# then we will need to create our own Tcl interpreter for
		# local use
		set newInterp 1
		foreach {type var} $adefs {
			if {$type == "Tcl_Interp*"} {
				set newInterp 0
				set interp_name $var


		# Create the C-style argument definition
		## Create a list of all arguments
		foreach {type var} $adefs {
			# Update definition of types
			lappend adefs_c [list $type $var]

			# Note the type for this variable
			set types($var) $type

			# The Tcl interpreter is not added to the list of Tcl arguments
			if {$type == "Tcl_Interp*"} {

			# Update the list of arguments to pass to Tcl
			lappend args $var

		## Convert that list into something we can use in a C prototype
		if {[llength $adefs_c] == 0} {
			set adefs_c "void"
		} else {
			set adefs_c [join $adefs_c {, }]

		# Determine actual C return type:
		switch -- $rtype {
			"ok" {
				set rtype_c "int"
			default {
				set rtype_c $rtype

		# Determine how to return in failure
		if {$rtype != "void"} {
			if {[info exists returnErrorValue]} {
				set return_failure "return(${returnErrorValue})"
			} else {
				switch -- $rtype {
					int - long - Tcl_WideInt {
						set return_failure "return(-1)"
					ok {
						set return_failure "return(TCL_ERROR)"
					double - float {
						set return_failure "return(($rtype) ((($rtype) 1.0) / (($rtype) 0.0)))"
					default {
						set return_failure "return(NULL)"
		} else {
			set return_failure "return"

		# Define the C function
		_ccode $handle "$rtype_c $cname\($adefs_c) \{"

		## Define the Tcl return value checking variable
		_ccode $handle "    int tclrv;"

		## If the interpreters return value is relevant, create a variable to store it
		if {$rtype != "ok" && $rtype != "void"} {
			_ccode $handle "    Tcl_Obj *rv_interp;"

		## If we are returning a value, declare a variable for that
		if {$rtype != "void"} {
			_ccode $handle "    $rtype_c rv;"

		## If we need to create a new interpreter, do so
		if {$newInterp} {
			set interp_name "ip"
			_ccode $handle "    Tcl_Interp *${interp_name};"

		# Declare Tcl_Obj variables
		_ccode $handle "    Tcl_Obj *_[join $args {, *_}];"

		_ccode $handle ""

		# Create a new interp if needed, otherwise create a temporary procedure
		if {$newInterp} {
			_ccode $handle "    ${interp_name}  = Tcl_CreateInterp();"
			_ccode $handle "    if (!${interp_name}) $return_failure;"
			_ccode $handle ""

			set procname ""
		} else {
			set procname "::tcc4tcl::tmp::proc[clock clicks]"
			set cbody "namespace eval ::tcc4tcl {}; namespace eval ::tcc4tcl::tmp {}; proc ${procname} {$args} { $cbody }"

		# Process all arguments
		foreach arg $args {
			set type $types($arg)
			switch -- $type {
				int - long - Tcl_WideInt - float - double {
					switch -- $type {
						float {
							set convCmd Double
						Tcl_WideInt {
							set convCmd WideInt
						default {
							set convCmd [string totitle $type]

					_ccode $handle "    _$arg = Tcl_New${convCmd}Obj($arg);"
					_ccode $handle "    if (!_$arg) $return_failure;"
				char* {
					if {[info exists types(${arg}_MemberCount)] && [info exists types(${arg}_MemberLength)]} {
						_ccode $handle "    _$arg = Tcl_NewByteArrayObj($arg, ${arg}_MemberCount * ${arg}_MemberLength);"
					} elseif {[info exists types(${arg}_Length)]} {
						_ccode $handle "    _$arg = Tcl_NewByteArrayObj($arg, ${arg}_Length);"
					} else {
						_ccode $handle "    _$arg = Tcl_NewStringObj($arg, -1);"
				Tcl_Obj* {
					_ccode $handle "    _$arg = $arg;"
				default {
					return -code error "Unknown type: $type"

			# If we don't have a procedure to call, set the variables locally
			if {$procname == ""} {
				_ccode $handle "    if (!Tcl_ObjSetVar2(${interp_name}, Tcl_NewStringObj(\"${arg}\", -1), NULL, _$arg, 0)) $return_failure;"
		_ccode $handle ""

		# Evaluate script
		if {$procname != ""} {
			_ccode $handle "    static int proc_defined = 0;"
			_ccode $handle "    if (proc_defined == 0) \{"
			_ccode $handle "        proc_defined = 1;"
			set extra_space "    "
		} else {
			set extra_space ""

		_ccode $handle "${extra_space}    tclrv = Tcl_Eval($interp_name, \"$cbody\");"
		_ccode $handle "${extra_space}    if (tclrv != TCL_OK && tclrv != TCL_RETURN) $return_failure;"

		if {$procname != ""} {
			_ccode $handle "    \}"
			set i 0
			_ccode $handle "    Tcl_Obj *objv\[[expr {[llength $args] + 1}]\];"
			_ccode $handle "    objv\[$i\] = Tcl_NewStringObj(\"$procname\", -1);"
			foreach arg $args {
				incr i
				_ccode $handle "    objv\[$i\] = _$arg;"
			_ccode $handle "    tclrv = Tcl_EvalObjv($interp_name, [expr {[llength $args] + 1}], objv, 0);"
		_ccode $handle "    if (tclrv != TCL_OK && tclrv != TCL_RETURN) $return_failure;"
		_ccode $handle ""

		# Handle return value
		if {$rtype != "ok" && $rtype != "void"} {
			_ccode $handle "    rv_interp = Tcl_GetObjResult(${interp_name});"

		switch -- $rtype {
			void { }
			ok {
				_ccode $handle "    rv = TCL_OK;"
			int {
				_ccode $handle "    if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(ip, rv_interp, &rv) != TCL_OK) $return_failure;"
			long {
				_ccode $handle "    if (Tcl_GetLongFromObj(ip, rv_interp, &rv) != TCL_OK) $return_failure;"
			Tcl_WideInt {
				_ccode $handle "    if (Tcl_GetWideIntFromObj(ip, rv_interp, &rv) != TCL_OK) $return_failure;"
			float {
				_ccode $handle "    {"
				_ccode $handle "        double t;"
				_ccode $handle "        if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(ip, rv_interp, &t) != TCL_OK) $return_failure;"
				_ccode $handle "        rv = (float) t;"
				_ccode $handle "    }"
			double {
				_ccode $handle "    if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(ip, rv_interp, &rv) != TCL_OK) $return_failure;"
			char* {
				_ccode $handle "    rv = Tcl_GetString(rv_interp);"
			Tcl_Obj* {
				_ccode $handle "    rv = rv_interp;"

		# Cleanup created interp if needed
		if {$newInterp} {
			_ccode $handle "    Tcl_DeleteInterp(${interp_name});"

		# Return value
		_ccode $handle ""
		if {$rtype != "void"} {
			_ccode $handle "    return(rv);"
		} else {
			_ccode $handle "    return;"
		_ccode $handle "\}"

	proc _go {handle {outputOnly 0}} {
		variable dir

		upvar #0 $handle state

		set code ""

		if {$outputOnly} {
			append code "#if 0\n"
			set seenCLIPaths [list]
			foreach path $state(add_inc_path) {
				if {$path in $seenCLIPaths} {
				lappend seenCLIPaths $path
				append code "CLI:-I${path}\n"
			set seenCLIPaths [list]
			foreach path $state(add_lib_path) {
				if {$path in $seenCLIPaths} {
				lappend seenCLIPaths $path
				append code "CLI:-L${path}\n"
			unset seenCLIPaths
			foreach path $state(add_lib) {
				append code "CLI:-l${path}\n"
			append code "#endif\n"

		foreach {macroName macroVal} $state(add_macros) {
			append code "#define [string trim "$macroName $macroVal"]\n"

		append code $state(code) "\n"

		if {$state(type) == "exe" || $state(type) == "dll"} {
			if {[info exists state(procs)] && [llength $state(procs)] > 0} {
				set code "int _initProcs(Tcl_Interp *interp);\n\n$code"

		if {[info exists state(tk)]} {
			set code "#include <tk.h>\n$code"
		set code "#include <tcl.h>\n\n$code"

		# Append additional generated code to support the output type
		switch -- $state(type) {
			"memory" {
				# No additional code needed
				if {$outputOnly} {
					if {[info exists state(procs)] && [llength $state(procs)] > 0} {
						foreach {procname cname_obj} $state(procs) {
							set cname [lindex $cname_obj 0]

							if {[llength $cname_obj] > 1} {
								set obj [lindex $cname_obj 1]
							} else {
								set obj "NULL"

							append code "/* Immediate: Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, \"$procname\", $cname, $obj, Tcc4tclDeleteClientData); */\n"
			"exe" - "dll" {
				if {[info exists state(procs)] && [llength $state(procs)] > 0} {
					append code "int _initProcs(Tcl_Interp *interp) \{\n"
					foreach {procname cname_obj} $state(procs) {
						set cname [lindex $cname_obj 0]

						if {[llength $cname_obj] != 1} {
							error "ClientData not supported in exe / dll mode"

						append code "  Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, \"$procname\", $cname, NULL, NULL);\n"

					append code "\}"
			"package" {
				set packageName [lindex $state(package) 0]
				set packageVersion [lindex $state(package) 1]
				if {$packageVersion == ""} {
					set packageVersion "0"

				append code "int [string totitle $packageName]_Init(Tcl_Interp *interp) \{\n"
				append code "#ifdef USE_TCL_STUBS\n"
				append code "  if (Tcl_InitStubs(interp, TCL_PATCH_LEVEL, 0) == 0L) \{\n"
				append code "    return TCL_ERROR;\n"
				append code "  \}\n"
				append code "#endif\n"

				if {[info exists state(procs)] && [llength $state(procs)] > 0} {
					foreach {procname cname_obj} $state(procs) {
						set cname [lindex $cname_obj 0]

						if {[llength $cname_obj] != 1} {
							error "ClientData not supported in exe / dll mode"

						append code "  Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, \"$procname\", $cname, NULL, NULL);\n"

				append code "  Tcl_PkgProvide(interp, \"$packageName\", \"$packageVersion\");\n"
				append code "  return(TCL_OK);\n"
				append code "\}"

		if {$outputOnly} {
			return $code

		# Generate output code
		switch -- $state(type) {
			"package" {
				set tcc_type "dll"
			default {
				set tcc_type $state(type)

		if {[info command ::tcc4tcl] == ""} {
			return -code error "Unable to load tcc4tcl library"

		::tcc4tcl $dir $tcc_type tcc

		foreach path $state(add_inc_path) {
			tcc add_include_path $path

		foreach path $state(add_lib_path) {
			tcc add_library_path $path

		foreach lib $state(add_lib) {
			tcc add_library $lib

		foreach addFile $state(add_files) {
			tcc add_file $addFile

		switch -- $state(type) {
			"memory" {
				tcc compile $code

				if {[info exists state(procs)] && [llength $state(procs)] > 0} {
					foreach {procname cname_obj} $state(procs) {
						tcc command $procname {*}$cname_obj

			"package" - "dll" - "exe" {
				switch -glob -- $::tcl_platform(os)-$::tcl_platform(pointerSize) {
					"Linux-8" {
						tcc add_library_path "/lib64"
						tcc add_library_path "/usr/lib64"
						tcc add_library_path "/lib"
						tcc add_library_path "/usr/lib"
					"SunOS-8" {
						tcc add_library_path "/lib/64"
						tcc add_library_path "/usr/lib/64"
						tcc add_library_path "/lib"
						tcc add_library_path "/usr/lib"
					"Linux-*" {
						tcc add_library_path "/lib32"
						tcc add_library_path "/usr/lib32"
						tcc add_library_path "/lib"
						tcc add_library_path "/usr/lib"
					default {
						if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {
							tcc add_library_path "/lib"
							tcc add_library_path "/usr/lib"

				tcc compile $code

				tcc output_file $state(filename)

		# Cleanup
		rename $handle ""
		unset $handle

proc ::tcc4tcl::checkname {n} {expr {[regexp {^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$} $n] > 0}}
proc ::tcc4tcl::cleanname {n} {
	set n [regsub -all {[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+} $n _]
	if {[string index $n 0] eq "_"} {
		set n "tcc4tcl${n}"

	return $n

proc ::tcc4tcl::cproc {name adefs rtype {body "#"}} {
	set handle [::tcc4tcl::new]
	$handle cproc $name $adefs $rtype $body
	return [$handle go]

proc ::tcc4tcl::wrap {name adefs rtype {body "#"} {cname ""} {includePrototype 0}} {
	if {$cname == ""} {
		set cname c_[tcc4tcl::cleanname $name]

	set wname tcl_[tcc4tcl::cleanname $name]

	# Fully qualified proc name
	set name [lookupNamespace $name]

	array set types {}
	set varnames {}
	set cargs {}
	set cnames {}  
	set cbody {}
	set code {}

	# Write wrapper
	append cbody "int $wname\(ClientData clientdata, Tcl_Interp *ip, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv\[\]) {" "\n"

	# if first arg is "Tcl_Interp*", pass it without counting it as a cmd arg
	while {1} {
		if {[lindex $adefs 0] eq "Tcl_Interp*"} {
			lappend cnames ip
			lappend cargs [lrange $adefs 0 1]
			set adefs [lrange $adefs 2 end]


		if {[lindex $adefs 0] eq "ClientData"} {
			lappend cnames clientdata
			lappend cargs [lrange $adefs 0 1]
			set adefs [lrange $adefs 2 end]



	foreach {t n} $adefs {
		set types($n) $t
		lappend varnames $n
		lappend cnames _$n
		lappend cargs "$t $n"

	# Handle return type
	switch -- $rtype {
		ok      {
			set rtype2 "int"
		string - dstring - vstring {
			set rtype2 "char*"
		default {
			set rtype2 $rtype

	# Create wrapped function
	if {[llength $cargs] != 0} {
		set cargs_str [join $cargs {, }]
	} else {
		set cargs_str "void"

	if {$body ne "#"} {
		append code "static $rtype2 ${cname}($cargs_str) \{\n"
		append code $body
		append code "\}\n"
	} else {
		set cname [namespace tail $name]

		if {$includePrototype} {
			append code "$rtype2 ${cname}($cargs_str);\n"

	# Create wrapper function
	## Supported input types
	##   Tcl_Interp*
	##   ClientData
	##   int
	##   long
	##   float
	##   double
	##   char*
	##   Tcl_Obj*
	##   void*
	##   Tcl_WideInt
	foreach x $varnames {
		set t $types($x)

		switch -- $t {
			int - long - float - double - char* - Tcl_WideInt - Tcl_Obj* {
				append cbody "  $types($x) _$x;" "\n"
			default {
				append cbody "  void *_$x;" "\n"

	if {$rtype ne "void"} {
		append cbody  "  $rtype2 rv;" "\n"

	append cbody "  if (objc != [expr {[llength $varnames] + 1}]) {" "\n"
	append cbody "    Tcl_WrongNumArgs(ip, 1, objv, \"[join $varnames { }]\");\n"
	append cbody "    return TCL_ERROR;" "\n"
	append cbody "  }" "\n"

	set n 0
	foreach x $varnames {
		incr n
		switch -- $types($x) {
			int {
				append cbody "  if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(ip, objv\[$n], &_$x) != TCL_OK)"
				append cbody "    return TCL_ERROR;" "\n"
			long {
				append cbody "  if (Tcl_GetLongFromObj(ip, objv\[$n], &_$x) != TCL_OK)"
				append cbody "    return TCL_ERROR;" "\n"
			Tcl_WideInt {
				append cbody "  if (Tcl_GetWideIntFromObj(ip, objv\[$n], &_$x) != TCL_OK)"
				append cbody "    return TCL_ERROR;" "\n"
			float {
				append cbody "  {" "\n"
				append cbody "    double t;" "\n"
				append cbody "    if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(ip, objv\[$n], &t) != TCL_OK)"
				append cbody "      return TCL_ERROR;" "\n"
				append cbody "    _$x = (float) t;" "\n"
				append cbody "  }" "\n"
			double {
				append cbody "  if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(ip, objv\[$n], &_$x) != TCL_OK)"
				append cbody "    return TCL_ERROR;" "\n"
			char* {
				append cbody "  _$x = Tcl_GetString(objv\[$n]);" "\n"
			default {
				append cbody "  _$x = objv\[$n];" "\n"
	append cbody "\n"

	# Call wrapped function
	if {$rtype != "void"} {
		append cbody "  rv = "
	append cbody "${cname}([join $cnames {, }]);" "\n"

	# Return types supported by critcl
	#   void
	#   ok
	#   int
	#   long
	#   float
	#   double
	#   char*     (TCL_STATIC char*)
	#   string    (TCL_DYNAMIC char*)
	#   dstring   (TCL_DYNAMIC char*)
	#   vstring   (TCL_VOLATILE char*)
	#   default   (Tcl_Obj*)
	#   Tcl_WideInt
	switch -- $rtype {
		void - ok - int - long - float - double - Tcl_WideInt {}
		default {
			append cbody "  if (rv == NULL) {\n"
			append cbody "    return(TCL_ERROR);\n"
			append cbody "  }\n"

	switch -- $rtype {
		void           { }
		ok             { append cbody "  return rv;" "\n" }
		int            { append cbody "  Tcl_SetIntObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(ip), rv);" "\n" }
		long           { append cbody "  Tcl_SetLongObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(ip), rv);" "\n" }
		Tcl_WideInt    { append cbody "  Tcl_SetWideIntObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(ip), rv);" "\n" }
		float          -
		double         { append cbody "  Tcl_SetDoubleObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(ip), rv);" "\n" }
		char*          { append cbody "  Tcl_SetResult(ip, rv, TCL_STATIC);" "\n" }
		string         -
		dstring        { append cbody "  Tcl_SetResult(ip, rv, TCL_DYNAMIC);" "\n" }
		vstring        { append cbody "  Tcl_SetResult(ip, rv, TCL_VOLATILE);" "\n" }
		default        { append cbody "  Tcl_SetObjResult(ip, rv); Tcl_DecrRefCount(rv);" "\n" }

	if {$rtype != "ok"} {
		append cbody "  return TCL_OK;\n"

	append cbody "}" "\n"

	return [list $code $cbody $wname]

namespace eval tcc4tcl {namespace export cproc}

package provide tcc4tcl "@@VERS@@"