D 2016-03-29T17:49:24.034 L rdp.sh N text/x-markdown P 76f597076fecc002a7c8efbdc3affaaeb452a239 U rkeene W 506 rdp.sh ====== Simple wrapper for [FreeRDP](http://www.freerdp.com/) to handle many situations: 1. Jumping through an SSH server 2. Password authentication handling by a config file (supplemental shell script) which can call an external password manager such as [hunter2](https://chiselapp.com/user/rkeene/repository/hunter2/) Download -------- 1. [Just the shell script](doc/trunk/rdp.sh?mimetype=text/x-shellscript) 2. Version 1.0: [Tarball](tarball/rdp-sh-1.0.tar.gz?uuid=1.0) Z 86b0de3b7ddc93f75374ee731bdf77a2