D 2020-04-28T18:09:22.424 L Python\sLT8900\svia\sSPI N text/x-markdown P 7e830dcec5b518b6b7a7217d23e69435a280fb3414948619244125b8af991375 U rkeene W 973 Python LT8900 via SPI ===================== This Python module enables a Python to talk to an LT8900 radio attached to an serial peripheral interface (SPI). Example ------- #! /usr/bin/env python3 import time import gpiozero import lt8900_spi # Need to keep this attached to drive the line high -- if the object disappears then # the GPIO port gets reconfigured as an input port # Note broadcom pin numbers are used reset_gpio = gpiozero.LED(24) reset_gpio.on() def reset_module_via_gpio(): reset_gpio.off() time.sleep(0.1) reset_gpio.on() time.sleep(0.1) radio = lt8900_spi.radio(0, 0, { 'reset_command': reset_module_via_gpio }) if not radio.initialize(): raise ValueError('Initialize failed') radio.set_syncword([0x258B, 0x147A]) radio.multi_transmit([0xB0, 0x51, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 212], [9, 40, 71], delay = 0.5) Z f1b31bdd0bd0aa839367639173b47dbc