testit.ctk at [424c69792c]

File test/testit.ctk artifact 6378f4e9ab part of check-in 424c69792c



# Create Entry Errors List Box
proc ToorCreateErrorDialog { title } {

    toplevel  .csds_errors -borderwidth 1
    wm        geometry .csds_errors "+0+0" 
    label     .csds_errors.message -text "$title - Entry Errors\n"
    pack      .csds_errors.message -side top
    label     .csds_errors.msg2 \
              -text "The following entry errors have been found:" \
              -justify left -anchor w
    pack      .csds_errors.msg2 -side top -fill x
    frame     .csds_errors.box
    pack      .csds_errors.box -fill x
    listbox   .csds_errors.box.list -height 5 -width 60 -borderwidth 1 \
              -yscrollcommand ".csds_errors.box.scroll set"
    pack      .csds_errors.box.list -side left
    scrollbar .csds_errors.box.scroll -command ".csds_errors.box.list yview"
    pack      .csds_errors.box.scroll -side left -fill y
    button    .csds_errors.ok -text "OK" -borderwidth 1 \
              -command "destroy .csds_errors"
    pack      .csds_errors.ok -side top
    focus     .csds_errors.ok

    label     .csds_errors.msg3 \
              -text "Press function key <F3> to change windows" \
              -justify left -anchor w
    pack      .csds_errors.msg3 -side top -fill x

    return    .csds_errors.box.list


# Display Entry Errors 
# Note that this impementation is less robust than the "C" implementation:
#    1) Label must be less than 55 characters
#    2) there MUST be a space after the label but before the end of the
#       line
#    3) Tabs are ignored, so they will probably do bad things
#    4) width is fixed at 60 characters
#    5) Window is always displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the screen
#    6) There are no Error Widgets next to the f 
proc ToorDisplayErrors { title args } {

    set blanks "                                                              "

    if { [ llength $args ] >= 2 } {
        set msg_box [ ToorCreateErrorDialog $title ]

        set index 1
        for {set i [expr [llength $args]-1]} {$i>0} {incr i -2} {

            set e_label [lindex $args 0];  set args [lrange $args 1 end]
            set e_text [lindex $args 0]; set args [lrange $args 1 end]
            set e_line "$index. $e_label - "
            set indnt [ expr [ string length $e_line ] - 1]
            set e_line "$e_line$e_text"

            while { [ string length $e_line ] > 60 } {
                set end_idx [ string last " " [ string range $e_line 0 59 ] ]

                $msg_box insert end [ string range $e_line 0 $end_idx ]
                set e_line \
  "[string range $blanks 0 $indnt][string range $e_line [expr $end_idx+1] end]"

            $msg_box insert end "$e_line"
            $msg_box insert end ""

            incr index 1
        return F
    } else {
        return T


# Add error to argument list if error is non-null
proc ToorAddToErrorList { err_list field error } {
    upvar $err_list his_list
    if { $error != "" } {
        lappend his_list $field $error

# Destroy Entry Errors List Box, if it exists
proc ToorDestroyEntryErrorsList { } {
    if [ winfo exists .csds_errors ] {
        destroy .csds_errors

set TOOR_MY_NAME [info script]

set TOOR_DATA_DIR             "/asas/data"
set TOOR_INIT_DIR             "/etc/init_asas.d"
set TOOR_LOG_FILE             "/var/log/bootup"
set TOOR_TFTP_DIR             "/usr/tftpdir"
set TOOR_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_FILE  "/etc/defaultdomain"

set TOOR_HOST_FILE            "/etc/hosts"
set TOOR_FDDI_HOSTNAME        "/etc/hostname.nf0"

set TOOR_BEACON_COMMAND_FILE  "/home/users/address/beacon.command"
set TOOR_ORG_IP_UNL_FILE      "/home/users/address/unl/org_ip.unl"
set TOOR_ORGANIZ_UNL_FILE     "/home/users/address/unl/organiz248.unl"
set TOOR_UNL_IP_INDEX         1
set TOOR_UNL_URN_INDEX        8
set TOOR_UNL_UIC_INDEX        10
set TOOR_ORG_ORG_INDEX        2

set TOOR_ORACLE_BOOT_FILE     "/etc/init.d/dbora"


set TOOR_BEACON_BOOT_FILE     "$TOOR_INIT_DIR/start_address_book"
set TOOR_SDR_BOOT_FILE        "$TOOR_INIT_DIR/toor_inet_supplement.sh"
set TOOR_VALIDATE             "$TOOR_INIT_DIR/toor_form_validation_services.ctk"
set TOOR_PE_SITE_FILE         "/opt/dcelocal/etc/security/pe_site"

set TOOR_MASTER_NAME_FILE     "subsystem_master"
set TOOR_CELL_NAME_FILE       "cell_name"
set TOOR_DCE_MASTER_FILE      "dce_master"
set TOOR_HOST_ID_FILE         "hostid"
set TOOR_INTERFACE_FILE       "interface"
set TOOR_USE_BEACON_FILE      "beacon_use"
set TOOR_OR_NAME_FILE         "or_name"
set TOOR_FDDI_OR_NAME_FILE    "fddi_or_name"
set TOOR_UIC_FILE             "unit_id_code"
set TOOR_DOMAIN_SUFFIX_FILE   "suffix.dat"
set TOOR_ENCLAVE_FILE         "enclave_id"
set TOOR_RECONFIG_NAME        "reconfig_needed"
set TOOR_LEFT_VIDEO_FILE      "left_video"
set TOOR_RIGHT_VIDEO_FILE     "right_video"
set TOOR_LEFT_VIDEO_CMD_FILE  "left_video_cmd"
set TOOR_RIGHT_VIDEO_CMD_FILE "right_video_cmd"
set TOOR_SDR_FILE             "sdr"
set TOOR_CLIENTS_FILE         "clients"
set TOOR_OUR_ORGANIZ_FILE     "our_organiz"
set TOOR_OUR_ROLE_TYPE_FILE   "our_role_typ"
set TOOR_OUR_ROLE_FILE        "our_role"
set TOOR_OUR_URN_FILE         "unit_ref_num"
set TOOR_FDDI_ORGANIZ_FILE    "fddi_organiz"
set TOOR_FDDI_ROLE_TYPE_FILE  "fddi_role_typ"
set TOOR_FDDI_ROLE_FILE       "fddi_role"
set TOOR_MST_ORGANIZ_FILE     "asas_organiz"
set TOOR_MST_ROLE_TYPE_FILE   "asas_role_typ"
set TOOR_MST_ROLE_FILE        "asas_role"
set TOOR_DCE_ORGANIZ_FILE     "dce_organiz"
set TOOR_DCE_ROLE_TYPE_FILE   "dce_role_typ"
set TOOR_DCE_ROLE_FILE        "dce_role"
set TOOR_LIST_FILE            "list_selection"

set TOOR_CELL_ADMIN_PW        ".cell_admin"

set TOOR_NEED_ACCTS_FILE      "$TOOR_NEW_CONFIG_DIR/default_accounts"


set TOOR_BEACON_PASS1_OFF_LIST " /etc/rc3.d/S38sendmail \
                                 /etc/rc3.d/s38sendmail.beacon \
                                 /etc/rc3.d/S20ncs \
                                 /etc/rc3.d/S21netls \
                                 /etc/rc3.d/S22ncs \
                                 /etc/rc3.d/S23netls \
                                 /etc/rc3.d/S25dce \
                                 /etc/rc3.d/S26dce \
                                 /etc/rc3.d/S15-10dce-clean \
                                 /etc/rc3.d/S15-20dce \
                                 /etc/rc3.d/S15-70dfs \
                                 /etc/rc3.d/S16dfs-gateway "

set TOOR_BEACON_PASS1_ON_LIST  " /etc/rc3.d/s38sendmail \
                                 /etc/rc3.d/S38sendmail.beacon \
                                 /etc/rc3.d/s20ncs \
                                 /etc/rc3.d/s21netls \
                                 /etc/rc3.d/s22ncs \
                                 /etc/rc3.d/s23netls \
                                 /etc/rc3.d/s25dce \
                                 /etc/rc3.d/s15-10dce-clean \
                                 /etc/rc3.d/s15-20dce \
                                 /etc/rc3.d/s15-70dfs \
                                 /etc/rc3.d/s16dfs-gateway "



set TOOR_FDDI_ON_LIST         " /etc/rc2.d/S98nf_fddidaemon "
set TOOR_FDDI_OFF_LIST        " /etc/rc2.d/s98nf_fddidaemon "

set TOOR_CRONTAB_HOME	      "/home/users/overlay/caid_crontab"
set TOOR_CRONTAB_DEST	      "/var/spool/cron/crontabs/overlay"

# Write message to the log file
proc ToorLogMessage { msg } {
    catch { exec /usr/bin/echo "$TOOR_MY_NAME : $msg " >> $TOOR_LOG_FILE } \

#  bindings for sun keyboard to make this slightly easier to use
bind Button <Return> {
    tkButtonInvoke %W

bind Checkbutton <Return> {
    tkCheckRadioInvoke %W
bind Radiobutton <Return> {
    tkCheckRadioInvoke %W

bind all <F1> {focus [tk_focusPrev %W]}

proc ctk_menu {} {
    if ![winfo exists .ctkMenu] {
        menu .ctkMenu
        .ctkMenu add command -label "Redraw (R)" -underline 8 \
                -command {ctk redraw .ctkMenu}
        .ctkMenu add command -label "Exit (X)" -underline 6 -command exit
    tk_popup .ctkMenu 0 0 0

bind all <Control-c> ctk_menu
bind all <F2> ctk_menu
bind all <F3> {ctkNextTop [focus]}
bind all <F4> {set toor_go_back_to_first_menu N}
bind all <F5> {set toor_go_back_to_first_menu Y}

if [ file exists $TOOR_VALIDATE ] {
    source $TOOR_VALIDATE
} else {
    ToorLogMessage "=== UNABLE TO FIND $TOOR_VALIDATE ==="

#  Fills input frame with a text label to side $side of a created subframe
proc ToorLabelledSubframe { frame name text side border } {
    if {![winfo exists $frame]} {
        frame $frame
    label $frame.label -text $text
    frame $frame.$name -borderwidth $border
    pack $frame.label $frame.$name -side $side -anchor w
    pack $frame -side top -anchor w -fill x
    return $frame.$name

#  Creates an entry box of size width, with the initial value from global 
#  variable var and with a text label 
proc ToorLabelledEntry { frame text width var side state } {
    upvar #0 $var glob
    set initial_value $glob  ;# so can use input global as the output
    frame $frame
    label $frame.label -text $text
    entry $frame.entry -width $width -borderwidth 1 -textvariable $var
    $frame.entry delete 0 [string length [$frame.entry get]]
    $frame.entry insert 0 "$initial_value"
    $frame.entry configure -state $state
    set entry_cmd [ list $frame.entry selection range 0 ]
    set entry_cmd [ concat $entry_cmd { [string length [ } \
                    $frame.entry get {]]} ]
    bind $frame.entry <FocusIn>  $entry_cmd
    bind $frame.entry <FocusOut> "$frame.entry selection range 0 0"
    pack $frame.label $frame.entry -side $side -padx 0

#  Creates an empty entry box of size 9, that will echo a * for each input
#  character 
proc ToorLabelledPasswordEntry { frame name state text} {
    frame $frame
    entry $frame.$name -show "*" -width 9 -borderwidth 1 -state $state
    label $frame.l1 -text $text
    pack $frame.$name $frame.l1 -side right
    return $frame.$name

#  Creates a set of radiobuttons with a text label 
proc ToorLabelledRadiobuttons { frame text var state side border args } {
    if {![winfo exists $frame]} {
        frame $frame -borderwidth $border
    set inner_frame [ ToorLabelledSubframe $frame buttons $text $side 0 ]

    for {set i [expr [llength $args]-1]} {$i>0} {incr i -2} {
        set b_text [lindex $args 0];  set args [lrange $args 1 end]
        set b_value [lindex $args 0]; set args [lrange $args 1 end]
        set b_name [string tolower $b_value]
        radiobutton $inner_frame.$b_name -text $b_text -anchor w \
                    -value $b_value -variable $var -state $state
        pack $inner_frame.$b_name -side $side -anchor w

#  Creates a set of labelled pushbuttons 
proc ToorButtonSet { frame default ans_var wait_var args } {
    frame $frame
    for {set i [expr [llength $args]-1]} {$i>0} {incr i -2} {
        set b_text [lindex $args 0];  set args [lrange $args 1 end]
        set b_value [lindex $args 0]; set args [lrange $args 1 end]
        button $frame.b$i -text $b_text -borderwidth 1 \
            -command "set $ans_var $b_value; set $wait_var 0"
        pack $frame.b$i -side left -fill x
        if {$default == $b_value} {
            focus $frame.b$i

#  Display a hostname in an entry box with a preceding label 
proc ToorDisplayHost { frame var side state } {
     ToorLabelledEntry $frame "Host Name:" 8 $var $side $state

#  Display an ip address in an entry box with a preceding label 
proc ToorDisplayIp { frame var side state } {
     ToorLabelledEntry $frame "IP Address:" 15 $var $side $state

#  Display a host id (machine id) in an entry box with a preceding label 
proc ToorDisplayHostId { frame id } {
     ToorLabelledEntry $frame "Host Id:" 8 $id top disabled

#  Display a unix/nis+ domain in an entry box with a preceding label 
proc ToorDisplayDomain { frame var side state } {
    ToorLabelledEntry $frame "Domain:" 22 $var $side $state

#  Display a organization/role in an entry box with a preceding label 
proc ToorDisplayOrName { frame var side state } {
    ToorLabelledEntry $frame "O/R Name: " 33 $var $side $state

#  Display a organization/role in an entry box with a preceding label
#  (short version truncates 3 characters)
proc ToorDisplayOrNameS { frame var side state } {
    ToorLabelledEntry $frame "O/R Name:" 30 $var $side $state

#  Display an enclave code in an entry box with a preceding label
#  Allows only two characters, doesn't allow scrolling past second char
#  Note: ctk does not recognize the KeyRelease event, hence the bizarre
#  delay and the catches in case the window has bee taken down
proc ToorDisplayEnclave { frame side state } {
    global toor_enclave_frame
    ToorLabelledEntry $frame "Enclave:" 2 toor_vars(new,enclave) top $state
    pack $frame -side $side -anchor w
    set toor_enclave_frame "$frame.entry"
    bind $frame.entry <Key> {
        after 2 {
            if { [winfo exists $toor_enclave_frame] } {
                catch { set en_len [ string length [$toor_enclave_frame get]] }\
                if { $en_len == 2 } {
                    catch { $toor_enclave_frame xview 0 } ret_code
                    catch { $toor_enclave_frame icursor 2 } ret_code
                } elseif { $en_len > 2 } {
                    catch { $toor_enclave_frame delete 0 [ expr $en_len - 2] } \
                    catch { $toor_enclave_frame xview 0 } ret_code
                    catch { $toor_enclave_frame icursor 2 } ret_code

#  Display a Unit Identification code in an entry box with a preceding label 
proc ToorDisplayUic { frame var label_side side state } {
    ToorLabelledEntry $frame "UIC:" 6 $var $label_side $state
    pack $frame -side $side -anchor w

#  Display a Unit Reference Number in an entry box with a preceding label 
proc ToorDisplayUrn { frame var label_side side state } {
    ToorLabelledEntry $frame "URN:" 7 $var $label_side $state
    pack $frame -side $side -anchor w

#  Display the DCE Cell name in an entry box with a preceding label 
proc ToorDisplayDceCell { frame var side state } {
    ToorLabelledEntry $frame "DCE Cell Name:" 30 $var $side $state
    pack $frame -side top

#  Set up labelled set of radiobuttons asking if address book and beacon
#  should be used 
proc ToorDisplayBeaconInUse { frame state } {
    ToorLabelledRadiobuttons $frame "Address Book / Beacon in use:" \
                          toor_vars(new,beacon_is_being_used) $state left 0 \
                          "Yes"    beacon \
                          "No"     nobeacon

# Display number of seconds until no longer display top screen, value is
# updated as textvariable toor_seconds_to_go is decremented
proc ToorDisplaySecondsLeft { frame } {
    global toor_seconds_to_go
    frame $frame
    frame $frame.f1
    label $frame.l1 -text "\"No\" will be assumed if no response is received in"

    label $frame.f1.l1 -textvariable toor_seconds_to_go
    label $frame.f1.l2 -text         "seconds"
    pack  $frame.f1.l1 $frame.f1.l2 -side left
    pack  $frame.l1    $frame.f1    -side top
    pack  $frame       -side top

# Display the Yes/No change of configuration wanted buttons
proc ToorDisplayYesNo { frame default } {
    ToorButtonSet $frame $default toor_want_to_change_ans toor_seconds_to_go \
               "Yes" Y \
               "No"  N
    pack $frame -side top


# Display a scrolled list box with an accompanying entry box
proc ToorDisplayList { frame title lines width var side entry_list } {
    upvar     $entry_list e_list
    catch     {destroy $frame} err_code
    frame     $frame
    frame     $frame.entry
    ToorLabelledEntry $frame.entry.info $title $width $var top normal
    pack      $frame.entry -side top -fill x
    pack      $frame.entry.info -side left -fill x
    frame     $frame.sb
    pack      $frame.sb -side top
    scrollbar $frame.sb.scroll -command "$frame.sb.list yview" -takefocus 0
    listbox   $frame.sb.list -yscroll "$frame.sb.scroll set" -height $lines \
                             -width $width -selectmode single
    pack      $frame.sb.scroll -side right -fill y
    pack      $frame.sb.list   -side left -fill both

    pack      $frame -side $side
    set       e_list [ concat $e_list $frame.entry.info.entry ]
    return    $frame.sb.list

# reconfigure the window in "controlled" to be enabled only if there is
# at least one character in the "test_entry" field
proc ToorDecideToEnable { controlled test_entry } {
    if { [string length [$test_entry get] ] != 0 } {
        $controlled configure -state normal
    } else {
        $controlled delete 0 \
            [string length [$controlled get]]
        $controlled configure -state disabled

# Selectively enable the windows on the enable_if_on list and disable those
# on the enable_if_off list based on the value of var.  (Or vice versa)
proc ToorSelectEntryMethod { enable_if_on enable_if_off var } {
    upvar #0 $var select_var

    if { $select_var } {
        set state 1
    } else {
        set state 0

    foreach listbx $enable_if_on {
        $listbx configure -takefocus $state

    if { $select_var } {
        set state 0
    } else {
        set state 1

    foreach listbx $enable_if_off {
        $listbx configure -takefocus $state

# prompts for password and sets up entry boxes that echo "*" rather than
# the character -- ToorDecideToEnable is bound to keypresses in password
# field making the verify password sensitive only if there's an entry
# in the password
proc ToorPasswordPrompt { frame pw_var verf_var } {
    upvar $pw_var   pw
    upvar $verf_var verf
    frame   $frame
    set sub_frame [ ToorLabelledSubframe $frame passwords \
                 "If password is unchanged, make no entry and select \"OK\"\n" \
                  top 0 ]

    set pw [ToorLabelledPasswordEntry $sub_frame.f1 cell_password  normal \
            "New Password: "]
    set verf [ToorLabelledPasswordEntry $sub_frame.f2 verify_password disabled \
            "Retype Password to Verify: "]
    bind $pw <Key> "ToorDecideToEnable $verf $pw"

    pack $sub_frame.f1 $sub_frame.f2 -side top -fill x

# Assure that the named directory exists, and create it if not
proc ToorAssureDirectoryExists { direct } {
    if { ! [file exists $direct] } {
        catch { [ exec /usr/bin/mkdir $direct ] } ret_code
        catch { [ exec /usr/bin/chmod 755 $direct ] } ret_code

# Assure that the directories we need exists, and create them if not
proc ToorCheckHaveDirectories { } {

    ToorAssureDirectoryExists [ file dirname $TOOR_DATA_DIR ]
    ToorAssureDirectoryExists $TOOR_DATA_DIR
    ToorAssureDirectoryExists $TOOR_CURRENT_CONFIG_DIR
    ToorAssureDirectoryExists $TOOR_LAST_CONFIG_DIR
    ToorAssureDirectoryExists $TOOR_NEW_CONFIG_DIR

# Find list of ethernet interfaces on this workstation
proc ToorGetEthernetInterfaces { } {
    global toor_interfaces toor_fddi_present
    set local_interfaces "le0"
    catch { set local_interfaces [ exec /etc/prtconf \| /usr/bin/awk "BEGIN {len=0\;hmen=0} \$1 ~ /^(.+,)*le\[,]*\$/{print \"le\"len++} \$1 ~ /^(.+,)*hme\[,]*\$/{print \"hme\"hmen++}" ] } ret_code
    set toor_interfaces [ split $local_interfaces " \n" ]
    set local_fddi ""
    catch { set local_fddi [  exec /etc/prtconf \| /usr/bin/egrep "\[ ,\\t]nf\[ ,]" ] } ret_code
    set toor_fddi_present [ expr "{$local_fddi} == {} ? 0 : 1" ]

# Save last 5 boot log files, move each file back one level
proc ToorAgeLogFiles { } {

    for {set file_no 5} {$file_no > 1} {incr file_no -1} {
        set old_file [ expr "$file_no - 1"]
        catch { exec /usr/bin/mv -f $TOOR_LOG_FILE.$old_file \
                                 $TOOR_LOG_FILE.$file_no } ret_code
    catch { exec /usr/bin/mv -f $TOOR_LOG_FILE $TOOR_LOG_FILE.1 } ret_code
    catch { set time_is  [ exec /usr/bin/date ] } ret_code
    catch { exec /usr/bin/echo \
            "$TOOR_MY_NAME : $time_is" > $TOOR_LOG_FILE } ret_code
    catch { exec /usr/bin/chown root $TOOR_LOG_FILE } ret_code
    catch { exec /usr/bin/chgrp root $TOOR_LOG_FILE } ret_code
    catch { exec /usr/bin/chmod 644 $TOOR_LOG_FILE } ret_code
    ToorLogMessage "prompting user for reconfiguration"


# read in the unl file named by file_name and return the lines in unl_list,
# the entries on the lines, separated by "|"s becomes sublists
# values are trimmed of leading & trailing blanks.  
proc ToorCacheUnl { file_name unl_list {skip 1} } {
    upvar 1 $unl_list unl
    set to_skip $skip
    set unl {}
    set org_unl -1
    catch { set org_unl [ open $file_name r ] } ret_code
    if { $org_unl != -1 } {
        while { [ gets $org_unl organiz_line ] >= 0 } {
            if { [ incr to_skip -1 ] < 0 } {
                set org_parts [ split $organiz_line "|" ]
                set trimmed_parts {}
                foreach org_item $org_parts {
                lappend trimmed_parts [ string trim $org_item ]
                lappend unl $trimmed_parts
        catch { close $org_unl } ret_code

# Check if input value is a valid DCE Cell name
# Losely based on DNS hostname specification
proc ToorCheckCellName { cell } {

    if [ regexp \
{^[A-Za-z0-9]([A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9])*(\.[A-Za-z0-9]([A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9])*)*$} \
         $cell ] {
        if { [ string length $cell ] <= 255 } {
            return ""
        } else {
            return "cell name must be 255 or fewer characters"
    } else {
        return "cell name must be present and may contain only letters, numbers, and embedded \"-\"s and \".\"s"

# Check if input value is a valid domain name
# Fairly restrictive specification based on RFC 819, see also RFC 1035 for
# length.
proc ToorCheckDomainname { domain } {

    if [ regexp \
         $domain ] {
        if { [ string length $domain ] <= 255 } {
            return ""
        } else {
            return "Domain Name must be 255 or fewer characters"
    } else {
        return "Domain Name must be present and may contain only letters, numbers, and embedded \"-\"s and \".\"s"

# Check if input value is a valid organization name
# At present, test prohibits only the "|" char that is used as a separator.
# String may not start or end with spaces
proc ToorCheckOganization { organiz } {

    if [ regexp {^[^| ]+([^|]*[^| ]+)*$} $organiz ] {
        return ""
    } else {
        return "Organization name must be present, may not contain \"|\"s and must not start or end with a space"

# Check if input value is a valid organization name, in cases where 
# An entry is optional.
proc ToorCheckOptOganization { organiz } {

    if { $organiz == "" } {
        return ""
    } elseif [ regexp {^[^| ]+([^|]*[^| ]+)*$} $organiz ] {
        return ""
    } else {
        return "Organization name may not contain \"|\"s and must not start or end with a space.  It may be omitted."

# Check if input value is a valid role type
# At present, test prohibits only the "|" char that is used as a separator.
# String may not start or end with spaces
proc ToorCheckRoleType { role_type } {

    if [ regexp {^[^| ]+([^|]*[^| ]+)*$} $role_type ] {
        return ""
    } else {
        return "Role Type must be present, may not contain \"|\"s and must not start or end with a space"

# Check if input value is a valid role type, used in cases where 
# an entry is optional.
proc ToorCheckOptRoleType { role_type } {

    if { $role_type == "" } {
        return ""
    } elseif [ regexp {^[^| ]+([^|]*[^| ]+)*$} $role_type ] {
        return ""
    } else {
        return "Role Type may not contain \"|\"s and must not start or end with a space.  It may be omitted."

# Check if input value is a valid role
# At present, test prohibits only the "|" char that is used as a separator.
# String may not start or end with spaces
proc ToorCheckRole { role } {

    if [ regexp {^[^| ]+([^|]*[^| ]+)*$} $role ] {
        return ""
    } else {
        return "Role must be present, may not contain \"|\"s and must not start or end with a space"

# Check if input value is a valid role, used in cases where 
# an entry is optional.
proc ToorCheckOptRole { role } {

    if { $role == "" } {
        return ""
    } elseif [ regexp {^[^| ]+([^|]*[^| ]+)*$} $role ] {
        return ""
    } else {
        return "Role may not contain \"|\"s and must not start or end with a space.  It may be omitted."

# Check if input value is a valid host name
# Names meet most generous standards - excluding only the tab and space
# delimiters (used in /etc/hosts), the dot (DNS domain delimiter), the
# "|" (used by the address book) and control characters.
# Length is from Internic RFC 1035, and is consistent with DANTE.
# Note that RFC 1123 extends host name to 255 characters
proc ToorCheckHostname { host } {

    if [ regexp "^\[^.|\001-\ ]+\$" $host ] {
        if { [ string length $host ] <= 64 } {
            return ""
        } else {
            return "Host Name must be 64 or fewer characters"
    } else {
        return "Host Name must be present and must not contain spaces, tabs, \"|\"s or \".\"s"

# Check if input value is a valid ip address
# Local Address portion = 0 refers to this host,
# Local Address portion = all ones is multicast (broadcast)
#   If network is subnetted, additional addresses may be reserved - but are
#   allowed by this routine.  See Internic RFC 1700 (also RFC 790, RFC 1035)
#   URL = ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/introduction
#   Or: http://sunsite.auc.dk/RFC/std/std2.html
proc ToorCheckIPAddr { ip } {

    if [ regexp {^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$} $ip \
                 whole octet1 octet2 octet3 octet4 ] {
        if { ( $octet1 > 223 ) } {
            return "first number of an IP address must be 223 or less"
        } else {
            if { ($octet2 > 255) || ($octet3 > 255) || ($octet4 > 255) } {
                return "numbers in an IP address must be between 0 and 255"
        if { (( $octet1 <= 127 ) && \
                ((($octet2 == 255) && ($octet3 == 255) && ($octet4 == 255)) \
                 || (($octet2 == 0) && ($octet3 == 0) && ($octet4 == 0)))) \
             || (( $octet1 <= 191 ) && \
                  ((($octet3 == 255) && ($octet4 == 255)) \
                   || (($octet3 == 0) && ($octet4 == 0)))) \
             || (( $octet1 <= 223 ) && \
                  (($octet4 == 255) || ($octet4 == 0))) } {
            return "You cannot use all \"0\"s or all \"255\"s in the local portion of an IP addresses"
        } else {
            return ""

    } else {
        return "IP addresses must be present and must be of the form #.#.#.#, where each # is between 0 and 255"

# Check if two ip addresses are on different subnets
# Assumes the current subnet mask of
proc ToorCheckIPDiffSubnets { ip1 ip2 } {

    if [ regexp {^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$} $ip1 \
                 whole octet11 octet12 octet13 octet14 ] {
        if [ regexp {^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$} $ip2 \
                     whole octet21 octet22 octet23 octet24 ] {

            if { ( $octet11 == $octet21 ) && ( $octet12 == $octet22 ) \
               && ( $octet13 == $octet23 ) } {
                return "At least one of the first 3 numbers in these IP addresses must be different"
            } else {
                return ""  ;# different subnets, all is fine
        } else {
            return ""  ;# should have been flagged by ip test

    } else {
        return ""  ;# should have been flagged by ip test

# Check if input value is a valid UIC
proc ToorCheckUIC { uic } {

    if [ regexp {^[A-Z0-9]+$} $uic ] {
        if { [ string length $uic ] == 6 } {
            return ""
        } else {
            return "UIC must be 6 characters long"
    } else {
        return "UIC must must be present and may contain only upper-case letters and numbers"

# Check if input value is a valid URN
proc ToorCheckURN { urn } {

    if [ regexp {^[0-9]+$} $urn ] {
        if { [ string length $urn ] <= 7 } {
            return ""
        } else {
            return "Unit Reference Number must be 7 or fewer digits long"
    } else {
        return "Unit Reference Number must be present and may only contain numbers"

# Check if input value is a valid Originator/Recipient Name
proc ToorCheckORName { orname_val } {

    upvar $orname_val orname
    if [ regexp {^[\ -{}~]+$} $orname ] {
	set trim_name [ string trimright $orname ]

        if { [ string length $trim_name ] > 33 } {
            return "Originator/Recipient Name must be 33 or fewer characters long"
        } else {
            ## Concatinate spaces to fill string to 33 chars
            if { [ string length $trim_name ] < 33 } {
                set trim_name "$trim_name                                 "
                set trim_name [string range $trim_name 0 32]
            ## Optional
            set subunit_id [ string range $trim_name 0 3 ]
            if { [ string index $subunit_id 0 ] == " " &&
                $subunit_id != "    " } {
                return "The first 4 characters of the O/R Name are the Subunit ID. It designates units below batallion. This field must either be all blanks or must start with a character other than a blank or a \"|\""
            ## Mandatory
            if { [ string index $trim_name 4 ] == " " } {
            return "Characters 5 to 13 of the O/R Name form the Unit ID. It designates units above batallion (e.g. 3CORPS). This field is mandatory and must start with a character other than a blank or a \"|\""
            ## Mandatory
            if { [ string index $trim_name 13 ] == " "  ||
                 [ string index $trim_name 14 ] == " " } {
                return "Characters 14 and 15 of the O/R Name designate the Nation. This field is mandatory. Neither character may be a blank or a \"|\". Value is usually \"US\""
            ## Optional
            set node_name [ string range $trim_name 15 19 ]
            if { [ string index $node_name 0 ] == " " &&
                $node_name != "     " } {
                return "Characters 16 to 20 of the O/R Name form the Node. It usually designates the command post (e.g. MAIN). This field must either be all blanks or must start with a character other than a blank or a \"|\""
            ## Mandatory
            if { [ string index $trim_name 20 ] == " " } {
                return "Characters 21 to 25 of the O/R Name specify the User. It usually designates a user position or function (e.g. ENG). This field is mandatory and must start with a character other than a blank or a \"|\""
            ## Mandatory
            if { [ string index $trim_name 25 ] == " " } {
                return "Characters 26 to 30 of the O/R Name specify the Element. It usually designates the staff section or component (e.g. OPS). This field is mandatory and must start with a character other than a blank or a \"|\""
            ## Optional
            set qualifier [ string range $trim_name 30 32 ]
            if { [ string index $qualifier 0 ] == " " &&
                $qualifier != "   " } {
                return "Characters 31 to 33 of the O/R Name specify a Qualifier. It is used when two O/R names are otherwise identical (e.g. 1). This field must either be all blanks or must start with a character other than a blank or a \"|\""
            ## Return 33 char string in parameter
            set orname $trim_name
            return ""
    } else {
        return "Originator/Recipient Name must be present and must not contain any non-printable or \"|\" characters"

# Check if Originator/Recipient Names for two different interfaces are unique
proc ToorCheckORUnique { orname1 orname2 } {

    if { $orname1 == $orname2 } {
        return "These Originator/Recipient Names must be different"
    } else {
        return ""

# Check if two hostnames are unique
proc ToorCheckNameUnique { host1 host2 } {

    if { $host1 == $host2 } {
        return "These host names must be different"
    } else {
        return ""

# Check if two IP addresses are unique
proc ToorCheckIPUnique { ip1 ip2 } {

    if { $ip1 == $ip2 } {
        return "These IP addresses must be different"
    } else {
        return ""

# Check if input value is a valid Enclave Code
proc ToorCheckEnclaveCode { enclave } {

    if [ regexp {^[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9]$} $enclave ] {
        return ""
    } else {
        return "Enclave Code must contain 2 upper-case characters or numbers"

# Read value of a variable from a file
proc ToorSetVarFromFile { variable file } {
    upvar $variable my_var
    set my_var ""
    catch { set my_var  [ exec /usr/bin/head \-1 $file ] } ret_code

# Find IP address of "host" from /etc/host file
proc ToorGetIpAddress { host their_ip } {
    upvar $their_ip my_ip
    set my_ip ""
    catch { set my_ip [exec /usr/bin/awk "BEGIN {cnt = 0} \
\$0 ~ /(\[ \\t\]$host\[ \\t\])|(\[ \\t\]$host\$)/ && cnt == 0 {print \$1; cnt = 1}" $TOOR_HOST_FILE] } ret_code

# Fetch address book org_ip.unl file entry for named host
proc ToorFetchUnlRecord { host } {
    set line ""
    set skipseg "\[\^\|\]\*\\\|"
    set entry "\^$skipseg$skipseg$skipseg$host\\\|"
    catch { set line [ exec /usr/bin/egrep $entry $TOOR_ORG_IP_UNL_FILE ] } \
    return $line

# Fetch IP for given host from unl file
proc ToorLookupUnlIpAddr { host } {
    global TOOR_UNL_IP_INDEX

    set ip_addr ""
    set line [ ToorFetchUnlRecord $host ]
    if { $line != "" } {
        set parts [ split $line "|" ]
        set ip_addr [lindex $parts $TOOR_UNL_IP_INDEX]
    } else {
        ToorGetIpAddress $host ip_addr
    return $ip_addr

# Fetch Organization/Role Name for given host and ip
proc ToorLookupOrName { host ip file } {

    set or_name ""
    set line [ ToorFetchUnlRecord $host ]
    if { $line != "" } {
        set parts [ split $line "|" ]
        if { [lindex $parts $TOOR_UNL_IP_INDEX] == $ip } {
            set or_name [lindex $parts $TOOR_UNL_OR_NAME_INDEX]
        } else {
            # Inconsistent hostname and ip, use previous value
            ToorSetVarFromFile or_name $file
    } else {
        ToorSetVarFromFile or_name $file
    return $or_name

# Fetch Unit Identification Code (UIC) for given host and ip
proc ToorLookupUic { host ip } {

    set uic ""
    set line [ ToorFetchUnlRecord $host ]
    if { $line != "" } {
        set parts [ split $line "|" ]
        if { [lindex $parts $TOOR_UNL_IP_INDEX] == $ip } {
            set uic [lindex $parts $TOOR_UNL_UIC_INDEX]
        } else {
            # Inconsistent hostname and ip, use previous value
            ToorSetVarFromFile uic $TOOR_LAST_CONFIG_DIR/$TOOR_UIC_FILE
    } else {
        ToorSetVarFromFile uic $TOOR_LAST_CONFIG_DIR/$TOOR_UIC_FILE
    return $uic

# Fetch Unit Reference Number (URN) for given host and ip
proc ToorLookupUrn { host ip } {

    set urn ""
    set line [ ToorFetchUnlRecord $host ]
    if { $line != "" } {
        set parts [ split $line "|" ]
        if { [lindex $parts $TOOR_UNL_IP_INDEX] == $ip } {
            set urn [lindex $parts $TOOR_UNL_URN_INDEX]
        } else {
            # Inconsistent hostname and ip, use previous value
            ToorSetVarFromFile urn $TOOR_LAST_CONFIG_DIR/$TOOR_OUR_URN_FILE
    } else {
    return $urn

# Fetch Cell Name for given host and ip
proc ToorLookupCellName { host ip } {

    set cell_name ""
    set line [ ToorFetchUnlRecord $host ]
    if { $line != "" } {
        set parts [ split $line "|" ]
        if { [lindex $parts $TOOR_UNL_IP_INDEX] == $ip } {
            set cell_name [lindex $parts $TOOR_UNL_CELL_INDEX]
            set raw_cell ""
            catch { set raw_cell [ lindex \
                                     [ split \
                                         [ exec /usr/bin/grep \
                                        "^$cell_name|" $TOOR_ORGANIZ_UNL_FILE \
                                         ] "|" \
                                     ] $TOOR_ORG_ORG_INDEX \
                                  ] } ret_code
            if { $raw_cell != "" } {
                catch { set raw_cell [ string trim \
                       [ exec /usr/bin/echo $raw_cell | \
                       /usr/bin/tr {[A-Z]} {[a-z]} | \
                       /usr/bin/tr -cs {[a-z][0-9].} {[-*]} ] "-" ] } ret_code
            if { $raw_cell != "" } {
                set cell_name $raw_cell
        } else {
            # Inconsistent hostname and ip, if this is a new master
            if {$toor_vars(new,dce_hostname) != $toor_vars(orig,dce_hostname)} {
                # name it's cell based on its host_name
                set cell_name "$host-cell"
            } else {
                # use previous value
                ToorSetVarFromFile cell_name \
    } else {
        if {$toor_vars(new,dce_hostname) != $toor_vars(orig,dce_hostname)} {
            set cell_name "$host-cell"
        } else {
            # use previous value
            ToorSetVarFromFile cell_name \
    return $cell_name

# When a hostname changes, lookup the ip address and o/r name from unl
# files (or /etc/hosts if no unl file)
proc ToorNameChanged { old_name new_name ip org uic urn file } {
    upvar #0 $ip my_ip
    upvar #0 $org my_org
    upvar #0 $uic my_uic
    upvar #0 $urn my_urn


    set newip [ ToorLookupUnlIpAddr $new_name ]
    if { $newip != "" } {
        set my_ip $newip
        set newor [ ToorLookupOrName $new_name $newip $file ]
        if { $newor != "" } {
            set my_org $newor
        set newuic [ ToorLookupUic $new_name $newip ]
        if { $newuic != "" } {
            set my_uic $newuic
        set newurn [ ToorLookupUrn $new_name $newip ]
        if { $newurn != "" } {
            set my_urn $newurn


# When a dce master hostname changes, lookup the ip address and cell name from 
# unl files (or /etc/hosts if no unl file)
proc ToorDceNameChanged { old_name new_name ip cell } {
    upvar #0 $ip my_ip
    upvar #0 $cell my_cell
    set newip [ ToorLookupUnlIpAddr $new_name ]
    if { $newip != "" } {
        set my_ip $newip
        set newcell [ ToorLookupCellName $new_name $newip ]
        if { $newcell != "" } {
            set my_cell $newcell

# Return list of items from a specific column of unl file, if args are non-null
# first entry of each pair is a column number that has contents that must
# match the second value of the pair.  All args pairs are 'and'ed together
#   list_name - list containing each line of unl file, each line is a sublist
#   field_number - index (0=first) of column to retrieve
#   args - series of pairs, specifies values that other columns must match
# Items are returned in sorted order with duplicate entries suppressed 
proc ToorGetUnlList { list_name field_number args } {
    upvar #0 $list_name l_name
    set org_list ""
    set org_unl -1
    foreach org_parts $l_name {
        set reject_line 0
        if { [ llength $org_parts ] > $field_number } {
            for {set i 0} {$i < [expr [llength $args]-1]} {incr i +2} {
                set col [lindex $args $i]
                set col_value [lindex $args [expr $i + 1]]
                if { [ lindex $org_parts $col ] != $col_value } {
                    set reject_line 1
            if { $reject_line == 0 } {
                set org_name [ lindex $org_parts $field_number ]
                if { [ lsearch $org_list $org_name ] == -1 } {
                    lappend org_list $org_name
    return [ lsort $org_list ]

# If "repopulate" is true, set list of items in the "listbx" listbox
# In either case, activate the entry in listbx that corresponds to
# the value of var.  Other variables are just passed to ToorGetUnlList
proc ToorSetListContents { listbx repopulate var list field args } {
    upvar #0 $var list_var

    if { $repopulate } {
        $listbx delete 0 end
        set item_list [ eval [ concat ToorGetUnlList $list $field $args ] ]
        eval [ concat "$listbx" "insert" "end" $item_list ]
        set toor_lists_cached 1
    } else {
        set item_list [ $listbx get 0 end ]

    set indx [ lsearch $item_list $list_var ]
    $listbx selection clear 0 end
    if { $indx != -1 } {
        $listbx see      $indx
        $listbx activate $indx
        $listbx selection set active
    } else {
        $listbx yview    0
        $listbx activate 0

# Set global variable var to active entry from listbx, then call proc to update
# other lists that depend on this value
proc ToorSetEntryFromList { var listbx proc } {
    global toor_vars toor_org toor_type toor_role toor_name
    upvar #0 $var list_var
    set list_var [ $listbx get active ]
    eval $proc

# Return cell name for organiz unl file corresponding to named organization
# organiz_list is list of lines from organiz unl file with each line split
# into sub-lists
proc ToorGetCellFromOrg { organiz_list org } {
    upvar #0 $organiz_list o_list
    set out_field ""
    foreach entry_list $o_list {
        if { [ lindex $entry_list $TOOR_ORG_ORG_INDEX ] == $org } {
            set out_field [ lindex $entry_list $TOOR_ORG_CELL_INDEX ]
    return $out_field

# Set list of roles in listbx that correspond to the selected cell and role_type
# If an entry matches the value in var, select it
proc ToorSetRoleList { organiz_list org_ip_list listbx var org typ } {
    upvar #0 $org list_org
    upvar #0 $typ list_typ
    ToorSetListContents $listbx 1 $var $org_ip_list $TOOR_UNL_ROLE_INDEX \
                        $TOOR_UNL_CELL_INDEX \
                             [ ToorGetCellFromOrg $organiz_list $list_org ] \
                        $TOOR_UNL_ROLE_TYPE_INDEX $list_typ


# set list of role_tyes in listbx that correspond to the selected cell
# if an entry matches the value in "var", select it
# calls ToorSetRoleList to update list of possible roles
proc ToorSetRoleTypList { organiz_list org_ip_list listbx var role_bx \
                          role_var org } {
    upvar #0 $org list_org
    ToorSetListContents $listbx 1 $var $org_ip_list $TOOR_UNL_ROLE_TYPE_INDEX \
                        $TOOR_UNL_CELL_INDEX \
                             [ ToorGetCellFromOrg $organiz_list $list_org ]
    ToorSetRoleList $organiz_list $org_ip_list $role_bx $role_var $org $var


# set list of all possible orgainizations, if an entry matches the value in
# "var", select it
# calls ToorSetRoleTypList to update role_type and role lists
# "repop" should be true for the first call and false thereafter since
# the list of available organizations should not change during a run
proc ToorSetOrgList { organiz_list org_ip_list listbx repop var role_typ_bx \
                      role_typ_var role_bx role_var } {
    ToorSetListContents $listbx $repop $var $organiz_list $TOOR_ORG_ORG_INDEX
    ToorSetRoleTypList  $organiz_list $org_ip_list $role_typ_bx $role_typ_var \
                        $role_bx $role_var $var

# save value on entry to field
proc ToorSaveEntryValue { window } {
    global toor_entry_value
    set toor_entry_value  [$window get]

# On exit from field, see if value has changed, and if so call procedure
# provided
proc ToorCheckEntryChange { window changed_proc args } {
    global toor_entry_value
    set exit_value [$window get]
    if { $exit_value != $toor_entry_value } {
        lappend arg_list $toor_entry_value $exit_value
        set arg_list [ concat $arg_list $args ]
        eval $changed_proc $arg_list

# On exit from field, see if value has changed, and if so call procedure
# provided, no indication of old & new values passed to called routine
proc ToorCallIfChanged { window changed_proc args } {
    global toor_entry_value
    set exit_value [$window get]
    if { $exit_value != $toor_entry_value } {
        eval $changed_proc $args

# Display characteristics of this workstation
proc ToorDisplayWorkstationConfig { frame state } {
    global toor_interfaces
    frame $frame
    pack $frame -fill x -side top 
    set intfc [ ToorLabelledSubframe $frame.title current_workstation \
                  "THIS WORKSTATION" left 0 ]
    set cmd "ToorLabelledRadiobuttons $intfc"
    set i_cnt [ expr 4 - [ llength $toor_interfaces ] ]
    set pad ""
    for { set cnt 0 } { $cnt < $i_cnt } { incr cnt } {
        append pad "       "
    append cmd " \"" $pad "     Network Interface:" "\" " \
               "toor_vars(new,net_intfc) disabled left 0 "
    foreach ifce $toor_interfaces {
        append cmd " " $ifce " " $ifce
    eval $cmd
    set               subframe        $frame.low
    frame             $subframe       -borderwidth 1
    pack              $subframe       -fill x -side top -anchor w
    ToorDisplayHost   $subframe.host  toor_vars(new,local_hostname) top disabled
    ToorDisplayIp     $subframe.ip    toor_vars(new,local_ip)       top disabled
    ToorDisplayOrNameS $subframe.or   toor_vars(new,or_name_s)      top disabled
    ToorDisplayHostId $subframe.id    toor_vars(new,hostid)
    pack              $subframe.host $subframe.ip $subframe.or -side left 
    pack              $subframe.id -side left -anchor e


# Display characteristics of the workstation serving as the ASAS subsystem
# master
proc ToorDisplaySubsystemConfig { frame state } {
    frame $frame
    pack $frame -fill x -side top 
    set mas_client  [ToorLabelledSubframe $frame.title dce_info \
                    "ASAS SUBSYSTEM" left 0 ]
    set mas_cli_btn [ToorLabelledSubframe $mas_client this_one \
                    "             This Workstation is:" left 0 ]
    ToorLabelledRadiobuttons $mas_cli_btn "" \
                          toor_vars(new,local_is_asas_master) $state left 0 \
                          "Master"      asasmaster \
                          "Client"      asasclient

    set               lowframe    $frame.low
    frame             $lowframe
    pack              $lowframe   -fill x -side top -anchor w
    set               leftframe   $lowframe.left
    frame             $leftframe  -borderwidth 1
    pack              $leftframe  -side left -anchor w
    set               rightframe  $lowframe.right
    frame             $rightframe -borderwidth 1
    pack              $rightframe -fill x -side left -anchor e

    ToorDisplayEnclave $leftframe.enclave top disabled
    pack               $leftframe.enclave -side left
    ToorDisplayDomain  $leftframe.domain toor_vars(new,nis_domain)  top disabled
    pack               $leftframe.domain -side left

    label             $rightframe.label -justify left \
                      -text "\nMaster\nis at"
    ToorDisplayHost   $rightframe.host toor_vars(new,asas_hostname) top disabled
    ToorDisplayIp     $rightframe.ip   toor_vars(new,asas_ip)       top disabled
    pack              $rightframe.label -fill x -side left -anchor w
    pack              $rightframe.host $rightframe.ip -side left -anchor e
    pack              $mas_client -side top

# Display characteristics of the DCE Cell and of the workstation serving as the
# DCE CDS and Security master
proc ToorDisplayDceConfig { frame state } {
    frame $frame
    pack $frame -side top -fill x
    set mas_client  [ToorLabelledSubframe $frame.title dce_info \
                    "DCE CONFIGURATION" left 0 ]
    set mas_cli_btn [ToorLabelledSubframe $mas_client this_one \
                     "          This Workstation is:" left 0 ]
    ToorLabelledRadiobuttons $mas_cli_btn "" \
                          toor_vars(new,local_is_dce_master) $state left 0 \
                          "Master"      dcemaster \
                          "Client"      dceclient

    set              lowframe $frame.low
    frame            $lowframe
    pack             $lowframe -side top -anchor w -fill x
    set              leftframe $lowframe.left
    frame            $leftframe -borderwidth 1
    pack             $leftframe -side left -anchor w
    set              rightframe $lowframe.right
    frame            $rightframe -borderwidth 1
    pack             $rightframe -side left -anchor e -fill x

    ToorDisplayDceCell $leftframe.cell_name toor_vars(new,dce_cell) top disabled
    pack             $leftframe.cell_name -side left

    label            $rightframe.label -justify left \
                     -text "DCE\nCell\nMaster\nis at"
    ToorDisplayHost  $rightframe.host   toor_vars(new,dce_hostname) top disabled
    ToorDisplayIp    $rightframe.ip     toor_vars(new,dce_ip)       top disabled
    pack             $rightframe.label  -side left -anchor w
    pack             $rightframe.host   $rightframe.ip -side left -anchor e
    pack             $mas_client        -side top


# Display current (at boot time) configuration of workstation, ASAS Subsystem
# and the DCE Cell, ask user if reconfiguration is needed
proc ToorDisplayConfig { frame } {
    global toor_vars
    frame                        $frame
    label                        $frame.main_title \
                                 -text "Previous Workstation Configuration\n"
    pack                         $frame.main_title -side top
    ToorDisplayWorkstationConfig $frame.f1 disabled
    ToorDisplaySubsystemConfig   $frame.f2 disabled
    ToorDisplayDceConfig         $frame.f3 disabled
    ToorDisplayBeaconInUse       $frame.f4 disabled
    label                        $frame.main_prompt -text \
                                 "\nDo you want to change this configuration?"
    pack $frame.main_prompt      -side top
    ToorDisplayYesNo             $frame.f5 N
    ToorDisplaySecondsLeft       $frame.f6

    pack                         $frame

# Display desired configuration of workstation, ASAS Subsystem
# and the DCE Cell, as updated by preceding dialogs
proc ToorDisplayNewConfig { frame } {
    global toor_vars
    frame                        $frame
    pack                         $frame
    label                        $frame.main_title \
                                 -text "Updated Workstation Configuration\n"
    pack                         $frame.main_title -side top
    ToorDisplayWorkstationConfig $frame.f1 disabled
    ToorDisplaySubsystemConfig   $frame.f2 disabled
    ToorDisplayDceConfig         $frame.f3 disabled
    ToorDisplayBeaconInUse       $frame.f4 disabled
    label                        $frame.main_prompt -text \
                                 "\nIs this new configuration correct?"
    pack $frame.main_prompt      -side top
    ToorButtonSet                $frame.btn N toor_go_back_to_first_menu dummy \
                                 "Yes"  N \
                                 "No"   Y
    pack $frame.btn -side top

    tkwait variable toor_go_back_to_first_menu

    destroy $frame

# Wait for user to select whether he/she wants to change the configuration
# starts timeout timer, if timer expires, assume no change desired
proc ToorWantToChangeConfig { } {
    global toor_want_to_change_ans toor_seconds_to_go
    set toor_seconds_to_go      30
    set toor_want_to_change_ans N

    after 1000 ToorReduceTimeoutClock
    tkwait variable toor_want_to_change_ans
    return $toor_want_to_change_ans

# Decrease timeout counter by one, when value goes negative, we're done
proc ToorReduceTimeoutClock { } {
    global toor_seconds_to_go toor_want_to_change_ans
    if { $toor_seconds_to_go <= 0 } { 
        set toor_want_to_change_ans N
    } else {
        incr toor_seconds_to_go -1
        after 1000 ToorReduceTimeoutClock

# User requested no re-config, check if hostid changed -- if it has user
# must either reconfig or shutdown
proc ToorCheckHostId { frame } {
    global toor_vars toor_done_with_this_frame toor_reconfig_needed \
           toor_domain_suffix \

    catch { set toor_vars(new,hostid) [ exec /usr/ucb/hostid ] } ret_code
    if { $toor_vars(new,hostid) != $toor_vars(orig,hostid) } {
        frame  $frame
        pack   $frame
        label  $frame.main_title \
               -text "! WARNING:  This system has moved to a new workstation\n"
        pack   $frame.main_title -side top

        label  $frame.head \
               -text "The new workstation has"
        pack   $frame.head -side top
        ToorDisplayHostId $frame.id toor_vars(new,hostid)
        pack   $frame.id -side top

        label  $frame.prompt_1 \
               -text "\nDo you want to reconfigure the software products to run"
        pack   $frame.prompt_1 -side top
        label  $frame.prompt_2 \
               -text "on this workstation"
        pack   $frame.prompt_2 -side top

        ToorButtonSet $frame.btn Y toor_done_with_this_frame dummy \
               "Yes"  Y \
               "Shutdown" N
        pack $frame.btn -side top

        tkwait variable toor_done_with_this_frame

        if {$toor_done_with_this_frame == "N"} {
            set init_pid 1
            catch { set init_pid [ exec /usr/bin/ps \-ef | \
                                        /usr/bin/grep /etc/init |
                                        /usr/bin/grep \-v grep | \
                                        /usr/bin/awk "{print \$2}" ] } ret_code
            catch { exec kill -9 $init_pid } ret_code
            catch { exec /usr/sbin/halt -l } ret_code
            exit -1

        catch { exec /usr/bin/cp -p $TOOR_DATA_DIR/$TOOR_CELL_ADMIN_PW \
                     $TOOR_NEW_CONFIG_DIR/$TOOR_CELL_ADMIN_PW } ret_code

        if { $toor_vars(new,nis_domain) == "" } {
           set toor_vars(new,nis_domain) \
        if { $toor_vars(new,asas_hostname) == "" } {
           set toor_vars(new,asas_hostname) $toor_vars(new,local_hostname)
        if { $toor_vars(new,asas_ip) == "" } {
           set toor_vars(new,asas_ip) $toor_vars(new,local_ip)
        if { $toor_vars(new,dce_hostname) == "" } {
           set toor_vars(new,dce_hostname) $toor_vars(new,local_hostname)
        if { $toor_vars(new,dce_ip) == "" } {
           set toor_vars(new,dce_ip) $toor_vars(new,local_ip)
        if { $toor_vars(new,dce_cell) == "" } {
            set toor_vars(new,dce_cell) [ ToorLookupCellName \
                                          $toor_vars(new,dce_hostname) \
                                          $toor_vars(new,dce_ip) ]
        if { $toor_vars(new,enclave) == "" } {
           set toor_vars(new,enclave) "AA"

        if { $toor_vars(new,left_video_cmd) == "" } {
            ToorSetDisplayParams $frame.id.entry toor_vars(new,left_video) \
                                 other toor_vars(new,left_video_cmd)
        if { $toor_vars(new,right_video_cmd) == "" } {
            ToorSetDisplayParams $frame.id.entry toor_vars(new,right_video) \
                                 other toor_vars(new,right_video_cmd)

        set toor_reconfig_needed "Y"

        destroy $frame

# Select entry in list of potential clients given by $active_index,
# variables for selection box are also modified
proc ToorSelectActiveClient { listbx active_index box_list prompt } {

    global toor_vars toor_org toor_type toor_role toor_name toor_ip \
           toor_selected_client toor_update_pending toor_list_changed

    if { $active_index >= [ $listbx size ] } {
        incr active_index -1
    if { $active_index >= 0 } {
        $listbx selection set $active_index
        $listbx activate $active_index
        set toor_org  [ lindex $toor_vars(new,client_org_list)  $active_index ]
        set toor_type [ lindex $toor_vars(new,client_type_list) $active_index ]
        set toor_role [ lindex $toor_vars(new,client_role_list) $active_index ]
        set toor_name [ lindex $toor_vars(new,client_name_list) $active_index ]
        set toor_ip   [ lindex $toor_vars(new,client_ip_list)  $active_index ]
        set toor_selected_client $active_index
        $prompt configure \
                -text "Information About Selected Client Workstation:\n"
        set toor_update_pending 0
        set toor_list_changed   0
    } else {
        $listbx activate 0
        set toor_org  ""
        set toor_type ""
        set toor_role ""
        set toor_name ""
        set toor_ip   ""
        set toor_selected_client -1
        $prompt configure \
                -text "Enter Information About New Client Workstation:\n"
    ToorSetOrgList toor_organiz_list toor_org_ip_list \
                   [ lindex $box_list 0] 0 toor_org \
                   [ lindex $box_list 1]   toor_type \
                   [ lindex $box_list 2]   toor_role

# Delete the currently selected client - selection moves to element
# that moves into the vacated position in the list
proc ToorDeleteSelectedClient { listbx sel_boxes prompt } {
    global toor_vars toor_selected_client toor_update_pending toor_list_changed

    if { [ $listbx size ] > 0 } {
        if { $toor_selected_client >= 0 } {
            set active_index [ lindex $toor_selected_client 0 ]
            $listbx delete $toor_selected_client
            set toor_vars(new,client_org_list) \
                [ lreplace $toor_vars(new,client_org_list) \
                $toor_selected_client $toor_selected_client ]
            set toor_vars(new,client_type_list) \
                [ lreplace $toor_vars(new,client_type_list) \
                $toor_selected_client $toor_selected_client ]
            set toor_vars(new,client_role_list) \
                [ lreplace $toor_vars(new,client_role_list) \
                $toor_selected_client $toor_selected_client ]
            set toor_vars(new,client_name_list) \
                [ lreplace $toor_vars(new,client_name_list) \
                $toor_selected_client $toor_selected_client ]
            set toor_vars(new,client_ip_list) \
                [ lreplace $toor_vars(new,client_ip_list) \
                $toor_selected_client $toor_selected_client ]
            ToorSelectActiveClient $listbx $toor_selected_client $sel_boxes \
            set toor_update_pending 0
            set toor_list_changed   0


# Apply key processing - If no selected entry, becomes new entry
# otherwise is update to selected entry
proc ToorApplyClientUpdate { listbx sel_boxes prompt next_window } {
    global toor_vars toor_go_back_to_first_menu \
           toor_org toor_type toor_role toor_name toor_ip \
           toor_selected_client toor_update_pending toor_list_changed

    # first check that entry is OK


    set err_list {}
    ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Host Name" \
                       [ ToorCheckHostname $toor_name ]
    ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Client & Local Host Names" \
                       [ ToorCheckNameUnique $toor_name \
                                             $toor_vars(new,local_hostname) ]
    if { $toor_vars(new,fddi_used) == "Y" } {
        ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Client & FDDI/CDDI Host Names" \
                           [ ToorCheckNameUnique $toor_name \
                                                 $toor_vars(new,fddi_hostname) ]
    set this_index 0
    foreach name $toor_vars(new,client_name_list) {
        if { $toor_selected_client != $this_index } {
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "New & Existing Client Host Names" \
                               [ ToorCheckNameUnique $toor_name $name ]
        incr this_index

    ToorAddToErrorList err_list "IP Address" \
                       [ ToorCheckIPAddr $toor_ip ]
    ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Client & Local IP Addresses" \
                       [ ToorCheckIPUnique $toor_ip \
                                           $toor_vars(new,local_ip) ]
    if { $toor_vars(new,fddi_used) == "Y" } {
        ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Client & FDDI/CDDI IP Addresses" \
                           [ ToorCheckIPUnique $toor_ip \
                                               $toor_vars(new,fddi_ip) ]
    set this_index 0
    foreach ip $toor_vars(new,client_ip_list) {
        if { $toor_selected_client != $this_index } {
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "New & Existing Client IP Addresses" \
                               [ ToorCheckIPUnique $toor_ip $ip ]
        incr this_index
    ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Organization" \
                       [ ToorCheckOptOganization $toor_org ]
    ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Role Type" \
                       [ ToorCheckOptRoleType $toor_type ]
    ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Role" \
                       [ ToorCheckOptRole $toor_role ]
    set ready_to_apply [ eval ToorDisplayErrors \
                         {"Client Workstations in this ASAS Subsystem"} \
                         $err_list ]

    if { $ready_to_apply } {
        if { [ string length $toor_name ] < 20 } {
            set cname [ string range $toor_name 0 19 ]
        } else {
            set cname $toor_name
        set line [ format {%-20s %-15s} $cname $toor_ip ]

        if { $toor_selected_client >= 0 } {

            # there is a selected entry, replace it
            $listbx delete $toor_selected_client
            $listbx insert $toor_selected_client "$line"
            set toor_vars(new,client_org_list) \
                [ lreplace $toor_vars(new,client_org_list) \
                           $toor_selected_client \
                           $toor_selected_client $toor_org ]
            set toor_vars(new,client_type_list) \
                [ lreplace $toor_vars(new,client_type_list) \
                           $toor_selected_client \
                           $toor_selected_client $toor_type ]
            set toor_vars(new,client_role_list) \
                [ lreplace $toor_vars(new,client_role_list) \
                           $toor_selected_client \
                           $toor_selected_client $toor_role ]
            set toor_vars(new,client_name_list) \
                [ lreplace $toor_vars(new,client_name_list) \
                           $toor_selected_client \
                           $toor_selected_client $toor_name ]
            set toor_vars(new,client_ip_list) \
                [ lreplace $toor_vars(new,client_ip_list) \
                           $toor_selected_client \
                           $toor_selected_client $toor_ip ]
        } else {

            # no entry selected, this is a new client
            set active_index [ $listbx index active ]
            set toor_selected_client $active_index
            $listbx insert $active_index "$line"
            set toor_vars(new,client_org_list) \
                [ linsert $toor_vars(new,client_org_list) \
                          $active_index $toor_org ]
            set toor_vars(new,client_type_list) \
                [ linsert $toor_vars(new,client_type_list) \
                          $active_index $toor_type ]
            set toor_vars(new,client_role_list) \
                [ linsert $toor_vars(new,client_role_list) \
                          $active_index $toor_role ]
            set toor_vars(new,client_name_list) \
                [ linsert $toor_vars(new,client_name_list) \
                          $active_index $toor_name ]
            set toor_vars(new,client_ip_list) \
                [ linsert $toor_vars(new,client_ip_list) \
                          $active_index $toor_ip ]

        ToorSelectActiveClient $listbx $toor_selected_client $sel_boxes \
        set toor_update_pending 0
        set toor_list_changed   0

        focus $next_window


    return $ready_to_apply


# Allow entry of a new client workstation entry
proc ToorDesignateNewClient { listbx enter box_list prompt } {
    global toor_org toor_type toor_role toor_name toor_ip toor_selected_client \
           toor_organiz_list toor_org_ip_list toor_update_pending

    $listbx selection clear 0 end
    focus $enter
    set toor_org  ""
    set toor_type ""
    set toor_role ""
    set toor_name ""
    set toor_ip   ""
    set toor_selected_client -1
    set toor_update_pending 1
    $prompt configure -text "Enter Information About New Client Workstation:\n"
    ToorSetOrgList toor_organiz_list toor_org_ip_list \
                   [ lindex $box_list 0] 0 toor_org \
                   [ lindex $box_list 1]   toor_type \
                   [ lindex $box_list 2]   toor_role


# Warn about pending changes and see if save needed
proc ToorWarnAboutChanges { } {
    global toor_warn_reply

    toplevel .warn -borderwidth 1
    label .warn.msg1 -text "? You have made changes "
    pack  .warn.msg1 -side top -anchor w
    label .warn.msg2 -text "  Do you want to save the changes?\n"
    pack  .warn.msg2 -side top -anchor w
    ToorButtonSet .warn.btn Y toor_warn_reply dummy \
               "Yes"    Y \
               "No"     N \
               "Cancel" C
    pack  .warn.btn -side top
    grab  .warn

    tkwait variable toor_warn_reply
    destroy .warn

# Sets toor_update_pending to signal that a change has been made to one of
# the data entry fields, and has not yet been applied.  args are ignored
proc ToorSetChangePending { args } {
    global toor_update_pending

    set toor_update_pending 1

# Record when a field's contents changes
proc ToorRecordUpdates { flds } {
     upvar $flds fields
    foreach entry_field $fields {
        bind $entry_field <FocusIn>  "+ToorSaveEntryValue $entry_field"
        bind $entry_field <FocusOut> "+ToorCheckEntryChange $entry_field \
                                          ToorSetChangePending "

# Remove any entry from the list of potential cllients that has the
# same hostname or IP address as either the Ethernet or FDDI interface
proc ToorRemoveDuplicateHosts { } {
    global toor_vars

    set index [ llength $toor_vars(new,client_name_list) ]
    for { incr index -1 } { $index >= 0 } { incr index -1 } {
        set name [ lindex $toor_vars(new,client_name_list) $index ]
        set ip [ lindex $toor_vars(new,client_ip_list) $index ]
        if { $name == $toor_vars(new,local_hostname) \
             || $ip == $toor_vars(new,local_ip) \
             || ( $toor_vars(new,fddi_used) == "Y" \
                  && ( $name == $toor_vars(new,fddi_hostname)
                      || $ip == $toor_vars(new,fddi_ip))) } {
            set toor_vars(new,client_org_list) \
                [ lreplace $toor_vars(new,client_org_list) $index $index ]
            set toor_vars(new,client_type_list) \
                [ lreplace $toor_vars(new,client_type_list) $index $index ]
            set toor_vars(new,client_role_list) \
                [ lreplace $toor_vars(new,client_role_list) $index $index ]
            set toor_vars(new,client_name_list) \
                [ lreplace $toor_vars(new,client_name_list) $index $index ]
            set toor_vars(new,client_ip_list) \
                [ lreplace $toor_vars(new,client_ip_list) $index $index ]

# If workstation is a subsystem master, get list of client machines
proc ToorGetClients { frame } {
    global toor_vars toor_go_back_to_first_menu TOOR_OR_NAME_FILE \
           toor_org toor_type toor_role toor_name toor_ip \
           toor_update_pending toor_warn_reply toor_list_changed

    set toor_org  ""
    set toor_type ""
    set toor_role ""
    set toor_name ""
    set toor_ip   ""

    set toor_entry_list  {}
    set toor_select_list {}
    set defined_list     {}

    set toor_update_pending 0
    set toor_list_changed   0
    set toor_warn_reply     Y


    frame  $frame
    pack   $frame
    label  $frame.main_title \
           -text "Client Workstations in this ASAS Subsystem\n"
    pack   $frame.main_title -side top

    set scrolled      [ frame $frame.scrolled ]
    pack      $scrolled -side top
    label     $scrolled.title -text " Host Name            IP Address"
    pack      $scrolled.title -side top -anchor w
    set sb    [ frame $scrolled.sb ]
    pack      $sb -side top
    scrollbar $sb.scroll -command "$sb.list yview" -takefocus 0
    listbox   $sb.list -yscroll "$sb.scroll set" -height 3 \
                       -width 40 -selectmode single
    pack      $sb.scroll -side right -fill y
    pack      $sb.list   -side left  -fill both

    set index 0
    foreach name $toor_vars(new,client_name_list) {
        if { [ string length $name ] < 20 } {
            set cname [ string range $name 0 19 ]
        } else {
            set cname $name
        set line [ format {%-20s %-15s} $cname \
                          [ lindex $toor_vars(new,client_ip_list) $index ] ]
        incr index
        lappend defined_list $line
    eval [ concat "$sb.list" "insert" "end" $defined_list ]
    $sb.list yview 0
    $sb.list selection clear 0 end

    if { [ llength $toor_vars(new,client_name_list) ] > 0 } {
        set active_index 0
    } else {
        set active_index -1

    set client  [ frame $frame.client -borderwidth 1 ]
    pack        $client -side top
    label       $client.info \
                -text "Information About Selected Client Workstation:\n"
    pack        $client.info -side top

    # set up command to update other info when selection changes
    set cmd [ ToorCmdToUpdateHostFromList toor_org toor_type toor_role \
                                          toor_name toor_ip \
                                          toor_dummy toor_dummy2 toor_dummy3 \
                                          $TOOR_OR_NAME_FILE ]

    ToorLabelledRadiobuttons $client.select "Data Entry Method:" \
                             toor_vars(new,list_selection) normal left 0 \
                             "Select From Lists"    1 \
                             "Type Information"     0

    label              $client.space -text " "
    pack               $client.space -side top
    set clienth        [ frame $client.top ]
    set csl            [ frame $client.csl ]
    set csa            [ frame $client.csa ]
    pack               $clienth $csl $csa -side top -fill x -anchor w
    ToorDisplayHost    $clienth.host toor_name  left normal
    pack               $clienth.host -side left
    ToorDisplayIp      $clienth.ip   toor_ip left normal
    pack               $clienth.ip   -side left -anchor e

    ToorUnitSelectionLists $csl.lists toor_entry_list toor_select_list \
                           toor_organiz_list toor_org_ip_list \
                           toor_org toor_type toor_role \

    ToorButtonSet      $csa.btn "" toor_apply dummy \
                       "Apply"   A
    pack               $csa.btn -side top

    ToorSelectActiveClient $sb.list $active_index $toor_select_list $client.info

    ToorSetListBindings $sb.list 1 \
                      [ format {ToorPleaseWait ; ToorSelectActiveClient %s \
                                [ %s index active ] %s %s } \
                        $sb.list $sb.list [ list $toor_select_list ] \
                        $client.info ]

    lappend toor_entry_list $clienth.host.entry $clienth.ip.entry

    ToorPropagateNameChange $clienth.host.entry toor_ip \
                            toor_dummy toor_dummy2 toor_dummy3 \
                            toor_org toor_type toor_role \
                            $TOOR_OR_NAME_FILE \

    ToorRecordUpdates toor_entry_list

    ToorActivateEntryMethod $toor_select_list $toor_entry_list \

    ToorButtonSet $frame.btn N toor_go_back_to_first_menu dummy \
                  "Done"   N \
                  "New"    A \
                  "Delete" D \
                  "Cancel" Y

    $csa.btn.b1   configure -command " ToorApplyClientUpdate $sb.list \
                                        [ list $toor_select_list ] \
                                        $client.info $frame.btn.b7 "
    $frame.btn.b3 configure -command " ToorDeleteSelectedClient $sb.list \
                                       [ list $toor_select_list ] $client.info "
    $frame.btn.b5 configure -command " ToorDesignateNewClient $sb.list \
                                       $client.select.buttons.1 \
                                       [ list $toor_select_list ] $client.info "
    pack $frame.btn -side top

    ToorSetOrgList toor_organiz_list toor_org_ip_list \
                   [ lindex $toor_select_list 0 ] 1 toor_org \
                   [ lindex $toor_select_list 1 ] toor_type \
                   [ lindex $toor_select_list 2 ] toor_role

    set ready_to_exit F
    while { $ready_to_exit == "F" } {

        tkwait variable toor_go_back_to_first_menu


        if { $toor_go_back_to_first_menu == "Y" } {
            set ready_to_exit T
        } else {
            if { $toor_update_pending || $toor_list_changed } {
                if { $toor_warn_reply == "N" } {
                    set ready_to_exit T
                } elseif { $toor_warn_reply == "Y" } {
                    if { [ToorApplyClientUpdate $sb.list \
                                                $toor_select_list \
                                                $client.info $frame.btn.b7 ]} {
                        set ready_to_exit T
            } else {
                set ready_to_exit T


    destroy  $frame


# Enable a window if a variable has a specific value
proc ToorEnableWindowOnValue { window variable value } {
    upvar $variable   his_var
    if {$his_var == $value} {
        $window configure -state normal
    } else {
        $window configure -state disabled

# If workstation is a subsystem client, remind user that master must know about
# this client
proc ToorWarnClient { frame } {
    global toor_go_back_to_first_menu toor_vars

    frame  $frame
    pack   $frame
    label  $frame.line1 -text "! This workstation's hostname and IP address"
    pack   $frame.line1 -side top
    label  $frame.line2  -text "must have been identified to workstation"
    pack   $frame.line2 -side top
    label  $frame.line3  -text "\"$toor_vars(new,asas_hostname)\" or this "
    pack   $frame.line3 -side top
    label  $frame.line4  -text "reconfiguration may fail\n"
    pack   $frame.line4 -side top

    ToorButtonSet $frame.btn N toor_go_back_to_first_menu dummy \
                  "OK"  N \
                  "Cancel" Y
    pack $frame.btn -side top

    tkwait variable toor_go_back_to_first_menu


    destroy  $frame

# Get information on subsystem master if this machine is a client and
# information on the domain and enclave if this workstation is a 
# subsystem master
proc ToorGetAsasSubConfig { frame next } {
    global toor_vars toor_domain_suffix toor_entry_list toor_select_list \
    if { [winfo exists $frame.local] } {
        destroy $frame.local
    if { [winfo exists $frame.master] } {
        destroy $frame.master

    if { $toor_vars(new,local_is_asas_master) == "asasmaster" } {

        set                subfr  [ frame $frame.local ]
        pack               $subfr -fill x -side top -anchor w
        ToorDisplayEnclave $subfr.enclave left normal
        if { $toor_vars(orig,local_is_asas_master) != "asasmaster" || \
             $toor_vars(new,local_hostname) != $toor_vars(orig,local_hostname) \
             || $toor_vars(new,local_ip) != $toor_vars(orig,local_ip) \
           } {
            set toor_vars(new,asas_hostname) $toor_vars(new,local_hostname)
            set toor_vars(new,asas_ip)       $toor_vars(new,local_ip)
            set toor_vars(new,mst_organiz)   $toor_vars(new,our_organiz)
            set toor_vars(new,mst_role_typ)  $toor_vars(new,our_role_typ)
            set toor_vars(new,mst_role)      $toor_vars(new,our_role)

            set toor_vars(new,nis_domain) \
        ToorDisplayDomain  $subfr.domain toor_vars(new,nis_domain)  top normal
        pack               $subfr.domain -side left

        set toor_vars(new,local_is_dce_master) \

        # destroy tab bindings in case were previously configured as a client
        bind $next <Tab> {}
        bind $next <F1>  {}
    } else {
        set toor_entry_list              {}
        set toor_select_list             {}
        set toor_vars(new,asas_hostname) $toor_vars(orig,asas_hostname)
        set toor_vars(new,asas_ip)       $toor_vars(orig,asas_ip)
        set toor_vars(new,mst_organiz)   $toor_vars(orig,mst_organiz)
        set toor_vars(new,mst_role_typ)  $toor_vars(orig,mst_role_typ)
        set toor_vars(new,mst_role)      $toor_vars(orig,mst_role)

        set toor_vars(new,enclave)       $toor_vars(orig,enclave)
        set toor_vars(new,nis_domain)    $toor_vars(orig,nis_domain)
        set sframe [ToorLabelledSubframe $frame.master current_workstation \
                           "Where is the ASAS Subsystem Master?\n" top 0 ]
        pack               $frame.master
        pack               $sframe -side top
        set subframe       [ frame $sframe.top ]
        set low            [ frame $sframe.low ]
        pack               $subframe $low -side top
        # set up command to update other info when selection changes
        set cmd [ ToorCmdToUpdateHostFromList toor_vars(new,mst_organiz) \
                                              toor_vars(new,mst_role_typ) \
                                              toor_vars(new,mst_role) \
                                              toor_vars(new,asas_hostname) \
                                              toor_vars(new,asas_ip) \
                                              toor_dummy \
                                              toor_dummy2 \
                                              toor_dummy3 \
                                              $TOOR_OR_NAME_FILE ]

        ToorLabelledRadiobuttons $subframe.select "Data Entry Method:" \
                                 toor_vars(new,list_selection) normal left 0 \
                                 "Select From Lists"    1 \
                                 "Type Information"     0

        ToorDisplayHost    $subframe.host  toor_vars(new,asas_hostname) left \
        pack               $subframe.host -side left
        ToorDisplayIp      $subframe.ip    toor_vars(new,asas_ip) left normal
        pack               $subframe.ip   -side left -anchor e

        ToorUnitSelectionLists $low.lists toor_entry_list \
                               toor_select_list \
                               toor_organiz_list toor_org_ip_list \
                               toor_vars(new,mst_organiz) \
                               toor_vars(new,mst_role_typ) \
                               toor_vars(new,mst_role) \

        lappend toor_entry_list $subframe.host.entry $subframe.ip.entry

        ToorPropagateNameChange $subframe.host.entry toor_vars(new,asas_ip) \
                                toor_dummy toor_dummy2 toor_dummy3 \
                                toor_vars(new,mst_organiz) \
                                toor_vars(new,mst_role_typ) \
                                toor_vars(new,mst_role) $TOOR_OR_NAME_FILE \

        ToorSetOrgList toor_organiz_list toor_org_ip_list \
                   [ lindex $toor_select_list 0 ] 1 toor_vars(new,mst_organiz) \
                   [ lindex $toor_select_list 1 ] toor_vars(new,mst_role_typ) \
                   [ lindex $toor_select_list 2 ] toor_vars(new,mst_role)

        ToorActivateEntryMethod $toor_select_list $toor_entry_list \

        if { $toor_vars(orig,local_is_asas_master) == "asasmaster" } {
            set toor_vars(new,local_is_dce_master) dceclient


# Display current "beacon use" and ASAS subsystem master/client status and
# prompt user for updated values
proc ToorGetTopConfig { frame } {
    global toor_go_back_to_first_menu toor_vars
    frame  $frame
    pack   $frame -fill both
    label  $frame.main_title \
                          -text "Workstation Configuration\n"
    pack   $frame.main_title -side top
    label  $frame.beacont -text "Should the Address Book and Beacon be used?"
    pack   $frame.beacont -side top -anchor w

    ToorLabelledRadiobuttons $frame.beacon "" \
           toor_vars(new,beacon_is_being_used) normal left 0 \
                          "Yes"    beacon \
                          "No"     nobeacon

    label  $frame.sdrt -text "\nIs the Local Area Network connected to a slow-speed router?\n(e.g. SDR, Tactical Radio or Modem in use)"
    pack   $frame.sdrt -side top -anchor w
    ToorLabelledRadiobuttons $frame.sdr "" \
           toor_vars(new,sdr) normal left 0 \
                          "Yes"    sdr \
                          "No"     nosdr

    label  $frame.asast -text \
           "\nWithin the ASAS subsystem, this workstation should be the"
    pack   $frame.asast -side top -anchor w
    ToorLabelledRadiobuttons $frame.asas "" \
                          toor_vars(new,local_is_asas_master) normal \
                          left 0 \
                          "Master"      asasmaster \
                          "Client"      asasclient

    frame $frame.varframe -borderwidth 1
    pack  $frame.varframe -fill x -side top

    ToorButtonSet $frame.btn N toor_go_back_to_first_menu dummy \
                  "Done"  N \
                  "Cancel" Y
    pack $frame.btn -side top

    ToorGetAsasSubConfig $frame.varframe $frame.btn.b3

    $frame.asas.buttons.asasmaster configure \
               -command "ToorGetAsasSubConfig $frame.varframe $frame.btn.b3"
    $frame.asas.buttons.asasclient configure \
               -command "ToorPleaseWait ; \
                         ToorGetAsasSubConfig $frame.varframe $frame.btn.b3"

    set ready_to_exit F
    while { $ready_to_exit == "F" } {

        tkwait variable toor_go_back_to_first_menu


        if { $toor_go_back_to_first_menu == "Y" } {
            set ready_to_exit T
        } else {
            set err_list {}
            if { $toor_vars(new,local_is_asas_master) == "asasmaster" } {
                if { $toor_vars(new,enclave) != "" } {
                    ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Enclave" \
                                [ ToorCheckEnclaveCode $toor_vars(new,enclave) ]
                ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Domain" \
                              [ ToorCheckDomainname $toor_vars(new,nis_domain) ]
            } else {

                ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Host Name" \
                             [ ToorCheckHostname $toor_vars(new,asas_hostname) ]
                ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Master & Local Host Names" \
                           [ ToorCheckNameUnique $toor_vars(new,asas_hostname) \
                                                $toor_vars(new,local_hostname) ]
                ToorAddToErrorList err_list "IP Address" \
                           [ ToorCheckIPAddr $toor_vars(new,asas_ip) ]
                ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Master & Local IP Addresses" \
                           [ ToorCheckIPUnique $toor_vars(new,asas_ip) \
                                               $toor_vars(new,local_ip) ]
                ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Organization" \
                          [ ToorCheckOptOganization $toor_vars(new,mst_organiz)]
                ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Role Type" \
                           [ ToorCheckOptRoleType $toor_vars(new,mst_role_typ) ]
                ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Role" \
                             [ ToorCheckOptRole $toor_vars(new,mst_role) ]
            set ready_to_exit [ eval ToorDisplayErrors \
                               {"Workstation Configuration"} \
                               $err_list ]

    if { $toor_vars(new,enclave) == "" } {
        set toor_vars(new,enclave) "AA"

    if { $toor_vars(new,local_is_asas_master) == "asasclient" } {
        set toor_vars(new,enclave) "??"
        set toor_vars(new,nis_domain) "Will Fetch From Master"


    destroy  $frame

    if { $toor_go_back_to_first_menu == "N" } {
        if { $toor_vars(new,local_is_asas_master) == "asasmaster" } {
            ToorGetClients $frame
        } else {
            ToorWarnClient $frame

# Set bindings so user can use either space or return to select entries on a
# listbox.  Selection causes to named proc to be invoked
proc ToorSetListBindings { listbx last proc } {
    bind $listbx <Key-space> $proc
    bind $listbx <Key-Return> $proc
    bind $listbx <Key-space> {+focus [tk_focusNext %W]}
    bind $listbx <Key-Return> {+focus [tk_focusNext %W]}
    if { ! $last } {
        bind $listbx <Key-space> {+set toor_list_changed 1}
        bind $listbx <Key-Return> {+set toor_list_changed 1}

# Set bindings for entry boxes associated with selection lists to call proc
# when focus is lost and the value has been changed
proc ToorSetEntryForListBindings { entrybx proc } {
    bind $entrybx <FocusIn> "+ToorSaveEntryValue $entrybx"
    bind $entrybx <FocusOut> "+ToorCallIfChanged $entrybx $proc "

# Create selection lists for org/role type/role
proc ToorUnitSelectionLists { frame e_list s_list organiz_list org_ip_list \
                              organiz role_typ role proc } {
    global toor_list_changed
    upvar 1 $e_list entry_list
    upvar 1 $s_list select_list

    catch              {destroy $frame} err_code
    frame              $frame
    set toor_list_changed 0

    set org_list       [ ToorDisplayList $frame.org "Organization:"  3 25 \
                                         $organiz  left entry_list ]
    set role_type_list [ ToorDisplayList $frame.type "Role Type:"    3  8 \
                                         $role_typ left entry_list ]
    set role_list      [ ToorDisplayList $frame.role "Role:"         3 15 \
                                         $role     left entry_list ]

    lappend select_list $org_list $role_type_list $role_list

    ToorSetListBindings $org_list 0 "ToorSetEntryFromList $organiz $org_list \
                   { ToorSetRoleTypList $organiz_list $org_ip_list \
                                        $role_type_list $role_typ $role_list \
                                        $role $organiz}"

    ToorSetListBindings $role_type_list 0 \
            "ToorSetEntryFromList $role_typ $role_type_list \
                   { ToorSetRoleList $organiz_list $org_ip_list $role_list  \
                                     $role $organiz $role_typ }"

    ToorSetListBindings $role_list 1 "ToorSetEntryFromList $role $role_list \
                   { $proc ; set toor_list_changed 0 }"

    set cmd { if { $toor_list_changed } }
    lappend cmd " $proc ; set toor_list_changed 0  "
    bind $role_list <Tab> "+$cmd"
    bind $org_list  <F1>  "+$cmd"

    ToorSetEntryForListBindings [ lindex $entry_list 0 ] \
            "ToorSetOrgList $organiz_list $org_ip_list $org_list 0 $organiz \
                            $role_type_list $role_typ $role_list $role "
    ToorSetEntryForListBindings [ lindex $entry_list 1 ] \
            "ToorSetRoleTypList $organiz_list $org_ip_list $role_type_list \
                                $role_typ $role_list $role $organiz "
    ToorSetEntryForListBindings [ lindex $entry_list 2 ] \
            "ToorSetRoleList $organiz_list $org_ip_list $role_list $role \
                             $organiz $role_typ "

    pack $frame


# Set Organization/Role Type/Role based on host name 
proc ToorSetOrgRoleFromHost { old_host host organiz_list org_ip_list org \
                            role_type role org_listbx type_listbx role_listbx} {

    upvar #0 $org up_org
    upvar #0 $role_type up_role_type
    upvar #0 $role up_role
    upvar #0 $organiz_list org_list
    upvar #0 $org_ip_list ip_list


    set found 0
    foreach org_ip_line $ip_list {
        if { [ llength $org_ip_line ] > $TOOR_UNL_ROLE_TYPE_INDEX } {
            if { $host == [ lindex $org_ip_line $TOOR_UNL_HOST_INDEX ] } {
                set local_role [ lindex $org_ip_line $TOOR_UNL_ROLE_INDEX ]
                set local_cell [ lindex $org_ip_line $TOOR_ORG_CELL_INDEX ]
                set local_role_type [ lindex $org_ip_line \
                                             $TOOR_UNL_ROLE_TYPE_INDEX ]
                set found 1

    if { $found } {
        set found 0
        foreach org_line $org_list {
            if { [ llength $org_line ] > $TOOR_ORG_ORG_INDEX } {
                if { $local_cell == [lindex $org_line $TOOR_ORG_CELL_INDEX] } {
                    set local_org [ lindex $org_line $TOOR_ORG_ORG_INDEX ]
                    set found 1

    if { $found } {
        if { $local_role != "" } {
            set up_role $local_role
        if { $local_role_type != "" } {
            set up_role_type $local_role_type
        if { $local_org != "" } {
            set up_org $local_org
        ToorSetOrgList $organiz_list $org_ip_list $org_listbx 0 $org  \
                       $type_listbx $role_type $role_listbx $role

# Format command to set hostname and associated fields to values that
# correspond to the entries selected in the lists
proc ToorCmdToUpdateHostFromList { org_var type_var role_var host_var \
                                   ip_var or_var uic_var urn_var or_file } {


    set cmd [ format {set tmp [ ToorGetUnlList toor_org_ip_list %s %s \
                              [ ToorGetCellFromOrg toor_organiz_list $%s ] \
                              %s $%s %s $%s ] ; if {$tmp != ""}} \
              $org_var $TOOR_UNL_ROLE_TYPE_INDEX $type_var \
              $TOOR_UNL_ROLE_INDEX $role_var ]
    set sub_cmd [ format {set %s [ lindex $tmp 0 ] ; \
                  ToorNameChanged $%s $%s %s %s %s %s %s}\
                  $host_var $host_var $host_var $ip_var $or_var $uic_var  \
                  $urn_var "$TOOR_LAST_CONFIG_DIR/$or_file" ]
    lappend cmd $sub_cmd
    return $cmd               

# Propagate host name changes to related fields
proc ToorPropagateNameChange { host_entry ip_var or_var uic_var urn_var \
                               org_var type_var role_var or_file box_list } {

    bind $host_entry <FocusIn>  "+ToorSaveEntryValue $host_entry"
    bind $host_entry <FocusOut> "+ToorCheckEntryChange $host_entry \
                                     ToorNameChanged $ip_var \
                                     $or_var $uic_var $urn_var \
                                     $TOOR_LAST_CONFIG_DIR/$or_file "
    bind $host_entry <FocusOut> "+ToorCheckEntryChange $host_entry \
                                     ToorSetOrgRoleFromHost toor_organiz_list \
                                     toor_org_ip_list \
                                     $org_var $type_var $role_var \
                                     [ lindex $box_list 0] \
                                     [ lindex $box_list 1] \
                                     [ lindex $box_list 2]"

# Select proper set of windows for selection method (list selection or typing)
# chosen by user, and set to update when button pressed
proc ToorActivateEntryMethod { select_list entry_list select_btn } {

    global toor_vars

    set list_cmd "ToorSelectEntryMethod {$select_list} {$entry_list} \
    eval $list_cmd
    $select_btn.0 configure -command $list_cmd
    $select_btn.1 configure -command $list_cmd


# Display "Please Wait"
proc ToorPleaseWait { } {

    if { ! [ winfo exists .wait ] } {
        toplevel .wait -borderwidth 1
        label    .wait.main_title -text "\nPlease Wait\n"
        pack     .wait.main_title -side top
        destroy  .wait

# Allow user to specify new configuration for local workstation
proc ToorGetLocalConfig { frame } {
    global toor_go_back_to_first_menu toor_vars \
           toor_organiz_list toor_org_ip_list \
           TOOR_OR_NAME_FILE toor_interfaces toor_fddi_present

    set toor_entry_list {}
    set toor_select_list {}

    frame  $frame
    pack   $frame
    label  $frame.main_title \
                          -text "Workstation Network Configuration\n"
    pack   $frame.main_title -side top

    set    local_info [ToorLabelledSubframe $frame.title local \
                       "This Workstation's Configuration" top 1 ]
    set    top [frame $local_info.top]
    set    mid [frame $local_info.mid]
    set    low [frame $local_info.low]
    pack   $top $mid $low -side top -fill x

    # set up command to update other info when selection changes
    set cmd [ ToorCmdToUpdateHostFromList toor_vars(new,our_organiz) \
                                          toor_vars(new,our_role_typ) \
                                          toor_vars(new,our_role) \
                                          toor_vars(new,local_hostname) \
                                          toor_vars(new,local_ip) \
                                          toor_vars(new,or_name) \
                                          toor_vars(new,uic) \
                                          toor_vars(new,our_urn) \
                                          $TOOR_OR_NAME_FILE ]

    ToorLabelledRadiobuttons $top.select "Data Entry Method:" \
                             toor_vars(new,list_selection) normal left 0 \
                             "Select From Lists"    1 \
                             "Type Information"     0

    label             $top.space -text " "
    pack              $top.space -side top

    ToorDisplayHost   $top.host   toor_vars(new,local_hostname) left normal
    ToorDisplayIp     $top.ip     toor_vars(new,local_ip)       left normal
    pack              $top.host   $top.ip -side left
    ToorDisplayUic    $top.uic    toor_vars(new,uic)            left top normal
    ToorDisplayOrName $mid.or     toor_vars(new,or_name)        left normal
    pack              $mid.or     -side left
    ToorDisplayUrn    $mid.urn    toor_vars(new,our_urn)        left left normal

    label             $low.spacer -text " "
    pack              $low.spacer -side top

    ToorUnitSelectionLists $low.lists toor_entry_list toor_select_list \
                           toor_organiz_list toor_org_ip_list \
                           toor_vars(new,our_organiz) \
                           toor_vars(new,our_role_typ) \
                           toor_vars(new,our_role) \

    lappend toor_entry_list $top.host.entry $top.ip.entry $top.uic.entry \
                            $mid.or.entry $mid.urn.entry

    set cmd "ToorLabelledRadiobuttons $frame.le {Network Interface:} \
             toor_vars(new,net_intfc) normal left 0 "
    foreach ifce $toor_interfaces {
        append cmd " " $ifce " " $ifce
    eval $cmd

    label  $frame.spacer -text " "
    pack   $frame.spacer -side top

    if { $toor_fddi_present } {
        ToorLabelledRadiobuttons $frame.fddi \
               "Is the FDDI or CDDI Interface in Use?" \
                              toor_vars(new,fddi_used) normal \
                              left    0 \
                              "Yes"   Y \
                              "No"    N
        pack  $frame.fddi -side top
        label $frame.space1 -text " "
        pack  $frame.space1 -side top

    ToorButtonSet     $frame.btn N toor_go_back_to_first_menu dummy \
                      "Done"  N \
                      "Cancel" Y
    pack $frame.btn -side top

    catch { set toor_vars(new,hostid) [ exec /usr/ucb/hostid ] } ret_code

    ToorSetOrgList  toor_organiz_list toor_org_ip_list \
                   [ lindex $toor_select_list 0 ] 1 toor_vars(new,our_organiz) \
                   [ lindex $toor_select_list 1 ] toor_vars(new,our_role_typ) \
                   [ lindex $toor_select_list 2 ] toor_vars(new,our_role)

    ToorPropagateNameChange $top.host.entry toor_vars(new,local_ip) \
                            toor_vars(new,or_name) toor_vars(new,uic) \
                            toor_vars(new,our_urn) toor_vars(new,our_organiz) \
                            toor_vars(new,our_role_typ) \
                            toor_vars(new,our_role) $TOOR_OR_NAME_FILE \

    ToorActivateEntryMethod $toor_select_list $toor_entry_list \

    set ready_to_exit F
    while { $ready_to_exit == "F" } {

        tkwait variable toor_go_back_to_first_menu


        if { $toor_go_back_to_first_menu == "Y" } {
            set ready_to_exit T
        } else {
            set err_list {}
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Host Name" \
                            [ ToorCheckHostname $toor_vars(new,local_hostname) ]
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "IP Address" \
                            [ ToorCheckIPAddr $toor_vars(new,local_ip) ]
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "O/R Name" \
                            [ ToorCheckORName toor_vars(new,or_name) ]
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "UIC" \
                            [ ToorCheckUIC $toor_vars(new,uic) ]
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "URN" \
                            [ ToorCheckURN $toor_vars(new,our_urn) ]
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Organization" \
                            [ ToorCheckOganization $toor_vars(new,our_organiz) ]
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Role Type" \
                            [ ToorCheckRoleType $toor_vars(new,our_role_typ) ]
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Role" \
                            [ ToorCheckRole $toor_vars(new,our_role) ]

            set ready_to_exit [ eval ToorDisplayErrors \
                                     {"Workstation Network Configuration"} \
                                     $err_list ]

    set toor_vars(new,or_name_s) [string trim $toor_vars(new,or_name)]


    destroy $frame

# Allow user to specify new fddi/cddi configuration for local workstation
proc ToorGetFddiConfig { frame } {
    global toor_go_back_to_first_menu toor_vars \
           toor_organiz_list toor_org_ip_list \

    set toor_entry_list {}
    set toor_select_list {}

    catch  {destroy $frame} err_code

    frame  $frame
    pack   $frame
    label  $frame.main_title \
                          -text "Workstation FDDI/CDDI Configuration\n"
    pack   $frame.main_title -side top

    set  fddi  [ frame $frame.fddi_info ]
    pack $fddi -side top -anchor w -fill x
    ToorLabelledRadiobuttons $fddi.select "Data Entry Method:" \
                             toor_vars(new,list_selection) normal left 0 \
                             "Select From Lists"    1 \
                             "Type Information"     0

    label  $fddi.space  -text " "
    pack   $fddi.space -side top

    # set up command to update other info when selection changes
    set cmd [ ToorCmdToUpdateHostFromList toor_vars(new,fddi_organiz) \
                                          toor_vars(new,fddi_role_typ) \
                                          toor_vars(new,fddi_role) \
                                          toor_vars(new,fddi_hostname) \
                                          toor_vars(new,fddi_ip) \
                                          toor_vars(new,fddi_or_name) \
                                          toor_dummy \
                                          toor_dumm2 \
                                          $TOOR_FDDI_OR_NAME_FILE ]

    set  fddih [ frame $fddi.high ]
    set  fddim [ frame $fddi.mid ]
    set  fddil [ frame $fddi.low ]
    pack $fddih $fddim $fddil -side top -anchor w -fill x

    ToorDisplayHost   $fddih.host  toor_vars(new,fddi_hostname) left normal
    ToorDisplayIp     $fddih.ip    toor_vars(new,fddi_ip)       left normal
    pack              $fddih.host  $fddih.ip -side left

    ToorDisplayOrName $fddim.or     toor_vars(new,fddi_or_name)  left normal
    pack              $fddim.or -fill x

    label             $fddil.spacer  -text " "
    pack              $fddil.spacer -side top

    ToorUnitSelectionLists $fddil.lists toor_entry_list toor_select_list \
                           toor_organiz_list toor_org_ip_list \
                           toor_vars(new,fddi_organiz) \
                           toor_vars(new,fddi_role_typ) \
                           toor_vars(new,fddi_role) \

    lappend toor_entry_list $fddih.host.entry $fddih.ip.entry $fddim.or.entry

    ToorButtonSet     $frame.btn N toor_go_back_to_first_menu dummy \
                      "Done"  N \
                      "Cancel" Y
    pack $frame.btn -side top

    ToorSetOrgList toor_organiz_list toor_org_ip_list \
                  [ lindex $toor_select_list 0 ] 1 toor_vars(new,fddi_organiz) \
                  [ lindex $toor_select_list 1 ] toor_vars(new,fddi_role_typ) \
                  [ lindex $toor_select_list 2 ] toor_vars(new,fddi_role)

    ToorPropagateNameChange $fddih.host.entry toor_vars(new,fddi_ip) \
                            toor_vars(new,fddi_or_name) toor_dummy toor_dumm2 \
                            toor_vars(new,fddi_organiz) \
                            toor_vars(new,fddi_role_typ) \
                            toor_vars(new,fddi_role) $TOOR_FDDI_OR_NAME_FILE \

    ToorActivateEntryMethod $toor_select_list $toor_entry_list \

    set ready_to_exit F
    while { $ready_to_exit == "F" } {

        tkwait variable toor_go_back_to_first_menu


        if { $toor_go_back_to_first_menu == "Y" } {
            set ready_to_exit T
        } else {
            set err_list {}
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "FDDI Host Name" \
                        [ ToorCheckHostname $toor_vars(new,fddi_hostname) ]
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Ethernet & FDDI/CDDI Host Names" \
                        [ ToorCheckNameUnique \
                                        $toor_vars(new,local_hostname) \
                                        $toor_vars(new,fddi_hostname) ]
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "FDDI IP Address" \
                        [ ToorCheckIPAddr $toor_vars(new,fddi_ip) ]
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Ethernet & FDDI IP Addresses" \
                        [ ToorCheckIPDiffSubnets  $toor_vars(new,local_ip) \
                                                  $toor_vars(new,fddi_ip) ]
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "FDDI/CDDI O/R Name" \
                        [ ToorCheckORName toor_vars(new,fddi_or_name) ]
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Ethernet & FDDI/CDDI O/R Name" \
                        [ ToorCheckORUnique $toor_vars(new,or_name) \
                                            $toor_vars(new,fddi_or_name) ]
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Organization" \
                        [ ToorCheckOganization $toor_vars(new,fddi_organiz)]
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Role Type" \
                        [ ToorCheckRoleType $toor_vars(new,fddi_role_typ) ]
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Role" \
                        [ ToorCheckRole $toor_vars(new,fddi_role) ]

            set ready_to_exit [ eval ToorDisplayErrors \
                                     {"Workstation FDDI/CDDI Configuration"} \
                                     $err_list ]



    destroy $frame

# set value to table entry, then enable or disable field
proc ToorSetDisplayParams { window variable value config_string } {

    upvar $variable       his_var
    upvar $config_string  my_cs

    set toor_dev_parms(cgfourteen0)   "/dev/cgfourteen0"
    set toor_dev_parms(cgfourteen0_h) "/dev/cgfourteen0"
    set toor_dev_parms(cgfourteen1)   "/dev/cgfourteen1"
    set toor_dev_parms(cgfourteen1_h) "/dev/cgfourteen1"
    set toor_dev_parms(cgsix0)        "/dev/cgsix0"
    set toor_dev_parms(tvtwo0)        "/dev/fbs/tvtwo0"
    set toor_dev_parms(laptop0)       "/dev/fb -noport -maxfb"
    set toor_dev_parms(none)          ""
    set toor_dev_parms(other)         "/dev/"
    set toor_dev_parms(ffb0)          "/dev/ffb0"

    set my_cs $toor_dev_parms($his_var)

    ToorEnableWindowOnValue $window his_var $value


# Allow user to specify new configuration for video displays
proc ToorGetDisplayConfig { frame } {
    global toor_go_back_to_first_menu toor_vars

    frame  $frame
    pack   $frame
    label  $frame.main_title \
                          -text "Workstation Display Configuration\n"
    pack   $frame.main_title -side top
    set    dframe [ frame  $frame.displays ]
    pack   $dframe -side top

    set    lframe [ frame  $dframe.left -borderwidth 1 ]
    pack   $lframe -side left
    set    rframe [ frame  $dframe.right -borderwidth 1 ]
    pack   $rframe -side left
    ToorLabelledRadiobuttons $lframe.display \
           "Left or Only Display Device:" toor_vars(new,left_video) normal \
                          top 0 \
                          "cgfourteen0 - high res" cgfourteen0_h \
                          "cgfourteen0"            cgfourteen0 \
                          "Parallax (tvtwo0)"      tvtwo0 \
                          "cgsix0"                 cgsix0 \
                          "ffb0"                   ffb0 \
                          "Laptop"                 laptop0 \
                          "Other(Type device & options):"   other

    set leframe [ entry $lframe.display.buttons.entry -width 23 -borderwidth 1 \
        -textvariable toor_vars(new,left_video_cmd) ]
    $leframe configure -state disabled
    pack     $leframe -side top -padx 0 -anchor w

    if { $toor_vars(new,left_video) != "other" } {
        ToorSetDisplayParams $leframe toor_vars(new,left_video) other \

    foreach btn "cgfourteen0 cgfourteen0_h tvtwo0 cgsix0 ffb0 laptop0 other" {
        $lframe.display.buttons.$btn configure -command \
            "ToorSetDisplayParams $leframe toor_vars(new,left_video) other \

    ToorLabelledRadiobuttons $rframe.display \
           "Right Display Device:" toor_vars(new,right_video) normal \
                          top 0 \
                          "cgfourteen1 - high res" cgfourteen1_h \
                          "cgfourteen1"            cgfourteen1 \
                          "Parallax (tvtwo0)"      tvtwo0 \
                          "cgsix0"                 cgsix0 \
                          "ffb0"                   ffb0 \
                          "None"                   none \
                          "Other(Type device & options):"   other

    set reframe [ entry $rframe.display.buttons.entry -width 23 -borderwidth 1 \
        -textvariable toor_vars(new,right_video_cmd) ]
    $reframe configure -state disabled
    pack     $reframe -side top -padx 0 -anchor w

    if { $toor_vars(new,right_video) != "other" } {
        ToorSetDisplayParams $reframe toor_vars(new,right_video) other \

    foreach btn "cgfourteen1 cgfourteen1_h tvtwo0 cgsix0 ffb0 none other" {
        $rframe.display.buttons.$btn configure -command \
            "ToorSetDisplayParams $reframe toor_vars(new,right_video) other \

    ToorButtonSet     $frame.btn N toor_go_back_to_first_menu dummy \
                      "Done"   N \
                      "Cancel" Y

    pack $frame.btn -side top

    tkwait variable toor_go_back_to_first_menu


    destroy $frame


# Display error dialog window if date/time group is invalid, User must hit OK
# to exit, since routine does a grab
proc ToorDateTimeError { } {
    global toor_go_back_to_first_menu
    toplevel .oops -borderwidth 1
    label .oops.message -text "! Incorrect Date/Time Format\n"
    pack  .oops.message -side top
    label .oops.msg2 -text "Enter as \"ddhhmmZ MON yy\""
    pack  .oops.msg2 -side top
    label .oops.msg3 -text "All characters and spaces must be entered"
    pack  .oops.msg3 -side top
    label .oops.msg4 -text "Time is set when \"Set\" selected\n"
    pack  .oops.msg4 -side top
    ToorButtonSet .oops.btn Y toor_go_back_to_first_menu dummy \
               "OK"  Y
    pack  .oops.btn -side top
    grab .oops

    tkwait variable toor_go_back_to_first_menu
    destroy .oops

# Display current time, keeping it updated
proc ToorDisplayCurrentTime { frame } {
    global toor_go_back_to_first_menu toor_time_now
    set toor_time_now [ string toupper [ exec /usr/bin/date -u "+%d%H%MZ %h %y" ] ]
    if { $toor_go_back_to_first_menu == "" } { 
        if {![winfo exists $frame]} {
            ToorLabelledEntry $frame "Time is Now:" 14 toor_time_now top \
            pack $frame
        after 1000 ToorDisplayCurrentTime $frame

# Display current time, keeping it updated
proc ToorGetCurrentTime { frame } {
    global toor_go_back_to_first_menu toor_time_set

    array set mon_tbl [ list {JAN} {01} {FEB} {02} {MAR} {03} {APR} {04} \
                             {MAY} {05} {JUN} {06} {JUL} {07} {AUG} {08} \
                             {SEP} {09} {OCT} {10} {NOV} {11} {DEC} {12} ]

    array set mon_len [ list {JAN} {31} {FEB} {29} {MAR} {31} {APR} {30} \
                             {MAY} {31} {JUN} {30} {JUL} {31} {AUG} {31} \
                             {SEP} {30} {OCT} {31} {NOV} {30} {DEC} {31} ]

    frame $frame
    pack  $frame
    label $frame.main_title -text "Set System Time\n"
    pack  $frame.main_title -side top
    frame $frame.dates
    pack  $frame.dates
    frame $frame.dates.left
    pack  $frame.dates.left -side left
    frame $frame.dates.mid
    pack  $frame.dates.mid -side left
    frame $frame.dates.right
    pack  $frame.dates.right -side left -fill y

    set   time_entered_ok 0

    while {! $time_entered_ok} { 

        set toor_time_set \
                [string toupper [exec /usr/bin/date -u "+%d%H%MZ %h %y"]]
        set toor_go_back_to_first_menu ""

        if {![winfo exists $frame.dates.left.time]} {
            ToorDisplayCurrentTime $frame.dates.left.time
            pack $frame.dates.left.time -side top
            button $frame.dates.left.btn -text "OK" -borderwidth 1 \
                    -command "set toor_go_back_to_first_menu N"
            pack $frame.dates.left.btn -side top
            focus $frame.dates.left.btn

            ToorLabelledEntry $frame.dates.mid.ent "Update Time To:" 14 \
                              toor_time_set top normal
            pack $frame.dates.mid.ent -side top
            button $frame.dates.mid.btn -text "Set" -borderwidth 1 \
                    -command "set toor_go_back_to_first_menu S"
            pack $frame.dates.mid.btn -side top

            button $frame.dates.right.btn -text "Cancel" -borderwidth 1 \
                    -command "set toor_go_back_to_first_menu Y"
            pack $frame.dates.right.btn -side bottom


        tkwait variable toor_go_back_to_first_menu

        if { $toor_go_back_to_first_menu == "S" } {

            if [ string match \
   {[0-3][0-9][0-5][0-9][0-5][0-9]Z [ADFJMNOS][ACEOPU][BCGLNPRTVY] [0-9][0-9]} \
                 $toor_time_set ] {
                 set dd [ string range $toor_time_set 0 1 ]
                 set HH [ string range $toor_time_set 2 3 ]
                 set MM [ string range $toor_time_set 4 5 ]
                 set mon [ string toupper [ string range $toor_time_set 8 10 ] ]
                 set yy [ string range $toor_time_set 12 13 ]

                 # set number of days in February based on year
                 if { [ expr $yy % 4 ] == 0 } {
                     set mon_len(FEB) 29
                 } else {
                     set mon_len(FEB) 28

                 # Set century to 19xx if year is 50 to 99,
                 # century is 20xx otherwise
                 if { $yy >= 50 } {
                    set cc 19
                 } else {
                    set cc 20

                 scan "$dd" "%d" d

                 # Even though HH and MM may take on values of 08 and 09
                 # that would normally be rejected as invalid octal (due to 
                 # the leading 0) values, tcl defaults to performing a string
                 # comparison as long as the values can't be interpreted
                 # as a number.  This string comparison yields the correct
                 # results, so HH and MM are not scan'ed to numeric values

                 if { [info exists mon_tbl($mon)] \
                      && $d >= 1  &&  $d <= $mon_len($mon) \
                      && $HH <= 23 
                      && $MM <= 59  } {
                     set mm $mon_tbl($mon)

                     set result [ catch \
                         { exec /usr/bin/date -u $mm$dd$HH$MM$cc$yy } ret_code ]
                     if { $result == 0 } {
                         set time_entered_ok 1
                         set toor_go_back_to_first_menu N
                     } else {
                 } else {
             } else {
                 # Error in input format

         } else {
             # Cancel or OK selected, exit loop
             set time_entered_ok 1

    }  ;# end while time not entered correctly

    destroy $frame

# Get DCE information for a workstation that will use the address book & beacon
# Beacon will determine who becomes the server and address book will determine
# the dce cell name
proc ToorSetBeaconDceConfig { } {
    global toor_vars
    set toor_vars(new,asas_is_dce_master)  "dcemaster"
    set toor_vars(new,local_is_dce_master) "addrbk"
    set toor_vars(new,dce_hostname)        "TBD"
    set toor_vars(new,dce_ip)              "TBD"
    set toor_vars(new,dce_cell)            "Address Book Will Set (TBD)"

# Format command to set hostname and associated fields to values that
# correspond to the entries selected in the lists
proc ToorCmdToUpdateDceHostFromList { org_var type_var role_var host_var \
                                      ip_var or_var uic_var urn_var or_file \
                                      cell_var } {


    set cmd [ format {set tmp [ ToorGetUnlList toor_org_ip_list %s %s \
                              [ ToorGetCellFromOrg toor_organiz_list $%s ] \
                              %s $%s %s $%s ] ; if {$tmp != ""}} \
              $org_var $TOOR_UNL_ROLE_TYPE_INDEX $type_var \
              $TOOR_UNL_ROLE_INDEX $role_var ]
    set sub_cmd [ format {set %s $tmp ; \
                          ToorNameChanged $%s $%s %s %s %s %s %s ; \
                          ToorDceNameChanged $%s $%s %s %s }\
                  $host_var $host_var $host_var $ip_var $or_var $uic_var  \
                  $urn_var "$TOOR_LAST_CONFIG_DIR/$or_file" \
                  $host_var $host_var $ip_var $cell_var ]
    lappend cmd $sub_cmd
    return $cmd

# Get DCE information for a workstation that is a subsystem client,
# Always get the cell name, and get host name and ip address if the DCE
# server is on another BFA or ASAS Subsystem
proc ToorGetDceSubConfig { frame next } {
    global toor_vars TOOR_OR_NAME_FILE

    if { [winfo exists $frame.master] } {
        destroy $frame.master
    if { [winfo exists $frame.cell_name] } {
        destroy $frame.cell_name
    if { [winfo exists $frame.low] } {
        destroy $frame.low

    set toor_entry_list  {}
    set toor_select_list {}

    if { $toor_vars(new,asas_is_dce_master) == "dcemaster" } {
        set state                       normal
        set toor_vars(new,dce_hostname) $toor_vars(orig,dce_hostname)
        set toor_vars(new,dce_ip)       $toor_vars(orig,dce_ip)
        set toor_vars(new,dce_organiz)  $toor_vars(orig,dce_organiz)
        set toor_vars(new,dce_role_typ) $toor_vars(orig,dce_role_typ)
        set toor_vars(new,dce_role)     $toor_vars(orig,dce_role)

    } else {
	set state                       disabled
        set toor_vars(new,dce_hostname) $toor_vars(new,asas_hostname)
        set toor_vars(new,dce_ip)       $toor_vars(new,asas_ip)
        set toor_vars(new,dce_organiz)  $toor_vars(new,mst_organiz)
        set toor_vars(new,dce_role_typ) $toor_vars(new,mst_role_typ)
        set toor_vars(new,dce_role)     $toor_vars(new,mst_role)

    if { $toor_vars(new,dce_hostname) != $toor_vars(orig,dce_hostname) } {
        set toor_vars(new,dce_cell) [ ToorLookupCellName \
                                          $toor_vars(new,dce_hostname) \
                                          $toor_vars(new,dce_ip) ]
    set subframe    [ToorLabelledSubframe $frame.master dce_workstation \
                    "Where is the DCE Master Server?\n" top 0 ]

    # set up command to update other info when selection changes
    set cmd [ ToorCmdToUpdateDceHostFromList toor_vars(new,dce_organiz) \
                                             toor_vars(new,dce_role_typ) \
                                             toor_vars(new,dce_role) \
                                             toor_vars(new,dce_hostname) \
                                             toor_vars(new,dce_ip) \
                                             toor_dummy \
                                             toor_dummy2 \
                                             toor_dummy3 \
                                             $TOOR_OR_NAME_FILE \
                                             toor_vars(new,dce_cell) ]

    ToorLabelledRadiobuttons $subframe.select "Data Entry Method:" \
                             toor_vars(new,list_selection) normal left 0 \
                             "Select From Lists"    1 \
                             "Type Information"     0

    ToorDisplayHost $subframe.host   toor_vars(new,dce_hostname)  left $state
    ToorDisplayIp   $subframe.ip     toor_vars(new,dce_ip)        left $state
    pack            $subframe.host   -side left
    pack            $subframe.ip     -side left
    ToorDisplayDceCell $frame.cell_name toor_vars(new,dce_cell)   left normal
    pack            $frame.master -anchor w -fill x
    pack            $subframe -side top
    pack            $frame.cell_name -side top -anchor w
    set low         [ frame $frame.low ]
    pack            $low -side top

    ToorUnitSelectionLists $low.lists toor_entry_list \
                           toor_select_list \
                           toor_organiz_list toor_org_ip_list \
                           toor_vars(new,dce_organiz) \
                           toor_vars(new,dce_role_typ) \
                           toor_vars(new,dce_role) \

    lappend toor_entry_list $subframe.host.entry $subframe.ip.entry \
    ToorSetOrgList toor_organiz_list toor_org_ip_list \
                  [ lindex $toor_select_list 0 ] 1 toor_vars(new,dce_organiz) \
                  [ lindex $toor_select_list 1 ] toor_vars(new,dce_role_typ) \
                  [ lindex $toor_select_list 2 ] toor_vars(new,dce_role)

    ToorPropagateNameChange $subframe.host.entry toor_vars(new,dce_ip) \
                            toor_dummy toor_dummy2 toor_dummy3 \
                            toor_vars(new,dce_organiz) \
                            toor_vars(new,dce_role_typ) \
                            toor_vars(new,dce_role) $TOOR_OR_NAME_FILE \

    $low.lists.org.entry.info.entry  configure -state $state
    $low.lists.type.entry.info.entry configure -state $state
    $low.lists.role.entry.info.entry configure -state $state

    ToorActivateEntryMethod $toor_select_list $toor_entry_list \

    if { $state != "normal" } {
        $subframe.select.buttons.0       configure -takefocus 0
        $subframe.select.buttons.1       configure -takefocus 0
        $subframe.host.entry             configure -takefocus 0
        $subframe.ip.entry               configure -takefocus 0
        $low.lists.org.sb.list           configure -takefocus 0
        $low.lists.type.sb.list          configure -takefocus 0
        $low.lists.role.sb.list          configure -takefocus 0
        $low.lists.org.entry.info.entry  configure -takefocus 0
        $low.lists.type.entry.info.entry configure -takefocus 0
        $low.lists.role.entry.info.entry configure -takefocus 0
        $frame.cell_name.entry           configure -takefocus 1
        bind $next <Tab> {}
        bind $next <F1>  {}

    bind $subframe.host.entry <FocusIn>  \
                    "+ToorSaveEntryValue $subframe.host.entry"
    bind $subframe.host.entry <FocusOut> \
                    "+ToorCheckEntryChange $subframe.host.entry \
                                 ToorDceNameChanged toor_vars(new,dce_ip) \
    bind $subframe.host.entry <FocusOut> \
                    "+ToorCheckEntryChange $subframe.host.entry \
                                     ToorSetOrgRoleFromHost toor_organiz_list \
                                     toor_org_ip_list \
                                     toor_vars(new,dce_organiz) \
                                     toor_vars(new,dce_role_typ) \
                                     toor_vars(new,dce_role) \
                                     [ lindex $toor_select_list 0] \
                                     [ lindex $toor_select_list 1] \
                                     [ lindex $toor_select_list 2]"


# Get DCE information for a workstation that is a subsystem client,
# DCE Cell server is always on another workstation, but it may be either the
# ASAS subsystem master or on another BFA
proc ToorGetClientDceConfig { frame } {
    global              toor_go_back_to_first_menu toor_vars
    frame               $frame
    pack                $frame
    label               $frame.main_title \
                        -text "Workstation Configuration"
    pack                $frame.main_title -side top
    label               $frame.title2 \
                         -text "DCE Configuration for ASAS Subsystem Client\n"
    pack                $frame.title2 -side top
    ToorLabelledRadiobuttons $frame.dcemstr \
                        "Where will the DCE Master Server Run?" \
                        toor_vars(new,asas_is_dce_master) normal top 0 \
                        "On the ASAS Subsystem Master"      asasmaster \
                        "On another BFA or ASAS Subsystem"  dcemaster

    set                 varframe [ frame $frame.varframe -borderwidth 1 ]
    pack                $varframe -fill x -side top

    ToorButtonSet       $frame.btn N toor_go_back_to_first_menu dummy \
                        "Done"  N \
                        "Cancel" Y
    pack                $frame.btn -side top

    ToorGetDceSubConfig $varframe $frame.btn.b3

    $frame.dcemstr.buttons.asasmaster configure \
                        -command "ToorPleaseWait ; \
                                  ToorGetDceSubConfig $varframe $frame.btn.b3"
    $frame.dcemstr.buttons.dcemaster configure \
                        -command "ToorPleaseWait ; \
                                  ToorGetDceSubConfig $varframe $frame.btn.b3"

    set ready_to_exit F
    while { $ready_to_exit == "F" } {

        tkwait variable toor_go_back_to_first_menu


        if { $toor_go_back_to_first_menu == "Y" } {
            set ready_to_exit T
        } else {
            set err_list {}
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Host Name" \
                            [ ToorCheckHostname $toor_vars(new,dce_hostname) ]
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "IP Address" \
                            [ ToorCheckIPAddr $toor_vars(new,dce_ip) ]
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "DCE Cell Name" \
                            [ ToorCheckCellName $toor_vars(new,dce_cell) ]
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Organization" \
                         [ ToorCheckOptOganization $toor_vars(new,dce_organiz) ]
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Role Type" \
                           [ ToorCheckOptRoleType $toor_vars(new,dce_role_typ) ]
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Role" \
                            [ ToorCheckOptRole $toor_vars(new,dce_role) ]
            set ready_to_exit [ eval ToorDisplayErrors \
                               {"DCE Configuration for ASAS Subsystem Client"} \
                               $err_list ]


    destroy $frame

# Get DCE information for a workstation that is a subsystem master,
# Always get the cell name, and get host name and ip address if the DCE
# server is on another BFA or ASAS Subsystem
proc ToorGetDceMstrConfig { frame next } {
    global toor_vars TOOR_OR_NAME_FILE

    if { [winfo exists $frame.master] } {
        destroy $frame.master
    if { [winfo exists $frame.cell_name] } {
        destroy $frame.cell_name
    if { [winfo exists $frame.low] } {
        destroy $frame.low

    if { $toor_vars(new,local_is_dce_master) == "dcemaster" } {
        set toor_vars(new,dce_hostname) $toor_vars(new,asas_hostname)
        set toor_vars(new,dce_ip)       $toor_vars(new,asas_ip)
        set toor_vars(new,dce_organiz)  $toor_vars(new,mst_organiz)
        set toor_vars(new,dce_role_typ) $toor_vars(new,mst_role_typ)
        set toor_vars(new,dce_role)     $toor_vars(new,mst_role)
        if { $toor_vars(new,dce_hostname) != $toor_vars(orig,dce_hostname) } {
            set toor_vars(new,dce_cell) [ ToorLookupCellName \
                                              $toor_vars(new,dce_hostname) \
                                              $toor_vars(new,dce_ip) ]
        ToorDisplayDceCell $frame.cell_name toor_vars(new,dce_cell) top normal
        bind $next <Tab> {}
        bind $next <F1>  {}
    } else {

        set toor_entry_list  {}
        set toor_select_list {}

        set subframe  [ToorLabelledSubframe $frame.master dce_workstation \
                      "Where is the DCE Master Server?\n" top 0 ]
        set toor_vars(new,dce_cell)      $toor_vars(orig,dce_cell)
        set toor_vars(new,dce_hostname)  $toor_vars(orig,dce_hostname)
        set toor_vars(new,dce_ip)        $toor_vars(orig,dce_ip)
        set toor_vars(new,dce_organiz)   $toor_vars(orig,dce_organiz)
        set toor_vars(new,dce_role_typ)  $toor_vars(orig,dce_role_typ)
        set toor_vars(new,dce_role)      $toor_vars(orig,dce_role)
        if { $toor_vars(new,dce_hostname) != $toor_vars(orig,dce_hostname) } {
            set toor_vars(new,dce_cell) [ ToorLookupCellName \
                                              $toor_vars(new,dce_hostname) \
                                              $toor_vars(new,dce_ip) ]

        # set up command to update other info when selection changes
        set cmd [ ToorCmdToUpdateDceHostFromList toor_vars(new,dce_organiz) \
                                                 toor_vars(new,dce_role_typ) \
                                                 toor_vars(new,dce_role) \
                                                 toor_vars(new,dce_hostname) \
                                                 toor_vars(new,dce_ip) \
                                                 toor_dummy \
                                                 toor_dummy2 \
                                                 toor_dummy3 \
                                                 $TOOR_OR_NAME_FILE \
                                                 toor_vars(new,dce_cell) ]

        ToorLabelledRadiobuttons $subframe.select "Data Entry Method:" \
                                 toor_vars(new,list_selection) normal left 0 \
                                 "Select From Lists"    1 \
                                 "Type Information"     0
        set cell          [ frame $frame.cell_name ]
        set low           [ frame $frame.low ]

        ToorDisplayHost   $subframe.host toor_vars(new,dce_hostname) left normal
        ToorDisplayIp     $subframe.ip   toor_vars(new,dce_ip)       left normal
        ToorDisplayDceCell $cell.cell_name \
                                         toor_vars(new,dce_cell)     left normal
        pack               $subframe.host  -side left
        pack               $subframe.ip    -side left
        pack               $cell.cell_name -side left
        pack               $frame.master
        pack               $subframe $cell $low -side top -anchor w

        ToorUnitSelectionLists $low.lists toor_entry_list \
                               toor_select_list \
                               toor_organiz_list toor_org_ip_list \
                               toor_vars(new,dce_organiz) \
                               toor_vars(new,dce_role_typ) \
                               toor_vars(new,dce_role) \

        lappend toor_entry_list $subframe.host.entry $subframe.ip.entry \
        ToorSetOrgList toor_organiz_list toor_org_ip_list \
                   [ lindex $toor_select_list 0 ] 1 toor_vars(new,dce_organiz) \
                   [ lindex $toor_select_list 1 ] toor_vars(new,dce_role_typ) \
                   [ lindex $toor_select_list 2 ] toor_vars(new,dce_role)

        ToorPropagateNameChange $subframe.host.entry toor_vars(new,dce_ip) \
                                toor_dummy toor_dummy2 toor_dummy3 \
                                toor_vars(new,dce_organiz) \
                                toor_vars(new,dce_role_typ) \
                                toor_vars(new,dce_role) $TOOR_OR_NAME_FILE \

        ToorActivateEntryMethod $toor_select_list $toor_entry_list \

        bind $subframe.host.entry <FocusIn>  \
                        "+ToorSaveEntryValue $subframe.host.entry"
        bind $subframe.host.entry <FocusOut> \
                        "+ToorCheckEntryChange $subframe.host.entry \
                                     ToorDceNameChanged toor_vars(new,dce_ip) \
        bind $subframe.host.entry <FocusOut> \
                        "+ToorCheckEntryChange $subframe.host.entry \
                                         ToorSetOrgRoleFromHost \
                                         toor_organiz_list \
                                         toor_org_ip_list \
                                         toor_vars(new,dce_organiz) \
                                         toor_vars(new,dce_role_typ) \
                                         toor_vars(new,dce_role) \
                                         [ lindex $toor_select_list 0] \
                                         [ lindex $toor_select_list 1] \
                                         [ lindex $toor_select_list 2]"


# Get DCE configuration for an ASAS subsystem master, subprompts differ if
# workstation will be the cell master or a client to anther subsystem or BFA
proc ToorGetServerDceConfig { frame } {
    global toor_go_back_to_first_menu toor_vars
    frame  $frame
    pack   $frame
    label  $frame.main_title \
                          -text "Workstation Configuration"
    pack   $frame.main_title -side top
    label  $frame.title2  -text "DCE Configuration for ASAS Subsystem Master\n"
    pack   $frame.title2 -side top
    ToorLabelledRadiobuttons $frame.dcemstr \
           "Where will the DCE Master Server Run?" \
           toor_vars(new,local_is_dce_master) normal top 0 \
                          "On this Workstation"               dcemaster \
                          "On another BFA or ASAS Subsystem"  dceclient

    set   varframe [ frame $frame.varframe -borderwidth 1 ]
    pack  $varframe -fill x -side top

    ToorButtonSet $frame.btn N toor_go_back_to_first_menu dummy \
               "Done"  N \
               "Cancel" Y
    pack $frame.btn -side top

    ToorGetDceMstrConfig $varframe $frame.btn.b3

    $frame.dcemstr.buttons.dcemaster configure \
               -command "ToorGetDceMstrConfig $varframe $frame.btn.b3"
    $frame.dcemstr.buttons.dceclient configure \
               -command "ToorPleaseWait ; \
                         ToorGetDceMstrConfig $varframe $frame.btn.b3"

    set ready_to_exit F
    while { $ready_to_exit == "F" } {

        tkwait variable toor_go_back_to_first_menu


        if { $toor_go_back_to_first_menu == "Y" } {
            set ready_to_exit T
        } else {
            set err_list {}
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Host Name" \
                            [ ToorCheckHostname $toor_vars(new,dce_hostname) ]
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "IP Address" \
                            [ ToorCheckIPAddr $toor_vars(new,dce_ip) ]
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "DCE Cell Name" \
                            [ ToorCheckCellName $toor_vars(new,dce_cell) ]
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Organization" \
                         [ ToorCheckOptOganization $toor_vars(new,dce_organiz) ]
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Role Type" \
                           [ ToorCheckOptRoleType $toor_vars(new,dce_role_typ) ]
            ToorAddToErrorList err_list "Role" \
                            [ ToorCheckOptRole $toor_vars(new,dce_role) ]
            set ready_to_exit [ eval ToorDisplayErrors \
                               {"DCE Configuration for ASAS Subsystem Client"} \
                               $err_list ]


    destroy $frame

# Display error dialog window if passwords didn't match, User must hit OK
# to exit, since routine does a grab
proc ToorPasswordMismatch { } {
    global toor_go_back_to_first_menu
    toplevel .oops -borderwidth 1
    label .oops.message -text "! Password does not\nmatch Verify\nPassword\n"
    pack  .oops.message -side top
    ToorButtonSet .oops.btn Y toor_go_back_to_first_menu dummy \
               "OK"  Y
    pack  .oops.btn -side top
    grab .oops

    tkwait variable toor_go_back_to_first_menu
    destroy .oops

# Prompt user for new dce password and have him verify hit.  When both
# passwords are the same, write the value to the file.  If no password is
# entered, the old password is used.
proc ToorSetDcePassword { frame } {

    global            toor_go_back_to_first_menu \

    set               done_with_this_frame N
    frame             $frame
    pack              $frame -side top
    label             $frame.main_title \
                      -text "Enter New DCE Cell Administrator Password\n"
    pack              $frame.main_title -side top
    ToorPasswordPrompt $frame.f1 pw verf
    label             $frame.main_prompt \
                      -text "\nEnter new password, then select \"OK\""
    pack              $frame.main_prompt -side top
    ToorButtonSet     $frame.btn N toor_go_back_to_first_menu dummy \
                      "OK"  N \
                      "Cancel" Y
    pack              $frame.btn -side top

    # wait for OK button with password and verify password the same (or cancel)

    while {$done_with_this_frame != "Y"} {
        focus $frame.btn.b3
        tkwait variable toor_go_back_to_first_menu
        if { $toor_go_back_to_first_menu == "N" } {
            if { [string compare [$pw get] [$verf get]] != 0 } {
                set done_with_this_frame N
                $pw delete 0 [string length [$pw get]]
                ToorDecideToEnable $verf $pw
            } else {
                set done_with_this_frame Y
        } else {
            set done_with_this_frame Y

    if { $toor_go_back_to_first_menu == "N" } {
        if {[string length [$pw get]] != 0} {
            set cell_pw [open $TOOR_NEW_CONFIG_DIR/$TOOR_CELL_ADMIN_PW w+ 0600]
            puts $cell_pw [$pw get]
            close $cell_pw
        } else {
            catch { exec /usr/bin/cp -p $TOOR_DATA_DIR/$TOOR_CELL_ADMIN_PW \
                             $TOOR_NEW_CONFIG_DIR/$TOOR_CELL_ADMIN_PW } ret_code


    destroy $frame

# Configuration change needed - warn user not to halt reconfiguration
proc ToorReconfigWarning { frame } {
    global toor_want_to_change_ans

    frame  $frame
    pack   $frame -side bottom
    label  $frame.line1a -text "*******************"
    label  $frame.line1b -text "* !!! WARNING !!! *"
    label  $frame.line1c -text "*******************\n"
    pack   $frame.line1a $frame.line1b $frame.line1c -side top
    label  $frame.line2 -text "Workstation Reconfiguration in Progress\n"
    pack   $frame.line2 -side top
    label  $frame.line3 -text "Interrupting Power or"
    pack   $frame.line3 -side top
    label  $frame.line3a -text "Halting the Boot Process"
    pack   $frame.line3a -side top
    label  $frame.line3b -text "May Render the Workstation Unusable\n"
    pack   $frame.line3b -side top
    label  $frame.line4 -text "An Automatic Reboot Will Occur\n"
    pack   $frame.line4 -side top

    after 50 { global toor_want_to_change_ans; set toor_want_to_change_ans Y }
    tkwait variable toor_want_to_change_ans


# rename each file in the old_names list to the corresponding entries name
# in the new_names list
proc ToorRenameFileLists { old_names new_names } {
    upvar #0 $old_names my_old_names
    upvar #0 $new_names my_new_names
    set indx 0
    foreach old_name $my_old_names {
        set new_name [lindex $my_new_names $indx]
        incr indx
        catch { exec /usr/bin/mv -f $old_name $new_name } ret_code

# return beacon in use status based on presence of startup script
proc ToorSetBeaconUseStatus { } {
    if [ file exists $TOOR_BEACON_BOOT_FILE ] {
        return beacon
    } else { 
        return nobeacon

# return slow speed router present status based on presence of startup script
proc ToorSetSDRPresentStatus { } {
    if [ file exists $TOOR_SDR_BOOT_FILE ] {
        return sdr
    } else { 
        return nosdr

# return ASAS master/client status based on whether our hostname is same as
# the ASAS master hostname
proc ToorSetAsasMasterStatus { } {
    global toor_vars
    if { $toor_vars(orig,local_hostname) == $toor_vars(orig,asas_hostname) } {
        return asasmaster
    } else { 
        return asasclient

# return DCE master/client status based on whether our hostname is same as
# the DCE master hostname
proc ToorSetDceMasterStatus { } {
    global toor_vars
    if { $toor_vars(orig,local_hostname) == $toor_vars(orig,dce_hostname) } {
        return dcemaster
    } else { 
        return dceclient

# return DCE master location (asas or remote) based on whether asas
# master hostname is same as DCE master hostname, used for ASAS subsystem
# clients
proc ToorSetClientDceMasterStatus { } {
    global toor_vars
    if { $toor_vars(orig,asas_hostname) == $toor_vars(orig,dce_hostname) } {
        return asasmaster
    } else { 
        return dcemaster

# Fetch DCE Cell name from the /opt/dcelocal/dce_cf.db file
proc ToorGetCellName { } {
    set DCE_CONFIG_FILE "/opt/dcelocal/dce_cf.db"
    set cell ""
    catch { set cell \
            [ exec /usr/bin/grep cellname $DCE_CONFIG_FILE | \
                   /usr/bin/sed -e "s/\^cellname\[ \/\.\]*//" ] } ret_code
    if { $cell == "" } {
    return $cell

# Fetch hostname associated with first fddi or cddi interface
# returns null string if no fddi interface found
proc ToorGetFddiName { hostname } {
    upvar $hostname my_host
    set my_host ""
    if [ file exists $TOOR_FDDI_HOSTNAME ] {
        ToorSetVarFromFile my_host $TOOR_FDDI_HOSTNAME

# Fetch hostname of the dce security server, look first in pe_site file, next
# in /asas/data/last/dce_master and finally use our hostname if neither
# found or valid
proc ToorGetDceHostName { } {
    global toor_vars TOOR_HOST_FILE
    set dce_host ""
    set site_line "abracadabra"
    if [ file exists $TOOR_PE_SITE_FILE ] {
        catch { set pe_site [ open $TOOR_PE_SITE_FILE r ] } ret_code
        catch { gets $pe_site site_line } ret_code
        catch { close $pe_site } ret_code
        if [ regexp {:([0-9.]+)\[} $site_line whole dce_ip ] {
            catch { set dce_host [exec /usr/bin/awk \
                    "\$1 == dce_ip {print \$2; exit}" \
                     dce_ip=$dce_ip $TOOR_HOST_FILE] } ret_code
    if { "$dce_host" == "" } {
        ToorSetVarFromFile dce_host \
        if { "$dce_host" == "TBD" || "$dce_host" == ""} {
            set dce_host $toor_vars(orig,asas_hostname)
    return $dce_host

# Get list of Potential Client Workstations
proc ToorReadClients { } {

    set toor_vars(orig,client_name_list) {}
    set toor_vars(orig,client_ip_list)   {}
    set toor_vars(orig,client_role_list) {}
    set toor_vars(orig,client_type_list) {}
    set toor_vars(orig,client_org_list)  {}

    set client_fd -1
    catch { set client_fd [ open $TOOR_LAST_CONFIG_DIR/$TOOR_CLIENTS_FILE r ] }\
    if { $client_fd != -1 } {
        while { [ gets $client_fd client_line ] >= 0 } {
            set client_item [ split $client_line "|" ]
            if { [ lindex $client_item 0 ] != "" } {
              lappend toor_vars(orig,client_name_list) [ lindex $client_item 0 ]
              lappend toor_vars(orig,client_ip_list)   [ lindex $client_item 1 ]
              lappend toor_vars(orig,client_org_list)  [ lindex $client_item 2 ]
              lappend toor_vars(orig,client_type_list) [ lindex $client_item 3 ]
              lappend toor_vars(orig,client_role_list) [ lindex $client_item 4 ]
        catch { close $client_fd } ret_code

# display client workstations at selected level (orig, new or last)
proc ToorDisplayClients { level } {
    global toor_vars

    set num_entries [ llength $toor_vars($level,client_name_list) ]
    for { set index 0 } { $index < $num_entries } { incr index } {

        set name      [ format {client_%s} $index ]
        set ip        [ format {client_ip_%s} $index ]
        set org       [ format {client_organiz_%s} $index ]
        set role      [ format {client_role_%s} $index ]
        set role_type [ format {client_role_typ_%s} $index ]

        ToorLogMessage "$name             = [ lindex \
                                   $toor_vars($level,client_name_list) $index ]"
        ToorLogMessage "$ip          = [ lindex \
                                   $toor_vars($level,client_ip_list) $index ]"
        ToorLogMessage "$org     = [ lindex \
                                   $toor_vars($level,client_org_list) $index ]"
        ToorLogMessage "$role        = [ lindex \
                                   $toor_vars($level,client_type_list) $index ]"
        ToorLogMessage "$role_type    = [ lindex \
                                   $toor_vars($level,client_role_list) $index ]"



# display configuration variables at selected level (orig, new or last)
proc ToorDisplayGlobals { level } {
    global toor_vars

    ToorLogMessage "=== configuration level $level variables ==="
    ToorLogMessage "nis_domain           = $toor_vars($level,nis_domain)"
    ToorLogMessage "local_hostname       = $toor_vars($level,local_hostname)\n"
    ToorLogMessage "local_ip             = $toor_vars($level,local_ip)"
    ToorLogMessage "or_name              = $toor_vars($level,or_name)"
    ToorLogMessage "uic                  = $toor_vars($level,uic)"
    ToorLogMessage "fddi_used            = $toor_vars($level,fddi_used)"
    ToorLogMessage "fddi_hostname        = $toor_vars($level,fddi_hostname)"
    ToorLogMessage "fddi_ip              = $toor_vars($level,fddi_ip)"
    ToorLogMessage "fddi_or_name         = $toor_vars($level,fddi_or_name)"
    ToorLogMessage "beacon_is_being_used = $toor_vars($level,beacon_is_being_used)"
    ToorLogMessage "sdr                  = $toor_vars($level,sdr)"
    ToorLogMessage "asas_hostname        = $toor_vars($level,asas_hostname)"
    ToorLogMessage "asas_ip              = $toor_vars($level,asas_ip)"
    ToorLogMessage "enclave              = $toor_vars($level,enclave)"
    ToorLogMessage "hostid               = $toor_vars($level,hostid)"
    ToorLogMessage "net_intfc            = $toor_vars($level,net_intfc)"
    ToorLogMessage "dce_cell             = $toor_vars($level,dce_cell)"
    ToorLogMessage "dce_hostname         = $toor_vars($level,dce_hostname)"
    ToorLogMessage "dce_ip               = $toor_vars($level,dce_ip)"
    ToorLogMessage "left_video           = $toor_vars($level,left_video)"
    ToorLogMessage "right_video          = $toor_vars($level,right_video)"
    ToorLogMessage "left_video_cmd       = $toor_vars($level,left_video_cmd)"
    ToorLogMessage "right_video_cmd      = $toor_vars($level,right_video_cmd)"
    ToorLogMessage "our_organiz          = $toor_vars($level,our_organiz)"
    ToorLogMessage "our_role_typ         = $toor_vars($level,our_role_typ)"
    ToorLogMessage "our_role             = $toor_vars($level,our_role)"
    ToorLogMessage "our_urn              = $toor_vars($level,our_urn)"
    ToorLogMessage "fddi_organiz         = $toor_vars($level,fddi_organiz)"
    ToorLogMessage "fddi_role_typ        = $toor_vars($level,fddi_role_typ)"
    ToorLogMessage "fddi_role            = $toor_vars($level,fddi_role)"
    ToorLogMessage "mst_organiz          = $toor_vars($level,mst_organiz)"
    ToorLogMessage "mst_role_typ         = $toor_vars($level,mst_role_typ)"
    ToorLogMessage "mst_role             = $toor_vars($level,mst_role)"
    ToorLogMessage "dce_organiz          = $toor_vars($level,dce_organiz)"
    ToorLogMessage "dce_role_typ         = $toor_vars($level,dce_role_typ)"
    ToorLogMessage "dce_role             = $toor_vars($level,dce_role)"
    ToorLogMessage "list_selection       = $toor_vars($level,list_selection)"
    ToorDisplayClients $level 

# set initial configuration variables based on current unix/nis+/dce info
proc ToorGetInitialConfig {} {
    global toor_vars toor_domain_suffix toor_interfaces toor_fddi_present \

    set NODE_NAME_FILE        "/etc/nodename"

    # get current configuration
    ToorSetVarFromFile toor_vars(orig,nis_domain)      $TOOR_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_FILE
    ToorSetVarFromFile toor_vars(orig,local_hostname)  $NODE_NAME_FILE
    ToorGetIpAddress   $toor_vars(orig,local_hostname) toor_vars(orig,local_ip)
    catch {set toor_vars(orig,beacon_is_being_used)   [ToorSetBeaconUseStatus]}\
    ToorSetVarFromFile toor_vars(orig,asas_hostname) \
    set toor_vars(orig,sdr)                           [ToorSetSDRPresentStatus]
    ToorGetIpAddress   $toor_vars(orig,asas_hostname)  toor_vars(orig,asas_ip)
    set toor_vars(orig,local_is_asas_master) "asasmaster"
    catch {set toor_vars(orig,local_is_asas_master)  [ToorSetAsasMasterStatus]}\
    ToorSetVarFromFile toor_vars(orig,enclave)        $TOOR_DEFAULT_ENCLAVE_FILE
    ToorSetVarFromFile toor_vars(orig,hostid) \
    ToorSetVarFromFile toor_vars(orig,net_intfc) \
    set ifce_missing 1
    foreach ifce $toor_interfaces {
        if { $toor_vars(orig,net_intfc) == $ifce } {
            set ifce_missing 0
    if { $ifce_missing || ("$toor_vars(orig,net_intfc)" == "") } {
        set toor_vars(orig,net_intfc)  [ lindex $toor_interfaces 0 ]
    set                toor_vars(orig,dce_cell)      [ ToorGetCellName ]
    set                toor_vars(orig,dce_hostname)  [ ToorGetDceHostName ]
    ToorGetIpAddress   $toor_vars(orig,dce_hostname)   toor_vars(orig,dce_ip)
    set toor_vars(orig,asas_is_dce_master)  [ToorSetClientDceMasterStatus]
    catch { set toor_vars(orig,local_is_dce_master)   [ToorSetDceMasterStatus]}\
    set toor_vars(orig,or_name) [ ToorLookupOrName \
                                  $toor_vars(orig,local_hostname) \
                                  $toor_vars(orig,local_ip) \
                                  $TOOR_LAST_CONFIG_DIR/$TOOR_OR_NAME_FILE ]

    set toor_vars(orig,uic)     [ ToorLookupUic \
                                  $toor_vars(orig,local_hostname) \
                                  $toor_vars(orig,local_ip) ]

    ToorSetVarFromFile toor_vars(orig,left_video)  \
    if { "$toor_vars(orig,left_video)" == "" } {
        set toor_vars(orig,left_video)  "cgfourteen0_h"
    ToorSetVarFromFile toor_vars(orig,right_video)  \
    if { "$toor_vars(orig,right_video)" == "" } {
        set toor_vars(orig,right_video) "none"
    ToorSetVarFromFile toor_vars(orig,left_video_cmd) \
    ToorSetVarFromFile toor_vars(orig,right_video_cmd) \

    if { $toor_fddi_present } {
        ToorGetFddiName    toor_vars(orig,fddi_hostname)
    } else {
        set toor_vars(orig,fddi_hostname) ""
    if { "$toor_vars(orig,fddi_hostname)" == "" } {
        set toor_vars(orig,fddi_used)    "N"
        set toor_vars(orig,fddi_ip)      ""
        set toor_vars(orig,fddi_or_name) ""
    } else {
        set toor_vars(orig,fddi_used) "Y"
        ToorGetIpAddress   $toor_vars(orig,fddi_hostname) \
        set toor_vars(orig,fddi_or_name) [ ToorLookupOrName \
                                           $toor_vars(orig,fddi_hostname) \
                                           $toor_vars(orig,fddi_ip) \
                                 $TOOR_LAST_CONFIG_DIR/$TOOR_FDDI_OR_NAME_FILE ]
    ToorSetVarFromFile toor_vars(orig,our_organiz) \
    ToorSetVarFromFile toor_vars(orig,our_role_typ) \
    ToorSetVarFromFile toor_vars(orig,our_role) \
    ToorSetVarFromFile toor_vars(orig,our_urn) \
    ToorSetVarFromFile toor_vars(orig,fddi_organiz) \
    ToorSetVarFromFile toor_vars(orig,fddi_role_typ) \
    ToorSetVarFromFile toor_vars(orig,fddi_role) \
    ToorSetVarFromFile toor_vars(orig,mst_organiz) \
    ToorSetVarFromFile toor_vars(orig,mst_role_typ) \
    ToorSetVarFromFile toor_vars(orig,mst_role) \
    ToorSetVarFromFile toor_vars(orig,dce_organiz) \
    ToorSetVarFromFile toor_vars(orig,dce_role_typ) \
    ToorSetVarFromFile toor_vars(orig,dce_role) \
    ToorSetVarFromFile toor_vars(orig,list_selection) \
    if { "$toor_vars(orig,list_selection)" == "" } {
        set toor_vars(orig,list_selection)    "1"


    # save configuration at the start of the boot
    catch { exec /usr/bin/cp $TOOR_HOST_FILE $TOOR_CURRENT_CONFIG_DIR } ret_code

    ToorSetVarFromFile toor_domain_suffix \
    if { $toor_domain_suffix == "" } {
        set toor_domain_suffix "army.mil"

    # so DANTE can tell if reconfig of self resume needed
    catch { exec /usr/bin/rm -f $TOOR_LAST_CONFIG_DIR/$TOOR_RECONFIG_NAME } \


# write list of potential workstations at current level to flat files
proc ToorWriteClientFile { level dir } {
    global toor_vars TOOR_CLIENTS_FILE

    set num_entries [ llength $toor_vars($level,client_name_list) ]

    set client_fd -1
    catch { set client_fd [ open $dir/$TOOR_CLIENTS_FILE w+ ] }\
    if { $client_fd != -1 } {
        for { set index 0 } { $index < $num_entries } { incr index } {

            puts $client_fd "[ lindex $toor_vars($level,client_name_list) \
                               $index ]|[ lindex \
                               $toor_vars($level,client_ip_list) \
                               $index ]|[ lindex \
                               $toor_vars($level,client_org_list) \
                               $index ]|[ lindex \
                               $toor_vars($level,client_type_list) \
                               $index ]|[ lindex \
                               $toor_vars($level,client_role_list) $index ]"

        catch { close $client_fd } ret_code

# write value of variable to the file named in "file"
proc ToorWriteVarToFile { variable file } {
    upvar #0 $variable var
    catch { [ exec /usr/bin/echo $var > $file ] } ret_code
    catch { [ exec /usr/bin/chmod 644 $file ] } ret_code

# write configuration variables at current level to flat files
proc ToorWriteConfigFiles { level } {
    global toor_vars \

    if { $level == "orig" } {
        set dir $TOOR_CURRENT_CONFIG_DIR
    } elseif { $level == "new" } {
        set dir $TOOR_NEW_CONFIG_DIR
    } else {
        set dir $TOOR_LAST_CONFIG_DIR

    set DOMAIN_FILE         "domain"
    set NODE_NAME_FILE      "nodename"
    set LOCAL_IP_FILE       "local_ip"
    set ASAS_IP_FILE        "subsystem_ip"
    set DCE_IP_FILE         "dce_ip"
    set FDDI_HOST_NAME_FILE "fddi_hostname"
    set FDDI_IP_FILE        "fddi_ip"
    set FDDI_USED_FILE      "fddi_used"

    # write configuration variables
    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,nis_domain) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,local_hostname) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,local_ip) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,beacon_is_being_used) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,sdr) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,asas_hostname) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,asas_ip) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,enclave) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,hostid) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,net_intfc) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,dce_cell) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,dce_hostname) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,dce_ip) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,or_name) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,uic) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,left_video) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,right_video) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,left_video_cmd) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,right_video_cmd) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,fddi_used) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,fddi_hostname) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,fddi_ip) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,fddi_or_name) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,our_organiz) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,our_role_typ) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,our_role) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,our_urn) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,fddi_organiz) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,fddi_role_typ) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,fddi_role) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,mst_organiz) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,mst_role_typ) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,mst_role) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,dce_organiz) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,dce_role_typ) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,dce_role) \

    ToorWriteVarToFile toor_vars($level,list_selection) \

    ToorWriteClientFile $level $dir

# Create default_accounts file if are changing from an ASAS subsystem client
# to an ASAS subsystem master.  Signals later scripts to recreate the
# factory accounts
proc ToorCheckAccountReload {} {
    global toor_vars TOOR_NEED_ACCTS_FILE
    if { $toor_vars(new,local_is_asas_master) == "asasmaster" \
         && $toor_vars(orig,local_is_asas_master) == "asasclient" } {
        catch { [ exec /usr/bin/touch $TOOR_NEED_ACCTS_FILE ] } ret_code
        catch { exec /usr/bin/chmod 644 $TOOR_NEED_ACCTS_FILE } ret_code
    } else {
        catch { [ exec /usr/bin/rm -f $TOOR_NEED_ACCTS_FILE ] } ret_code

# set desired configuration to original configuration
proc ToorSetDefaultToInitConfig {} {
    global toor_vars
    set toor_vars(new,nis_domain)          $toor_vars(orig,nis_domain)
    set toor_vars(new,local_hostname)      $toor_vars(orig,local_hostname)
    set toor_vars(new,local_ip)            $toor_vars(orig,local_ip)
    set toor_vars(new,or_name)             $toor_vars(orig,or_name)
    set toor_vars(new,or_name_s)           [string trim $toor_vars(new,or_name)]
    set toor_vars(new,uic)                 $toor_vars(orig,uic)
    set toor_vars(new,beacon_is_being_used) \
    set toor_vars(new,sdr)                 $toor_vars(orig,sdr)
    set toor_vars(new,asas_hostname)       $toor_vars(orig,asas_hostname)
    set toor_vars(new,asas_ip)             $toor_vars(orig,asas_ip)
    set toor_vars(new,local_is_asas_master) \
    set toor_vars(new,enclave)             $toor_vars(orig,enclave)
    set toor_vars(new,net_intfc)           $toor_vars(orig,net_intfc)
    set toor_vars(new,dce_cell)            $toor_vars(orig,dce_cell)
    set toor_vars(new,dce_hostname)        $toor_vars(orig,dce_hostname)
    set toor_vars(new,dce_ip)              $toor_vars(orig,dce_ip)
    set toor_vars(new,local_is_dce_master) $toor_vars(orig,local_is_dce_master)
    set toor_vars(new,asas_is_dce_master)  $toor_vars(orig,asas_is_dce_master)
    set toor_vars(new,hostid)              $toor_vars(orig,hostid)
    set toor_vars(new,left_video)          $toor_vars(orig,left_video)
    set toor_vars(new,right_video)         $toor_vars(orig,right_video)
    set toor_vars(new,left_video_cmd)      $toor_vars(orig,left_video_cmd)
    set toor_vars(new,right_video_cmd)     $toor_vars(orig,right_video_cmd)
    set toor_vars(new,fddi_hostname)       $toor_vars(orig,fddi_hostname)
    set toor_vars(new,fddi_used)           $toor_vars(orig,fddi_used)
    set toor_vars(new,fddi_ip)             $toor_vars(orig,fddi_ip)
    set toor_vars(new,fddi_or_name)        $toor_vars(orig,fddi_or_name)
    set toor_vars(new,our_organiz)         $toor_vars(orig,our_organiz)
    set toor_vars(new,our_role_typ)        $toor_vars(orig,our_role_typ)
    set toor_vars(new,our_role)            $toor_vars(orig,our_role)
    set toor_vars(new,our_urn)             $toor_vars(orig,our_urn)
    set toor_vars(new,fddi_organiz)        $toor_vars(orig,fddi_organiz)
    set toor_vars(new,fddi_role_typ)       $toor_vars(orig,fddi_role_typ)
    set toor_vars(new,fddi_role)           $toor_vars(orig,fddi_role)
    set toor_vars(new,mst_organiz)         $toor_vars(orig,mst_organiz)
    set toor_vars(new,mst_role_typ)        $toor_vars(orig,mst_role_typ)
    set toor_vars(new,mst_role)            $toor_vars(orig,mst_role)
    set toor_vars(new,dce_organiz)         $toor_vars(orig,dce_organiz)
    set toor_vars(new,dce_role_typ)        $toor_vars(orig,dce_role_typ)
    set toor_vars(new,dce_role)            $toor_vars(orig,dce_role)
    set toor_vars(new,list_selection)      $toor_vars(orig,list_selection)
    set toor_vars(new,client_name_list)    $toor_vars(orig,client_name_list)
    set toor_vars(new,client_ip_list)      $toor_vars(orig,client_ip_list)
    set toor_vars(new,client_org_list)     $toor_vars(orig,client_org_list)
    set toor_vars(new,client_type_list)    $toor_vars(orig,client_type_list)
    set toor_vars(new,client_role_list)    $toor_vars(orig,client_role_list)


#   FUNCTION:    main
#   DESCRIPTION: Get information on current workstation configuration, prompt
#                user for updates, then write out desired configuration for
#                use later in the boot process
#   NOTES:       Reconfiguration forces an automatic reboot.  When this
#                reboot is detected, the desired configuration is moved to the
#                new configuration
#                current configuration written to /asas/data/current
#                desired configuration written to /asas/data/new
#                on reboot desired configuration written to /asas/data/new
#   RETURNS:     0




ToorWriteConfigFiles orig

if { ! [file exists $TOOR_RECONFIG_FILE] } {
    set toor_go_back_to_first_menu "Y"


    set toor_organiz_list {}
    set toor_org_ip_list {}
    ToorCacheUnl $TOOR_ORGANIZ_UNL_FILE toor_organiz_list 2
    ToorCacheUnl $TOOR_ORG_IP_UNL_FILE toor_org_ip_list

    ToorDisplayGlobals orig

    while {$toor_go_back_to_first_menu == "Y"} {

        set toor_reconfig_needed "N"
        set toor_go_back_to_first_menu "N"

        # show current config and ask if change needed
        ToorDisplayConfig .f1

        if { [ ToorWantToChangeConfig ] == "Y" } {

            # user wants to change configuration, prompt for values,
            # The cancel keys will set toor_go_back_to_first_menu = Y and we'll 
            # go back to displaying the original configuration

            set toor_reconfig_needed "Y"
            destroy            .f1
            ToorGetLocalConfig .f1

            if { $toor_go_back_to_first_menu == "N" } {
                if { $toor_vars(new,fddi_used) == "Y" } {
                    ToorGetFddiConfig .f1

            if { $toor_go_back_to_first_menu == "N" } {
                ToorGetDisplayConfig   .f1

            if { $toor_go_back_to_first_menu == "N" } {
                ToorGetTopConfig   .f1

            if { $toor_go_back_to_first_menu == "N" } {
                if { $toor_vars(new,beacon_is_being_used) == "beacon" } {
                } else {
                    # not using beacon, get dce configuration info from user
                    if {$toor_vars(new,local_is_asas_master) == "asasmaster"} {
                        ToorGetCurrentTime .f1
                        if { $toor_go_back_to_first_menu == "N" } {
                            ToorGetServerDceConfig .f1
                    } else {
                        ToorGetClientDceConfig .f1

            if { $toor_go_back_to_first_menu == "N" } {
                ToorSetDcePassword .f1

            if { $toor_go_back_to_first_menu == "N" } {
                ToorDisplayNewConfig .f1

        } else {

            # no change requested, make sure hostid hasn't changed

            destroy          .f1
            ToorCheckHostId  .f1



    if { $toor_reconfig_needed == "Y" } {

        # something has changed, turn off beacon script and enable reconfig

        ToorReconfigWarning  .f1
        ToorLogMessage       "reconfiguration needed"
        ToorDisplayGlobals   new
        ToorWriteConfigFiles new
        ToorWriteVarToFile   toor_reconfig_needed $TOOR_RECONFIG_FILE
        if { $toor_vars(new,beacon_is_being_used) == "beacon" } {
            ToorRenameFileLists TOOR_BEACON_PASS1_OFF_LIST \
            catch { exec /usr/bin/rm -f $TOOR_BEACON_COMMAND_FILE } ret_code
        } else {
            ToorRenameFileLists TOOR_BEACON_PASS1_ON_LIST  \

        if { $toor_vars(new,sdr) == "sdr" } {
            ToorRenameFileLists TOOR_SDR_OFF_LIST  TOOR_SDR_ON_LIST
        } else {
            ToorRenameFileLists TOOR_SDR_ON_LIST TOOR_SDR_OFF_LIST

        if { $toor_vars(new,fddi_used) == "Y" } {
            ToorRenameFileLists TOOR_FDDI_OFF_LIST  TOOR_FDDI_ON_LIST
        } else {
            ToorRenameFileLists TOOR_FDDI_ON_LIST TOOR_FDDI_OFF_LIST

    } else {
        ToorLogMessage "NO reconfiguration requested"

} else {

    # Entered after automatic reboot after a reconfiguration
    ToorLogMessage "detected automatic reboot"

    # set beacon active as requested by user
    ToorSetVarFromFile use_beacon  $TOOR_NEW_CONFIG_DIR/$TOOR_USE_BEACON_FILE
    if { $use_beacon == "beacon" } {
    } else {

    # enable some scripts based on subsystem master/client status
    if { $master == $toor_vars(orig,local_hostname) } {

	catch { exec /usr/bin/cp $TOOR_CRONTAB_HOME $TOOR_CRONTAB_DEST } \
	catch { exec /usr/bin/chown root:analyst $TOOR_CRONTAB_DEST } \
	catch { exec /usr/bin/chmod 400 $TOOR_CRONTAB_DEST } \
    } else {

	catch { exec /usr/bin/rm -f TOOR_CRONTAB_DEST } ret_code

    foreach file_name [ glob -nocomplain $TOOR_LAST_CONFIG_DIR/*.nis ] {
        catch { exec /usr/bin/cp -p $file_name $TOOR_CURRENT_CONFIG_DIR } \
    foreach file_name [ glob -nocomplain $TOOR_LAST_CONFIG_DIR/*.new ] {
        catch { exec /usr/bin/cp -p $file_name $TOOR_CURRENT_CONFIG_DIR } \
    foreach file_name [ glob -nocomplain $TOOR_NEW_CONFIG_DIR/* ] {
        catch { exec /usr/bin/cp -p $file_name $TOOR_LAST_CONFIG_DIR } ret_code
    foreach file_name [ glob -nocomplain $TOOR_NEW_CONFIG_DIR/*.nis ] {
        catch { exec /usr/bin/rm -f $file_name } ret_code
    catch { exec /usr/bin/mv -f $TOOR_NEW_CONFIG_DIR/$TOOR_CELL_ADMIN_PW \
                                $TOOR_DATA_DIR/$TOOR_CELL_ADMIN_PW } ret_code
    catch { exec /usr/bin/cp -p $TOOR_NEW_CONFIG_DIR/$TOOR_ENCLAVE_FILE \
                                $TOOR_DEFAULT_ENCLAVE_FILE } ret_code
    catch { exec /usr/bin/rm -f $TOOR_RECONFIG_FILE } ret_code
    catch { exec /usr/bin/chmod 644 $TOOR_DEFAULT_ENCLAVE_FILE } ret_code
    catch { exec /usr/bin/chmod 644 $TOOR_LAST_CONFIG_DIR/$TOOR_ENCLAVE_FILE } \
    catch { exec /usr/bin/cp    $TOOR_NEW_CONFIG_DIR/$TOOR_ENCLAVE_FILE \
                                $TOOR_TFTP_DIR/$TOOR_ENCLAVE_FILE } ret_code
    catch { exec /usr/bin/chmod 644 $TOOR_TFTP_DIR/$TOOR_ENCLAVE_FILE } ret_code
    catch { exec /usr/bin/chown nobody $TOOR_TFTP_DIR/$TOOR_ENCLAVE_FILE } \
    catch { exec /usr/bin/chgrp nobody $TOOR_TFTP_DIR/$TOOR_ENCLAVE_FILE } \
    catch { exec /usr/bin/cp    $TOOR_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_FILE \
                                $TOOR_TFTP_DIR/domain } ret_code
    catch { exec /usr/bin/chmod 644 $TOOR_TFTP_DIR/domain } ret_code
    catch { exec /usr/bin/chown nobody $TOOR_TFTP_DIR/domain } ret_code
    catch { exec /usr/bin/chgrp nobody $TOOR_TFTP_DIR/domain } ret_code

