#define FUSE_USE_VERSION 26 #include <sqlite3.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <fuse.h> #include <tcl.h> #define APPFS_CACHEDIR "/tmp/appfs-cache" #define APPFS_DEBUG(x...) { fprintf(stderr, "%i:%s: ", __LINE__, __func__); fprintf(stderr, x); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } struct appfs_thread_data { Tcl_Interp *interp; sqlite3 *db; }; struct appfs_thread_data globalThread; typedef enum { APPFS_OS_UNKNOWN, APPFS_OS_ALL, APPFS_OS_LINUX, APPFS_OS_MACOSX, APPFS_OS_FREEBSD, APPFS_OS_OPENBSD, APPFS_OS_SOLARIS } appfs_os_t; typedef enum { APPFS_CPU_UNKNOWN, APPFS_CPU_ALL, APPFS_CPU_AMD64, APPFS_CPU_I386, APPFS_CPU_ARM } appfs_cpuArch_t; struct appfs_package { char name[128]; char version[64]; appfs_os_t os; appfs_cpuArch_t cpuArch; int isLatest; }; static appfs_os_t appfs_convert_os_fromString(const char *os) { if (strcasecmp(os, "Linux") == 0) { return(APPFS_OS_LINUX); } if (strcasecmp(os, "Darwin") == 0 || strcasecmp(os, "Mac OS") == 0 || strcasecmp(os, "Mac OS X") == 0) { return(APPFS_OS_MACOSX); } if (strcasecmp(os, "noarch") == 0) { return(APPFS_OS_ALL); } return(APPFS_OS_UNKNOWN); } static const char *appfs_convert_os_toString(appfs_os_t os) { switch (os) { case APPFS_OS_ALL: return("noarch"); case APPFS_OS_LINUX: return("linux"); case APPFS_OS_MACOSX: return("macosx"); case APPFS_OS_FREEBSD: return("freebsd"); case APPFS_OS_OPENBSD: return("openbsd"); case APPFS_OS_SOLARIS: return("freebsd"); case APPFS_CPU_UNKNOWN: return("unknown"); } return("unknown"); } static appfs_cpuArch_t appfs_convert_cpu_fromString(const char *cpu) { if (strcasecmp(cpu, "amd64") == 0 || strcasecmp(cpu, "x86_64") == 0) { return(APPFS_CPU_AMD64); } if (strcasecmp(cpu, "i386") == 0 || \ strcasecmp(cpu, "i486") == 0 || \ strcasecmp(cpu, "i586") == 0 || \ strcasecmp(cpu, "i686") == 0 || \ strcasecmp(cpu, "ix86") == 0) { return(APPFS_CPU_I386); } if (strcasecmp(cpu, "arm") == 0) { return(APPFS_CPU_ARM); } if (strcasecmp(cpu, "noarch") == 0) { return(APPFS_CPU_ALL); } return(APPFS_CPU_UNKNOWN); } static const char *appfs_convert_cpu_toString(appfs_cpuArch_t cpu) { switch (cpu) { case APPFS_CPU_ALL: return("noarch"); case APPFS_CPU_AMD64: return("amd64"); case APPFS_CPU_I386: return("ix86"); case APPFS_CPU_ARM: return("arm"); case APPFS_CPU_UNKNOWN: return("unknown"); } return("unknown"); } static int appfs_Tcl_Eval(Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, const char *cmd, ...) { Tcl_Obj **objv; const char *arg; va_list argp; int retval; int i; objv = (void *) ckalloc(sizeof(*objv) * objc); objv[0] = Tcl_NewStringObj(cmd, -1); va_start(argp, cmd); for (i = 1; i < objc; i++) { arg = va_arg(argp, const char *); objv[i] = Tcl_NewStringObj(arg, -1); } va_end(argp); retval = Tcl_EvalObjv(interp, objc, objv, 0); ckfree((void *) objv); return(retval); } static struct appfs_package *appfs_getindex(const char *hostname, int *package_count_p) { int tcl_ret; if (package_count_p == NULL) { return(NULL); } tcl_ret = appfs_Tcl_Eval(globalThread.interp, 2, "::appfs::getindex", hostname); if (tcl_ret != TCL_OK) { APPFS_DEBUG("Call to ::appfs::getindex failed: %s", Tcl_GetStringResult(globalThread.interp)); return(NULL); } return(NULL); } static int appfs_getfile(const char *hostname, const char *sha1) { } static int appfs_getmanifest(const char *hostname, const char *sha1) { } static int appfs_fuse_getattr(const char *path, struct stat *stbuf) { int res = 0; APPFS_DEBUG("Enter (path = %s, ...)", path); memset(stbuf, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); stbuf->st_mode = S_IFDIR | 0755; stbuf->st_nlink = 2; return res; } static int appfs_fuse_readdir(const char *path, void *buf, fuse_fill_dir_t filler, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi) { APPFS_DEBUG("Enter (path = %s, ...)", path); filler(buf, ".", NULL, 0); filler(buf, "..", NULL, 0); return 0; } static int appfs_fuse_open(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi) { return(-ENOENT); } static int appfs_fuse_read(const char *path, char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi) { return(-ENOENT); } #ifdef APPFS_TEST_DRIVER static int appfs_test_driver(void) { struct appfs_package *packages; int packages_count = 0; packages = appfs_getindex("rkeene.org", &packages_count); if (packages == NULL || packages_count == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to fetch package index from rkeene.org.\n"); return(1); } return(0); } #endif static struct fuse_operations appfs_oper = { .getattr = appfs_fuse_getattr, .readdir = appfs_fuse_readdir, .open = appfs_fuse_open, .read = appfs_fuse_read }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *cachedir = APPFS_CACHEDIR; int tcl_ret; globalThread.interp = Tcl_CreateInterp(); if (globalThread.interp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create Tcl Interpreter. Aborting.\n"); return(1); } tcl_ret = Tcl_Init(globalThread.interp); if (tcl_ret != TCL_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialize Tcl. Aborting.\n"); return(1); } tcl_ret = Tcl_Eval(globalThread.interp, "" #include "appfs.tcl.h" ""); if (tcl_ret != TCL_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialize Tcl AppFS script. Aborting.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Tcl Error is: %s\n", Tcl_GetStringResult(globalThread.interp)); return(1); } if (Tcl_SetVar(globalThread.interp, "::appfs::cachedir", cachedir, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set cache directory. This should never fail.\n"); return(1); } tcl_ret = appfs_Tcl_Eval(globalThread.interp, 1, "::appfs::init"); if (tcl_ret != TCL_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialize Tcl AppFS script (::appfs::init). Aborting.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Tcl Error is: %s\n", Tcl_GetStringResult(globalThread.interp)); return(1); } #ifdef APPFS_TEST_DRIVER return(appfs_test_driver()); #else return(fuse_main(argc, argv, &appfs_oper, NULL)); #endif }