Artifact [1f8fc685e1]

Artifact 1f8fc685e153fc516b2c26cda5150d81916db706:

Wiki page [Getting Started] by rkeene on 2014-11-18 03:09:24.
D 2014-11-18T03:09:24.025
L Getting\sStarted
N text/x-markdown
U rkeene
W 748
Getting Started as a User
  1. Download AppFS
    1. `$ wget`
  2. Compile AppFS
    1. `$ gzip -dc appfs-1.0.tar.gz | tar -xf -`
    2. `$ cd appfs-1.0`
    3. `$ make`
  3. Install AppFS
    1. `# make install`
  4. Run AppFS Daemon
    1. `# mkdir /opt/appfs`
    2. `# /usr/local/sbin/appfsd /var/cache/appfs /opt/appfs`
  5. Optionally configure AppFS to mount on boot:
    1. `# ln -s /usr/local/sbin/appfsd /sbin/mount.appfs`
    2. Add to `/etc/fstab`:
       1. `/var/cache/appfs /opt/appfs       appfs       defaults         0   0`

Getting Started as a Publisher
  1. Run AppFS Daemon
  2. Use the "AppFS" build script
Z 43d256ed7930e184cc3913febbcde976