%%% MAN -- an online PSL reference manual facility.
%%% Principal features are easy access to the index and
%%% a command to jump directly from a line in the index
%%% to the place in the manual referred to.
%%% Author: Cris Perdue
%%% Date: 12/1/82
%%% This package is still under development.
%%% An index browsing mode is contemplated, also use of a specialized
%%% representation of the reference manual.
%%% A concept index browser and a table of contents browser
%%% are contemplated as extensions.
% Edit by Cris Perdue, 8 Feb 1983 1145-PST
% Modified to use functions now defined in their own modules.
(compiletime (load fast-int if extended-char))
(imports '(nmode string-search string-input))
%%% Defines 2 new nondestructive commands for text mode,
%%% which seems to make them apply in LISP mode as well.
%%% One is M-!, which takes you to information about the
%%% subject of interest in the chapter and page referred to
%%% by the next index reference.
%%% The other is C-X I, which does a "Find File" on the file
%%% containing the function index to the PSL manual.
'read-only-text-command-list (x-char M-!!) 'index-browse-command)
'read-only-text-command-list (x-chars C-X i) 'get-index-buffer)
(fluid '(manual-chapters manual-file-template))
%%% A list of strings, each containing the base name of a chapter
%%% of the manual. The first member of this list must be
%%% referred to as chapter 1 in index references, and similarly
%%% for other elements of the list.
(setq manual-chapters '(
%%% This variable is a template for the name of a file that is
%%% part of the manual. Actual manual file names are obtained by
%%% substituting a name from the name list into this template.
(setq manual-file-template "plpt:%w.lpt")
(defun get-index-buffer ()
(find-file (bldmsg manual-file-template "25-FUN-INDEX")))
%%% This function gets the name that information is desired for,
%%% gets the chapter and page of the "next" index reference after
%%% point, does a "Find File" on the appropriate manual file,
%%% goes to the appropriate page, and searches for an occurrence
%%% of the key string.
(defun index-browse-command ()
(let ((l (=> nmode-current-buffer current-line)))
(let ((key (get-key l))
(dotpos (get-dot-pos l (=> nmode-current-buffer char-pos)))
digitpos endpos chapter page)
%% The first "." coming after point and with a digit on either
%% side is used as the "." of the index entry.
%% Contiguous digits to either side of the "." are taken
%% to be chapter and page of the reference.
%% This allows the user to distinguish between different
%% index references even on the same line.
(if (or (null key) (null dotpos)) then (ding)
(setq digitpos
%% Search for non-digit or beginning of line.
%% Position of earliest digit is returned.
(for (from i (- dotpos 2) 0 -1)
(do (if (not (digitp (indx l i))) then
(return (+ i 1))))
(finally (return 0))))
(setq chapter (string-read (substring l digitpos dotpos)))
%% Endpos is set to position of first non-digit after
%% the page number, or end of line position, if all digits
%% to end of line.
(setq endpos (search-in-string-fn 'not-digitp l (+ dotpos 1)))
(if (null endpos) then (setq endpos (+ (isizes l) 1)))
(setq page (string-read (substring l (+ dotpos 1) endpos)))
(find-file (bldmsg manual-file-template
(nth manual-chapters chapter)))
%% Skip over pages preceding the desired one.
(for (from i 1 (- page 1))
(do (forward-search "")
(move-over-characters 1)))
%% Search for an occurrence of the key string.
%% This part should perhaps be refined to only move to
%% a place within the page of interest.
%% Note that forward-search expects the key to be entirely
%% upper case and leaves point at the beginning of the string
%% if found.
(forward-search (string-upcase key))))))
%%% The key is taken to be a substring of the line string.
%%% The key starts at the first nonblank character and runs
%%% up to the first occurrence of either ". " or " .". This
%%% is dependent on the precise format of index files produced
%%% by Scribe.
%%% This function is capable of returning NIL.
(defun get-key (line)
(let ((p1 (string-search ". " line))
(p2 (string-search " ." line)))
(let ((end-pos (if (and p1 p2) then (min p1 p2)
elseif (and p1 (null p2)) then p1
elseif (and p2 (null p1)) then p2
else nil))
(key-pos (search-in-string-fn 'nonblank line 0)))
(if (and key-pos end-pos) then
(substring line key-pos end-pos)
else nil))))
%%% Searches for a dot which must be at or after "start".
%%% The dot must be surrounded by a digit on either side.
%%% NIL is returned if none found.
(defun get-dot-pos (line start)
(for (for dotpos
(string-search-from "." line start)
(string-search-from "." line (+ dotpos 1)))
(while dotpos)
(do (if (and (digitp (indx line (- dotpos 1)))
(digitp (indx line (+ dotpos 1)))) then
(return dotpos)))))
(defun not-digitp (c)
(not (digitp c)))
(defun nonblank (c)
(neq c #\SPACE))
%%% The position of the first character of the domain for which
%%% testfn returns true and whose index is at least "start" is
%%% returned. If none such exists, NIL is returned.
(defun search-in-string-fn (testfn domain start)
(if (not (stringp domain)) then
(error 0 "Arg to search-in-string-fn not a string"))
(for (from i start (isizes domain))
(do (if (funcall testfn (igets domain i)) then
(return i)))
(finally (return nil))))