% PSL-Output-Stream.SL - File Output Stream Objects (Portable PSL Version)
% Author: Alan Snyder
% Hewlett-Packard/CRC
% Date: 10 December 1982
(CompileTime (load fast-int fast-strings))
(BothTimes (load objects))
(de attempt-to-open-output (file-name)
(let ((p (ErrorSet (list 'open-output file-name) NIL NIL)))
(and (PairP p) (car p))
(de attempt-to-open-append (file-name)
(let ((p (ErrorSet (list 'open-append file-name) NIL NIL)))
(and (PairP p) (car p))
(de open-output (file-name)
(let ((s (make-instance 'output-stream)))
(=> s open file-name)
(de open-append (file-name)
(let ((s (make-instance 'output-stream)))
(=> s open-append file-name)
(defflavor output-stream ((chn NIL) % PSL "channel"
file-name % file name given to open
(gettable-instance-variables file-name)
(defmethod (output-stream putc) (ch)
% Append the character CH to the file. Line termination is indicated by
% writing a single NEWLINE (LF) character.
(ChannelWriteChar chn ch)
(defmethod (output-stream put-newline) ()
% Output a line terminator.
(ChannelWriteChar chn #\EOL)
(defmethod (output-stream putc-image) (ch)
(ChannelWriteChar chn ch)
(defmethod (output-stream puts) (str)
(for (from i 0 (string-upper-bound str))
(do (=> self putc (string-fetch str i)))
(defmethod (output-stream putl) (str)
% Write string followed by line terminator to output stream.
(=> self puts str)
(=> self put-newline)
(defmethod (output-stream open) (name-of-file)
% Open the specified file for output via SELF. If the file cannot
% be opened, a Continuable Error is generated.
(if chn (=> self close))
(setf chn (open name-of-file 'output))
(setf file-name (copystring name-of-file))
(defmethod (output-stream open-append) (name-of-file)
(=> self open name-of-file))
(defmethod (output-stream close) ()
(when chn
(close chn)
(setf chn NIL)
(defmethod (output-stream flush) ()