% DEFSTRUCT.RED - Interim structure definition facility.
% Author: Russ Fish
% Computer Science Dept.
% University of Utah
% Date: 18 December 1981
% Copyright (c) 1981 University of Utah
% See files Defstruct.{Hlp,Doc} for description of usage.
%%%% To compile this code, it must first be loaded interpretively. %%%%
%%%% Bootstrap is necessary because defstructs are used internally %%%%
%%%% to record the descriptions of structures, including the %%%%
%%%% descriptions of the defstruct descriptors themselves. %%%%
% First, an aside to the compiler.
CompileTime % Compiler needs to know about LHS forms which will be used.
put( 'SlotDescInitForm, 'Assign!-Op, 'PUTSlotDescInitForm );
BothTimes % Declare lists of fluids used for binding options.
fluid '( DefstructOptions SlotOptions );
fluid (
DefstructOptions :=
'( !:Constructor !:Alterant !:Predicate !:Creator
!:Prefix !:Include !:IncludeInit ) );
fluid (
SlotOptions := '( !:Type !:UserGet !:UserPut ) );
flag('(defstruct), 'Eval);
% ////////////// Externally known fns //////////////////////////
% Struct type predicate.
lisp procedure DefstructP( Name );
get( Name, 'Defstruct );
% Access to "struct type name" field of structure.
lisp procedure DefstructType( Struct );
if VectorP Struct then % Minimal checking.
getv( Struct, 0 )
% Type inclusion predicate.
lisp procedure SubTypeP( I1, I2 ); % T if I1 is a subtype of I2.
begin scalar Incl;
I1 eq I2 % Type is subtype of itself. (LEQ.)
(Incl := DsDescInclude GetDefstruct I2) % Done if no subtype.
( I1 eq Incl % Proper subtype.
or SubTypeP( I1, Incl ) ) % Or a subsubtype, or...
% ////////////// Defstruct /////////////////////////////////////
fexpr procedure Defstruct( Spec );
begin scalar StructName, Init, NameValue, Desc, DsSize, SlotSpec, SlotAlist;
if atom Spec then % Spec must be a list.
TypeError( Spec, 'Defstruct, "a spec list" );
StructName := if atom first Spec then
first Spec % Grab the struct id.
first first Spec;
if not idp StructName then % Struct id better be one.
UsageTypeError( StructName, 'Defstruct, "an id", "a StructName" );
% Defaults for options.
!:Constructor := !:Alterant := !:Predicate := T;
!:Creator := !:Include := !:IncludeInit := NIL;
!:Prefix := "";
% Process option list if present.
if pairp first Spec then
ProcessOptions( rest first Spec, DefstructOptions );
if !:Prefix = T then % Default prefix is StructName.
!:Prefix := id2string StructName;
if idp !:Prefix then % Convert id to printname string.
!:Prefix := id2string !:Prefix
if not stringp !:Prefix then % Error if not id or string.
UsageTypeError( !:Prefix, 'Defstruct,
"an id or a string", "a SlotName prefix" );
% Construct macro names in default pattern if necessary.
if !:Constructor eq T then !:Constructor := IdConcat( 'MAKE, StructName );
if !:Alterant eq T then !:Alterant := IdConcat( 'ALTER, StructName );
if !:Predicate eq T then !:Predicate := IdConcat( StructName, 'P );
if !:Creator eq T then !:Creator := IdConcat( 'CREATE, StructName );
% Define the constructor, alterant, predicate, and creator, if desired.
MkStructMac( !:Constructor, 'Make, StructName );
MkStructMac( !:Alterant, 'Alter, StructName );
MkStructPred( !:Predicate, StructName );
MkStructMac( !:Creator, 'Create, StructName );
DsSize := 0; % Accumulate size, starting with the DefstructType.
SlotAlist := NIL;
if !:Include then % If including another struct, start after it.
if Desc := GetDefstruct( !:Include ) then
DsSize := DsDescDsSize( Desc );
% Get slots of included type, modified by !:IncludeInit.
SlotAlist := for each Init in DsDescSlotAlist( Desc ) collect
if !:IncludeInit and
(NameValue := atsoc( car Init, !:IncludeInit )) then
Init := TotalCopy Init;
SlotDescInitForm cdr Init := second NameValue
TypeError( !:Include, "Defstruct !:Include", "a type id" );
% Define the Selector macros, and build the alist of slot ids.
SlotAlist := append( SlotAlist,
for each SlotSpec in rest Spec collect
ProcessSlot( SlotSpec, !:Prefix, DsSize := DsSize+1 ) );
if Defstructp Structname then
ErrorPrintF("*** Defstruct %r has been redefined", StructName);
Put( StructName, 'Defstruct, % Stash the Structure Descriptor.
DsSize, !:Prefix, SlotAlist, !:Constructor, !:Alterant,
!:Predicate, !:Creator, !:Include, !:IncludeInit )
return StructName
% Turn slot secifications into (SlotName . SlotDescriptor) pairs.
lisp procedure ProcessSlot( SlotSpec, Prefix, SlotNum );
begin scalar SlotName, SlotFn, It, OptList, InitForm;
% Got a few possibilities to unravel.
InitForm := OptList := NIL; % Only slot-name required.
if atom SlotSpec then
SlotName := SlotSpec % Bare slot-name, no default-init or options.
SlotName := first SlotSpec;
if It := rest SlotSpec then % Default-init and/or options provided.
% See if option immediately after name.
while pairp It do It := first It; % Down to first atom.
if idp It and memq( It, SlotOptions ) then % Option keyword?
OptList := rest SlotSpec % Yes, no init-form.
InitForm := second SlotSpec; % Init-form after keyword.
OptList := rest rest SlotSpec % Options or NIL.
if not idp SlotName then % Slot id better be one.
UsageTypeError( SlotName, 'Defstruct, "an id", "a SlotName" );
SlotFn := if Prefix eq "" then % Slot fns may have a prefix.
IdConcat( Prefix, Slotname );
% Defaults for options.
!:Type := !:UserGet := !:UserPut := NIL;
if OptList then % Process option list
ProcessOptions( OptList, SlotOptions );
% Make Selector and Depositor unless overridden.
if not !:UserGet then MkSelector( SlotFn, SlotNum );
if not !:UserPut then MkDepositor( SlotFn, SlotNum );
% Return the ( SlotName . SlotDescriptor ) pair.
return SlotName .
SlotNum, InitForm, SlotFn, !:Type, !:UserGet, !:UserPut )
% ////////////// Internal fns //////////////////////////////////
% Process defstruct and slot options, binding values of valid options.
lisp procedure ProcessOptions( OptList, OptVarList );
begin scalar OptSpec, Option, OptArg;
for each OptSpec in OptList do
if atom OptSpec then % Bare option id.
Option := OptSpec;
OptArg := T
Option := first OptSpec;
OptArg := rest OptSpec; % List of args to option.
if not rest OptArg then % Single arg, unlist it.
OptArg := first OptArg
if memq( Option, OptVarList ) then
set( Option, OptArg )
UsageTypeError( Option, 'ProcessOptions,
("one of" . OptVarList . "is needed"), "an option id" )
lisp procedure GetDefstruct( StructId ); % Yank struct defn from id.
begin scalar Desc;
if Desc := get( StructId, 'Defstruct )
then return Desc % Return Struct defn.
TypeError( StructId, 'GetDefstruct, "a defstruct id" )
lisp procedure IdConcat( I1, I2 ); % Make two-part names.
if idp I1 then I1 := id2String I1;
if idp I2 then I2 := id2String I2;
intern concat( I1, I2 )
% ////////////// Fn building fns ///////////////////////////////
% Fn to build specific Structure Fns as macros which use generic macros.
% The generic macro is called with the StructName and the original
% list of arguments.
% MacName( arg1, arg2, ... )
% => GenericMac( StructName, arg1, arg2, ... )
lisp procedure MkStructMac( MacName, GenericMac, StructName );
if MacName then % No macro if NIL name.
putd( MacName, 'macro,
list( 'lambda,
list( 'append,
list( 'quote,
list( GenericMac, StructName )
'(rest MacroArgs)
% Fn to build specific Structure Predicates.
lisp procedure MkStructPred( FnName, StructName );
putd( FnName, 'expr,
list( 'lambda, '(PredArg),
list( 'and,
'(vectorp PredArg),
list( 'eq,
'(DefstructType PredArg) )
% RHS selector (get fn) constructor.
lisp procedure MkSelector( Name, Slotnum );
putd( Name, 'expr,
list( 'lambda, '(Struct), List( 'getV, 'Struct, SlotNum ) ) );
% LHS depositor (put fn) constructor.
lisp procedure MkDepositor( Name, Slotnum );
begin scalar PutName;
PutName := intern concat( "PUT", id2string Name );
putd( PutName, 'expr,
list( 'lambda, '(Struct Val),
List( 'putV, 'Struct, SlotNum, 'Val ) ) );
put( Name, 'Assign!-Op, PutName );
return PutName
% ////////////// Fns used by macros. ///////////////////////////
% Generic macro for constructors, called with structure name and list
% of slot-name:value-form pairs to merge with default-inits.
% Returns vector constructor.
macro procedure Make( ArgList );
begin scalar StructName, OverrideAlist, Slot, NameValue;
StructName := second ArgList;
OverrideAlist := rest rest ArgList;
return append( % Return vector constructor.
list( 'vector,
list('quote,StructName) ), % Mark struct type as first element.
% Build list of init forms for vector constructor.
for each Slot in DsDescSlotAlist GetDefstruct StructName collect
if NameValue := atsoc( car Slot, OverrideAlist ) then
second NameValue
SlotDescInitForm cdr Slot
% Generic Alterant macro, called with structure name, struct instance and
% slot name:value alist. A list of depositor calls is returned, with a
% PROGN wrapped around it and the struct instance at the end for a return
% value.
macro procedure Alter( ArgList );
begin scalar StructName, StructInstance, SlotValueDlist, SlotAlist,
NameValue, Slot;
StructName := second ArgList;
StructInstance := third ArgList;
SlotValueDlist := rest rest rest ArgList;
SlotAlist := DsDescSlotAList GetDefstruct StructName;
return append( append(
'(PROGN), % wraparound PROGN.
% List of depositor calls.
for each NameValue in SlotValueDlist collect
if Slot := atsoc( first NameValue, SlotAlist) then
% Use depositors, which may be user fns, rather than PutV.
IdConCat( 'PUT, SlotDescSlotFn cdr Slot ),
second NameValue )
TypeError( car NameValue, 'Alter,
concat( "a slot of ", id2string StructName ) )
), list( StructInstance ) ) % Value of PROGN is altered instance.
% Generic Create macro, called with struct name and list of positional args
% which are slot value forms. Returns struct vector constructor.
macro procedure Create( ArgList );
begin scalar StructName, SlotValues, DsSize;
StructName := second ArgList;
SlotValues := rest rest ArgList;
DsSize := DsDescDsSize GetDefstruct StructName;
if DsSize = Length SlotValues then
return append(
list( 'VECTOR,
list( 'quote, StructName ) ), % Mark with struct id.
SlotValues )
UsageTypeError( SlotValues, 'Create,
BldMsg( "a list of length %p", DsSize ),
concat( "an initializer for ", id2string StructName) )
% ////////////// Boot Defstruct structs. ///////////////////////
% Chicken-and-egg problem, need some knowledge of Defstruct descriptor
% structures before they are defined, in order to define them.
CompileTime <<
MkSelector( 'DsDescDsSize, 1 );
MkStructMac( 'CreateDefstructDescriptor, 'Create, 'DefstructDescriptor );
MkStructMac( 'CreateSlotDescriptor, 'Create, 'SlotDescriptor );
put( 'DefstructDescriptor, 'Defstruct, % Abbreviated struct defns for boot.
'[ DefstructDescriptor 9 ] ); % Just DsSize, for Create Fns.
put( 'SlotDescriptor, 'Defstruct,
'[ SlotDescriptor 6 ] );
% Now really declare the Defstruct Descriptor structs.
DefstructDescriptor( !:Prefix(DsDesc), !:Creator ),
DsSize( !:Type int ), % (Upper Bound of vector.)
Prefix( !:Type string ),
SlotAlist( !:Type alist ), % (Cdrs are SlotDescriptors.)
ConsName( !:Type fnId ),
AltrName( !:Type fnId ),
PredName( !:Type fnId ),
CreateName( !:Type fnId ),
Include( !:Type typeid ),
InclInit( !:Type alist )
SlotDescriptor( !:Prefix(SlotDesc), !:Creator ),
SlotNum( !:Type int ),
InitForm( !:Type form ),
SlotFn( !:Type fnId ), % Selector/Depositor id.
SlotType( !:Type type ), % Hm...
UserGet( !:Type boolean ),
UserPut( !:Type boolean )