File r37/packages/rlisp/ artifact c4220483d6 part of check-in ed2818cf9f

module block;   % Block statement and related operators.

% Author: Anthony C. Hearn.

% Copyright (c) 1993 RAND.  All rights reserved.

fluid '(!*blockp !*rlisp88);

global '(!*vars!* cursym!* nxtsym!*);

% ***** GO statement *****

symbolic procedure gostat;
   begin scalar var;
        var := if eq(scan(),'to) then scan() else cursym!*;
        return list('go,var)



% ***** Declaration Statement *****

symbolic procedure decl u;
   begin scalar varlis,w;
   a: if cursym!* eq '!*semicol!* then go to c
       else if cursym!* eq 'local and !*reduce4 then nil
       else if not flagp(cursym!*,'type) then return varlis
       else if !*reduce4 then typerr(cursym!*,"local declaration");
      w := cursym!*;
      if null !*reduce4
	then if cursym!* eq 'procedure then return procstat1 w
	      else varlis
		  := append(varlis,pairvars(remcomma xread1 nil,nil,w))
       else varlis := append(varlis,read_param_list nil);
      if not(cursym!* eq '!*semicol!*) or null u then symerr(nil,t);
   c: scan();
      go to a


symbolic procedure decstat;
  % Called if a declaration occurs at the top level or not first
  % in a block.
  begin scalar x,y,z;
     if !*blockp then symerr('block,t);
     x := cursym!*;
     y := nxtsym!*;
     z := decl nil;
     if y neq 'procedure
       then rerror('rlisp,7,list(x,"invalid outside block"));
     return z

flag('(integer real scalar),'type);

symbolic procedure blocktyperr u;
   % Type declaration found at wrong position.
   rerror('rlisp,8,list(u,"invalid except at head of block"));

% ***** Block Statement *****

symbolic procedure mapovercar u;
   begin scalar x;
 a: if u then progn(x := caar u . x, u := cdr u, go to a);
   return reversip!* x

symbolic procedure blockstat;
   begin scalar hold,varlis,x,!*blockp;
        !*blockp := t;
	if cursym!* memq '(nil !*rpar!*)
	  then rerror('rlisp,9,"BEGIN invalid");
        varlis := decl t;
    a:  if cursym!* eq 'end and not(nxtsym!* eq '!:) then go to b;
        x := xread1 nil;
        if eqcar(x,'end) then go to c;
	not(cursym!* eq 'end) and scan();
	if x
	  then progn((if eqcar(x,'equal)
		 then lprim list("top level",cadr x,"= ... in block")),
		      hold := aconc!*(hold,x));
        go to a;
    b:  comm1 'end;
    c:  return mkblock(varlis,hold)

symbolic procedure mkblock(u,v); 'rblock . (u . v);

 '(lambda (u) (cons 'prog (cons (mapovercar (cadr u)) (cddr u)))));

symbolic procedure symbvarlst(vars,body,mode);
   begin scalar x,y;
      if null(mode eq 'symbolic) then return nil;
      y := vars;
   a: if null y then return nil;
      x := if pairp car y then caar y else car y;
      if not fluidp x and not globalp x and not smemq(x,body)
	then lprim list("local variable",x,"in procedure",
			fname!*,"not used");
      y := cdr y;
      go to a

symbolic procedure formblock(u,vars,mode);
   progn(symbvarlst(cadr u,cddr u,mode),
	 'prog . append(initprogvars cadr u,
			formprog1(cddr u,append(cadr u,vars),mode)));

symbolic procedure initprogvars u;
   begin scalar x,y,z;
    a: if null u then return(reversip!* x . reversip!* y)
       else if (z := get(caar u,'initvalue!*))
	  or (z := get(cdar u,'initvalue!*))
        then y := mksetq(caar u,z) . y;
      x := caar u . x;
      u := cdr u;
      go to a

symbolic procedure formprog(u,vars,mode);
   'prog . cadr u . formprog1(cddr u,pairvars(cadr u,vars,mode),mode);

symbolic procedure formprog1(u,vars,mode);
   if null u then nil
    else if null car u then formprog1(cdr u,vars,mode)
	% remove spurious NILs, probably generated by FOR statements.
    else if atom car u then car u . formprog1(cdr u,vars,mode)
    else if idp caar u and flagp(caar u,'modefn)
	   then if !*rlisp88 and null(caar u eq 'symbolic)
		  then typerr("algebraic expression","Rlisp88 form")
	  else formc(cadar u,vars,caar u) . formprog1(cdr u,vars,mode)
    else formc(car u,vars,mode) . formprog1(cdr u,vars,mode);




% ***** Return Statement *****

symbolic procedure retstat;
   if not !*blockp then symerr(nil,t)
    else begin scalar !*blockp;  % To prevent RETURN within a RETURN.
	    return list('return,
		if flagp(scan(),'delim) then nil else xread1 t)




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