File r37/packages/cali/ artifact c551d9574b part of check-in ed2818cf9f

module res; 


          ###                ###
          ###   RESOLUTIONS  ###     
          ###                ###

This module contains algorithms on complexes, i.e. chains of modules
(submodules of free modules represented as im f of certain dpmat's). 

A chain (in particular a resolution) is a list of dpmat's with the
usual annihilation property of subsequent dpmat's.

This module contains

        - An algorithm to compute a minimal resolution of a dpmat,

        - the same for a local dpmat.
        - the extraction of the (graded) Betti numbers from a
This module is just under development.

% ------------- Minimal resolutions --------------

symbolic procedure Resolve!*(m,d); 
% Compute a minimal resolution of the dpmat m, i.e. a list of dpmat's
% (s0 s1 s2 ...), where sk is the k-th syzygy module of m, upto the
% d'th part.
  (begin scalar a,u; 
  if dpmat_cols m=0 then
    << cali!=degrees:=nil; m:=ideal2mat!* m>>
  else cali!=degrees:=dpmat_coldegs m; 
  a:=list(m); u:=syzygies!* m;
  while (not dpmat_zero!? u)and(d>1) do
    << m:=u; u:=syzygies!* m; d:=d-1;
       u:=groeb_minimize(m,u); m:=car u; u:=cdr u; a:=m . a; 
  return reversip (u.a);
  end) where cali!=degrees:=cali!=degrees;

% ----------------- The Betti numbers -------------

symbolic procedure bettiNumbers!* c;
% Returns the list of Betti numbers of the chain c.
   for each x in c collect dpmat_cols x;

symbolic procedure gradedBettiNumbers!* c;
% Returns the list of degree lists (according to the ecart) of the
% generators of the chain c.
  for each x in c collect
     begin scalar i,d; d:=dpmat_coldegs x;
    if d then sort(for each y in d collect mo_ecart cdr y,'leq)
        else for i:=1:dpmat_cols x collect 0;

endmodule; % res


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