File r37/packages/alg/ artifact 7a4337b17c part of check-in ed2818cf9f

module general;   % General functions for the support of REDUCE.

% Author: Anthony C. Hearn.

% Copyright (c) 1999 Anthony C. Hearn.  All rights reserved.

global '(!!arbint);

!!arbint := 0; % Index for arbitrary constants.

symbolic procedure atomlis u;
   null u or (atom car u and atomlis cdr u);

symbolic procedure carx(u,v);
   if null cdr u then car u
    else rerror(alg,5,list("Wrong number of arguments to",v));

% We assume concat2 is defined in the underlying Lisp system.

% symbolic macro procedure concat u;
%    if null u then nil else expand(cdr u,'concat2);

% symbolic procedure delasc(u,v);
%    if null v then nil
%    else if atom car v or u neq caar v then car v . delasc(u,cdr v)
%    else cdr v;

% This definition, due to A.C. Norman, avoids recursion.

symbolic procedure delasc(u,v);
  begin scalar w;
     while v do
      <<if atom car v or u neq caar v then w := car v . w; v := cdr v>>;
     return reversip w

symbolic procedure eqexpr u;
   % Returns true if U is an equation or similar structure
   % (e.g., a rule).
   not atom u
      and flagp(car u,'equalopr) and cddr u and null cdddr u;

flag('(eq equal),'equalopr);

symbolic procedure evenp x; remainder(x,2)=0;

flag('(evenp),'opfn);  % Make a symbolic operator.

symbolic procedure lengthc u;
   %gives character length of U excluding string and escape chars;
   begin integer n; scalar x;
      n := 0;
      x := explode u;
      if car x eq '!" then return length x-2;
      while x do
	<<if car x eq '!! then x := cdr x;
	  n := n+1;
	  x := cdr x>>;
      return n

symbolic procedure makearbcomplex;
   begin scalar ans;
      !!arbint := !!arbint+1;
      ans := car(simp!*(list('arbcomplex, !!arbint)));
      % This CAR is NUMR, which is not yet defined.
      return ans

symbolic procedure mapcons(u,v);
   for each j in u collect v . j;

symbolic procedure mappend(u,v);
   for each j in u collect append(v,j);

symbolic procedure nlist(u,n);
   if n=0 then nil else u . nlist(u,n-1);

symbolic procedure nth(u,n);
   car pnth(u,n);

symbolic procedure pnth(u,n);
   if null u then rerror(alg,6,"Index out of range")
    else if n=1 then u
    else pnth(cdr u,n-1);

symbolic procedure permp(u,v);
   % This used to use EQ.  However, SUBST use requires =.
   if null u then t
    else if car u=car v then permp(cdr u,cdr v)
    else not permp(cdr u,subst(car v,car u,cdr v));

symbolic procedure permutations u;
   %  Returns list of all permutations of the list u.
   if null u then list u
    else for each j in u join mapcons(permutations delete(j,u),j);

symbolic procedure posintegerp u;
   % True if U is a positive (non-zero) integer.
   fixp u and u>0;

symbolic procedure remove(x,n);
   % Returns X with Nth element removed;
   if null x then nil
    else if n=1 then cdr x
    else car x . remove(cdr x,n-1);

symbolic procedure repasc(u,v,w);
   % Replaces value of key U by V in association list W.
   if null w then rerror(alg,7,list("key",u,"not found"))
    else if u = caar w then (u . v) . cdr w
    else car w . repasc(u,v,cdr w);

symbolic procedure repeats x;
   if null x then nil
    else if car x member cdr x then car x . repeats cdr x
    else repeats cdr x;

symbolic procedure revpr u;
   cdr u . car u;

symbolic procedure smember(u,v);
   %determines if S-expression U is a member of V at any level;
   if u=v then t
    else if atom v then nil
    else smember(u,car v) or smember(u,cdr v);

symbolic procedure smemql(u,v);
   %Returns those members of id list U contained in V at any
   %level (excluding quoted expressions);
   if null u then nil
    else if smemq(car u,v) then car u . smemql(cdr u,v)
    else smemql(cdr u,v);

symbolic procedure smemqlp(u,v);
   %True if any member of id list U is contained at any level
   %in V (exclusive of quoted expressions);
   if null v or numberp v then nil
    else if atom v then v memq u
    else if car v eq 'quote then nil
    else smemqlp(u,car v) or smemqlp(u,cdr v);

symbolic procedure spaces n; for i := 1:n do prin2 " ";

symbolic procedure subla(u,v);
   % Substitutes the atom u in v. Retains previous structure where
   % possible.
   if null u or null v then v
    else if atom v then (if x then cdr x else v) where x=atsoc(v,u)
    else (if y=v then v else y) where y=subla(u,car v) . subla(u,cdr v);

symbolic procedure xnp(u,v);
   %returns true if the atom lists U and V have at least one common
   u and (car u memq v or xnp(cdr u,v));



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