% STRINGX - Useful String Functions
% Author: Alan Snyder
% Hewlett-Packard/CRC
% Date: 9 September 1982
(CompileTime (load fast-int fast-strings common))
% Private Macros:
(CompileTime (progn
(put 'make-string 'cmacro % temporary bug fix
'(lambda (sz init)
(mkstring (- sz 1) init)))
)) % End of CompileTime
(de string-rest (s i)
(substring s i (string-length s)))
(de string-pad-right (s desired-length)
% Pad the specified string with spaces on the right side to the specified
% length. Returns a new string.
(let ((len (string-length s)))
(if (< len desired-length)
(string-concat s (make-string (- desired-length len) #\space))
(de string-pad-left (s desired-length)
% Pad the specified string with spaces on the left side to the specified
% length. Returns a new string.
(let ((len (string-length s)))
(if (< len desired-length)
(string-concat (make-string (- desired-length len) #\space) s)
(de string-largest-common-prefix (s1 s2)
% Return the string that is the largest common prefix of S1 and S2.
(for (from i 0 (min (string-upper-bound s1) (string-upper-bound s2)) 1)
(while (= (string-fetch s1 i) (string-fetch s2 i)))
(returns (substring s1 0 i))
(de strings-largest-common-prefix (l)
% Return the string that is the largest common prefix of the elements
% of L, which must be a list of strings.
(cond ((null l) "")
((null (cdr l)) (car l))
(let* ((prefix (car l))
(limit (string-length prefix))
% Prefix[0..LIMIT-1] is the string that is a prefix of all
% strings so far examined.
(for (in s (cdr l))
(with i)
(do (let ((n (string-length s)))
(if (< n limit) (setf limit n))
(setf i 0)
(while (< i limit)
(if (~= (string-fetch prefix i) (string-fetch s i))
(setf limit i)
(setf i (+ i 1))
(substring prefix 0 limit)