% REC.SL - Recursive Editing Functioons
% Author: Jeffrey Soreff
% Hewlett-Packard/CRC
% Date: 24 Jan 1983
(compiletime (load extended-char fast-int objects))
% External variables used here:
(fluid '(recurse-mode nmode-current-buffer))
% Global variables defined here:
(fluid '(recurse-query recurse-query-answered))
% Recurse-Query will be T if the user leaves a recursive editing level
% with a "Y". It will be nil if the user leaves with an "N". In either
% of those cases recurse-query-answered will be set to T. If the user
% leaves the recursive editing level by some other means then
% recurse-query-answered will be NIL.
(de recursive-edit-y-or-n (buffer outer-message inner-message)
% This function allows a user to make a yes or no decision about
% some buffer, either before looking at it with the editor or while
% editing within it. Before starting to edit the user is prompted
% with the outer message. This function takes care of interpreting a
% Y or N prior to editing and of providing a prompt (the outer
% message) before editing. The call to recursive-edit takes care of
% the prompt during editing and of interpreting a Y or N during
% editing. This function returns a boolean value.
(while t
(write-message outer-message)
(let ((ch (x-char-upcase (input-extended-character))))
(when (= ch (x-char Y)) (exit T))
(when (= ch (x-char N)) (exit NIL))
(when (= ch (x-char C-R))
(recursive-edit buffer recurse-mode inner-message))
(when recurse-query-answered (exit recurse-query))))
(write-message "")))
(de recursive-edit (new-buffer mode inner-message)
% This function triggers the recursive editing loop, switching
% buffers, setting the new buffer temporarily into a user selected
% mode, and returning the buffer and mode to their old values after
% the editing. This function returns a value only through global
% variables, particularly recurse-query and recurse-query-answered.
(let ((old-buffer nmode-current-buffer)
(old-mode (=> new-buffer mode)))
(=> new-buffer set-mode mode)
(buffer-select new-buffer)
(let ((old-message (write-message inner-message)))
(setf recurse-query-answered NIL)
(nmode-reader NIL)
(write-message old-message))
(=> new-buffer set-mode old-mode)
(buffer-select old-buffer))) % Note: resets nmode-current-buffer
(de affirmative-exit ()
% Returns T from a recursive editing mode, usually bound to Y.
(setf recurse-query T)
(setf recurse-query-answered T)
(de negative-exit ()
% Returns NIL from a recursive editing mode, usually bound to N.
(setf recurse-query NIL)
(setf recurse-query-answered T)