% M-X.SL - NMODE Extended Command Support
% Author: Alan Snyder
% Hewlett-Packard/CRC
% Date: 20 September 1982
% Revised: 29 December 1982
% 29-Dec-82 Alan Snyder
% Revise PROMPT-FOR-EXTENDED-COMMAND to use new prompted input.
(CompileTime (load objects fast-int fast-strings extended-char))
(fluid '(nmode-input-buffer))
% Internal variables:
(fluid '(prompt-for-extended-command-command-list
(setf prompt-for-extended-command-command-list
(cons (x-char SPACE) 'complete-input-command-name)
(cons (x-char CR) 'complete-and-terminate-input-command-name)
(cons (x-char LF) 'complete-and-terminate-input-command-name)
(de prompt-for-extended-command (prompt)
% Ask the user for the name of an extended command. Return the full command
% name from the dispatch table (so that EQ can be used to compare).
(setf current-extended-command-list (lookup-prefix-character (x-char M-X)))
(let* ((input-name (prompt-for-string-special
(matching-names (extended-command-names-that-match input-name))
(first matching-names)
% Internal functions:
(de complete-input-command-name ()
% Extend the string in the input buffer by at most one word to match
% the existing extended command names. Ring the bell if the string
% is not extended.
(let ((original-length (string-length (nmode-get-input-string))))
(complete-input-extended-command-name NIL)
(if (= original-length (string-length (nmode-get-input-string)))
(de complete-and-terminate-input-command-name ()
% Extend the string in the input buffer as far as possible to match the
% existing extended command names. If the resulting string uniquely
% identifies a single command name, refresh and terminate input. Otherwise,
% if the string was not extended, ring the bell.
(let* ((original-length (string-length (nmode-get-input-string)))
(name (complete-input-extended-command-name T))
(if name
(progn (nmode-refresh) (nmode-terminate-input))
(if (= original-length (string-length (nmode-get-input-string)))
(de complete-input-extended-command-name (many-ok)
% Extend the string in the input buffer BY WORDS. If MANY-OK is non-nil, then
% extend by as many words as possible; otherwise, by only one word. If the
% extended name matches exactly one command name, return that command name.
% Otherwise, return NIL.
(let* ((name (nmode-get-input-string))
(names (extended-command-names-that-match name))
((string-equal name "E")
(nmode-replace-input-string "Edit ")
((string-equal name "L")
(nmode-replace-input-string "List ")
((string-equal name "K")
(nmode-replace-input-string "Kill ")
((string-equal name "V")
(nmode-replace-input-string "View ")
((string-equal name "W")
(nmode-replace-input-string "What ")
((null names) % The name matches no command.
((null (cdr names)) % The name matches exactly one command.
(nmode-replace-input-string (extend-name-by-words name names many-ok))
(car names)
(t % The name matches more than one command.
(nmode-replace-input-string (extend-name-by-words name names many-ok))
(de extend-name-by-words (name names many-ok)
% NAME is the current contents of the input buffer. Extend it "by words" as
% long as it matches all of the specified NAMES. NAMES must be a list
% containing one or more strings. If MANY-OK is non-NIL, then extend it by as
% many words as possible. Otherwise, extend it by at most one word.
% Extending by words means that you do not append a new partial word, although
% you may partially complete a word already started. Return the extended
% string.
(let* ((match-prefix (strings-largest-common-prefix names))
(not (or
(string-empty? name)
(= (string-fetch name (string-upper-bound name)) #\space)
(bound (string-length name))
% Try to increase the "bound":
(for (from i bound (string-upper-bound match-prefix))
(do (when (= (string-fetch match-prefix i) #\space)
(setf bound (+ i 1)) % this far is OK
(setf partial-word NIL) % further words will extend only in full
(if (not many-ok) (exit))
(if (or partial-word (null (cdr names)))
(setf bound (string-length match-prefix))
(substring match-prefix 0 bound)
(de extended-command-names-that-match (name)
(for (in pair (cdr current-extended-command-list))
(when (name-matches-prefix name (car pair)))
(collect (car pair))
(de name-matches-prefix (test-name name)
(let ((test-len (string-length test-name))
(name-len (string-length name))
(>= name-len test-len)
(string-equal (substring name 0 test-len) test-name)