module matr;
% Author: Anthony C. Hearn;
% This module is rife with essential references to RPLAC-based
% functions.
fluid '(!*sub2);
global '(nxtsym!* subfg!*);
symbolic procedure matrix u;
%declares list U as matrices;
begin scalar v,w,x;
for each j in u do
if atom j then if null (x := gettype j)
then put(j,'rtype,'matrix)
else if x eq 'matrix
then <<lprim list(x,j,"redefined");
else typerr(list(x,j),"matrix")
else if not idp car j
or length (v := revlis cdr j) neq 2
or not natnumlis v
then errpri2(j,'hold)
else if not (x := gettype car j) or x eq 'matrix
then <<w := nil;
for n := 1:car v do w := nzero cadr v . w;
put(car j,'rtype,'matrix);
put(car j,'rvalue,'mat . w)>>
else typerr(list(x,car j),"matrix")
symbolic procedure natnumlis u;
% True if U is a list of natural numbers.
null u
or numberp car u and fixp car u and car u>0 and natnumlis cdr u;
rlistat '(matrix);
symbolic procedure nzero n;
% Returns a list of N zeros.
if n=0 then nil else 0 . nzero(n-1);
% Parsing interface.
symbolic procedure matstat;
% Read a matrix.
begin scalar x,y;
a: scan();
y := xread 'paren;
if not eqcar(y,'!*comma!*) then y := list y else y := remcomma y;
x := y . x;
if nxtsym!* eq '!)
then return <<scan(); scan(); 'mat . reversip x>>
else if not(nxtsym!* eq '!,) then symerr("Syntax error",nil);
go to a
symbolic procedure formmat(u,vars,mode);
'list . mkquote 'mat
. for each x in cdr u collect('list . formlis(x,vars,mode));
put('mat,'rtypefn,'(lambda (x) 'matrix));
flag('(mat tp),'matflg);
flag('(mat),'struct); % for parsing
symbolic procedure mkscalmat u;
% Converts id u to 1 by 1 matrix.
list('mat,list u);
symbolic procedure getmatelem u;
begin scalar x;
x := get(car u,'rvalue);
if not eqcar(x,'mat) then rederr list("Matrix",car u,"not set")
else if not numlis (u := revlis cdr u) or length u neq 2
then errpri2(x . u,t);
return nth(nth(cdr x,car u),cadr u)
symbolic procedure setmatelem(u,v); letmtr(u,v,get(car u,'rvalue));
symbolic procedure matlength u;
if not eqcar(u,'mat) then rederr list("Matrix",u,"not set")
else list('list,length cdr u,length cadr u);
symbolic procedure matsm!*(u,v);
% Matrix expression simplification function.
u := 'mat . for each j in matsm u collect
for each k in j collect mk!*sq2 k;
!*sub2 := nil; %since all substitutions done;
return u
symbolic procedure mk!*sq2 u;
begin scalar x;
x := !*sub2; %since we need value for each element;
u := subs2 u;
!*sub2 := x;
return mk!*sq u
symbolic procedure matsm u;
begin scalar x,y;
for each j in nssimp(u,'matrix) do
<<y := multsm(car j,matsm1 cdr j);
x := if null x then y else addm(x,y)>>;
return x
symbolic procedure matsm1 u;
%returns matrix canonical form for matrix symbol product U;
begin scalar x,y,z; integer n;
a: if null u then return z
else if eqcar(car u,'!*div) then go to d
else if atom car u then go to er
else if caar u eq 'mat then go to c1
else x := apply(caar u,cdar u);
b: z := if null z then x
else if null cdr z and null cdar z then multsm(caar z,x)
else multm(x,z);
c: u := cdr u;
go to a;
c1: if not lchk cdar u then rederr "Matrix mismatch";
x := for each j in cdar u collect
for each k in j collect xsimp k;
go to b;
d: y := matsm cadar u;
if (n := length car y) neq length y
then rederr "Non square matrix"
else if (z and n neq length z) then rederr "Matrix mismatch"
else if cddar u then go to h
else if null cdr y and null cdar y then go to e;
x := subfg!*;
subfg!* := nil;
if null z then z := apply1(get('mat,'inversefn),y)
else if null(x := get('mat,'lnrsolvefn))
then z := multm(apply1(get('mat,'inversefn),y),z)
else z := apply2(get('mat,'lnrsolvefn),y,z);
subfg!* := x;
% Make sure there are no power substitutions.
z := for each j in z collect for each k in j collect
<<!*sub2 := t; subs2 k>>;
go to c;
e: if null caaar y then rederr "Zero denominator";
y := revpr caar y;
z := if null z then list list y else multsm(y,z);
go to c;
h: if null z then z := generateident n;
go to c;
er: rederr list("Matrix",car u,"not set")
symbolic procedure lchk u;
begin integer n;
if null u or atom car u then return nil;
n := length car u;
repeat u := cdr u
until null u or atom car u or length car u neq n;
return null u
symbolic procedure addm(u,v);
%returns sum of two matrix canonical forms U and V;
for each j in addm1(u,v,function cons)
collect addm1(car j,cdr j,function addsq);
symbolic procedure addm1(u,v,w);
if null u and null v then nil
else if null u or null v then rederr "Matrix mismatch"
else apply(w,list(car u,car v)) . addm1(cdr u,cdr v,w);
symbolic procedure tp u; tp1 matsm u;
symbolic procedure tp1 u;
%returns transpose of the matrix canonical form U;
%U is destroyed in the process;
begin scalar v,w,x,y,z;
v := w := list nil;
while car u do
<<x := u;
y := z := list nil;
while x do
<<z := cdr rplacd(z,list caar x);
x := cdr rplaca(x,cdar x)>>;
w := cdr rplacd(w,list cdr y)>>;
return cdr v
symbolic procedure scalprod(u,v);
%returns scalar product of two lists (vectors) U and V;
if null u and null v then nil ./ 1
else if null u or null v then rederr "Matrix mismatch"
else addsq(multsq(car u,car v),scalprod(cdr u,cdr v));
symbolic procedure multm(u,v);
%returns matrix product of two matrix canonical forms U and V;
(lambda x;
for each y in u collect for each k in x collect scalprod(y,k))
tp1 v;
symbolic procedure multsm(u,v);
%returns product of standard quotient U and matrix standard form V;
if u = (1 ./ 1) then v
else for each j in v collect for each k in j collect multsq(u,k);
symbolic procedure letmtr(u,v,y);
%substitution for matrix elements;
begin scalar z;
if not eqcar(y,'mat) then rederr list("Matrix",car u,"not set")
else if not numlis (z := revlis cdr u) or length z neq 2
then return errpri2(u,'hold);
rplaca(pnth(nth(cdr y,car z),cadr z),v);
module matpri; % Matrix printing routines.
% Author: Anthony C. Hearn;
global '(!*nat);
symbolic procedure setmatpri(u,v);
matpri1(cdr v,u);
symbolic procedure matpri u;
matpri1(cdr u,"MAT");
symbolic procedure matpri1(u,x);
%prints a matrix canonical form U with name X;
begin scalar m,n;
m := 1;
for each y in u do
<<n := 1;
for each z in y do
<<varpri(z,list('setq,list(x,m,n),z),'only); n := n+1>>;
m := m+1>>
module bareiss; % Inversion routines using the Bareiss 2-step method.
% Author: Anthony C. Hearn;
% This module is rife with essential references to RPLAC-based
% functions.
fluid '(!*exp asymplis!*);
global '(wtl!*);
symbolic procedure matinverse u;
lnrsolve(u,generateident length u);
symbolic procedure lnrsolve(u,v);
%U is a matrix standard form, V a compatible matrix form.
%Value is U**(-1)*V.
begin integer n; scalar !*exp,temp;
!*exp := t; n := length u;
if asymplis!* or wtl!*
then <<temp := asymplis!* . wtl!*;
asymplis!* := wtl!* := nil>>;
v := backsub(bareiss car normmat augment(u,v),n);
if temp then <<asymplis!* := car temp; wtl!* := cdr temp>>;
u := rhside(car v,n);
v := cdr v;
return if temp
then for each j in u collect
for each k in j collect resimp(k ./ v)
else for each j in u collect
for each k in j collect cancel(k ./ v)
symbolic procedure augment(u,v);
if null u then nil else append(car u,car v) . augment(cdr u,cdr v);
symbolic procedure generateident n;
%returns matrix canonical form of identity matrix of order N.
begin scalar u,v;
for i := 1:n do
<<u := nil;
for j := 1:n do u := ((if i=j then 1 else nil) . 1) . u;
v := u . v>>;
return v
symbolic procedure rhside(u,m);
if null u then nil else pnth(car u,m+1) . rhside(cdr u,m);
symbolic procedure bareiss u;
%The 2-step integer preserving elimination method of Bareiss
%based on the implementation of Lipson.
%If the value of procedure is NIL then U is singular, otherwise the
%value is the triangularized form of U (in matrix polynomial form).
begin scalar aa,c0,ci1,ci2,ik1,ij,kk1,kj,k1j,k1k1,ui,u1,x;
integer k,k1;
%U1 points to K-1th row of U
%UI points to Ith row of U
%IJ points to U(I,J)
%K1J points to U(K-1,J)
%KJ points to U(K,J)
%IK1 points to U(I,K-1)
%KK1 points to U(K,K-1)
%K1K1 points to U(K-1,K-1)
%M in comments is number of rows in U
%N in comments is number of columns in U.
aa:= 1;
k:= 2;
go to pivot;
agn: u1 := cdr u1;
if null cdr u1 or null cddr u1 then return u;
aa:=nth(car u1,k); %aa := u(k,k).
u1:=cdr u1;
pivot: %pivot algorithm.
k1j:= k1k1 := pnth(car u1,k1);
if car k1k1 then go to l2;
ui:= cdr u1; %i := k.
l: if null ui then return nil
else if null car(ij := pnth(car ui,k1))
then go to l1;
l0: if null ij then go to l2;
x:= car ij;
rplaca(ij,negf car k1j);
ij:= cdr ij;
k1j:= cdr k1j;
go to l0;
l1: ui:= cdr ui;
go to l;
l2: ui:= cdr u1; %i:= k;
l21: if null ui then return; %if i>m then return;
ij:= pnth(car ui,k1);
c0:= addf(multf(car k1k1,cadr ij),
multf(cadr k1k1,negf car ij));
if c0 then go to l3;
ui:= cdr ui; %i:= i+1;
go to l21;
l3: c0:= quotf!*(c0,aa);
kk1 := kj := pnth(cadr u1,k1); %kk1 := u(k,k-1);
if cdr u1 and null cddr u1 then go to ev0
else if ui eq cdr u1 then go to comp;
l31: if null ij then go to comp; %if i>n then go to comp;
x:= car ij;
rplaca(ij,negf car kj);
ij:= cdr ij;
kj:= cdr kj;
go to l31;
%pivoting complete.
if null cdr u1 then go to ev;
ui:= cddr u1; %i:= k+1;
if null ui then go to ev; %if i>m then go to ev;
ik1:= pnth(car ui,k1);
ci1:= quotf!*(addf(multf(cadr k1k1,car ik1),
multf(car k1k1,negf cadr ik1)),
ci2:= quotf!*(addf(multf(car kk1,cadr ik1),
multf(cadr kk1,negf car ik1)),
if null cddr k1k1 then go to comp3;%if j>n then go to comp3;
ij:= cddr ik1; %j:= k+1;
kj:= cddr kk1;
k1j:= cddr k1k1;
if null ij then go to comp3;
rplaca(ij,quotf!*(addf(multf(car ij,c0),
addf(multf(car kj,ci1),
multf(car k1j,ci2))),
ij:= cdr ij;
kj:= cdr kj;
k1j:= cdr k1j;
go to comp2;
ui:= cdr ui;
go to comp1;
ev0:if null c0 then return;
ev: kj := cdr kk1;
x := cddr k1k1; %x := u(k-1,k+1);
ev1:kj:= cdr kj;
if null kj then go to agn;
rplaca(kj,quotf!*(addf(multf(car k1k1,car kj),
multf(car kk1,negf car x)),
x := cdr x;
go to ev1
symbolic procedure backsub(u,m);
begin scalar detm,det1,ij,ijj,ri,summ,uj,ur; integer i,jj;
%N in comments is number of columns in U.
if null u then rederr "Singular matrix";
ur := reverse u;
detm := car pnth(car ur,m); %detm := u(i,j).
if null detm then rederr "Singular matrix";
i := m;
i := i-1;
ur := cdr ur;
if null ur then return u . detm;
%if i=0 then return u . detm.
ri := car ur;
jj := m+1;
r2: if null ijj then go to rows; %if jj>n then go to rows;
ij := pnth(ri,i); %j := i;
det1 := car ij; %det1 := u(i,i);
uj := pnth(u,i);
summ := nil; %summ := 0;
r3: uj := cdr uj; %j := j+1;
if null uj then go to r4; %if j>m then go to r4;
ij := cdr ij;
summ := addf(summ,multf(car ij,nth(car uj,jj)));
go to r3;
r4: rplaca(ijj,quotf!*(addf(multf(detm,car ijj),negf summ),det1));
jj := jj+1;
ijj := cdr ijj;
go to r2
symbolic procedure normmat u;
%U is a matrix standard form.
%Value is dotted pair of matrix polynomial form and factor.
begin scalar x,y,z;
x := 1;
for each v in u do
<<y := 1;
for each w in v do y := lcm(y,denr w);
z := (for each w in v
collect multf(numr w,quotf(y,denr w)))
. z;
x := multf(y,x)>>;
return reverse z . x
module det; % Determinant and trace routines.
% Author: Anthony C. Hearn;
symbolic procedure simpdet u; detq matsm carx(u,'det);
% The hashing and determinant routines below are due to M. L. Griss.
comment Some general purpose hashing functions;
flag('(array),'eval); %declared again for bootstrapping purposes;
array !$hash 64; %general array for hashing;
symbolic procedure gethash key;
%access previously saved element;
symbolic procedure puthash(key,valu);
begin integer k; scalar buk;
k := remainder(key,64);
buk := (key . valu) . !$hash k;
!$hash k := buk;
return car buk
symbolic procedure clrhash;
for i := 0:64 do !$hash i := nil;
comment Determinant Routines;
symbolic procedure detq u;
%top level determinant function;
begin integer len;
len := length u; %number of rows;
for each x in u do
if length x neq len then rederr "NON SQUARE MATRIX";
if len=1 then return caar u;
u := detq1(u,len,0);
return u
symbolic procedure detq1(u,len,ignnum);
%U is a square matrix of order LEN. Value is the determinant of U;
%Algorithm is expansion by minors of first row;
%IGNNUM is packed set of column indices to avoid;
begin integer n2; scalar row,sign,z;
row := car u; %current row;
n2 := 1;
if len=1
then return <<while twomem(n2,ignnum)
do <<n2 := 2*n2; row := cdr row>>;
car row>>; %last row, single element;
if z := gethash ignnum then return cdr z;
len := len-1;
u := cdr u;
z := nil ./ 1;
for each x in row do
<<if not twomem(n2,ignnum)
then <<if numr x
then <<if sign then x := negsq x;
z:= addsq(multsq(x,detq1(u,len,n2+ignnum)),
sign := not sign>>;
n2 := 2*n2>>;
return z
symbolic procedure twomem(n1,n2);
%for efficiency reasons, this procedure should be coded in assembly
not evenp(n2/n1);
symbolic procedure simptrace u;
begin integer n; scalar z;
u := matsm carx(u,'trace);
if length u neq length car u then rederr "NON SQUARE MATRIX";
n := 1;
z := nil ./ 1;
for each x in u do <<z := addsq(nth(x,n),z); n := n+1>>;
return z
module glmat; % Routines for inverting matrices and finding eigen-values
% and vectors. Methods are the same as in glsolve module.
% Author: Eberhard Schruefer.
fluid '(!*cramer !*gcd kord!*);
global '(!!arbint);
if null !!arbint then !!arbint := 0;
switch cramer;
'((t (put 'mat 'lnrsolvefn 'clnrsolve)
(put 'mat 'inversefn 'matinv))
(nil (put 'mat 'lnrsolvefn 'lnrsolve)
(put 'mat 'inversefn 'matinverse))));
% algebraic operator arbcomplex;
% Done this way since it's also defined in the solve1 module.
deflist('((arbcomplex simpiden)),'simpfn);
symbolic procedure clnrsolve(u,v);
%interface to matrix package.
multm(matinv u,v);
symbolic procedure minv u;
matinv matsm u;
put('minv,'rtypefn,'(lambda (x) 'matrix));
%put('mateigen,'rtypefn,'(lambda (x) 'matrix));
symbolic procedure matinv u;
%u is a matrix form. Result is the inverse of matrix u.
begin scalar sgn,x,y,z;
integer l,m,lm;
z := 1;
lm := length car u;
for each v in u do
<<y := 1;
for each w in v do y := lcm(y,denr w);
m := lm;
x := list(nil . (l := l + 1)) .* negf y .+ nil;
for each j in reverse v do
<<if numr j then
x := list m .* multf(numr j,quotf(y,denr j)) .+ x;
m := m - 1>>;
z := c!:extmult(x,z)>>;
if singularchk lpow z then rederr "singular matrix";
sgn := evenp length lpow z;
return for each k in lpow z collect
<<sgn := not sgn;
for each j in lpow z collect mkglimat(k,z,sgn,j)>>
symbolic procedure singularchk u;
pairp car reverse u;
symbolic procedure mateigen(u,eival);
%u is a matrix form, eival an indeterminate naming the eigenvalues.
%Result is a list of lists:
% {{eival-eq1,multiplicity1,eigenvector1},....},
%where eival-eq is a polynomial and eigenvector is a matrix.
% How much should we attempt to solve the eigenvalue eq.? sqfr?
% Sqfr is necessary if we want to have the full eigenspace. If there
% are multiple roots another pass through eigenvector calculation
% is needed(done).
% We should actually perform the calculations in the extension
% field generated by the eigenvalue equation(done inside).
%*** needs still checking; seems to do fairly well.
begin scalar arbvars,exu,sgn,q,r,s,x,y,z,eivec;
integer l,m,lm;
z := 1;
if not(getrtype u eq 'matrix) then typerr(u,"matrix");
u := matsm u;
lm := length car u;
exu := for each v in u collect
<<y := 1;
for each w in v do y := lcm(y,denr w);
m := lm;
l := l + 1;
x := nil;
for each j in reverse v do
<<if l=m then j := addsq(j,negsq !*k2q !*a2k eival);
if numr j then
x := list m .* multf(numr j,quotf(y,denr j)) .+ x;
m := m - 1>>;
y := z;
z := c!:extmult(if null red x then <<
q := (if p then (car p . (cdr p + 1)) . delete(p,q)
else (lc x . 1) . q) where p = assoc(lc x,q);
!*p2f lpow x>> else x,z);
r := if minusf lc z then negf lc z else lc z;
r := numr subs2(r ./ 1);
kord!* := eival . kord!*;
if domainp r then s := 1 else
s := comfac!-to!-poly comfac(r := reorder r);
r := quotf1(r,s);
r := if domainp r then nil else sqfrf r;
if null domainp s and (mvar s eq eival) then
if red s then r := (s . 1) . r
else r := (!*k2f eival . ldeg s) . r;
for each j in q do r := (absf reorder car j . cdr j) . r;
kord!* := cdr kord!*;
r := for each j in r collect reorder car j . cdr j;
l := length r;
return 'list .
for each j in r collect
<<if null((cdr j = 1) and (l = 1)) then
<<y := 1;
for each k in exu do
if x := reduce!-mod!-eig(car j,c!:extmult(k,y))
then y := x>>;
arbvars := nil;
for each k in lpow z do
if (y=1) or null(k member lpow y) then
arbvars := (k . makearbcomplex()) . arbvars;
sgn := (y=1) or evenp length lpow y;
eivec := 'mat . for each k in lpow z collect list
if x := assoc(k,arbvars)
then mvar cdr x
else prepsq!* mkgleig(k,y,
sgn := not sgn,arbvars);
list('list,prepsq!*(car j ./ 1),cdr j,eivec)>>
symbolic procedure reduce!-mod!-eig(u,v);
%reduces exterior product v wrt eigenvalue equation u.
begin scalar x,y;
for each j on v do
if numr(y := reduce!-mod!-eigf(u,lc j)) then
x := lpow j .* y .+ x;
y := 1;
for each j on x do y := lcm(y,denr lc j);
return for each j on reverse x collect
lpow j .* multf(numr lc j,quotf(y,denr lc j))
symbolic procedure reduce!-mod!-eigf(u,v);
subs2 reduce!-eival!-powers(lpow u . negsq cancel(red u ./ lc u),v);
symbolic procedure reduce!-eival!-powers(v,u);
if domainp u then u ./ 1
else if mvar u eq caar v then reduce!-eival!-powers1(v,u ./ 1)
else if ordop(caar v,mvar u) then u ./ 1
else addsq(multpq(lpow u,reduce!-eival!-powers(v,lc u)),
reduce!-eival!-powers(v,red u));
symbolic procedure reduce!-eival!-powers1(v,u);
%reduces powers with the help of the eigenvalue polynomial;
if domainp numr u or (ldeg numr u<pdeg car v) then u
else if ldeg numr u=pdeg car v then
addsq(multsq(cdr v,lc numr u ./ denr u),
red numr u ./ denr u)
else reduce!-eival!-powers1(v,
addsq(multsq(multpf(mvar numr u .** (ldeg numr u-pdeg car v),
lc numr u) ./ denr u,
cdr v),red numr u ./ denr u));
symbolic procedure detex u;
%u is a matrix form, result is determinant of u.
begin scalar f,x,y,z;
integer m,lm;
z := 1;
u := matsm car u;
lm := length car u;
f := 1;
for each v in u do
<<y := 1;
for each w in v do y := lcm(y,denr w);
f := multf(y,f);
m := lm;
x := nil;
for each j in v do
<<if numr j then
x := list m .* multf(numr j,quotf(y,denr j)) .+ x;
m := m - 1>>;
z := c!:extmult(x,z)>>;
return cancel(lc z ./ f)
symbolic procedure mkglimat(u,v,sgn,k);
begin scalar s,x,y;
x := nil ./ 1;
y := lpow v;
for each j on red v do
if s := glmatterm(u,y,j,k)
then x := addsq(cancel(s ./ lc v),x);
return if sgn then negsq x else x
symbolic procedure glmatterm(u,v,w,k);
begin scalar x,y,sgn;
x := lpow w;
a: if null x then return
if pairp car y and (cdar y = k) then lc w else nil;
if car x = u then return nil
else if car x member v then <<x := cdr x;
if y then sgn := not sgn>>
else if y then return nil
else <<y := list car x; x := cdr x>>;
go to a
symbolic procedure mkgleig(u,v,sgn,arbvars);
begin scalar s,x,y,!*gcd;
x := nil ./ 1;
y := lpow v;
!*gcd := t;
for each j on red v do
if s := glsoleig(u,y,j,arbvars)
then x := addsq(cancel(s ./ lc v),x);
return if sgn then negsq x else x
symbolic procedure glsoleig(u,v,w,arbvars);
begin scalar x,y,sgn;
x := lpow w;
a: if null x then return
if null car y then lc w
else multf(cdr assoc(car y,arbvars),
if sgn then negf lc w else lc w);
if car x = u then return nil
else if car x member v then <<x := cdr x;
if y then sgn := not sgn>>
else if y then return nil
else <<y := list car x; x := cdr x>>;
go to a
%**** Support for exterior multiplication ****
% Data structure is lpow ::= list of col.-ind. in exterior product
% | nil . number of eq. for inhomog. terms.
% lc ::= standard form
symbolic procedure c!:extmult(u,v);
%Special exterior multiplication routine. Degree of form v is
%arbitrary, u is a one-form.
if null u or null v then nil
else if v = 1 then u %unity
else (if x then cdr x .* (if car x then negf multf(lc u,lc v)
else multf(lc u,lc v))
.+ c!:extadd(c!:extmult(!*t2f lt u,red v),
c!:extmult(red u,v))
else c!:extadd(c!:extmult(!*t2f lt u,red v),
c!:extmult(red u,v)))
where x = c!:ordexn(car lpow u,lpow v);
symbolic procedure c!:extadd(u,v);
if null u then v
else if null v then u
else if lpow u = lpow v then
(lambda x,y; if null x then y else lpow u .* x .+ y)
(addf(lc u,lc v),c!:extadd(red u,red v))
else if c!:ordexp(lpow u,lpow v) then lt u .+ c!:extadd(red u,v)
else lt v .+ c!:extadd(u,red v);
symbolic procedure c!:ordexp(u,v);
if null u then t
else if car u = car v then c!:ordexp(cdr u,cdr v)
else c!:ordxp(car u,car v);
symbolic procedure c!:ordexn(u,v);
%u is a single index, v a list. Returns nil if u is a member
%of v or a dotted pair of a permutation indicator and the ordered
%list of u merged into v.
begin scalar s,x;
a: if null v then return(s . reverse(u . x))
else if (u = car v) or (pairp u and pairp car v)
then return nil
else if c!:ordxp(u,car v) then
return(s . append(reverse(u . x),v))
else <<x := car v . x;
v := cdr v;
s := not s>>;
go to a
symbolic procedure c!:ordxp(u,v);
if pairp u then if pairp v then cdr u < cdr v
else nil
else if pairp v then t
else u < v;