module util; %% GENTRAN Utility Functions %%
%% Author: Barbara L. Gates %%
%% December 1986 %%
% Entry Points: ALL FUNCTIONS
% User-Accessible Primitive Function %
operator genstmtnum$
% User-Accessible Global Variables %
global '(genstmtincr!* genstmtnum!* tablen!*)$
share 'genstmtincr!*, 'genstmtnum!*, 'tablen!*$
genstmtincr!* := 1$
genstmtnum!* := 25000$
tablen!* := 4$
% GENTRAN Global Variables %
global '(!*lisparithexpops!* !*lispdefops!* !*lisplogexpops!*
!*lispstmtgpops!* !*lispstmtops!* !*symboltable!*)$
!*lisparithexpops!* := '(expt minus plus quotient times)$
%LISP arithmetic expression operators
!*lispdefops!* := '(defun)$ %LISP function definition operator
!*lisplogexpops!* := '(and equal geq greaterp leq lessp neq not or)$
%LISP logical & relational exp operators
!*lispstmtgpops!* := '(prog progn)$ %LISP statement group operators
!*lispstmtops!* := '(break cond end for go read repeat
return setq stop while write)$
%LISP statement operators
!*symboltable!* := '(!*main!*)$ %symbol table
global '(!*for!*)$
%% %%
%% Statement Number Generation Function %%
%% %%
procedure genstmtnum;
genstmtnum!* := genstmtnum!* + genstmtincr!*$
%% %%
%% Symbol Table Insertion, Retrieval & Deletion Functions %%
%% %%
procedure symtabput(name, type, value);
% %
% SymTabPut(subprogname, NIL, NIL ) subprogram name %
% SymTabPut(subprogname, '!*Type!*, subprogtype ) subprogram type %
% SymTabPut(subprogname, '!*Params!*, paramlist ) parameter list %
% SymTabPut(subprogname, vname, '(type d1 d2 ...)) type & dimensions %
% for variable, %
% variable range, %
% if subprogname=NIL parameter, or %
% then subprogname <-- Car symboltable function name %
% %
name := name or car !*symboltable!*;
!*symboltable!* := name . delete(name, !*symboltable!*);
if type memq '(!*type!* !*params!*) then
put(name, type, value)
else if type then
scalar v, vtype, vdims, dec, decs;
v := type;
vtype := car value;
vdims := cdr value;
decs := get(name, '!*decs!*);
dec := assoc(v, decs);
decs := delete(dec, decs);
vtype := vtype or (if length dec > 1 then cadr dec);
vdims := vdims or (if length dec > 2 then cddr dec);
dec := v . vtype . vdims;
put(name, '!*decs!*, append(decs, list dec))
procedure symtabget(name, type);
% %
% SymTabGet(NIL, NIL ) all subprogram names %
% SymTabGet(subprogname, '!*Type!* ) subprogram type %
% SymTabGet(subprogname, '!*Params!*) parameter list %
% SymTabGet(subprogname, vname ) type & dimensions for variable, %
% variable range, parameter, or %
% function name %
% SymTabGet(subprogname, '!*Decs!* ) all types & dimensions %
% %
% if subprogname=NIL & 2nd arg is non-NIL %
% then subprogname <-- Car symboltable %
% %
if type then name := name or car !*symboltable!*;
if null name then
else if type memq '(!*type!* !*params!* !*decs!*) then
get(name, type)
assoc(type, get(name, '!*decs!*))
procedure symtabrem(name, type);
% %
% SymTabRem(subprogname, NIL ) subprogram name %
% SymTabRem(subprogname, '!*Type!* ) subprogram type %
% SymTabRem(subprogname, '!*Params!*) parameter list %
% SymTabRem(subprogname, vname ) type & dimensions for variable, %
% variable range, parameter, or %
% function name %
% SymTabRem(subprogname, '!*Decs!* ) all types & dimensions %
% %
% if subprogname=NIL %
% then subprogname <-- Car symboltable %
% %
name := name or car !*symboltable!*;
if null type then
!*symboltable!* := delete(name, !*symboltable!*) or '(!*main!*)
else if type memq '(!*type!* !*params!* !*decs!*) then
remprop(name, type)
scalar v, dec, decs;
v := type;
decs := get(name, '!*decs!*);
dec := assoc(v, decs);
decs := delete(dec, decs);
put(name, '!*decs!*, decs)
procedure getvartype var;
scalar type;
if listp var then
var := car var;
type := symtabget(nil, var);
if type and length type >= 2 then
type := cadr type
type := nil;
return type
procedure arrayeltp exp;
length symtabget(nil, car exp) > 2$
%% %%
%% Functions for Making LISP Forms %%
%% %%
procedure mkassign(var, exp);
list('setq, var, exp)$
procedure mkcond pairs;
'cond . pairs$
procedure mkdef(name, params, body);
append(list('defun, name, params), body)$
procedure mkreturn exp;
list('return, exp)$
procedure mkstmtgp(vars, stmts);
if numberp vars then
'progn . stmts
'prog . vars . stmts$
%% LISP Form Predicates %%
procedure lispassignp stmt;
procedure lispbreakp form;
procedure lispcallp form;
listp form$
procedure lispcondp stmt;
procedure lispdefp form;
not atom form and car form memq !*lispdefops!*$
procedure lispexpp form;
atom form or
car form memq !*lisparithexpops!* or
car form memq !*lisplogexpops!* or
not (car form memq !*lispstmtops!*) and
not (car form memq !*lispstmtgpops!*) and
not (car form memq !*lispdefops!*)$
procedure lispendp form;
procedure lispforp form;
procedure lispgop form;
procedure lisplabelp form;
atom form$
procedure lispprintp form;
procedure lispreadp form;
procedure lisprepeatp form;
procedure lispreturnp stmt;
procedure lispstmtp form;
atom form or
car form memq !*lispstmtops!* or
( atom car form and
not (car form memq !*lisparithexpops!* or
car form memq !*lisplogexpops!* or
car form memq !*lispstmtgpops!* or
car form memq !*lispdefops!*) )$
procedure lispstmtgpp form;
listp form and car form memq !*lispstmtgpops!*$
procedure lispstopp form;
procedure lispwhilep form;
%% %%
%% Type Predicates & Type List Forming Functions %%
%% %%
procedure formtypelists varlists;
% ( (var TYPE d1 d2...) ( (TYPE (var d1 d2...) ...) %
% : ==> : %
% (var TYPE d1 d2...) ) (TYPE (var d1 d2...) ...) ) %
scalar type, typelists, tl;
for each vl in varlists do
type := cadr vl;
if onep length(vl := delete(type, vl)) then
vl := car vl;
if (tl := assoc(type, typelists)) then
typelists := delete(tl, typelists)
tl := list type;
typelists := append(typelists, list append(tl, list vl))
return typelists
procedure functionformp(stmt, name);
% Does stmt contain an assignment which assigns a value to name? %
% Does it contain a RETURN exp; stmt? %
% (i.e., (SETQ name exp) -or- (RETURN exp) %
if null stmt or atom stmt then
else if car stmt eq 'setq and cadr stmt eq name then
else if car stmt eq 'return and cdr stmt then
eval('or . for each st in stmt collect functionformp(st, name))$
procedure implicitp type;
scalar xtype, ximp, r;
xtype := explode2 type;
ximp := explode2 'implicit;
r := t;
r := r and (car xtype eq car ximp)
until null(xtype := cdr xtype) or null(ximp := cdr ximp);
return r
%% %%
%% Misc. Functions %%
%% %%
procedure insertcommas lst;
scalar result;
if null lst then
return nil;
result := list car lst;
while lst := cdr lst do
result := car lst . '!, . result;
return reverse result
procedure insertparens exp;
'!( . append(exp, list '!))$
procedure optype op;
get(op, '!*optype!*)$
put('minus, '!*optype!*, 'unary )$
put('not, '!*optype!*, 'unary )$
put('quotient, '!*optype!*, 'binary)$
put('expt, '!*optype!*, 'binary)$
put('equal, '!*optype!*, 'binary)$
put('neq, '!*optype!*, 'binary)$
put('greaterp, '!*optype!*, 'binary)$
put('geq, '!*optype!*, 'binary)$
put('lessp, '!*optype!*, 'binary)$
put('leq, '!*optype!*, 'binary)$
put('plus, '!*optype!*, 'nary )$
put('times, '!*optype!*, 'nary )$
put('and, '!*optype!*, 'nary )$
put('or, '!*optype!*, 'nary )$
procedure seqtogp lst;
if null lst or atom lst or lispstmtp lst or lispstmtgpp lst then
else if onep length lst and listp car lst then
seqtogp car lst
mkstmtgp(nil, for each st in lst collect seqtogp st)$
procedure stringtoatom a;
intern compress
foreach c in append('!" . explode2 a, list '!")
conc list('!!, c)$
procedure stripquotes a;
if atom a then
intern compress
for each c in explode2 a conc list('!!, c)
else if car a eq 'quote then
stripquotes cadr a
module intrfc; %% GENTRAN Parsing Routines & Control Functions %%
%% Author: Barbara L. Gates %%
%% December 1986 %%
% Entry Points:
% DeclareStat, GENDECS, GenInStat (GentranIn), GenOutStat
% (GentranOutPush), GenPopStat (GentranPop), GenPushStat, GenShutStat
% (GentranShut), GenStat (Gentran), (GENTRANPAIRS),
% GENTRAN Commands %
put('gentran, 'stat, 'genstat )$
put('gentranin, 'stat, 'geninstat )$
put('gentranout, 'stat, 'genoutstat )$
put('gentranshut, 'stat, 'genshutstat)$
put('gentranpush, 'stat, 'genpushstat)$
put('gentranpop, 'stat, 'genpopstat )$
% Form Analysis Function %
put('gentran, 'formfn, 'formgentran)$
put('gentranin, 'formfn, 'formgentran)$
put('gentranoutpush, 'formfn, 'formgentran)$
put('gentranshut, 'formfn, 'formgentran)$
put('gentranpop, 'formfn, 'formgentran)$
% GENTRAN Functions %
put('declare, 'stat, 'declarestat)$
put('literal, 'stat, 'literalstat)$
% GENTRAN Operators %
newtok '((!: !: !=) lsetq )$ infix ::= $
newtok '((!: != !:) rsetq )$ infix :=: $
newtok '((!: !: != !:) lrsetq)$ infix ::=:$
% User-Accessible Primitive Function %
operator gendecs$
% GENTRAN Mode Switches %
global '(!*gendecs)$
!*gendecs := t$
put('gendecs, 'simpfg, '((nil) (t (gendecs nil))))$
switch gendecs$
% GENTRAN Flags %
global '(
!*gentranseg := t$
switch gentranseg$
% User-Accessible Global Variable %
global '(gentranlang!*)$
share gentranlang!*$
gentranlang!* := 'fortran$
% GENTRAN Global Variable %
global '(!*term!* !*stdin!* !*stdout!* !*instk!* !*currin!* !*outstk!*
!*currout!* !*outchanl!*)$
!*term!* := (t . nil)$ %terminal filepair
!*stdin!* := !*term!*$ %standard input filepair
!*stdout!* := !*term!*$ %standard output filepair
!*instk!* := list !*stdin!*$ %template file stack
!*currin!* := car !*instk!*$ %current input filepair
!*outstk!* := list !*stdout!*$ %output file stack
!*currout!* := car !*outstk!*$ %current output filepair
!*outchanl!* := list cdr !*currout!*$ %current output channel list
global '(!*do!* !*for!*)$
off quotenewnam$
!*do!* := 'do$
!*for!* := 'for$
on quotenewnam$
% REDUCE Variables %
global '(cursym!* !*vars!*)$
fluid '(!*mode)$
%% %%
%% %%
%% GENTRAN Command Parsers %%
procedure genstat;
% %
% stmt %
% [OUT f1,f2,...,fn]; %
% %
scalar st;
flag('(out), 'delim);
st := xread t;
remflag('(out), 'delim);
if cursym!* eq 'out then
return list('gentran, st, readfargs())
else if endofstmtp() then
return list('gentran, st, nil)
gentranerr('e, nil, "INVALID SYNTAX", nil)
procedure geninstat;
% %
% f1,f2,...,fm %
% [OUT f1,f2,...,fn]; %
% %
scalar f1, f2;
flag('(out), 'delim);
f1 := xread nil;
if atom f1 then f1 := list f1 else f1 := cdr f1;
remflag('(out), 'delim);
if cursym!* eq 'out then
f2 := readfargs();
return list('gentranin, f1, f2)
procedure genoutstat;
% %
% GENTRANOUT f1,f2,...,fn; %
% %
list('gentranoutpush, readfargs())$
procedure genshutstat;
% %
% GENTRANSHUT f1,f2,...,fn; %
% %
list('gentranshut, readfargs())$
procedure genpushstat;
% %
% GENTRANPUSH f1,f2,...,fn; %
% %
list('gentranoutpush, readfargs())$
procedure genpopstat;
% %
% GENTRANPOP f1,f2,...,fn; %
% %
list('gentranpop, readfargs())$
%% GENTRAN Function Parsers %%
procedure declarestat;
% %
% DECLARE v1,v2,...,vn : type; %
% %
% << %
% v1,v2,...,vn1 : type1; %
% v1,v2,...,vn2 : type2; %
% . %
% . %
% v1,v2,...,vnn : typen %
% >>; %
% %
scalar res, varlst, type;
if cursym!* eq '!*lsqb!* then
while cursym!* neq '!*rsqb!* do
varlst := list xread1 'for;
while cursym!* neq '!*colon!* do
varlst := append(varlst, list xread 'for);
type := declarestat1();
res := append(res, list(type . varlst));
if cursym!* eq '!*semicol!* then scan()
varlst := list xread1 'for;
while cursym!* neq '!*colon!* do
varlst := append(varlst, list xread 'for);
type := declarestat1();
res := list (type . varlst);
if not endofstmtp() then
gentranerr('e, nil, "INVALID SYNTAX", nil);
return ('declare . res)
procedure declarestat1;
scalar res;
if endofstmtp() then
return nil;
if cursym!* eq 'implicit then
res := intern compress append(explode 'implicit! , explode cursym!*)
res := cursym!*;
if cursym!* eq 'times then
if numberp cursym!* then
res := intern compress append(append(explode res, explode '!*),
explode cursym!*);
gentranerr('e, nil, "INVALID SYNTAX", nil)
return res
procedure literalstat;
% %
% LITERAL arg1,arg2,...,argn; %
% %
scalar res;
res := append(res, list xread t)
until endofstmtp();
if atom res then
return list('literal, res)
else if car res eq '!*comma!* then
return rplaca(res, 'literal)
return('literal . res)
%% %%
%% Symbolic Mode Functions %%
%% %%
procedure sym!-gentran form;
eval formgentran(list('gentran, form, nil), !*vars!*, !*mode)$
procedure sym!-gentranin flist;
eval formgentran(list('gentranin,
if atom flist then list flist else flist,
!*vars!*, !*mode)$
procedure sym!-gentranout flist;
eval formgentran(list('gentranoutpush,
if atom flist then list flist else flist),
!*vars!*, !*mode)$
procedure sym!-gentranshut flist;
eval formgentran(list('gentranshut,
if atom flist then list flist else flist),
!*vars!*, !*mode)$
procedure sym!-gentranpush flist;
eval formgentran(list('gentranoutpush,
if atom flist then list flist else flist),
!*vars!*, !*mode)$
procedure sym!-gentranpop flist;
eval formgentran(list('gentranpop,
if atom flist then list flist else flist),
!*vars!*, !*mode)$
%% %%
%% Form Analysis Functions %%
%% %%
procedure formgentran(u, vars, mode);
(car u) . foreach arg in cdr u collect formgentran1(arg, vars, mode)$
procedure formgentran1(u, vars, mode);
if pairp u and not listp u then
if atom u then
mkquote u
else if car u eq 'eval then
list('aeval, form1(cadr u, vars, mode))
else if car u memq '(lsetq rsetq lrsetq) then
% (LSETQ (var s1 s2 ... sn) exp) %
% -> (SETQ (var (EVAL s1) (EVAL s2) ... (EVAL sn)) exp) %
% (RSETQ var exp) %
% -> (SETQ var (EVAL exp)) %
% (LRSETQ (var s1 s2 ... sn) exp) %
% -> (SETQ (var (EVAL s1) (EVAL s2) ... (EVAL sn)) (EVAL exp)) %
scalar op, lhs, rhs;
op := car u;
lhs := cadr u;
rhs := caddr u;
if op memq '(lsetq lrsetq) and listp lhs then
lhs := car lhs . foreach s in cdr lhs collect list('eval, s);
if op memq '(rsetq lrsetq) then
rhs := list('eval, rhs);
return formgentran1(list('setq, lhs, rhs), vars, mode)
'list . foreach elt in u
collect formgentran1(elt, vars, mode)$
%% %%
%% Control Functions %%
%% %%
%% Command Control Functions %%
procedure gentran(forms, flist);
if flist then
eval list('gentranoutpush, list('quote, flist));
forms := preproc list forms;
gentranparse forms;
forms := lispcode forms;
%%IF !*GENTRANOPT THEN forms := Opt forms;
if !*gentranseg then forms := seg forms;
if gentranlang!* eq 'ratfor then
formatrat ratcode forms
else if gentranlang!* eq 'c then
formatc ccode forms
formatfort fortcode forms;
if flist then
flist := car !*currout!* or ('list . cdr !*currout!*);
eval '(gentranpop '(nil));
return flist
return car !*currout!* or ('list . cdr !*currout!*)
procedure gentranin(inlist, outlist);
scalar ich;
foreach f in inlist do
if listp f then
gentranerr('e, f, "Wrong Type of Arg", nil)
else if not !*filep!* f and f neq car !*stdin!* then
gentranerr('e, f, "Nonexistent Input File", nil);
if outlist then
eval list('gentranoutpush, mkquote outlist);
ich := rds nil;
foreach f in inlist do
if f = car !*stdin!* then
pushinputstack !*stdin!*
else if retrieveinputfilepair f then
gentranerr('e, f, "Template File Already Open for Input", nil)
pushinputstack makeinputfilepair f;
rds cdr !*currin!*;
if gentranlang!* eq 'ratfor then
else if gentranlang!* eq 'c then
rds ich;
if outlist then
outlist := car !*currout!* or ('list . cdr !*currout!*);
eval '(gentranpop '(nil));
return outlist
return car !*currout!* or ('list . cdr !*currout!*)
procedure gentranoutpush flist;
if onep length (flist := fargstonames(flist, t)) then
flist := car flist;
pushoutputstack (retrieveoutputfilepair flist
or makeoutputfilepair flist);
car !*currout!* or ('list . cdr !*currout!*)
procedure gentranshut flist;
% close, delete, [output to T] %
scalar trm;
flist := fargstonames(flist, nil);
trm := if onep length flist then (car flist = car !*currout!*)
else if car !*currout!*
then (if car !*currout!* member flist then t)
else eval('and . foreach f in cdr !*currout!*
collect (if f member flist then t));
deletefromoutputstack flist;
if trm and !*currout!* neq !*stdout!* then
pushoutputstack !*stdout!*;
return car !*currout!* or ('list . cdr !*currout!*)
procedure gentranpop flist;
if 'all!* member flist then
while !*outstk!* neq list !*stdout!* do
eval '(gentranpop '(nil))
flist := fargstonames(flist,nil);
if onep length flist then
flist := car flist;
popoutputstack flist
car !*currout!* or ('list . cdr !*currout!*)
%% Mode Switch Control Function %%
procedure gendecs name;
% %
% %
% GENDECS subprogname; %
% %
if name equal 0 then name := nil;
if gentranlang!* eq 'ratfor then
formatrat ratdecs symtabget(name, '!*decs!*)
else if gentranlang!* eq 'c then
formatc cdecs symtabget(name, '!*decs!*)
formatfort fortdecs symtabget(name, '!*decs!*);
symtabrem(name, nil);
symtabrem(name, '!*decs!*)
%% Misc. Control Functions %%
procedure gentranpairs prs;
% %
% GENTRANPAIRS dottedpairlist; %
% %
if gentranlang!* eq 'ratfor then
for each pr in prs do
formatrat mkfratassign(lispcodeexp(car pr, !*period),
lispcodeexp(cdr pr, !*period))
else if gentranlang!* eq 'c then
for each pr in prs do
formatc mkfcassign(lispcodeexp(car pr, !*period),
lispcodeexp(cdr pr, !*period))
for each pr in prs do
formatfort mkffortassign(lispcodeexp(car pr, !*period),
lispcodeexp(cdr pr, !*period))$
%% %%
%% Input & Output File Stack Manipulation Functions %%
%% %%
%% Input Stack Manipulation Functions %%
procedure makeinputfilepair fname;
(fname . open(mkfil fname, 'input))$
procedure retrieveinputfilepair fname;
retrievefilepair(fname, !*instk!*)$
procedure pushinputstack pr;
!*instk!* := pr . !*instk!*;
!*currin!* := car !*instk!*;
procedure popinputstack;
begin scalar x;
x := !*currin!*;
if cdr !*currin!* then close cdr !*currin!*;
!*instk!* := cdr !*instk!* or list !*stdin!*;
!*currin!* := car !*instk!*;
return x
%% Output File Stack Manipulation Functions %%
procedure makeoutputfilepair f;
if atom f then
(f . open(mkfil f, 'output))
aconc((nil . f) .
foreach fn in f
conc if not retrieveoutputfilepair fn
then list makeoutputfilepair fn,
(nil . nil))$
procedure retrieveoutputfilepair f;
if atom f
then retrievefilepair(f, !*outstk!*)
else retrievepfilepair(f, !*outstk!*)$
procedure pushoutputstack pr;
!*outstk!* := if atom cdr pr
then (pr . !*outstk!*)
else append(pr, !*outstk!*);
!*currout!* := car !*outstk!*;
!*outchanl!* := if car !*currout!*
then list cdr !*currout!*
else foreach f in cdr !*currout!*
collect cdr retrieveoutputfilepair f;
procedure popoutputstack f;
% [close], remove top-most exact occurrence, reset vars %
scalar pr, s;
if atom f then
pr := retrieveoutputfilepair f;
while !*outstk!* and car !*outstk!* neq pr do
if caar !*outstk!* then
<<s := aconc(s, car !*outstk!*); !*outstk!* := cdr !*outstk!*>>
while car !*outstk!* neq (nil . nil) do
<< s := aconc(s, car !*outstk!*);
!*outstk!* := cdr !*outstk!* >>;
s := aconc(s, car !*outstk!*);
!*outstk!* := cdr !*outstk!*
if !*outstk!* then s := append(s, cdr !*outstk!*);
!*outstk!* := s;
if not retrieveoutputfilepair f then close cdr pr
pr := foreach fn in f collect retrieveoutputfilepair fn;
while !*outstk!* and not filelistequivp(cdar !*outstk!*, f) do
if caar !*outstk!* then
<< s := aconc(s, car !*outstk!*);
!*outstk!* := cdr !*outstk!* >>
while car !*outstk!* neq (nil . nil) do
<< s := aconc(s, car !*outstk!*);
!*outstk!* := cdr !*outstk!* >>;
s := aconc(s, car !*outstk!*);
!*outstk!* := cdr !*outstk!*
if !*outstk!* then
while car !*outstk!* neq (nil . nil) do
!*outstk!* := cdr !*outstk!*;
s := append(s, cdr !*outstk!*)
!*outstk!* := s;
foreach fn in f do pr := delete(retrieveoutputfilepair fn, pr);
foreach p in pr do close cdr p
!*outstk!* := !*outstk!* or list !*stdout!*;
!*currout!* := car !*outstk!*;
!*outchanl!* := if car !*currout!*
then list cdr !*currout!*
else foreach fn in cdr !*currout!*
collect cdr retrieveoutputfilepair fn;
return f
procedure deletefromoutputstack f;
scalar s, pr;
if atom f then
pr := retrieveoutputfilepair f;
while retrieveoutputfilepair f do
!*outstk!* := delete(pr, !*outstk!*);
close cdr pr;
foreach pr in !*outstk!* do
if listp cdr pr and f member cdr pr then
rplacd(pr, delete(f, cdr pr))
foreach fn in f do
deletefromoutputstack fn;
foreach fn in f do
foreach pr in !*outstk!* do
if listp cdr pr and fn member cdr pr then
rplacd(pr, delete(fn, cdr pr))
while !*outstk!* do
if caar !*outstk!* and caar !*outstk!* neq 't then
s := aconc(s, car !*outstk!*);
!*outstk!* := cdr !*outstk!*
else if cdar !*outstk!* and cdar !*outstk!* neq '(t) then
while car !*outstk!* neq (nil . nil) do
s := aconc(s, car !*outstk!*);
!*outstk!* := cdr !*outstk!*
s := aconc(s, car !*outstk!*);
!*outstk!* := cdr !*outstk!*
!*outstk!* := cddr !*outstk!*;
!*outstk!* := s or list !*stdout!*;
!*currout!* := car !*outstk!*;
!*outchanl!* := if car !*currout!*
then list cdr !*currout!*
else foreach fn in cdr !*currout!*
collect cdr retrieveoutputfilepair fn;
return f
procedure retrievefilepair(fname, stk);
if null stk then
else if caar stk and mkfil fname = mkfil caar stk then
car stk
retrievefilepair(fname, cdr stk)$
procedure retrievepfilepair(f, stk);
if null stk then
else if null caar stk and filelistequivp(f, cdar stk) then
list(car stk, (nil . nil))
retrievepfilepair(f, cdr stk)$
procedure filelistequivp(f1, f2);
if listp f1 and listp f2 then
f1 := foreach f in f1 collect mkfil f;
f2 := foreach f in f2 collect mkfil f;
while (car f1 member f2) do
f2 := delete(car f1, f2);
f1 := cdr f1
null f1 and null f2
procedure !*filep!* f;
not errorp errorset(list('close,
list('open,list('mkfil,mkquote f),''input)),
%% %%
%% Scanning & Arg-Conversion Functions %%
%% %%
procedure endofstmtp;
if cursym!* member '(!*semicol!* !*rsqb!* end) then t$
procedure fargstonames(fargs, openp);
scalar names;
fargs :=
for each a in fargs conc
if a memq '(nil 0) then
if car !*currout!* then
list car !*currout!*
cdr !*currout!*
else if a eq 't then
list car !*stdout!*
else if a eq 'all!* then
for each fp in !*outstk!* conc
(if car fp and not(fp equal !*stdout!*) then list car fp)
else if atom a then
if openp then
if !*filep!* a and null assoc(a, !*outstk!*) then
gentranerr('w, a, "OUTPUT FILE ALREADY EXISTS",
list a
if retrieveoutputfilepair a then
list a
gentranerr('w, a, "File not Open for Output", nil)
gentranerr('e, a, "WRONG TYPE OF ARG", nil);
if not (car fargs member names) then
names := append(names, list car fargs)
until null (fargs := cdr fargs);
return names
procedure readfargs;
scalar f;
while not endofstmtp() do
f := append(f, list xread t);
return f or list nil
module templt; %% GENTRAN Template Processing Routines %%
%% Author: Barbara L. Gates %%
%% December 1986 %%
% Entry Points: ProcCTem, ProcFortTem, ProcRatTem
% User-Accessible Global Variables %
global '(gentranlang!* !*gendecs !$!#)$
share 'gentranlang!*, '!$!#$
gentranlang!* := 'fortran$
!$!# := 0$
switch gendecs$
global '(!*space!* !*stdout!* !$eof!$ !$eol!$)$
% GENTRAN Global Variables %
!*space!* := '! $
fluid '(!*mode)$
%% %%
%% Text Processing Routines %%
%% %%
procedure procforttem;
scalar c, linelen;
linelen := linelength 150;
c := procfortcomm();
while c neq !$eof!$ do
if c memq '(!F !f !S !s) then
pprin2 c;
c := procsubprogheading c
else if c eq !$eol!$ then
c := procfortcomm()
else if c eq '!; then
c := procactive()
pprin2 c;
c := readch()
linelength linelen
procedure procfortcomm;
% <col 1>C ... <cr> %
% <col 1>c ... <cr> %
scalar c;
while (c := readch()) memq '(!C !c) do
pprin2 c;
if (c := readch()) neq !$eol!$ then
pprin2 c
until c eq !$eol!$;
return c
%% RATFOR %%
procedure procrattem;
scalar c, linelen;
linelen := linelength 150;
c := readch();
while c neq !$eof!$ do
if c memq '(!F !f !S !s) then
pprin2 c;
c := procsubprogheading c
else if c eq '!# then
c := procratcomm()
else if c eq '!; then
c := procactive()
else if c eq !$eol!$ then
c := readch()
pprin2 c;
c := readch()
linelength linelen
procedure procratcomm;
% # ... <cr> %
scalar c;
pprin2 '!#;
while (c := readch()) neq !$eol!$ do
pprin2 c;
return readch()
procedure procsubprogheading c;
scalar lst, name, i, propname;
lst := if c memq '(!F !f)
then '((!U !u) (!N !n) (!C !c) (!T !t) (!I !i) (!O !o)
(!N !n))
else '((!U !u) (!B !b) (!R !r) (!O !o) (!U !u)
(!T !t) (!I !i) (!N !n) (!E !e));
while lst and (c := readch()) memq car lst do
<< pprin2 c; lst := cdr lst >>;
if lst then return c;
while seprp(c := readch()) do
if c eq !$eol!$
then pterpri()
else pprin2 c;
while not(seprp c or c eq '!() do
<< name := aconc(name, c); pprin2 c; c := readch() >>;
name := intern compress name;
if not !*gendecs then
symtabput(name, nil, nil);
propname := if gentranlang!* eq 'fortran
then '!*fortranname!*
else '!*ratforname!*;
put('!$0, propname, name);
while seprp c do
if c eq !$eol!$
then pterpri()
else pprin2 c;
c := readch()
if c neq '!( then return c;
i := 1;
pprin2 c;
c := readch();
while c neq '!) do
while seprp c or c eq '!, do
if c eq !$eol!$
then pterpri()
else pprin2 c;
c := readch()
name := list c;
pprin2 c;
while not (seprp (c := readch()) or c memq list('!,, '!))) do
<< name := aconc(name, c); pprin2 c >>;
put(intern compress append(explode2 '!$, explode2 i),
intern compress name);
i := add1 i;
while seprp c do
if c eq !$eol!$
then pterpri()
else pprin2 c;
c := readch()
!$!# := sub1 i;
while get(name := intern compress append(explode2 '!$, explode2 i),
propname) do
remprop(name, propname);
return c
%% C %%
procedure procctem;
scalar c, linelen;
linelen := linelength 150;
c := readch();
if c eq '!# then c := procc!#line c;
while c neq !$eof!$ do
if c eq !$eol!$ then
c := procc!#line c
else if c eq '!/ then
c := procccomm()
else if c eq '!; then
c := procactive()
c := proccheader(c);
linelength linelen
procedure procc!#line c;
% # ... <cr> %
if c eq !$eol!$ then
<< pterpri(); c := readch() >>;
if c eq '!# then
<< pprin2 c; c := readch() >>
until c eq !$eol!$;
return c
procedure procccomm;
% /* ... */ %
scalar c;
pprin2 '!/;
c := readch();
if c eq '!* then
pprin2 c;
c := readch();
while c neq '!* do
if c eq !$eol!$
then pterpri()
else pprin2 c;
c := readch()
pprin2 c;
c := readch()
until c eq '!/;
pprin2 c;
c := readch()
return c
procedure proccheader c;
scalar name, i;
while seprp c and c neq !$eol!$ do
<< pprin2 c; c := readch() >>;
while not(seprp c or c memq list('!/, '!;, '!()) do
<< name := aconc(name, c); pprin2 c; c := readch() >>;
if c memq list(!$eol!$, '!/, '!;) then return c;
while seprp c and c neq !$eol!$ do
<< pprin2 c; c := readch() >>;
if c neq '!( then return c;
name := intern compress name;
if not !*gendecs then
symtabput(name, nil, nil);
put('!$0, '!*cname!*, name);
pprin2 c;
i := 1;
c := readch();
while c neq '!) do
while seprp c or c eq '!, do
if c eq !$eol!$
then pterpri()
else pprin2 c;
c := readch()
name := list c;
pprin2 c;
while not(seprp (c := readch()) or c memq list('!,, '!))) do
<< name := aconc(name, c); pprin2 c >>;
put(intern compress append(explode2 '!$, explode2 i),
intern compress name);
i := add1 i;
while seprp c do
if c eq !$eol!$
then pterpri()
else pprin2 c;
c := readch()
!$!# := sub1 i;
while get(name := intern compress append(explode2 '!$, explode2 i),
'!*cname!*) do
remprop(name, '!*cname!*);
return proccfunction c
procedure proccfunction c;
scalar !{!}count;
while c neq '!{ do
if c eq '!/ then
c := procccomm()
else if c eq '!; then
c := procactive()
else if c eq !$eol!$ then
<< pterpri(); c := readch() >>
<< pprin2 c; c := readch() >>;
pprin2 c;
!{!}count := 1;
c := readch();
while !{!}count > 0 do
if c eq '!{ then
<< !{!}count := add1 !{!}count; pprin2 c; c := readch() >>
else if c eq '!} then
<< !{!}count := sub1 !{!}count; pprin2 c; c := readch() >>
else if c eq '!/ then
c := procccomm()
else if c eq '!; then
c := procactive()
else if c eq !$eol!$ then
<< pterpri(); c := readch() >>
<< pprin2 c; c := readch() >>;
return c
%% %%
%% Template File Active Part Handler %%
%% %%
procedure procactive;
% active parts: ;BEGIN; ... ;END; %
% eof markers: ;END; %
scalar c, buf, mode, och;
c := readch();
if c eq 'e then
if (c := readch()) eq 'n then
if (c := readch()) eq 'd then
if (c := readch()) eq '!; then
return !$eof!$
else buf := '!;end
else buf := '!;en
else buf := '!;e
else if c eq 'b then
if (c := readch()) eq 'e then
if (c := readch()) eq 'g then
if (c := readch()) eq 'i then
if (c := readch()) eq 'n then
if (c := readch()) eq '!; then
mode := !*mode;
!*mode := 'algebraic;
och := wrs cdr !*stdout!*;
wrs och;
!*mode := mode;
linelength 150;
return if (c := readch()) eq !$eol!$
then readch()
else c
else buf := '!;begin
else buf := '!;begi
else buf := '!;beg
else buf := '!;be
else buf := '!;b
else buf := '!;;
pprin2 buf;
return c
module pre; %% GENTRAN Preprocessing Module %%
%% Author: Barbara L. Gates %%
%% December 1986 %%
% Entry Point: Preproc
procedure preproc exp;
scalar r;
r := preproc1 exp;
if r then
return car r
return r
procedure preproc1 exp;
if atom exp then
list exp
else if car exp eq '!*sq then
% (!*SQ dpexp) --> (PREPSQ dpexp) %
preproc1 prepsq cadr exp
else if car exp eq 'procedure then
% Store subprogram name & parameters in symbol table %
symtabput(cadr exp, '!*params!*, car cddddr exp);
list for each e in exp
conc preproc1 e
else if car exp eq 'declare then
% Store type declarations in symbol table %
exp := car preproc1 cdr exp;
exp := preprocdec exp;
for each dec in exp do
for each var in cdr dec do
if car dec memq '(subroutine function) then
symtabput(var, '!*type!*, car dec)
if atom var then var else car var,
if atom var then list car dec
else (car dec . cdr var));
list for each e in exp
conc preproc1 e$
procedure preprocdec arg;
% (TIMES type int) --> type!*int %
% (IMPLICIT type) --> IMPLICIT! type %
% (DIFFERENCE v1 v2) --> v1!-v2 %
if atom arg then
else if car arg eq 'times then
append( append( explode cadr arg, explode '!* ),
explode caddr arg )
else if car arg eq 'implicit then
append( explode 'implicit! , explode preprocdec cadr arg )
else if car arg eq 'difference then
append( append( explode cadr arg, explode '!- ),
explode caddr arg )
for each a in arg collect
preprocdec a$
module gparser; %% GENTRAN Parser Module %%
%% Author: Barbara L. Gates %%
%% December 1986 %%
% Entry Point: GentranParse
% GENTRAN Global Variable %
global '(!*reservedops!*)$
!*reservedops!* := '(and block cond difference equal expt for geq go
greaterp leq lessp mat minus neq not or plus
procedure progn quotient read recip repeat return
setq times while write)$ %reserved operators
procedure gentranparse forms;
for each f in forms do
if not(gpstmtp f or gpexpp f or gpdefnp f) then
gentranerr('e, f, "CANNOT BE TRANSLATED", nil)$
procedure gpexpp exp;
% exp ::= id | number | (PLUS exp exp') | (MINUS exp) | %
% (DIFFERENCE exp exp) | (TIMES exp exp exp') | %
% (RECIP exp) |(QUOTIENT exp exp) | (EXPT exp exp) | (id arg') %
if atom exp then
idp exp or numberp exp
if car exp eq 'plus then
length exp >= 2 and gpexpp cadr exp and gpexp1p cddr exp
else if car exp memq '(minus recip) then
length exp=2 and gpexpp cadr exp
else if car exp memq '(difference quotient expt) then
length exp=3 and gpexpp cadr exp and gpexpp caddr exp
else if car exp eq 'times then
length exp >= 3 and gpexpp cadr exp and gpexpp caddr exp and
gpexp1p cdddr exp
else if unresidp car exp then
gparg1p cdr exp$
procedure gpexp1p exp;
% exp' ::= exp exp' | eps %
null exp or (gpexpp car exp and gpexp1p cdr exp)$
procedure gplogexpp exp;
% logexp ::= id | (EQUAL exp exp) | (NEQ exp exp) | %
% (GREATERP exp exp) |(GEQ exp exp) | (LESSP exp exp) | %
% (LEQ exp exp) | (NOT logexp) | (AND logexp logexp logexp')%
% | (OR logexp logexp logexp') | (id arg') %
if atom exp then
idp exp
if car exp memq '(equal neq greaterp geq lessp leq) then
length exp=3 and gpexpp cadr exp and gpexpp caddr exp
else if car exp eq 'not then
length exp=2 and gplogexpp cadr exp
else if car exp memq '(and or) then
length exp >= 3 and gplogexpp cadr exp and gplogexpp caddr exp
and gplogexp1p cdddr exp
else if unresidp car exp then
gparg1p cdr exp$
procedure gplogexp1p exp;
% logexp' ::= logexp logexp' | eps %
null exp or (gplogexpp car exp and gplogexp1p cdr exp)$
procedure gpargp exp;
% arg ::= string | exp | logexp %
stringp exp or gpexpp exp or gplogexpp exp$
procedure gparg1p exp;
% arg' ::= arg arg' | eps %
null exp or (gpargp car exp and gparg1p cdr exp)$
procedure gpvarp exp;
% var ::= id | (id exp exp') %
if atom exp then
idp exp
if unresidp car exp then
length exp >= 2 and gpexpp cadr exp and gpexp1p cddr exp$
procedure gplistp exp;
% list ::= (exp exp') %
if listp exp then
length exp >= 1 and gpexpp car exp and gpexp1p cdr exp$
procedure gplist1p exp;
% list' ::= list list' | eps %
null exp or (gplistp car exp and gplist1p cdr exp)$
procedure gpid1p exp;
% id' ::= id id' | eps %
null exp or (idp car exp and gpid1p cdr exp)$
procedure gpstmtp exp;
% stmt ::= id | (SETQ setq') | (COND cond') | (WHILE logexp stmt) | %
% (REPEAT stmt logexp) | (FOR var (exp exp exp) DO stmt) | %
% (GO id) | (RETURN arg) | (WRITE arg arg') | %
% (PROGN stmt stmt') | (BLOCK (id') stmt') | (id arg') %
if atom exp then
idp exp
if car exp eq 'setq then
gpsetq1p cdr exp
else if car exp eq 'cond then
gpcond1p cdr exp
else if car exp eq 'while then
length exp=3 and gplogexpp cadr exp and gpstmtp caddr exp
else if car exp eq 'repeat then
length exp=3 and gpstmtp cadr exp and gplogexpp caddr exp
else if car exp eq 'for then
length exp=5 and gpvarp cadr exp and listp caddr exp and
(length caddr exp=3 and gpexpp car caddr exp and
gpexpp cadr caddr exp and gpexpp caddr caddr exp) and
cadddr exp eq 'do and gpstmtp car cddddr exp
else if car exp eq 'go then
length exp=2 and idp cadr exp
else if car exp eq 'return then
length exp=2 and gpargp cadr exp
else if car exp eq 'write then
length exp >= 2 and gpargp cadr exp and gparg1p cddr exp
else if car exp eq 'progn then
length exp >= 2 and gpstmtp cadr exp and gpstmt1p cddr exp
else if car exp eq 'block then
length exp >= 2 and gpid1p cadr exp and gpstmt1p cddr exp
else if unresidp car exp then
gparg1p cdr exp$
procedure gpsetq1p exp;
% setq' ::= id setq'' | (id exp exp') setq''' %
if exp and length exp=2 then
if atom car exp then
idp car exp and gpsetq2p cdr exp
(length car exp >= 2 and idp car car exp
and unresidp car car exp and gpexpp cadr car exp
and gpexp1p cddr car exp) and gpsetq3p cdr exp$
procedure gpsetq2p exp;
% setq'' ::= (MAT list list') | setq''' %
if exp then
if listp car exp and caar exp eq 'mat then
onep length exp and (gplistp cadar exp and gplist1p cddar exp)
gpsetq3p exp$
procedure gpsetq3p exp;
% setq''' ::= (FOR var (exp exp exp) forop exp) | (READ) | exp | logexp
if exp and onep length exp then
gpexpp car exp or
gplogexpp car exp or
(if caar exp eq 'for then
length car exp=5 and gpvarp cadar exp and
(listp caddar exp and length caddar exp=3 and
gpexpp car caddar exp and gpexpp cadr caddar exp and
gpexpp caddr caddar exp) and gpforopp car cdddar exp and
gpexpp cadr cdddar exp
else if caar exp eq 'read then
onep length car exp)$
procedure gpforopp exp;
% forop ::= SUM | PRODUCT %
exp memq '(sum product)$
procedure gpcond1p exp;
% cond' ::= (logexp stmt) cond' | eps %
null exp or
(listp car exp and length car exp=2 and gplogexpp caar exp and
gpstmtp cadar exp and gpcond1p cdr exp)$
procedure gpstmt1p exp;
% stmt' ::= stmt stmt' | eps %
null exp or (gpstmtp car exp and gpstmt1p cdr exp)$
procedure gpdefnp exp;
% defn ::= (PROCEDURE id NIL EXPR (id') stmt) %
listp exp and car exp eq 'procedure and length exp=6 and
idp cadr exp and null caddr exp and atom cadddr exp and
gpid1p car cddddr exp and gpstmtp cadr cddddr exp
and not idp cadr cddddr exp$
%% %%
%% Predicates %%
%% %%
procedure unresidp id;
not (id memq !*reservedops!*)$
module redlsp; %% GENTRAN LISP Code Generation Module %%
%% Author: Barbara L. Gates %%
%% December 1986 %%
% Entry Point: LispCode
% GENTRAN Global Variables %
global '(!*lisparithexpops!* !*lisplogexpops!* !*redarithexpops!*
!*redlogexpops!* !*redreswds!* !*redstmtgpops!* !*redstmtops!*)$
!*redarithexpops!*:= '(difference expt minus plus quotient recip times)$
!*redlogexpops!* := '(and equal geq greaterp leq lessp neq not or)$
!*redreswds!* := '(and block cond de difference end equal expt !~for for
geq getel go greaterp leq lessp list minus neq not or
plus plus2 prog progn procedure quotient read recip
repeat return setel setk setq stop times times2
while write)$ %REDUCE reserved words
!*redstmtgpops!* := '(block progn)$
!*redstmtops!* := '(cond end !~for for go repeat return setq stop
while write)$
% REDUCE Global Variable %
global '(!*period)$
global '(!*do!* !*for!*)$
procedure lispcode forms;
for each f in forms collect
if redexpp f then
lispcodeexp(f, !*period)
else if redstmtp f or redstmtgpp f then
lispcodestmt f
else if reddefp f then
lispcodedef f
else if listp f then
for each e in f collect lispcode e$
procedure lispcodeexp(form, fp);
% (RECIP exp) ==> (QUOTIENT 1.0 exp) %
% (DIFFERENCE exp1 exp2) ==> (PLUS exp1 (MINUS exp2)) %
% integer ==> floating point iff PERIOD flag is ON & %
% not exponent & %
% not subscript & %
% not loop index %
if numberp form then
if fp then
float form
else if atom form then
else if car form eq 'expt then
list('expt, lispcodeexp(cadr form, fp),
lispcodeexp(caddr form, nil))
else if car form eq 'recip then
if fp then
list('quotient, 1.0, lispcodeexp(cadr form, fp))
list('quotient, 1, lispcodeexp(cadr form, fp))
else if car form eq 'difference then
list('plus, lispcodeexp(cadr form, fp),
list('minus, lispcodeexp(caddr form, fp)))
else if not car form memq !*lisparithexpops!* and
not car form memq !*lisplogexpops!* then
for each elt in form collect lispcodeexp(elt, nil)
for each elt in form collect lispcodeexp(elt, fp)$
procedure lispcodestmt form;
if atom form then
else if redassignp form then
lispcodeassign form
else if redreadp form then
lispcoderead form
else if redprintp form then
lispcodeprint form
else if redwhilep form then
lispcodewhile form
else if redrepeatp form then
lispcoderepeat form
else if redforp form then
lispcodefor form
else if redcondp form then
lispcodecond form
else if redreturnp form then
lispcodereturn form
else if redstmtgpp form then
lispcodestmtgp form
else if reddefp form then
lispcodedef form
else if car form eq 'literal then
for each elt in form collect lispcodeexp(elt, nil)
for each elt in form collect lispcodeexp(elt, !*period)$
procedure lispcodeassign form;
% (SETQ var (MAT lst lst')) --> (PROGN (SETQ (var 1 1) exp11) %
% (SETQ (var 1 2) exp12) %
% . %
% . %
% (SETQ (var m n) expmn)) %
if listp caddr form and caaddr form eq 'mat then
scalar name, r, c, relts, result;
name := cadr form;
form := caddr form;
r := c := 1;
while form := cdr form do
relts := car form;
result := mkassign(list(name, r, c),
lispcodeexp(car relts, !*period))
. result;
c := add1 c
until null(relts := cdr relts);
r := add1 r;
c := 1
return mkstmtgp(nil, reverse result)
mkassign(lispcodeexp(cadr form, !*period),
lispcodeexp(caddr form, !*period))$
procedure lispcoderead form;
% (SETQ var (READ)) --> (READ var) %
list('read, lispcodeexp(cadr form, nil))$
procedure lispcodeprint form;
'write . for each elt in cdr form collect lispcodeexp(elt, !*period)$
procedure lispcodewhile form;
'while . lispcodeexp(cadr form, !*period) .
foreach st in cddr form collect lispcodestmt st$
procedure lispcoderepeat form;
scalar body, logexp;
body := reverse cdr form;
logexp := car body;
body := reverse cdr body;
return 'repeat . append(foreach st in body collect lispcodestmt st,
list lispcodeexp(logexp, !*period))
procedure lispcodefor form;
% (SETQ var1 (FOR var (exp1 exp2 exp3) SUM exp))
% --> (PROGN (SETQ var1 0/0.0)
% (FOR var (exp1 exp2 exp3) DO (SETQ var1 (PLUS var1 exp))))
% (SETQ var1 (FOR var (exp1 exp2 exp3) PRODUCT exp))
% --> (PROGN (SETQ var1 1/1.0)
% (FOR var (exp1 exp2 exp3) DO (SETQ var1 (TIMES var1 exp))))
if car form eq 'for then
scalar explst, stmtlst;
explst := list(cadr form, caddr form);
stmtlst := cddddr form;
return append(!*for!* .
foreach exp in explst collect lispcodeexp(exp, nil),
!*do!* .
foreach st in stmtlst collect lispcodestmt st)
scalar var1, var, explst, op, exp;
var1 := cadr form;
form := caddr form;
var := cadr form;
explst := caddr form;
if cadddr form eq 'sum then
op := 'plus
op := 'times;
exp := car cddddr form;
form := list('prog, nil,
list('setq, var1, if op eq 'plus then 0 else 1),
list(!*for!*, var, explst, !*do!*,
list('setq, var1, list(op, var1, exp))));
return lispcodestmt form
procedure lispcodecond form;
scalar result, pr;
while form := cdr form do
pr := car form;
pr := lispcodeexp(car pr, !*period)
. for each stmt in cdr pr collect lispcodestmt stmt;
result := pr . result
return mkcond reverse result
procedure lispcodereturn form;
if form member '((return) (return nil)) then
list 'return
mkreturn lispcodeexp(cadr form, !*period)$
procedure lispcodestmtgp form;
% (BLOCK () stmt1 stmt2 .. stmtm) %
% --> (PROG () stmt1 stmt2 .. stmtm) %
if car form memq '(prog block) then
mkstmtgp(cadr form,
for each stmt in cddr form collect lispcodestmt stmt)
mkstmtgp(0, for each stmt in cdr form collect lispcodestmt stmt)$
procedure lispcodedef form;
% (PROCEDURE id NIL EXPR (p1 p2 .. pn) stmt') %
% --> (DEFUN id (p1 p2 .. pn) stmt') %
if car form eq 'procedure then
mkdef(cadr form, car cddddr form, for each stmt in cdr cddddr form
collect lispcodestmt stmt)
mkdef(cadr form, caddr form, for each stmt in cdddr form
collect lispcodestmt stmt)$
%% REDUCE Form Predicates %%
procedure redassignp form;
listp form and car form eq 'setq and redassign1p caddr form$
procedure redassign1p form;
if atom form then
else if car form eq 'setq then
redassign1p caddr form
else if car form memq '(read for) then
procedure redcondp form;
listp form and car form eq 'cond$
procedure reddefp form;
listp form and car form eq 'procedure$
procedure redexpp form;
atom form or
car form memq !*redarithexpops!* or
car form memq !*redlogexpops!* or
not(car form memq !*redreswds!*)$
procedure redforp form;
if listp form then
if car form eq 'for then
else if car form eq 'setq then
redfor1p caddr form$
procedure redfor1p form;
if atom form then
else if car form eq 'setq then
redfor1p caddr form
else if car form eq 'for then
procedure redprintp form;
listp form and car form eq 'write$
procedure redreadp form;
listp form and car form eq 'setq and redread1p caddr form$
procedure redread1p form;
if atom form then
else if car form eq 'setq then
redread1p caddr form
else if car form eq 'read then
procedure redrepeatp form;
listp form and car form eq 'repeat$
procedure redreturnp form;
listp form and car form eq 'return$
procedure redstmtp form;
atom form or
car form memq !*redstmtops!* or
atom car form and not(car form memq !*redreswds!*)$
procedure redstmtgpp form;
listp form and car form memq !*redstmtgpops!*$
procedure redwhilep form;
listp form and car form eq 'while$
module segmnt; %% Segmentation Module %%
%% Author: Barbara L. Gates %%
%% December 1986 %%
% User-Accessible Global Variables %
global '(gentranlang!* maxexpprintlen!* tempvarname!* tempvarnum!*
share 'gentranlang!*, 'maxexpprintlen!*, 'tempvarname!*, 'tempvarnum!*,
maxexpprintlen!* := 800$
tempvarname!* := 't$
tempvarnum!* := 0$
tempvartype!* := nil$
% User-Accessible Primitive Functions %
operator markedvarp, markvar, tempvar, unmarkvar$
global '(!*do!* !*for!*)$
%% %%
%% Segmentation Routines %%
%% %%
procedure seg forms;
% exp --+--> exp %
% +--> (assign assign ... assign exp ) %
% (1) (2) (n-1) (n) %
% stmt --+--> stmt %
% +--> stmtgp %
% stmtgp --> stmtgp %
% def --> def %
for each f in forms collect
if lispexpp f then
if toolongexpp f then
segexp(f, 'unknown)
else if lispstmtp f then
segstmt f
else if lispstmtgpp f then
if toolongstmtgpp f then
seggroup f
else if lispdefp f then
if toolongdefp f then
segdef f
procedure segexp(exp, type);
% exp --> (assign assign ... assign exp ) %
% (1) (2) (n-1) (n) %
reverse segexp1(exp, type)$
procedure segexp1(exp, type);
% exp --> (exp assign assign ... assign ) %
% (n) (n-1) (n-2) (1) %
scalar res;
res := segexp2(exp, type);
unmarkvar res;
if car res = cadadr res then
res := cdr res;
rplaca(res, caddar res)
return res
procedure segexp2(exp, type);
% exp --> (exp assign assign ... assign ) %
% (n) (n-1) (n-2) (1) %
scalar expn, assigns, newassigns, unops, op, termlist, var, tmp;
expn := exp;
while length expn=2 do
<< unops := car expn . unops; expn := cadr expn >>;
op := car expn;
for each term in cdr expn do
if toolongexpp term then
tmp := segexp2(term, type);
term := car tmp;
newassigns := cdr tmp
newassigns := '();
if toolongexpp (op . term . termlist) and
termlist and
(length termlist > 1 or listp car termlist) then
unmarkvar termlist;
var := var or tempvar type;
markvar var;
assigns := mkassign(var, if onep length termlist
then car termlist
else op . termlist) . assigns;
termlist := list(var, term)
termlist := append(termlist, list term);
assigns := append(newassigns, assigns)
expn := if onep length termlist
then car termlist
else op . termlist;
while unops do
<< expn := list(car unops, expn); unops := cdr unops >>;
if expn = exp then
unmarkvar expn;
var := var or tempvar type;
markvar var;
assigns := list mkassign(var, expn);
expn := var
return expn . assigns
procedure segstmt stmt;
% assign --+--> assign %
% +--> stmtgp %
% cond --+--> cond %
% +--> stmtgp %
% while --+--> while %
% +--> stmtgp %
% repeat --> repeat %
% for --+--> for %
% +--> stmtgp %
% return --+--> return %
% +--> stmtgp %
if lispassignp stmt then
if toolongassignp stmt then
segassign stmt
else if lispcondp stmt then
if toolongcondp stmt then
segcond stmt
else if lispwhilep stmt then
if toolongwhilep stmt then
segwhile stmt
else if lisprepeatp stmt then
if toolongrepeatp stmt then
segrepeat stmt
else if lispforp stmt then
if toolongforp stmt then
segfor stmt
else if lispreturnp stmt then
if toolongreturnp stmt then
segreturn stmt
procedure segassign stmt;
% assign --> stmtgp %
scalar var, exp, type;
var := cadr stmt;
type := getvartype var;
exp := caddr stmt;
stmt := segexp1(exp, type);
rplaca(stmt, mkassign(var, car stmt));
return mkstmtgp(nil, reverse stmt)
procedure segcond condd;
% cond --+--> cond %
% +--> stmtgp %
scalar tassigns, res, markedvars, type;
if gentranlang!* eq 'c
then type := 'int
else type := 'logical;
while condd := cdr condd do
scalar exp, stmt;
if toolongexpp(exp := caar condd) then
exp := segexp1(exp, type);
tassigns := append(cdr exp, tassigns);
exp := car exp;
markvar exp;
markedvars := exp . markedvars
stmt := for each st in cdar condd conc seg list st;
res := (exp . stmt) . res
unmarkvar markedvars;
if tassigns then
mkstmtgp(nil, reverse(mkcond reverse res . tassigns))
mkcond reverse res
procedure segwhile stmt;
% while --+--> while %
% +--> stmtgp %
scalar logexp, stmtlst, tassigns, type, res;
logexp := cadr stmt;
stmtlst := cddr stmt;
if toolongexpp logexp then
if gentranlang!* eq 'c
then type := 'int
else type := 'logical;
tassigns := segexp1(logexp, type);
logexp := car tassigns;
tassigns := cdr tassigns
stmtlst := foreach st in stmtlst
conc seg list st;
res := 'while . logexp . stmtlst;
if tassigns then
res := append(res, reverse tassigns);
res := 'progn . append(reverse tassigns, list res)
return res
procedure segrepeat stmt;
% repeat --> repeat %
scalar stmtlst, logexp, type;
stmt := reverse cdr stmt;
logexp := car stmt;
stmtlst := reverse cdr stmt;
stmtlst := foreach st in stmtlst conc seg list st;
if toolongexpp logexp then
if gentranlang!* eq 'c
then type := 'int
else type := 'logical;
logexp := segexp1(logexp, type);
stmtlst := append(stmtlst, reverse cdr logexp);
logexp := car logexp
return 'repeat . append(stmtlst, list logexp)
procedure segfor stmt;
% for --+--> for %
% +--> stmtgp %
scalar var, loexp, stepexp, hiexp, stmtlst, tassigns1, tassigns2, type,
markedvars, res;
var := cadr stmt;
type := getvartype var;
stmt := cddr stmt;
loexp := caar stmt;
stepexp := cadar stmt;
hiexp := caddar stmt;
stmtlst := cddr stmt;
if toolongexpp loexp then
loexp := segexp1(loexp, type);
tassigns1 := reverse cdr loexp;
loexp := car loexp;
markvar loexp;
markedvars := loexp . markedvars
if toolongexpp stepexp then
stepexp := segexp1(stepexp, type);
tassigns2 := reverse cdr stepexp;
stepexp := car stepexp;
markvar stepexp;
markedvars := stepexp . markedvars
if toolongexpp hiexp then
hiexp := segexp1(hiexp, type);
tassigns1 := append(tassigns1, reverse cdr hiexp);
tassigns2 := append(tassigns2, reverse cdr hiexp);
hiexp := car hiexp
unmarkvar markedvars;
stmtlst := foreach st in stmtlst conc seg list st;
stmtlst := append(stmtlst, tassigns2);
res := !*for!* . var . list(loexp, stepexp, hiexp) . !*do!* . stmtlst;
if tassigns1 then
return mkstmtgp(nil, append(tassigns1, list res))
return res
procedure segreturn ret;
% return --> stmtgp %
ret := segexp1(cadr ret, 'unknown);
rplaca(ret, mkreturn car ret);
mkstmtgp(nil, reverse ret)
procedure seggroup stmtgp;
% stmtgp --> stmtgp %
scalar locvars, res;
if car stmtgp eq 'prog then
locvars := cadr stmtgp;
stmtgp := cdr stmtgp
locvars := 0;
while stmtgp := cdr stmtgp do
res := append(seg list car stmtgp, res);
return mkstmtgp(locvars, reverse res)
procedure segdef deff;
% def --> def %
mkdef(cadr deff, caddr deff,
for each stmt in cdddr deff conc seg list stmt)$
%% %%
%% Long Statement & Expression Predicates %%
%% %%
procedure toolongexpp exp;
numprintlen exp > maxexpprintlen!*$
procedure toolongstmtp stmt;
if atom stmt then nil else
if lispstmtp stmt then
if lispcondp stmt then
toolongcondp stmt
else if lispassignp stmt then
toolongassignp stmt
else if lispreturnp stmt then
toolongreturnp stmt
else if lispwhilep stmt then
toolongwhilep stmt
else if lisprepeatp stmt then
toolongrepeatp stmt
else if lispforp stmt then
toolongforp stmt
eval('or . for each exp in stmt collect toolongexpp exp)
toolongstmtgpp stmt$
procedure toolongassignp assign;
toolongexpp caddr assign$
procedure toolongcondp condd;
scalar toolong;
while condd := cdr condd do
if toolongexpp caar condd or toolongstmtp cadar condd then
toolong := t;
return toolong
procedure toolongwhilep stmt;
toolongexpp cadr stmt or
eval('or . foreach st in cddr stmt collect
toolongstmtp st )$
procedure toolongrepeatp stmt;
stmt := reverse cdr stmt;
toolongexpp car stmt or
eval('or . foreach st in cdr stmt collect
toolongstmtp st )
procedure toolongforp stmt;
eval('or . foreach exp in caddr stmt collect
toolongexpp exp ) or
eval('or . foreach st in cddddr stmt collect
toolongstmtp st )$
procedure toolongreturnp ret;
toolongexpp cadr ret$
procedure toolongstmtgpp stmtgp;
eval('or . for each stmt in cdr stmtgp collect
toolongstmtp stmt )$
procedure toolongdefp deff;
if lispstmtgpp cadddr deff then
toolongstmtgpp cadddr deff
eval('or . for each stmt in cdddr deff collect
toolongstmtp stmt )$
%% %%
%% Print Length Function %%
%% %%
procedure numprintlen exp;
if atom exp then
length explode exp
else if onep length exp then
numprintlen car exp
length exp + eval('plus . for each elt in cdr exp collect
numprintlen elt )$
%% %%
%% Temporary Variable Generation, Marking & Unmarking Functions %%
%% %%
procedure tempvar type;
% %
% IF type Member '(NIL 0) THEN type <- TEMPVARTYPE!* %
% %
% IF type Neq 'NIL And type Neq 'UNKNOWN THEN %
% var <- 1st unmarked tvar of VType type or of VType NIL %
% which isn't in the symbol table %
% put type on var's VType property list %
% put declaration in symbol table %
% ELSE IF type = NIL THEN %
% var <- 1st unmarked tvar of type NIL which isn't in the %
% symbol table %
% ELSE type = 'UNKNOWN %
% var <- 1st unmarked tvar of type NIL which isn't in the %
% symbol table %
% put 'UNKNOWN on var's VType property list %
% print warning - "undeclared" %
% %
% RETURN var %
% %
scalar tvar, xname, num;
if type memq '(nil 0) then type := tempvartype!*;
xname := explode tempvarname!*;
num := tempvarnum!*;
if type memq '(nil unknown) then
tvar := intern compress append(xname, explode num);
num := add1 num
until not markedvarp tvar and not get(tvar, '!*vtype!*) and
not getvartype tvar
tvar := intern compress append(xname, explode num);
num := add1 num
until not markedvarp tvar and
(get(tvar, '!*vtype!*) eq type or
not get(tvar, '!*vtype!*) and not getvartype tvar);
put(tvar, '!*vtype!*, type);
if type eq 'unknown then
gentranerr('w, tvar, "UNDECLARED VARIABLE", nil)
else if type then
symtabput(nil, tvar, list type);
return tvar
procedure markvar var;
if numberp var then
else if atom var then
<< flag(list var, '!*marked!*); var >>
<< for each v in var do markvar v; var >>$
procedure markedvarp var;
flagp(var, '!*marked!*)$
procedure unmarkvar var;
if atom var then
if numberp var then
remflag(list var, '!*marked!*)
foreach elt in var do
unmarkvar elt$
module lspfor; %% GENTRAN LISP-to-FORTRAN Translation Module %%
%% Author: Barbara L. Gates %%
%% December 1986 %%
% Entry Point: FortCode
global '(!*gendecs)$
switch gendecs$
% User-Accessible Global Variables %
global '(fortcurrind!* tablen!*)$
share 'fortcurrind!*, 'tablen!*$
fortcurrind!* := 0$
% GENTRAN Global Variables %
global '(!*endofloopstack!* !*subprogname!*)$
!*endofloopstack!* := nil$
!*subprogname!* := nil$ %name of subprogram being generated
global '(!*do!*)$
%% %%
%% LISP-to-FORTRAN Translation Functions %%
%% %%
%% Control Function %%
procedure fortcode forms;
for each f in forms conc
if atom f then
fortexp f
else if lispstmtp f or lispstmtgpp f then
if !*gendecs then
scalar r;
r := append(fortdecs symtabget('!*main!*, '!*decs!*),
fortstmt f);
symtabrem('!*main!*, '!*decs!*);
return r
fortstmt f
else if lispdefp f then
fortsubprog f
fortexp f$
%% Subprogram Translation %%
procedure fortsubprog deff;
scalar type, stype, name, params, body, lastst, r;
name := !*subprogname!* := cadr deff;
if onep length (body := cdddr deff) and lispstmtgpp car body then
<< body := cdar body; if null car body then body := cdr body >>;
if lispreturnp (lastst := car reverse body) then
body := append(body, list '(end))
else if not lispendp lastst then
body := append(body, list('(return), '(end)));
if (type := symtabget(name, name)) then
<< type := cadr type; symtabrem(name, name) >>;
stype := symtabget(name, '!*type!*) or
( if type or functionformp(body, name)
then 'function
else 'subroutine );
symtabrem(name, '!*type!*);
params := symtabget(name, '!*params!*) or caddr deff;
symtabrem(name, '!*params!*);
r := mkffortsubprogdec(type, stype, name, params);
if !*gendecs then
r := append(r, fortdecs symtabget(name, '!*decs!*));
r := append(r, for each s in body
conc fortstmt s);
if !*gendecs then
<< symtabrem(name, nil); symtabrem(name, '!*decs!*) >>;
return r
%% Generation of Declarations %%
procedure fortdecs decs;
for each tl in formtypelists decs
conc mkffortdec(car tl, cdr tl)$
%% Expression Translation %%
procedure fortexp exp;
fortexp1(exp, 0)$
procedure fortexp1(exp, wtin);
if atom exp then
list fortranname exp
if onep length exp then
fortranname exp
else if optype car exp then
scalar wt, op, res;
wt := fortranprecedence car exp;
op := fortranop car exp;
exp := cdr exp;
if onep length exp then
res := op . fortexp1(car exp, wt)
res := fortexp1(car exp, wt);
if op eq '!+ then
while exp := cdr exp do
if atom car exp or caar exp neq 'minus then
res := append(res, list op);
res := append(res, fortexp1(car exp, wt))
while exp := cdr exp do
res := append(append(res, list op),
fortexp1(car exp, wt))
if wtin > wt then res := insertparens res;
return res
else if car exp eq 'literal then
fortliteral exp
scalar op, res;
op := fortranname car exp;
exp := cdr exp;
res := fortexp1(car exp, 0);
while exp := cdr exp do
res := append(append(res, list '!,),
fortexp1(car exp, 0));
return op . insertparens res
procedure fortranop op;
get(op, '!*fortranop!*) or op$
put('or, '!*fortranop!*, '!.or!. )$
put('and, '!*fortranop!*, '!.and!.)$
put('not, '!*fortranop!*, '!.not!.)$
put('equal, '!*fortranop!*, '!.eq!. )$
put('neq, '!*fortranop!*, '!.ne!. )$
put('greaterp, '!*fortranop!*, '!.gt!. )$
put('geq, '!*fortranop!*, '!.ge!. )$
put('lessp, '!*fortranop!*, '!.lt!. )$
put('leq, '!*fortranop!*, '!.le!. )$
put('plus, '!*fortranop!*, '!+ )$
put('times, '!*fortranop!*, '!* )$
put('quotient, '!*fortranop!*, '/ )$
put('minus, '!*fortranop!*, '!- )$
put('expt, '!*fortranop!*, '!*!* )$
procedure fortranname a;
if stringp a then
stringtoatom a % convert a to atom containing "'s
get(a, '!*fortranname!*) or a$
put(t, '!*fortranname!*, '!.true!. )$
put(nil, '!*fortranname!*, '!.false!.)$
procedure fortranprecedence op;
get(op, '!*fortranprecedence!*) or 9$
put('or, '!*fortranprecedence!*, 1)$
put('and, '!*fortranprecedence!*, 2)$
put('not, '!*fortranprecedence!*, 3)$
put('equal, '!*fortranprecedence!*, 4)$
put('neq, '!*fortranprecedence!*, 4)$
put('greaterp, '!*fortranprecedence!*, 4)$
put('geq, '!*fortranprecedence!*, 4)$
put('lessp, '!*fortranprecedence!*, 4)$
put('leq, '!*fortranprecedence!*, 4)$
put('plus, '!*fortranprecedence!*, 5)$
put('times, '!*fortranprecedence!*, 6)$
put('quotient, '!*fortranprecedence!*, 6)$
put('minus, '!*fortranprecedence!*, 7)$
put('expt, '!*fortranprecedence!*, 8)$
%% Statement Translation %%
procedure fortstmt stmt;
if null stmt then
else if lisplabelp stmt then
fortstmtnum stmt
else if car stmt eq 'literal then
fortliteral stmt
else if lispreadp stmt then
fortread stmt
else if lispassignp stmt then
fortassign stmt
else if lispprintp stmt then
fortwrite stmt
else if lispcondp stmt then
fortif stmt
else if lispbreakp stmt then
fortbreak stmt
else if lispgop stmt then
fortgoto stmt
else if lispreturnp stmt then
fortreturn stmt
else if lispstopp stmt then
fortstop stmt
else if lispendp stmt then
fortend stmt
else if lispwhilep stmt then
fortwhile stmt
else if lisprepeatp stmt then
fortrepeat stmt
else if lispforp stmt then
fortfor stmt
else if lispstmtgpp stmt then
fortstmtgp stmt
else if lispdefp stmt then
fortsubprog stmt
else if lispcallp stmt then
fortcall stmt$
procedure fortassign stmt;
mkffortassign(cadr stmt, caddr stmt)$
procedure fortbreak stmt;
if null !*endofloopstack!* then
else if atom car !*endofloopstack!* then
scalar n1;
n1 := genstmtnum();
rplaca(!*endofloopstack!*, list(car !*endofloopstack!*, n1));
return mkffortgo n1
mkffortgo cadar !*endofloopstack!*$
procedure fortcall stmt;
mkffortcall(car stmt, cdr stmt)$
procedure fortfor stmt;
scalar n1, result, var, loexp, stepexp, hiexp, stmtlst;
var := cadr stmt;
stmt := cddr stmt;
loexp := caar stmt;
stepexp := cadar stmt;
hiexp := caddar stmt;
stmtlst := cddr stmt;
n1 := genstmtnum();
!*endofloopstack!* := n1 . !*endofloopstack!*;
result := mkffortdo(n1, var, loexp, hiexp, stepexp);
result := append(result, for each st in stmtlst conc fortstmt st);
result := append(result, mkffortcontinue n1);
if listp car !*endofloopstack!* then
result := append(result, mkffortcontinue cadar !*endofloopstack!*);
!*endofloopstack!* := cdr !*endofloopstack!*;
return result
procedure fortend stmt;
procedure fortgoto stmt;
scalar stmtnum;
if not ( stmtnum := get(cadr stmt, '!*stmtnum!*) ) then
stmtnum := put(cadr stmt, '!*stmtnum!*, genstmtnum());
return mkffortgo stmtnum
procedure fortif stmt;
scalar n1, n2, res;
stmt := cdr stmt;
if onep length stmt then
if caar stmt eq t then
return for each st in cdar stmt conc fortstmt st
n1 := genstmtnum();
res := mkffortifgo(list('not, caar stmt), n1);
res := append(res,
for each st in cdar stmt conc fortstmt st);
append(res, mkffortcontinue n1)
n1 := genstmtnum();
n2 := genstmtnum();
res := mkffortifgo(list('not, caar stmt), n1);
res := append(res, for each st in cdar stmt conc fortstmt st);
res := append(res, mkffortgo n2);
res := append(res, mkffortcontinue n1);
res := append(res, fortif('cond . cdr stmt));
append(res, mkffortcontinue n2)
procedure fortliteral stmt;
mkffortliteral cdr stmt$
procedure fortread stmt;
mkffortread cadr stmt$
procedure fortrepeat stmt;
scalar n, result, stmtlst, logexp;
stmtlst := reverse cdr stmt;
logexp := car stmtlst;
stmtlst := reverse cdr stmtlst;
n := genstmtnum();
!*endofloopstack!* := 'dummy . !*endofloopstack!*;
result := mkffortcontinue n;
result := append(result, for each st in stmtlst conc fortstmt st);
result := append(result, mkffortifgo(list('not, logexp), n));
if listp car !*endofloopstack!* then
result := append(result, mkffortcontinue cadar !*endofloopstack!*);
!*endofloopstack!* := cdr !*endofloopstack!*;
return result
procedure fortreturn stmt;
if onep length stmt then
else if !*subprogname!* then
append(mkffortassign(!*subprogname!*, cadr stmt), mkffortreturn())
gentranerr('e, nil,
procedure fortstmtgp stmtgp;
if car stmtgp eq 'progn then
stmtgp := cdr stmtgp
stmtgp := cddr stmtgp;
for each stmt in stmtgp conc fortstmt stmt
procedure fortstmtnum label;
scalar stmtnum;
if not ( stmtnum := get(label, '!*stmtnum!*) ) then
stmtnum := put(label, '!*stmtnum!*, genstmtnum());
return mkffortcontinue stmtnum
procedure fortstop stmt;
procedure fortwhile stmt;
scalar n1, n2, result, logexp, stmtlst;
logexp := cadr stmt;
stmtlst := cddr stmt;
n1 := genstmtnum();
n2 := genstmtnum();
!*endofloopstack!* := n2 . !*endofloopstack!*;
result := append(list(n1, '! ), mkffortifgo(list('not, logexp), n2));
result := append(result, for each st in stmtlst conc fortstmt st);
result := append(result, mkffortgo n1);
result := append(result, mkffortcontinue n2);
if listp car !*endofloopstack!* then
result := append(result, mkffortcontinue cadar !*endofloopstack!*);
!*endofloopstack!* := cdr !*endofloopstack!*;
return result
procedure fortwrite stmt;
mkffortwrite cdr stmt$
%% %%
%% FORTRAN Code Formatting Functions %%
%% %%
%% Statement Formatting %%
procedure mkffortassign(lhs, rhs);
append(append(mkforttab() . fortexp lhs, '!= . fortexp rhs),
list mkfortterpri())$
procedure mkffortcall(fname, params);
if params then
params := append(append(list '!(,
for each p in insertcommas params
conc fortexp p),
list '!));
append(append(list(mkforttab(), 'call, '! ), fortexp fname),
append(params, list mkfortterpri()))
procedure mkffortcontinue stmtnum;
list(stmtnum, '! , mkforttab(), 'continue, mkfortterpri())$
procedure mkffortdec(type, varlist);
type := type or 'dimension;
varlist := for each v in insertcommas varlist
conc fortexp v;
if implicitp type then
append(list(mkforttab(), type, '! , '!(),
append(varlist, list('!), mkfortterpri())))
append(list(mkforttab(), type, '! ),
append(varlist,list mkfortterpri()))
procedure mkffortdo(stmtnum, var, lo, hi, incr);
if onep incr then
incr := nil
else if incr then
incr := '!, . fortexp incr;
append(append(append(list(mkforttab(), !*do!*, '! , stmtnum, '! ),
fortexp var),
append('!= . fortexp lo, '!, . fortexp hi)),
append(incr, list mkfortterpri()))
procedure mkffortend;
list(mkforttab(), 'end, mkfortterpri())$
procedure mkffortgo stmtnum;
list(mkforttab(), 'goto, '! , stmtnum, mkfortterpri())$
procedure mkffortifgo(exp, stmtnum);
append(append(list(mkforttab(), 'if, '! , '!(), fortexp exp),
list('!), '! , 'goto, '! , stmtnum, mkfortterpri()))$
procedure mkffortliteral args;
for each a in args conc
if a eq 'tab!* then
list mkforttab()
else if a eq 'cr!* then
list mkfortterpri()
else if listp a then
fortexp a
list stripquotes a$
procedure mkffortread var;
append(list(mkforttab(), 'read, '!(!*!,!*!), '! ),
append(fortexp var, list mkfortterpri()))$
procedure mkffortreturn;
list(mkforttab(), 'return, mkfortterpri())$
procedure mkffortstop;
list(mkforttab(), 'stop, mkfortterpri())$
procedure mkffortsubprogdec(type, stype, name, params);
if params then
params := append('!( . for each p in insertcommas params
conc fortexp p,
list '!));
if type then
type := list(mkforttab(), type, '! , stype, '! )
type := list(mkforttab(), stype, '! );
append(append(type, fortexp name),
append(params, list mkfortterpri()))
procedure mkffortwrite arglist;
append(append(list(mkforttab(), 'write, '!(!*!,!*!), '! ),
for each arg in insertcommas arglist conc fortexp arg),
list mkfortterpri())$
%% Indentation Control %%
procedure mkforttab;
list('forttab, fortcurrind!* + 6)$
procedure indentfortlevel n;
fortcurrind!* := fortcurrind!* + n * tablen!*$
procedure mkfortterpri;
list 'fortterpri$
module lsprat; %% GENTRAN LISP-to-RATFOR Translation Module %%
%% Author: Barbara L. Gates %%
%% December 1986 %%
% Entry Point: RatCode
global '(!*gendecs)$
switch gendecs$
% User-Accessible Global Variables %
global '(ratcurrind!* tablen!*)$
share 'ratcurrind!*, 'tablen!*$
ratcurrind!* := 0$
global '(!*do!*)$
%% %%
%% LISP-to-RATFOR Translation Functions %%
%% %%
%% Control Function %%
procedure ratcode forms;
for each f in forms conc
if atom f then
ratexp f
else if lispstmtp f or lispstmtgpp f then
if !*gendecs then
scalar r;
r := append(ratdecs symtabget('!*main!*, '!*decs!*),
ratstmt f);
symtabrem('!*main!*, '!*decs!*);
return r
ratstmt f
else if lispdefp f then
ratsubprog f
ratexp f$
%% Subprogram Translation %%
procedure ratsubprog deff;
scalar type, stype, name, params, body, lastst, r;
name := cadr deff;
if onep length(body := cdddr deff) and lispstmtgpp car body then
<< body := cdar body; if null car body then body := cdr body >>;
if lispreturnp (lastst := car reverse body) then
body := append(body, list '(end))
else if not lispendp lastst then
body := append(body, list('(return), '(end)));
if (type := symtabget(name, name)) then
<< type := cadr type; symtabrem(name, name) >>;
stype := symtabget(name, '!*type!*) or
( if type or functionformp(body, name)
then 'function
else 'subroutine );
symtabrem(name, '!*type!*);
params := symtabget(name, '!*params!*) or caddr deff;
symtabrem(name, '!*params!*);
r := mkfratsubprogdec(type, stype, name, params);
if !*gendecs then
r := append(r, ratdecs symtabget(name, '!*decs!*));
r := append(r, for each s in body
conc ratstmt s);
if !*gendecs then
<< symtabrem(name, nil); symtabrem(name, '!*decs!*) >>;
return r
%% Generation of Declarations %%
procedure ratdecs decs;
for each tl in formtypelists decs
conc mkfratdec(car tl, cdr tl)$
%% Expression Translation %%
procedure ratexp exp;
ratexp1(exp, 0)$
procedure ratexp1(exp, wtin);
if atom exp then
list ratforname exp
if onep length exp then
ratforname exp
else if optype car exp then
scalar wt, op, res;
wt := ratforprecedence car exp;
op := ratforop car exp;
exp := cdr exp;
if onep length exp then
res := op . ratexp1(car exp, wt)
res := ratexp1(car exp, wt);
if op eq '!+ then
while exp := cdr exp do
if atom car exp or caar exp neq 'minus then
res := append(res, list op);
res := append(res, ratexp1(car exp, wt))
while exp := cdr exp do
res := append(append(res, list op),
ratexp1(car exp, wt))
if wtin > wt then res := insertparens res;
return res
else if car exp eq 'literal then
ratliteral exp
scalar op, res;
op := ratforname car exp;
exp := cdr exp;
res := ratexp1(car exp, 0);
while exp := cdr exp do
res := append(append(res, list '!,), ratexp1(car exp, 0));
return op . insertparens res
procedure ratforop op;
get(op, '!*ratforop!*) or op$
put('or, '!*ratforop!*, '| )$
put('and, '!*ratforop!*, '& )$
put('not, '!*ratforop!*, '!! )$
put('equal, '!*ratforop!*, '!=!=)$
put('neq, '!*ratforop!*, '!!!=)$
put('greaterp, '!*ratforop!*, '> )$
put('geq, '!*ratforop!*, '!>!=)$
put('lessp, '!*ratforop!*, '< )$
put('leq, '!*ratforop!*, '!<!=)$
put('plus, '!*ratforop!*, '!+ )$
put('times, '!*ratforop!*, '* )$
put('quotient, '!*ratforop!*, '/ )$
put('minus, '!*ratforop!*, '!- )$
put('expt, '!*ratforop!*, '!*!*)$
procedure ratforname a;
if stringp a then
stringtoatom a % convert a to atom containing "'s
get(a, '!*ratforname!*) or a$
put(t, '!*ratforname!*, '!.true!. )$
put(nil, '!*ratforname!*, '!.false!.)$
procedure ratforprecedence op;
get(op, '!*ratforprecedence!*) or 9$
put('or, '!*ratforprecedence!*, 1)$
put('and, '!*ratforprecedence!*, 2)$
put('not, '!*ratforprecedence!*, 3)$
put('equal, '!*ratforprecedence!*, 4)$
put('neq, '!*ratforprecedence!*, 4)$
put('greaterp, '!*ratforprecedence!*, 4)$
put('geq, '!*ratforprecedence!*, 4)$
put('lessp, '!*ratforprecedence!*, 4)$
put('leq, '!*ratforprecedence!*, 4)$
put('plus, '!*ratforprecedence!*, 5)$
put('times, '!*ratforprecedence!*, 6)$
put('quotient, '!*ratforprecedence!*, 6)$
put('minus, '!*ratforprecedence!*, 7)$
put('expt, '!*ratforprecedence!*, 8)$
%% Statement Translation %%
procedure ratstmt stmt;
if null stmt then
else if lisplabelp stmt then
ratstmtnum stmt
else if car stmt eq 'literal then
ratliteral stmt
else if lispreadp stmt then
ratread stmt
else if lispassignp stmt then
ratassign stmt
else if lispprintp stmt then
ratwrite stmt
else if lispcondp stmt then
ratif stmt
else if lispbreakp stmt then
ratbreak stmt
else if lispgop stmt then
ratgoto stmt
else if lispreturnp stmt then
ratreturn stmt
else if lispstopp stmt then
ratstop stmt
else if lispendp stmt then
ratend stmt
else if lisprepeatp stmt then
ratrepeat stmt
else if lispwhilep stmt then
ratwhile stmt
else if lispforp stmt then
ratforfor stmt
else if lispstmtgpp stmt then
ratstmtgp stmt
else if lispdefp stmt then
ratsubprog stmt
else if lispcallp stmt then
ratcall stmt$
procedure ratassign stmt;
mkfratassign(cadr stmt, caddr stmt)$
procedure ratbreak stmt;
procedure ratcall stmt;
mkfratcall(car stmt, cdr stmt)$
procedure ratforfor stmt;
scalar r, var, loexp, stepexp, hiexp, stmtlst;
var := cadr stmt;
stmt := cddr stmt;
loexp := caar stmt;
stepexp := cadar stmt;
hiexp := caddar stmt;
stmtlst := cddr stmt;
r := mkfratdo(var, loexp, hiexp, stepexp);
r := append(r, foreach st in stmtlst conc ratstmt st);
return r
procedure ratend stmt;
procedure ratgoto stmt;
scalar stmtnum;
stmtnum := get(cadr stmt, '!*stmtnum!*) or
put(cadr stmt, '!*stmtnum!*, genstmtnum());
return mkfratgo stmtnum
procedure ratif stmt;
scalar r, st;
r := mkfratif caadr stmt;
st := seqtogp cdadr stmt;
if listp st and car st eq 'cond and length st=2 then
st := mkstmtgp(0, list st);
r := append(r, ratstmt st);
stmt := cdr stmt;
while (stmt := cdr stmt) and caar stmt neq t do
r := append(r, mkfratelseif caar stmt);
st := seqtogp cdar stmt;
if listp st and car st eq 'cond and length st=2 then
st := mkstmtgp(0, list st);
r := append(r, ratstmt st);
if stmt then
r := append(r, mkfratelse());
st := seqtogp cdar stmt;
if listp st and car st eq 'cond and length st=2 then
st := mkstmtgp(0, list st);
r := append(r, ratstmt st);
return r
procedure ratliteral stmt;
mkfratliteral cdr stmt$
procedure ratread stmt;
mkfratread cadr stmt$
procedure ratrepeat stmt;
scalar r, stmtlst, logexp;
stmt := reverse cdr stmt;
logexp := car stmt;
stmtlst := reverse cdr stmt;
r := mkfratrepeat();
r := append(r, foreach st in stmtlst conc ratstmt st);
return append(r, mkfratuntil logexp)
procedure ratreturn stmt;
if cdr stmt then
mkfratreturn cadr stmt
mkfratreturn nil$
procedure ratstmtgp stmtgp;
scalar r;
if car stmtgp eq 'progn then
stmtgp := cdr stmtgp
stmtgp := cddr stmtgp;
r := mkfratbegingp();
r := append(r, for each stmt in stmtgp conc ratstmt stmt);
return append(r, mkfratendgp())
procedure ratstmtnum label;
scalar stmtnum;
stmtnum := get(label, '!*stmtnum!*) or
put(label, '!*stmtnum!*, genstmtnum());
return mkfratcontinue stmtnum
procedure ratstop stmt;
procedure ratwhile stmt;
scalar r, logexp, stmtlst;
logexp := cadr stmt;
stmtlst := cddr stmt;
r := mkfratwhile logexp;
r := append(r, foreach st in stmtlst conc ratstmt st);
return r
procedure ratwrite stmt;
mkfratwrite cdr stmt$
%% %%
%% RATFOR Code Formatting Functions %%
%% %%
%% Statement Formatting %%
procedure mkfratassign(lhs, rhs);
append(append(mkrattab() . ratexp lhs, '!= . ratexp rhs),
list mkratterpri())$
procedure mkfratbegingp;
list(mkrattab(), '!{, mkratterpri())$
procedure mkfratbreak;
list(mkrattab(), 'break, mkratterpri())$
procedure mkfratcall(fname, params);
if params then
params := append(append(list '!(,
for each p in insertcommas params
conc ratexp p),
list '!));
append(append(list(mkrattab(), 'call, '! ), ratexp fname),
append(params, list mkratterpri()))
procedure mkfratcontinue stmtnum;
list(stmtnum, '! , mkrattab(), 'continue, mkratterpri())$
procedure mkfratdec(type, varlist);
type := type or 'dimension;
varlist := for each v in insertcommas varlist
conc ratexp v;
if implicitp type then
append(list(mkrattab(), type, '! , '!(),
append(varlist, list('!), mkratterpri())))
append(list(mkrattab(), type, '! ),
append(varlist, list mkratterpri()))
procedure mkfratdo(var, lo, hi, incr);
if onep incr then
incr := nil
else if incr then
incr := '!, . ratexp incr;
append(append(append(list(mkrattab(), !*do!*, '! ), ratexp var),
append('!= . ratexp lo, '!, . ratexp hi)),
append(incr, list mkratterpri()))
procedure mkfratelse;
list(mkrattab(), 'else, mkratterpri())$
procedure mkfratelseif exp;
append(append(list(mkrattab(), 'else, '! , 'if, '! , '!(), ratexp exp),
list('!), mkratterpri()))$
procedure mkfratend;
list(mkrattab(), 'end, mkratterpri())$
procedure mkfratendgp;
list(mkrattab(), '!}, mkratterpri())$
procedure mkfratgo stmtnum;
list(mkrattab(), 'goto, '! , stmtnum, mkratterpri())$
procedure mkfratif exp;
append(append(list(mkrattab(), 'if, '! , '!(), ratexp exp),
list('!), mkratterpri()))$
procedure mkfratliteral args;
for each a in args conc
if a eq 'tab!* then
list mkrattab()
else if a eq 'cr!* then
list mkratterpri()
else if listp a then
ratexp a
list stripquotes a$
procedure mkfratread var;
append(list(mkrattab(), 'read, '!(!*!,!*!), '! ),
append(ratexp var, list mkratterpri()))$
procedure mkfratrepeat;
list(mkrattab(), 'repeat, mkratterpri())$
procedure mkfratreturn exp;
if exp then
append(append(list(mkrattab(), 'return, '!(), ratexp exp),
list('!), mkratterpri()))
list(mkrattab(), 'return, mkratterpri())$
procedure mkfratstop;
list(mkrattab(), 'stop, mkratterpri())$
procedure mkfratsubprogdec(type, stype, name, params);
if params then
params := append('!( . for each p in insertcommas params
conc ratexp p,
list '!));
if type then
type := list(mkrattab(), type, '! , stype, '! )
type := list(mkrattab(), stype, '! );
append(append(type, ratexp name),
append(params,list mkratterpri()))
procedure mkfratuntil logexp;
append(list(mkrattab(), 'until, '! , '!(),
append(ratexp logexp, list('!), mkratterpri())))$
procedure mkfratwhile exp;
append(append(list(mkrattab(), 'while, '! , '!(), ratexp exp),
list('!), mkratterpri()))$
procedure mkfratwrite arglist;
append(append(list(mkrattab(), 'write, '!(!*!,!*!), '! ),
for each arg in insertcommas arglist conc ratexp arg),
list mkratterpri())$
%% Indentation Control %%
procedure mkrattab;
list('rattab, ratcurrind!*)$
procedure indentratlevel n;
ratcurrind!* := ratcurrind!* + n * tablen!*$
procedure mkratterpri;
list 'ratterpri$
module lspc; %% GENTRAN LISP-to-C Translation Module %%
%% Author: Barbara L. Gates %%
%% December 1986 %%
% Entry Point: CCode
global '(!*gendecs)$
switch gendecs$
% User-Accessible Global Variables %
global '(ccurrind!* tablen!*)$
share 'ccurrind!*, 'tablen!*$
ccurrind!* := 0$
global '(!*do!* !*for!*)$
%% %%
%% LISP-to-C Translation Functions %%
%% %%
%% Control Function %%
procedure ccode forms;
for each f in forms conc
if atom f then
cexp f
else if lispstmtp f or lispstmtgpp f then
if !*gendecs then
scalar r;
r := append(cdecs symtabget('!*main!*, '!*decs!*),
cstmt f);
symtabrem('!*main!*, '!*decs!*);
return r
cstmt f
else if lispdefp f then
cproc f
cexp f$
%% Procedure Translation %%
procedure cproc deff;
scalar type, name, params, paramtypes, vartypes, body, r;
name := cadr deff;
if onep length (body := cdddr deff) and lispstmtgpp car body then
<< body := cdar body; if null car body then body := cdr body >>;
if (type := symtabget(name, name)) then
<< type := cadr type; symtabrem(name, name) >>;
params := symtabget(name, '!*params!*) or caddr deff;
symtabrem(name, '!*params!*);
for each dec in symtabget(name, '!*decs!*) do
if car dec memq params
then paramtypes := append(paramtypes, list dec)
else vartypes := append(vartypes, list dec);
r := append( append( mkfcprocdec(type, name, params),
cdecs paramtypes ),
mkfcbegingp() );
if !*gendecs then
r := append(r, cdecs vartypes);
r := append(r, for each s in body
conc cstmt s);
r := append(r, mkfcendgp());
if !*gendecs then
<< symtabrem(name, nil); symtabrem(name, '!*decs!*) >>;
return r
%% Generation of Declarations %%
procedure cdecs decs;
for each tl in formtypelists decs
conc mkfcdec(car tl, cdr tl)$
%% Expression Translation %%
procedure cexp exp;
cexp1(exp, 0)$
procedure cexp1(exp, wtin);
if atom exp then
list cname exp
if onep length exp then
append(cname exp, insertparens(()))
else if car exp eq 'expt then
'power . insertparens append(cexp1(cadr exp, 0),
'!, . cexp1(caddr exp, 0))
else if optype car exp then
scalar wt, op, res;
wt := cprecedence car exp;
op := cop car exp;
exp := cdr exp;
if onep length exp then
res := op . cexp1(car exp, wt)
res := cexp1(car exp, wt);
if op eq '!+ then
while exp := cdr exp do
if atom car exp or caar exp neq 'minus then
res := append(res, list op);
res := append(res, cexp1(car exp, wt))
while exp := cdr exp do
res := append(append(res, list op),
cexp1(car exp, wt))
if wtin > wt then res := insertparens res;
return res
else if car exp eq 'literal then
cliteral exp
else if arrayeltp exp then
cname car exp . foreach s in cdr exp conc
insertbrackets cexp1(s, 0)
scalar op, res;
op := cname car exp;
exp := cdr exp;
res := cexp1(car exp, 0);
while exp := cdr exp do
res := append(append(res, list '!,), cexp1(car exp, 0));
return op . insertparens res
procedure cop op;
get(op, '!*cop!*) or op$
put('or, '!*cop!*, '!|!|)$
put('and, '!*cop!*, '!&!&)$
put('not, '!*cop!*, '!! )$
put('equal, '!*cop!*, '!=!=)$
put('neq, '!*cop!*, '!!!=)$
put('greaterp, '!*cop!*, '> )$
put('geq, '!*cop!*, '!>!=)$
put('lessp, '!*cop!*, '< )$
put('leq, '!*cop!*, '!<!=)$
put('plus, '!*cop!*, '!+ )$
put('times, '!*cop!*, '* )$
put('quotient, '!*cop!*, '/ )$
put('minus, '!*cop!*, '!- )$
procedure cname a;
if stringp a then
stringtoatom a % convert a to atom containing "'s
get(a, '!*cname!*) or a$
put(t, '!*cname!*, 1)$
put(nil, '!*cname!*, 0)$
procedure cprecedence op;
get(op, '!*cprecedence!*) or 8$
put('or, '!*cprecedence!*, 1)$
put('and, '!*cprecedence!*, 2)$
put('equal, '!*cprecedence!*, 3)$
put('neq, '!*cprecedence!*, 3)$
put('greaterp, '!*cprecedence!*, 4)$
put('geq, '!*cprecedence!*, 4)$
put('lessp, '!*cprecedence!*, 4)$
put('leq, '!*cprecedence!*, 4)$
put('plus, '!*cprecedence!*, 5)$
put('times, '!*cprecedence!*, 6)$
put('quotient, '!*cprecedence!*, 6)$
put('not, '!*cprecedence!*, 7)$
put('minus, '!*cprecedence!*, 7)$
%% Statement Translation %%
procedure cstmt stmt;
if null stmt then
else if lisplabelp stmt then
clabel stmt
else if car stmt eq 'literal then
cliteral stmt
else if lispassignp stmt then
cassign stmt
else if lispcondp stmt then
cif stmt
else if lispbreakp stmt then
cbreak stmt
else if lispgop stmt then
cgoto stmt
else if lispreturnp stmt then
creturn stmt
else if lispstopp stmt then
cexit stmt
else if lisprepeatp stmt then
crepeat stmt
else if lispwhilep stmt then
cwhile stmt
else if lispforp stmt then
cfor stmt
else if lispstmtgpp stmt then
cstmtgp stmt
else if lispdefp stmt then
cproc stmt
cexpstmt stmt$
procedure cassign stmt;
mkfcassign(cadr stmt, caddr stmt)$
procedure cbreak stmt;
procedure cexit stmt;
procedure cexpstmt exp;
append(mkctab() . cexp exp, list('!;, mkcterpri()))$
procedure cfor stmt;
scalar r, var, loexp, stepexp, hiexp, stmtlst;
var := cadr stmt;
stmt := cddr stmt;
loexp := caar stmt;
stepexp := cadar stmt;
hiexp := caddar stmt;
stmtlst := cddr stmt;
r := mkfcfor(var, loexp, list('leq, var, hiexp), var,
list('plus, var, stepexp));
r := append(r, foreach st in stmtlst conc cstmt st);
return r
procedure cgoto stmt;
mkfcgo cadr stmt$
procedure cif stmt;
scalar r, st;
r := mkfcif caadr stmt;
st := seqtogp cdadr stmt;
if listp st and car st eq 'cond and length st=2 then
st := mkstmtgp(0, list st);
r := append(r, cstmt st);
stmt := cdr stmt;
while (stmt := cdr stmt) and caar stmt neq t do
r := append(r, mkfcelseif caar stmt);
st := seqtogp cdar stmt;
if listp st and car st eq 'cond and length st=2 then
st := mkstmtgp(0, list st);
r := append(r, cstmt st);
if stmt then
r := append(r, mkfcelse());
st := seqtogp cdar stmt;
if listp st and car st eq 'cond and length st=2 then
st := mkstmtgp(0, list st);
r := append(r, cstmt st);
return r
procedure clabel label;
mkfclabel label$
procedure cliteral stmt;
mkfcliteral cdr stmt$
procedure crepeat stmt;
scalar r, stmtlst, logexp;
stmt := reverse cdr stmt;
logexp := car stmt;
stmtlst := reverse cdr stmt;
r := mkfcdo();
r := append(r, foreach st in stmtlst conc cstmt st);
return append(r, mkfcdowhile list('not, logexp))
procedure creturn stmt;
if cdr stmt then
mkfcreturn cadr stmt
mkfcreturn nil$
procedure cstmtgp stmtgp;
scalar r;
if car stmtgp eq 'progn then
stmtgp := cdr stmtgp
stmtgp :=cddr stmtgp;
r := mkfcbegingp();
r := append(r, for each stmt in stmtgp conc cstmt stmt);
return append(r, mkfcendgp())
procedure cwhile stmt;
scalar r, logexp, stmtlst;
logexp := cadr stmt;
stmtlst := cddr stmt;
r := mkfcwhile logexp;
r := append(r, foreach st in stmtlst conc cstmt st);
return r
%% %%
%% C Code Formatting Functions %%
%% %%
%% Statement Formatting %%
procedure mkfcassign(lhs, rhs);
scalar st;
if length rhs = 3 and lhs member rhs then
scalar op, exp1, exp2;
op := car rhs;
exp1 := cadr rhs;
exp2 := caddr rhs;
if op = 'plus then
if onep exp1 or onep exp2 then
st := ('!+!+ . cexp lhs)
else if exp1 member '(-1 (minus 1))
or exp2 member '(-1 (minus 1)) then
st := ('!-!- . cexp lhs)
else if listp exp1 and car exp1 = 'minus then
st := append(cexp lhs, '!-!= . cexp cadr exp1)
else if listp exp2 and car exp2 = 'minus then
st := append(cexp lhs, '!-!= . cexp cadr exp2)
else if exp1 = lhs then
st := append(cexp lhs, '!+!= . cexp exp2)
st := append(cexp lhs, '!+!= . cexp exp1)
else if op = 'difference and onep exp2 then
st := ('!-!- . cexp lhs)
else if op = 'difference and exp1 = lhs then
st := append(cexp lhs, '!-!= . cexp exp2)
else if op = 'times and exp1 = lhs then
st := append(cexp lhs, '!*!= . cexp exp2)
else if op = 'times then
st := append(cexp lhs, '!*!= . cexp exp1)
else if op = 'quotient and exp1 = lhs then
st := append(cexp lhs, '!/!= . cexp exp2)
st := append(cexp lhs, '!= . cexp rhs)
st := append(cexp lhs, '!= . cexp rhs);
return append(mkctab() . st, list('!;, mkcterpri()))
procedure mkfcbegingp;
list(mkctab(), '!{, mkcterpri())$
procedure mkfcbreak;
list(mkctab(), 'break, '!;, mkcterpri())$
procedure mkfcdec(type, varlist);
varlist := for each v in varlist collect
if atom v then
car v . for each dim in cdr v collect add1 dim;
append(mkctab() . type . '! . for each v in insertcommas varlist
conc cexp v,
list('!;, mkcterpri()))
procedure mkfcdo;
list(mkctab(), !*do!*, mkcterpri())$
procedure mkfcdowhile exp;
append(append(list(mkctab(), 'while, '! , '!(), cexp exp),
list('!), '!;, mkcterpri()))$
procedure mkfcelse;
list(mkctab(), 'else, mkcterpri())$
procedure mkfcelseif exp;
append(append(list(mkctab(), 'else, '! , 'if, '! , '!(), cexp exp),
list('!), mkcterpri()))$
procedure mkfcendgp;
list(mkctab(), '!}, mkcterpri())$
procedure mkfcexit;
list(mkctab(), 'exit, '!(, 0, '!), '!;, mkcterpri())$
procedure mkfcfor(var1, lo, cond, var2, nextexp);
if var1 then
var1 := append(cexp var1, '!= . cexp lo);
if cond then
cond := cexp cond;
if var2 then
var2 := cdr mkfcassign(var2, nextexp);
var2 := reverse cddr reverse var2
append(append(append(list(mkctab(), !*for!*, '! , '!(), var1),
'!; . cond),
append('!; . var2, list('!), mkcterpri())))
procedure mkfcgo label;
list(mkctab(), 'goto, '! , label, '!;, mkcterpri())$
procedure mkfcif exp;
append(append(list(mkctab(), 'if, '! , '!(), cexp exp),
list('!), mkcterpri()))$
procedure mkfclabel label;
list(label, '!:, mkcterpri())$
procedure mkfcliteral args;
for each a in args conc
if a eq 'tab!* then
list mkctab()
else if a eq 'cr!* then
list mkcterpri()
else if listp a then
cexp a
list stripquotes a$
procedure mkfcprocdec(type, name, params);
params := append('!( . for each p in insertcommas params
conc cexp p,
list '!));
if type then
append(mkctab() . type . '! . cexp name,
append(params,list mkcterpri()))
append(mkctab() . cexp name, append(params, list mkcterpri()))
procedure mkfcreturn exp;
if exp then
append(append(list(mkctab(), 'return, '!(), cexp exp),
list('!), '!;, mkcterpri()))
list(mkctab(), 'return, '!;, mkcterpri())$
procedure mkfcwhile exp;
append(append(list(mkctab(), 'while, '! , '!(), cexp exp),
list('!), mkcterpri()))$
%% Indentation Control %%
procedure mkctab;
list('ctab, ccurrind!*)$
procedure indentclevel n;
ccurrind!* := ccurrind!* + n * tablen!*$
procedure mkcterpri;
list 'cterpri$
%% %%
%% Misc. Functions %%
%% %%
procedure insertbrackets exp;
'![ . append(exp, list '!])$
module goutput; % GENTRAN Code Formatting & Printing and Error Handler
%% Author: Barbara L. Gates %%
%% December 1986 %%
% Entry Points: FormatC, FormatFort, FormatRat, GentranErr
% User-Accessible Global Variable %
global '(clinelen!* fortlinelen!* minclinelen!* minfortlinelen!*
minratlinelen!* ratlinelen!*)$
share 'clinelen!*, 'fortlinelen!*, 'minclinelen!*, 'minfortlinelen!*,
'minratlinelen!*, 'ratlinelen!*$
clinelen!* := 80$
fortlinelen!* := 72$
minclinelen!* := 40$
minfortlinelen!* := 40$
minratlinelen!* := 40$
ratlinelen!* := 80$
% GENTRAN Global Variables %
global '(!*ccurrind!* !*errchan!* !*fortcurrind!* !*outchanl!*
!*posn!* !*ratcurrind!* !*stdin!* !*stdout!* !$eol!$)$
!*ccurrind!* := 0$ %current level of indentation for C code
!*errchan!* := nil$ %error channel number
!*fortcurrind!* := 6$ %current level of indentation for FORTRAN code
!*posn!* := 0$ %current position on output line
!*ratcurrind!* := 0$ %current level of indentation for RATFOR code
%% %%
%% Code Formatting & Printing Functions %%
%% %%
%% FORTRAN Code Formatting & Printing Functions %%
procedure formatfort lst;
scalar linelen;
linelen := linelength 300;
!*posn!* := 0;
for each elt in lst do
if listp elt then
eval elt
if !*posn!* + length explode2 elt > fortlinelen!* then
pprin2 elt
linelength linelen
procedure fortcontline;
pprin2 " .";
forttab !*fortcurrind!*;
pprin2 " "
procedure fortterpri;
procedure forttab n;
!*fortcurrind!* := max(min0(n, fortlinelen!* - minfortlinelen!*),6);
if (n := !*fortcurrind!* - !*posn!*) > 0 then pprin2 nspaces n
%% RATFOR Code Formatting & Printing Functions %%
procedure formatrat lst;
scalar linelen;
linelen := linelength 300;
!*posn!* := 0;
for each elt in lst do
if listp elt then
eval elt
if !*posn!* + length explode2 elt > ratlinelen!* then
pprin2 elt
linelength linelen
procedure ratcontline;
rattab !*ratcurrind!*;
pprin2 " "
procedure ratterpri;
procedure rattab n;
!*ratcurrind!* := min0(n, ratlinelen!* - minratlinelen!*);
if (n := !*ratcurrind!* - !*posn!*) > 0 then pprin2 nspaces n
%% C Code Formatting & Printing Functions %%
procedure formatc lst;
scalar linelen;
linelen := linelength 300;
!*posn!* := 0;
for each elt in lst do
if listp elt then
eval elt
if !*posn!* + length explode2 elt > clinelen!* then
pprin2 elt
linelength linelen
procedure ccontline;
ctab !*ccurrind!*;
pprin2 " "
procedure cterpri;
procedure ctab n;
!*ccurrind!* := min0(n, clinelen!* - minclinelen!*);
if (n := !*ccurrind!* - !*posn!*) > 0 then pprin2 nspaces n
%% %%
%% General Printing Functions %%
%% %%
procedure pprin2 arg;
scalar ch;
ch := wrs nil;
for each c in !*outchanl!* do
<< wrs c; prin2 arg >>;
!*posn!* := !*posn!* + length explode2 arg;
wrs ch
procedure pterpri;
scalar ch;
ch := wrs nil;
for each c in !*outchanl!* do
<< wrs c; terpri() >>;
!*posn!* := 0;
wrs ch
%% %%
%% Error Handler %%
%% %%
%% Error & Warning Message Printing Routine %%
procedure gentranerr(msgtype, exp, msg1, msg2);
scalar holdich, holdoch, resp, emsg;
holdich := rds !*errchan!*;
holdoch := wrs !*errchan!*;
if exp then prettyprint exp;
if msgtype eq 'e then
rds cdr !*stdin!*;
wrs cdr !*stdout!*;
rederr msg1
prin2 "*** ";
prin2t msg1;
if msg2 then resp := yesp msg2;
wrs holdoch;
rds holdich;
if not resp then error1()
%% %%
%% Misc. Functions %%
%% %%
procedure min0(n1, n2);
max(min(n1, n2), 0)$
procedure nspaces n;
% Note n is assumed > 0 here.
begin scalar s;
for i := 1:n do s := ('!! . '! . s);
return intern compress s