File r37/packages/support/ artifact b6e9f3f38a part of check-in 72f75b2f9c

module remake; % Update the fasl loading version and cross-reference of
               % a given file.

% Authors: Martin L. Griss and Anthony C. Hearn.

fluid '(!*break

global '(!*argnochk lispsystem!* nolist!*);

symbolic procedure psl!-file!-write!-date u;
   % Returns write date of file u as an integer.
   (if null x then rederr list("file not found:",u)
    else cddr assoc('writetime,x))
   where x = filestatus(u,nil);

symbolic procedure olderfaslp(u,v);
   if 'csl memq lispsystem!* or
      'jlisp memq lispsystem!*
     then if null filedate v then rederr list("Missing file",v)
	   else null modulep u or datelessp(modulep u,filedate v)
    else null filep u
       or psl!-file!-write!-date u < psl!-file!-write!-date v;

% Code for updating cross reference information.

nolist!* := append('(module endmodule),nolist!*);

symbolic procedure update!-cref x;
   % Updates cross-reference for x (module . path).
   begin scalar y,z;
      y := concat2("$rcref/",concat2(mkfil car x,".crf"));
      z := module2!-to!-file(car x,get(cdr x,'path));
      if olderfaslp(y,z)
        then <<terpri();
               if errorp errorset!*(list('upd!-cref1,mkquote car x,
                                                   mkquote z,mkquote y),
                 then lprie list("Error during cref of",x)>>
%                then errorprintf("***** Error during cref of %w%n",x)>>

symbolic procedure upd!-cref1(u,v,w);
   begin scalar !*break,!*cref,!*int,!*usermode,ochan,oldochan,oldll;
      lprim list("Cross referencing",u,"...");
%     prin2t bldmsg("*** Cross referencing %w ...",u);
      ochan := open(w,'output);
      oldochan := wrs ochan;
      oldll := linelength 75;
      crefon();   % this is entry point to cref routines
      !*cref := t;
      infile v;
      !*cref := nil;
      close ochan;
      wrs oldochan;
      linelength oldll

% Support for packages directory.

symbolic procedure package!-remake x;
   (if y then package!-remake2(x,y) else package!-remake2(x,x))
   where y=get(x,'folder);

symbolic procedure package!-remake2(u,v);
   begin scalar y;
%     if !*crefchk then update!-cref2(u . v);
      update!-fasl2(u . v);
      evload list u;
      y := get(u,'package);
      if y then y := cdr y;
      for each j in y do
	 <<update!-fasl2(j . v);
%          if !*crefchk then update!-cref2(j . v)>>

symbolic procedure update!-fasl2 x;
   begin scalar y,z;
      if 'csl memq lispsystem!* or
         'jlisp memq lispsystem!* then y := car x else
%     y := concat("$xfasl/",concat(mkfil car x,".b"));
      y := concat2("$reduce/lisp/psl/$MACHINE/red/",
		  concat2(mkfil car x,".b"));
      if memq(car x,'(fide)) then !*argnochk := nil;   % STILL TRUE??
      z := module2!-to!-file(car x,cdr x);
      if olderfaslp(y,z)
        then <<terpri();
               if errorp errorset!*(list('upd!-fasl1,mkquote car x,
                                                   mkquote z,
                                                   mkquote cdr x),
                 then <<if !*writingfaslfile then lispeval '(faslend);
                        lprie list("Error during mkfasl of",x)>>>>

symbolic procedure upd!-fasl1(u,v,w);
   % We rebind *fastfor here because it's the only case of "compiletime"
   % at the moment (!).
   begin scalar !*fastfor,!*lower,!*usermode,!*quiet!_faslout,!*break,x;
      !*faslp := t;
      !*quiet!_faslout := t;
      if 'csl memq lispsystem!* or
         'jlisp memq lispsystem!* then !*lower := t;
      if !*loadall and w neq u then evload list w;
      if x := get(u,'compiletime)
        then <<prin2 "*** Compile time: "; prin2t x; lispeval x>>;
      u := mkfil u;
      lprim list("Compiling",u,"...");
%     prin2t bldmsg("*** Compiling %w ...",u);
      if 'csl memq lispsystem!* or
         'jlisp memq lispsystem!* then lispeval list('faslout,u) else
      lispeval list('faslout,
      infile v;
      lispeval '(faslend)

symbolic procedure module2!-to!-file(u,v);
   % Converts the module u in package directory v to a fully rooted file
   % name.
   concat2("$reduce/packages/",concat2(mkfil v,
	  concat2("/",concat2(mkfil u,".red"))));



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