File psl-1983/lpt/21-implementation.lpt artifact 8909ccf588 part of check-in 72f75b2f9c

PSL Manual                    7 February 1983                Implementation
section 21.0                                                      page 21.1

                                CHAPTER 21
                                CHAPTER 21
                                CHAPTER 21

     21.1. Overview of the Implementation .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    21.1
     21.2. Files of Interest  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    21.1
     21.3. Building PSL on the DEC-20  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    21.2
     21.4. Building the LAP to Assembly Translator .  .  .  .  .  .    21.5
     21.5. The Garbage Collectors and Allocators.  .  .  .  .  .  .    21.5
          21.5.1. Compacting Garbage Collector on DEC-20 .  .  .  .    21.5
          21.5.2. Two-Space Stop and Copy Collector on VAX  .  .  .    21.6
     21.6. The HEAPs .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    21.6
     21.7. Allocation Functions  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    21.8

  This  chapter  is  very  out  of  date  and  will  be replaced as soon as
possible.  Refer to the release notes for your machine and the  forthcoming
implementation guide.

21.1. Overview of the Implementation
21.1. Overview of the Implementation
21.1. Overview of the Implementation

  In  this  Chapter we give a guide to the sources, although they are still
rapidly changing.  With these  notes  in  mind,  and  an  understanding  of
SYSLISP  and  the  compiler at the level of Chapters 18 and 20, it is hoped
the user will be able to understand and change most of the system.  Much of
the current information is contained in comments in the source  files,  and
cannot be reproduced here.

  [??? This Section needs a LOT of work ???]
  [??? This Section needs a LOT of work ???]
  [??? This Section needs a LOT of work ???]

21.2. Files of Interest
21.2. Files of Interest
21.2. Files of Interest

  The  complete sources are divided up into a fairly large number of files,
spread over a number of sub-directories of <PSL>.  This is  so  that  files
representing a common machine-independent kernel are in a single directory,
and  additional  machine  specific  files  in others.  Furthermore, we have
separated the compiler and LAP files from the rest of the files, since they
are looked at first when doing a new implementation, but are  not  actually
important to understanding the working of PSL.

  Some  convenient  logical  device  names  are  defined  in  <psl>logical-
names.cmd.  This file should have been TAKEn in your  LOGIN.CMD.    Current
definitions are:

;Officially recognized logical names for PSL subdirectories on UTAH-20
define psl: <psl>               ! Executable files and miscellaneous
Implementation                7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 21.2                                                      section 21.2

define ploc: <psl.local>        ! Non-distributed miscellaneous
define pi: <psl.interp>         ! Interpreter sources
define pc: <psl.comp>           ! Compiler sources
define pu: <psl.util>           ! Utility program sources
define plocu: <psl.local.util>  ! Non-distributed utility sources
define pd: <psl.doc>            ! Documentation to TYPE
define pe: <psl.emode>          ! Emode sources and build files
define plpt: <psl.lpt>          ! Printer version of Documentation
define ph: <>           ! Help files
define plap: <psl.lap>          ! LAP and B files
define ploclap: <psl.local.lap> ! Non-distributed LAP and B files
define pred: <reduce.psl-reduce>! Temporary home of Reduce built upon
                                ! PSL
define p20: <psl.20-interp>     ! Dec-20 specific interpreter sources
define p20c: <psl.20-comp>      ! Dec-20 specific compiler sources
define p20d: <psl.20-dist>      ! Dec-20 distribution files
define pv: <psl.vax-interp>     ! Vax specific interpreter sources
define pvc: <psl.vax-comp>      ! Vax specific compiler sources
define pvd: <psl.vax-dist>      ! Vax distribution files
define p68: <psl.68000-interp>  ! M68000 specific interpreter sources
define p68c: <psl.68000-comp>   ! M68000 specific compiler sources
define pcr: <psl.cray-interp>   ! Cray-1 interpreter sources
define pcrc: <psl.cray-comp>    ! Cray-1 compiler sources
define pcrd: <psl.cray-dist>    ! Cray-1 distribution files
define pl: plap:,ploclap:       ! Search list for LOAD

  Sources mostly live on PI:.  DEC-20 build files and very machine specific
files live on P20:.

21.3. Building PSL on the DEC-20
21.3. Building PSL on the DEC-20
21.3. Building PSL on the DEC-20

  [??? fix as FASL works ???]
  [??? fix as FASL works ???]
  [??? fix as FASL works ???]

  Building  proceeds  in  number  of  steps.    First  the kernel files are
compiled to MIDAS, using  a  LAP-to-MIDAS  translator,  which  follows  the
normal  LISP/SYSLISP  compilation  to  LAP.    This phase also includes the
conversion of constants (atoms names, strings, etc) into structures in  the
heap, and initialization code into an INIT procedure.  The resulting module
is  assembled, linked, and saved as BARE-PSL.EXE.  If executed, it reads in
a batch of LAP files, previously  compiled,  representing  those  functions
that  should  be  in a minimal PSL, but in fact are not needed to implement

  [??? When FAP is implemented, these LAP files will  become  FAP  files,
  [??? When FAP is implemented, these LAP files will  become  FAP  files,
  [??? When FAP is implemented, these LAP files will  become  FAP  files,
  and the kernel will get smaller ???]
  and the kernel will get smaller ???]
  and the kernel will get smaller ???]


  The  BARE-PSL  kernel build file is P20:PSL-KERNEL.CTL, and is reproduced
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983                Implementation
section 21.3                                                      page 21.3

here, slightly edited:

PSL:MIDASCMP              ! previously saved with LAPtoMIDAS
in "PSL-KERNEL.RED";      % Files for kernel
MIDAS                     ! assemble kernel data
MIDAS                     ! assemble kernel init code
MIDAS                     ! assemble kernel code
load DPSL.REL, SPSL.REL, PSL.REL  ! link into one module
save BARE-PSL.EXE                 ! save executable

  The kernel files mentioned in PSL-KERNEL.RED are:

IN "BINDING.RED"$               % binding from the interpreter
IN "FAST-BINDER.RED"$           % for binding in compiled code,
                                % in LAP
IN "SYMBOL-VALUES.RED"$         % SET, and support for Eval
IN "FUNCTION-PRIMITIVES.RED"$   % used by PutD, GetD and Eval
IN "OBLIST.RED"$                % Intern, RemOb and GenSym
IN "CATCH-THROW.RED"$           % non-local GOTO mechanism
IN "ALLOCATORS.RED"$            % heap, symbol and code space alloc
IN "COPIERS.RED"$               % copying functions
IN "CONS-MKVECT.RED"$           % SL constructor functions
IN "GC.RED"$                    % the garbage collector
IN "APPLY-LAP.RED"$             % low-level function linkage, in LAP
IN "EQUAL.RED"$                 % equality predicates
IN "EVAL-APPLY.RED"$            % interpreter functions
IN "PROPERTY-LIST.RED"$         % PUT and FLAG and friends
IN "FLUID-GLOBAL.RED"$          % variable declarations
IN "PUTD-GETD.RED"$             % function defining functions
IN "KNOWN-TO-COMP-SL.RED"$      % SL functions performed online
                                % in code
IN "CARCDR.RED"$                % CDDDDR, etc.
IN "EASY-SL.RED"$               % highly portable SL function defns
IN "EASY-NON-SL.RED"$           % simple, ubiquitous SL extensions
IN "COMP-SUPPORT.RED"$          % optimized CONS and LIST compilation
IN "ERROR-HANDLERS.RED"$        % low level error handlers
IN "TYPE-CONVERSIONS.RED"$      % convert from one type to another
IN "ARITH.RED"$                 % Lisp arithmetic functions
IN "IO-DATA.RED"$               % Data structures used by IO
Implementation                7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 21.4                                                      section 21.3

IN "SYSTEM-IO.RED"$             % system dependent IO functions
IN "CHAR-IO.RED"$               % bottom level IO primitives
IN "OPEN-CLOSE.RED"$            % file primitives
IN "RDS-WRS.RED"$               % IO channel switching functions
IN "OTHER-IO.RED"$              % random SL IO functions
IN "READ.RED"$                  % S-expression parser
IN "TOKEN-SCANNER.RED"$         % table-driven token scanner
IN "PRINTERS.RED"$              % Printing functions
IN "WRITE-FLOAT.RED"$           % Floating point printer
IN "PRINTF.RED"$                % formatted print routines
IN "IO-ERRORS.RED"$             % I/O error handlers
IN "IO-EXTENSIONS.RED"$         % Random non-SL IO functions
IN "VECTORS.RED"$               % GetV, PutV, UpbV
IN "STRING-OPS.RED"$            % Indx, SetIndx, Sub, SetSub, Concat
IN "EXPLODE-COMPRESS.RED"$      % Access to characters of atoms
IN "BACKTRACE.RED"$             % Stack backtrace
IN "DEC-20-EXTRAS.RED"$         % Dec-20 specific routines
IN "LAP.RED"$                   % Compiled code loader
IN "INTERESTING-SYMBOLS.RED"$ % to access important WCONSTs
IN "MAIN-START.RED"$            % first routine called

  The current non-kernel files are defined in PSL-NON-KERNEL.RED:

in "EVAL-WHEN.RED"$             % control evaluation time(load first)
in "CONT-ERROR.RED"$            % macro for ContinuableError
in "MINI-TRACE.RED"$            % simple function tracing
in "TOP-LOOP.RED"$              % generalized top loop function
in "PROG-AND-FRIENDS.RED"$      % Prog, Go and Return
in "ERROR-ERRORSET.RED"$        % most basic error handling
in "TYPE-ERRORS.RED"$           % type mismatch error calls
in "SETS.RED"$                  % Set manipulation functions
in "DSKIN.RED"$                 % Read/Eval/Print from files
in "LISP-MACROS.RED"$           % If, SetF
in "LOOP-MACROS.RED"$           % While, Repeat, ForEach
in "CHAR.RED"$                  % Character constant macro
in "LOAD.RED"$                  % Standard module LAP loader
in "PSL-MAIN.RED"$              % SaveSystem and Version stuff

  The model on the VAX is similar.

  The  file  GLOBAL-DATA.RED is automatically loaded by the compiler in the
LAP-to-Assembly phase.  It defines most important external symbols.
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983                Implementation
section 21.3                                                      page 21.5

  A  symbol table file, PSL.SYM is produced, and is meant to be used to aid
in independent recompilation of modules.  It records assigned  ID  numbers,
locations of WVARS, WARRAYS, and WSTRINGs, etc.  It is not currently used.

  The  file  P20C:DATA-MACHINE.RED  defines important macros and constants,
allocating fields within a DEC-20 word (the TAGs, etc).  It  is  used  only
with  compiled  code,  and  is  so  associated  with the P20C: (20 compiler
specific code); other files on this directory  include  the  code-generator
tables  and compiler customization files.  More information on the compiler
and its support can be found in Chapter 18.

21.4. Building the LAP to Assembly Translator
21.4. Building the LAP to Assembly Translator
21.4. Building the LAP to Assembly Translator

  [??? Write after new table-driven LAP and LAP-to-ASM is stable ???]
  [??? Write after new table-driven LAP and LAP-to-ASM is stable ???]
  [??? Write after new table-driven LAP and LAP-to-ASM is stable ???]

21.5. The Garbage Collectors and Allocators
21.5. The Garbage Collectors and Allocators
21.5. The Garbage Collectors and Allocators

21.5.1. Compacting Garbage Collector on DEC-20
21.5.1. Compacting Garbage Collector on DEC-20
21.5.1. Compacting Garbage Collector on DEC-20

  DEC-20  PSL  uses  essentially  the  same  compacting  garbage  collector
developed  for  the previous MTLISP systems: a single heap with all objects
tagged in the heap in such a way that  a  linear  scan  from  the  low  end
permits objects to be identified; they are either tagged as normal objects,
and  are  thus  in  a PAIR, or are tagged with a "pseudo-tag", indicating a
header item for some sort of BYTE, WORD or ITEM array.  Tracing of  objects
is  done  using a small stack, and relocation via a segment table and extra
bits in the item.  The extra  bits  in  the  item  can  be  replaced  by  a
bit-table, and this may become the default method.

  During  compaction,  objects  are  "tamped"  to  the low end of the heap,
permitting  "genetic"  ordering  for  algebraic   operations,   and   rapid
stack-like allocation.

  Since  the  MTLISP systems included a number of variable sized data-types
      ______      ______
(e.g. vectors and strings), we had to reduce the working set, and ease  the
addition  of  new data-types, by using a single heap with explicitly tagged
objects, and compacting garbage collector.  In some versions,  a  bit-table
was  used  both  for  marking  and  for  compaction.  To preserve locality,
structures are "tamped" to  one  end  of  the  heap,  maintaining  relative
(creation   time   or   "Genetic" [Terashima  78])  ordering.    The  order
preservation was  rather  useful  for  an  inexpensive  canonical  ordering
required in the REDUCE algebra system (simply compare heap positions, which
are  "naturally"  related  to  object  creation).    The  single heap, with
explicit tags made the addition of new data-types rather easy.  The virtual
memory was implemented as a low level "memory" extension, invisible to  the
allocator and garbage collector.
Implementation                7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 21.6                                                      section 21.5

  This garbage collector has been rewritten a number of times; it is fairly
easy  to  extend,  but  does waste lot of space in each DEC-20 word.  Among
possible  alternative  allocators/GC  is  a  bit-table  version,  which  is
semantically  equivalent  to  that  described  above but has the Dmov field
replaced by a procedure to count ones in a segment of the  bit-table.    At
some point, the separate heap model (tried on Z-80 and PDP-11 MTLISP's) may
be  implemented,  but the separate page-per-type method (BIBOP:="big bag of
pages") might also be tried; this permits user definition of new types.

  Allocation proceeds as from a stack,  permitting  rapid  allocation,  and
preserving  creation  time  ordering.    The  current implementation uses a
recursive mark phase with a small stack (G stack) of about 500 entries.

  Relocation is accomplished with aid the of the SEGMENT table (overlays  G
stack),  and  a  small  field  (Dmov)  in  each  item  (header)  that gives
additional motion of this item relative to the relocation of its segment.

21.5.2. Two-Space Stop and Copy Collector on VAX
21.5.2. Two-Space Stop and Copy Collector on VAX
21.5.2. Two-Space Stop and Copy Collector on VAX

  Another alternative is a copying, 2-space GC, which is fast and good  for
large address space (e.g. extended addressing DEC-20 or VAX).

21.6. The HEAPs
21.6. The HEAPs
21.6. The HEAPs

  The  HEAP  is  used  to  store  variable sized objects.  Since one of the
possible implementations is to have a separate heap for each  of  the  data
types  PAIR,  STR,  CODE,  and  VECT  (or for the groupings PAIR, CODE+STR,
VECT), the heap is accessed in type specific fashion  only.    The  current
implementation   of   the   allocator  and  garbage  collector  maps  these
type-specific operations onto a single array  of  item  sized  blocks,  the
first  of  which  is a normal tagged item (CAR of a PAIR), or a pseudo-item
(header of CODE, STR or VECT).  The  following  blocks  are  either  tagged
items  or  packed  bytes.  The header item contains a "length" in items, or
bytes, as appropriate.  Using item sized blocks results in a slight wastage
at the end of strings and code-vectors.


h:=INF(x) For garbage collection, compaction and relocation.  The  heap  is
          viewed as a set of ITEM sized blocks
UNMARK(h) Modify the garbage collector mark
MARKED(h) Test the mark (in a bit-table, ITEM header, or ITEM itself).

  Other Garbage collector primitives include:
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983                Implementation
section 21.6                                                      page 21.7

GCPUSH(x) Push an ITEM onto GCSTACK for later trace
          Retrieve ITEM for tracing
          Examine top of GCSTACK

  The  Garbage  collector  uses  a  GCSTACK for saving pointers still to be
traced.  The compaction and relocation takes place  by  "tamping",  without
structure reorganization, so that any structure is relocated by the same or
more  than a neighboring structure, lower in the heap.  This "monotonicity"
means that the heap can be divided into "segments", and the  relocation  of
any structure computed as the relocation of its segment, plus an additional
movement within the segment.  The segment table is an additional structure,
while  the  "offset"  is computed from the bits in the bit-table, or from a
small field (if available) in the ITEM.  This garbage collector is  similar
to that described in [Terashima 78].

          SEGKNT(SEG(h))  is the segment relocation of the segment in which
          h is, and DMOV is the incremental move within this segment.

i:=SEG(h) Computes the segment number

          The "offset" in the segment

  Note that DMOV may actually be a small field in an ITEM header, if  there
is  space,  or can be computed from the bits in a segment of the BIT-table,
or may map to some other construct.  The segment table may actually overlay
the GCSTACK space, since these  are  active  in  different  passes  of  the
garbage  collection.  The garbage collector used in the MTLISP system is an
extension of that attributed to  S. Brown  in [Harrison  73, Harrison  74].
See also [Terashima 78].

      __________                                                     ______
!*GC [Initially: NIL]                                                switch

     !*GC controls the printing of garbage collector messages.  If NIL
     no  indication  of garbage collection occurs.  If non-NIL various
     system dependent messages may be displayed.

         __________                                                  ______
GCKNT!* [Initially: 0]                                               global

     Records the number of times that Reclaim has been called to  this
     point.    GCKNT!*  may be reset to another value to record counts
     incrementally, as desired.
Implementation                7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 21.8                                                      section 21.6

 Reclaim    _______                                                    ____
(Reclaim ): integer                                                    expr

     User  call  on  GC;  does  a  mark-trace  and compaction of HEAP.
     Returns size of current Heap top.  If  !*GC  is  T,  prints  some
     statistics.    Increments  GCKNT!*.  Reclaim(); is the user level
     call to the garbage collector.

 !%Reclaim    ___ _______                                              ____
(!%Reclaim ): Not Defined                                              expr

     !%Reclaim(); is the system level call to the  garbage  collector.
     Active  data  in  the  heap  is  made  contiguous  and all tagged
     pointers into the  heap  from  active  local  stack  frames,  the
     binding stack and the symbol table are relocated.

21.7. Allocation Functions
21.7. Allocation Functions
21.7. Allocation Functions

 GtHEAP _____ ____   ____                                              ____
(GtHEAP NWRDS:word): word                                              expr

     Return  address  in  HEAP  of a block of NWRDS item sized pieces.
     Generates HeapOverflow Message if can't  satisfy.    GtHeap  NIL;
     returns  the  number  of  words  (Lisp  items)  left in the heap.
     GtHeap 0; returns a pointer  to  the  top  of  the  active  heap.
     GtHeap N; returns a pointer to N words (items).

 GtStr _____ ____   ____                                               ____
(GtStr UPLIM:word): word                                               expr

                 ______     _____
     Address  of string, 0..UPLIM bytes.  (Allocate space for a string
     UPLIM characters.)

 GtConstStr _ ______                                                   ____
(GtConstStr N:string):                                                 expr

     (Allocate un-collected string for print name.  Same as GtStr, but
     uses BPS, not heap.)

 GtWrds _____ ____   ____                                              ____
(GtWrds UPLIM:word): word                                              expr

                         _____                                   _____
     Address of WRD,  0..UPLIM  WORDS.    (Allocate  space  for  UPLIM
     untraced words.)

 GtVect _____ ____   ____                                              ____
(GtVect UPLIM:word): word                                              expr

                  ______   _____
     Address  of  vector,  UPLIM  items.  (Allocate space for a vector
     UPLIM items.)
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983                Implementation
section 21.7                                                      page 21.9

 GtFixN    _ _______                                                   ____
(GtFixN ): s-integer                                                   expr

     Allocate space for a fixnum.

 GtFltN    _ _______                                                   ____
(GtFltN ): s-integer                                                   expr

     Allocate space for a float.

 GtID    __                                                            ____
(GtID ): id                                                            expr

     Allocate a new id.

 GtBps _ _ _______   _ _______                                         ____
(GtBps N:s-integer): s-integer                                         expr

     Allocate N words for binary code.

 GtWArray _ _ _______   _ _______                                      ____
(GtWArray N:s-integer): s-integer                                      expr

     Allocate N words for WVar/WArray/WString.

 DelBps                                                                ____
(DelBps ):                                                             expr

 DelWArray                                                             ____
(DelWArray ):                                                          expr

  GtBps                                                GtWArray
  GtBps                                                GtWArray
  GtBps NIL; returns the number of words left in BPS.  GtWArray NIL returns
the same quantity.

  GtBps  0;  returns  a  pointer to the bottom of BPS, that is, the current
value of NextBPS.  GtWArray 0; returns a pointer to the  top  of  BPS,  the
current value of LastBPS.  This is sometimes convenient for use with DelBps
and DelWArray.

  GtBps  N;  returns a pointer to N words in BPS, moving NextBPS up by that
amount.  GtWArray returns a pointer to (the bottom of) N words at  the  top
of  BPS,  pushing LastBPS down by that amount.  Remember that the arguments
are number of WORDS to allocate, that is, 1/4 the number of  bytes  on  the
VAX or 68000.

  DelBps(Lo,  Hi)  returns  a  block  to  BPS, if it is contiguous with the
current free space.  In other words,  if  Hi  is  equal  to  NextBPS,  then
NextBPS  is set to Lo.  Otherwise, NIL is returned and no space is added to
      DelHeap                                 DelBps
      DelHeap                                 DelBps
BPS.  DelHeap(Lo, Hi) is similar in action to DelBps.

  DelWArray(Lo, Hi) returns a block to the top of BPS, if it is  contiguous
with  the  current  free space.  In other words, if Lo is equal to LastBPS,
then LastBPS is set to Hi.  Otherwise, NIL is  returned  and  no  space  is
Implementation                7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 21.10                                                     section 21.7

added to BPS.

  The  storage  management routines above are intended for either very long
term or very short term use.  BPS is not examined by the garbage  collector
at  all.    The routines below should be used with great care, as they deal
with the heap which must be kept in a  consistent  state  for  the  garbage
collector.    All  blocks  of memory allocated in the heap must have header
words describing the size and type of data contained, and all pointers into
the heap must have type tags consistent with the data they refer to.

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