File r37/packages/ratint/ artifact 70e685fb59 part of check-in 52fc28dabe

%to be included in the same set of modules as ratint, these procedures all 
%ammend the output of ratint, converting complex logs to real arctans, and
%providing alternative forms for the answer

% want a procedure to convert the log sum notation to a sum involving
% radicals. We typically get something like
%  log(x+1)+log_sum(alpha,alpha^2+alpha+1,0,alpha*log(alpha*2+x*alpha),x)
% as our output from the ratint program, 
% and we want to sub alpha into the log expression and sum.
% other possibilies include transforming the logarithmic expression (which
% often contains complex logarithms, to real arctangents.
% This could be important if definite integration is the goal
% Example
% in symbolic mode, we have
%  exp: (log_sum alpha (plus (expt alpha 2) alpha 1) 0
%         (times (log (plus (times alpha x) 1)) alpha) x)

% need a procedure to get rid of parts of the expression not involving
% log_sum

algebraic <<
    log(~x+i) =>
      log(sqrt(x^2+1))+i*atan((1/sqrt(x^2+1))+i*(x/(sqrt(x^2+1)))), %when
    log(~x- i) =>
                %when repart(x)=x,
    log(~x+i*~y) =>
    log(sqrt(x*x+y*y))+i*atan(y/sqrt(x*x+y*y)+i*x/(sqrt(x*x+y*y))),% when
     %repart(x)=x and repart(y)=y,
    log(~x-i*~y) =>
     log(sqrt(x*x+y*y))-i*atan(y/(sqrt(x*x+y*y))+i*(x/(sqrt(x*x+y*y)))), % when
         % repart(x)=x and repart(y)=y,
     log(~x/~y) => log(x)-log(y), %when repart(y)=y,
     log(sqrt ~x) => (log x)/2,
     log(-1) => i*pi,
     log(-i) => -i*pi/2,
     log(i) => i*pi/2,
     log(-~x) => i*pi+log(x), % when repart(x)=x and numberp x and x>0,
     log(-i*~x) => -i*pi/2+log(x),
       %when repart(x)=x and numberp x and x>0,
   log(i*~x) => i*pi/2 +log(x) %when repart(x)=x and numberp x and x>0

%algebraic let logcomplex;
 %letrules logcomplex

symbolic procedure evalplus(a,b);
if numberp a and numberp b then a+b
  else prepsq simp!* aeval {'plus,a,b};

procedure my_plus(a,b); lisp evalplus(a,b);

symbolic procedure evalmax(a,b);
  if numberp a and numberp b then max(a,b)
   else if evalgreaterp(a,b) then a else b;

procedure my_max(a,b); lisp evalmax(a,b);


symbolic procedure convert(exp);
begin scalar temp,solution, answer;
if(freeof(exp,'log_sum)) then return exp else
   if(null exp) then return nil else
      if(car exp='log_sum) then
        temp:=caddr exp;
        if(not freeof(temp,'beta)) then 
        temp:=subeval(list (list('equal,'beta,'alpha), temp));
        exp:=subeval(list (list('equal,'beta,'alpha),exp));
        temp:=reval temp; exp:=reval exp;
        %temp:=sub(beta=alpha,temp) % so temp now depends on alpha
        if(deg(temp,'alpha))>2 then
        << %write "degree of", reval exp, " is >2";
           rederr "cannot convert to radicals, degree > 2";
         % temp is of the form alpha^2+alpha+1 or something similar

         if(deg(temp,'alpha)=2) then % solve the quadratic eqn, obtain
				    % radicals, and substitute
            << %temp:=reval temp
               solution:= algebraic solve(temp=0,alpha);
               write reval cadr solution;
               %now have a solution list, with two elements

    answer:=subeval(list (reval cadr solution, algebraic reval part(exp,4)));
    answer:=list('plus, answer,subeval(list (reval caddr solution,
			algebraic reval part(exp,4))));
    %answer:=car answer;
    answer:=reval answer;
       else <<
       if null cdr exp then return convert(car exp) else 
      return convert (cdr exp);
return answer;

procedure conv(exp); lisp convert(exp);

% procedure to separate real and imaginary parts in a log sum expression
symbolic procedure separate_real(exp);
begin scalar re, im, ans;
    re:=algebraic repart(exp);
    im:=algebraic impart(exp);
   ans:= 'list.list(re,im);
   ans:=reval ans;
   return ans;

procedure sep(exp); lisp separate_real(exp);

% input an expression with complex logs, output real arctangents
symbolic procedure convert_log(exp,var);
begin scalar sepp,re,im, answer;
algebraic repart(var):=var; algebraic impart(var):=0;
   if(car exp='log) then <<
        sepp:=separate_real(exp); %now have a list of re and im parts
				   % can pass these to logtoatan function now
   re:=car exp; im:=cadr exp;
   return answer;
   >> else nil;

procedure convertlog(exp,var); lisp convert_log(exp,var);

% now need an assume real facility, so extract terms dependent on i only
% This algorithm transforms some complex logarithmic expressions to real 
% arctangents.
% the algorithm apppears in Manuel Bronsteins book Symbolic Integration I : 
%  Transendental Functions, published by Springer Verlag, 1997
% Given a field K of characteristic 0 such that sqrt(-1) is not in K and A,
% B are in K[x] with B neq 0, this returns a sum f of real arctangents of
% polynomials in K[x] such that
%      df   = d         (A+i*B) 
%      --     -- i* log ------ 
%      dx     dx        (A-i*B) 

expr procedure logtoAtan(exp1,exp2,x);
begin scalar D,C,G, temp, rem;
if(part(rem,1)=0) then return (2*atan(exp1/exp2)) 
%if(numberp(exp1/exp2)) then return (2*atan(exp1/exp2))
 else <<
      if(deg(exp1,x)<deg(exp2,x)) then return logtoAtan(-exp2,exp1,x)
      else <<
      return(2*atan((exp1*D+exp2*C)/G)+ logtoAtan(D,C,x));

%trst convert;


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