File r34.1/xlog/scope.log artifact e3b162d2c8 part of check-in 52fc28dabe

Sat May 30 16:25:17 PDT 1992
REDUCE 3.4.1, 15-Jul-92 ...

1: 1: 
2: 2: 

3: 3: 
Time: 493 ms

4: 4: % Test SCOPE Package.

% NOTE:  The SCOPE, GHORNER, GSTRUCTR and GENTRAN packages must be loaded
% to run these tests.

on priall$

optimize z:=a^2*b^2+10*a^2*m^6+a^2*m^2+2*a*b*m^4+2*b^2*m^6+b^2*m^2
           iname s;

Sumscheme :

   || EC|Far
  0||  1| Z

Productscheme :

   |  0  1  2| EC|Far
  1|     2  2|  1| 0
  2|  6     2| 10| 0
  3|  2     2|  1| 0
  4|  4  1  1|  2| 0
  5|  6  2   |  2| 0
  6|  2  2   |  1| 0
0  : M
1  : B
2  : A

Number of operations in the input is: 

Number of (+,-)-operations : 5
Number of (*)-operations : 10
Number of integer exponentiations : 11
Number of other operations : 0

Time: 17 ms

Breuer search : 
Time: 51 ms

Removal of different names for identical cse's : 
Time: 0 ms

Change Scheme : 
Time: 0 ms

Local Factorization : 
Time: 0 ms

Breuer search : 
Time: 0 ms

Removal of different names for identical cse's : 
Time: 0 ms

Change Scheme : 
Time: 0 ms

Local Factorization : 
Time: 0 ms

Breuer search : 
Time: 17 ms

Removal of different names for identical cse's : 
Time: 0 ms

Change Scheme : 
Time: 0 ms

Local Factorization : 
Time: 0 ms

Additional optimization during finishing touch :
Time: 0 ms

S0 := B*A
S4 := M*M
S1 := S4*B*B
S2 := S4*A*A
S3 := S4*S4
Z := S1 + S2 + S0*(2*S3 + S0) + S3*(2*S1 + 10*S2)

Number of operations after optimization is:

Number of (+,-)-operations : 5
Number of (*)-operations : 12
Number of integer exponentiations : 0
Number of other operations : 0

Sumscheme :

   |  0  3  4  5| EC|Far
  0|        1  1|  1| Z
 15|        2 10|  1| 14
 17|  2  1      |  1| 16
0  : S3
3  : S0
4  : S1
5  : S2

Productscheme :

   |  8  9 10 11 17 18 19 20| EC|Far
  7|                    1  1|  1| S0
  8|  1                 2   |  1| S1
  9|  1                    2|  1| S2
 10|  2                     |  1| S3
 11|                 2      |  1| S4
 14|     1                  |  1| 0
 16|              1         |  1| 0
8  : S4
9  : S3
10 : S2
11 : S1
17 : S0
18 : M
19 : B
20 : A

Time: 17 ms

off priall$

on primat,acinfo$

     ghorner <<z:=a^2*b^2+10*a^2*m^6+a^2*m^2+2*a*b*m^4+2*b^2*m^6+b^2*m^2>>
     vorder m
     iname s;

      2  2    2    2    2     2           2      2      2
Z := A *B  + M *((A  + B ) + M *(2*A*B + M *(10*A  + 2*B )))

Sumscheme :

   || EC|Far
  0||  1| Z
  3||  1| 2
  7||  1| 6
 10||  1| 9

Productscheme :

   |  0  1  2| EC|Far
  1|     2  2|  1| 0
  2|  2      |  1| 0
  4|        2|  1| 3
  5|     2   |  1| 3
  6|  2      |  1| 3
  8|     1  1|  2| 7
  9|  2      |  1| 7
 11|        2| 10| 10
 12|     2   |  2| 10
0  : M
1  : B
2  : A

Number of operations in the input is: 

Number of (+,-)-operations : 5
Number of (*)-operations : 8
Number of integer exponentiations : 9
Number of other operations : 0

S0 := B*A
S1 := B*B
S2 := A*A
S3 := M*M
Z := S0*S0 + S3*(S1 + S2 + S3*(2*S0 + S3*(2*S1 + 10*S2)))

Number of operations after optimization is:

Number of (+,-)-operations : 5
Number of (*)-operations : 11
Number of integer exponentiations : 0
Number of other operations : 0

Sumscheme :

   |  0  1  2| EC|Far
  0|         |  1| Z
  3|     1  1|  1| 2
  7|  2      |  1| 6
 10|     2 10|  1| 9
0  : S0
1  : S1
2  : S2

Productscheme :

   |  3  4  5  9 10 11 12| EC|Far
  1|           2         |  1| 0
  2|  1                  |  1| 0
  6|  1                  |  1| 3
  9|  1                  |  1| 7
 13|                 1  1|  1| S0
 14|                 2   |  1| S1
 15|                    2|  1| S2
 16|              2      |  1| S3
3  : S3
4  : S2
5  : S1
9  : S0
10 : M
11 : B
12 : A

operator a$




optimize {a(k,j):=v*(v^2*cos(u)^2+u),
          a(k,j)::=:v*(v^2*cos(u)^2+u)} iname s;

              2       2
A(K,J) := V*(V *COS(U)  + U)

A(1,1) := 

            3             2
SIN(C*X + D) *COS(C*X + D)  + SIN(C*X + D)*C*X + SIN(C*X + D)*D

Sumscheme :

   |  7  8| EC|Far
  1|  1   |  1| 0
  3|      |  1| S2
  5|     1|  1| S4
7  : U
8  : D

Productscheme :

   |  0  1  2  3  4  5  6| EC|Far
  0|                    1|  1| S0
  2|                 2  2|  1| 1
  4|     2  3            |  1| 3
  6|           1  1      |  1| 5
  7|        1  1  1      |  1| 3
  8|  1     1            |  1| 3
0  : D
1  : S5=COS(S4)
2  : S3=SIN(S4)
3  : X
4  : C
5  : S1=COS(U)
6  : V

Number of operations in the input is: 

Number of (+,-)-operations : 7
Number of (*)-operations : 10
Number of integer exponentiations : 4
Number of other operations : 5

S8 := COS(U)*V
A(K,J) := V*(U + S8*S8)
S4 := X*C + D
S3 := SIN(S4)
S9 := COS(S4)*S3
A(1,1) := S3*(S4 + S9*S9)

Number of operations after optimization is:

Number of (+,-)-operations : 3
Number of (*)-operations : 7
Number of integer exponentiations : 0
Number of other operations : 3

Sumscheme :

   |  2  3 12 13| EC|Far
  1|        1   |  1| 0
  3|            |  1| S2
  5|     1     1|  1| S4
 11|  1         |  1| 10
2  : S4
3  : S6
12 : U
13 : D

Productscheme :

   |  0  1  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11| EC|Far
  0|                             1|  1| S0
  2|     2                        |  1| 1
  4|  2                           |  1| 11
  9|                    1  1      |  1| S6
 10|                 1            |  1| 3
 13|                          1  1|  1| S8
 14|              1  1            |  1| S9
0  : S9
1  : S8
4  : S6
5  : D
6  : S5=COS(S4)
7  : S3=SIN(S4)
8  : X
9  : C
10 : S1=COS(U)
11 : V

off exp$

optimize {a(k,j):=v*(v^2*cos(u)^2+u),
          a(k,j)::=:v*(v^2*cos(u)^2+u)} iname s;

              2       2
A(K,J) := V*(V *COS(U)  + U)

                       2             2
A(1,1) := (SIN(C*X + D) *COS(C*X + D)  + C*X + D)*SIN(C*X + D)

Sumscheme :

   |  6  7| EC|Far
  1|  1   |  1| 0
  4|     1|  1| 3
  6|     1|  1| S4
6  : U
7  : D

Productscheme :

   |  0  1  2  3  4  5| EC|Far
  0|                 1|  1| S0
  2|              2  2|  1| 1
  3|     1            |  1| S2
  5|  2  2            |  1| 4
  7|        1  1      |  1| 6
  8|        1  1      |  1| 4
0  : S5=COS(S4)
1  : S3=SIN(S4)
2  : X
3  : C
4  : S1=COS(U)
5  : V

Number of operations in the input is: 

Number of (+,-)-operations : 6
Number of (*)-operations : 8
Number of integer exponentiations : 4
Number of other operations : 4

S8 := COS(U)*V
A(K,J) := V*(U + S8*S8)
S4 := X*C + D
S3 := SIN(S4)
S9 := COS(S4)*S3
A(1,1) := S3*(S4 + S9*S9)

Number of operations after optimization is:

Number of (+,-)-operations : 3
Number of (*)-operations : 7
Number of integer exponentiations : 0
Number of other operations : 3

Sumscheme :

   |  2  3 11 12| EC|Far
  1|        1   |  1| 0
  4|  1         |  1| 3
  6|     1     1|  1| S4
2  : S4
3  : S6
11 : U
12 : D

Productscheme :

   |  0  1  4  5  6  7  8  9 10| EC|Far
  0|                          1|  1| S0
  2|     2                     |  1| 1
  3|              1            |  1| S2
  5|  2                        |  1| 4
  9|                 1  1      |  1| S6
 11|                       1  1|  1| S8
 12|           1  1            |  1| S9
0  : S9
1  : S8
4  : S6
5  : S5=COS(S4)
6  : S3=SIN(S4)
7  : X
8  : C
9  : S1=COS(U)
10 : V

off primat,acinfo,period$

on fort$

optimize z:=(6*a+18*b+9*c+3*d+6*e+18*f+6*g+5*h+5*k+3)^13 iname s;


optimize {x:=3*a*p,y:=3*a*q,z:=6*a*r+2*b*p,u:=6*a*d+2*b*q,
v:=9*a*c+4*b*d,w:=4*b} iname s;


off fort$

clear a$

matrix a(2,2)$





on acinfo$

optimize gstructr<<a;
name v iname s;

A(1,1) := X + Y + Z

A(1,2) := X*Y

V2 := X + Y

A(2,1) := V2*X*Y

A(2,2) := (X + 2*Y + 3)  - X

AA := V2

V5 := Y + Z

B := V2*V5

C := (X + 2*Y)*(X + Z) *V5

Number of operations in the input is: 

Number of (+,-)-operations : 9
Number of (*)-operations : 8
Number of integer exponentiations : 3
Number of other operations : 0

S5 := X + Z
A(1,1) := S5 + Y
S8 := Y*X
A(1,2) := S8
V2 := X + Y
A(2,1) := S8*V2
S6 := X + 2*Y
S4 := S6 + 3
A(2,2) := S4*S4*S4 - X
AA := V2*V2
V5 := Y + Z
B := V5*V2
C := S6*S5*S5*V5

Number of operations after optimization is:

Number of (+,-)-operations : 7
Number of (*)-operations : 10
Number of integer exponentiations : 0
Number of other operations : 0

clear a$

off fort;

on priall$

optimize z:=:for j:=2:6 sum a^(1/j) iname s;

         1/3               1/4     1/5     1/6
Z := (((A    + SQRT(A)) + A   ) + A   ) + A

Sumscheme :

   || EC|Far
  0||  1| Z

Productscheme :

   |  0| EC|Far
  1| 20|  1| 0
  2| 30|  1| 0
  3| 15|  1| 0
  4| 12|  1| 0
  5| 10|  1| 0
0  : A

Number of operations in the input is: 

Number of (+,-)-operations : 4
Number of (*)-operations : 0
Number of integer exponentiations : 0
Number of other operations : 5

Time: 680 ms

Breuer search : 
Time: 17 ms

Removal of different names for identical cse's : 
Time: 0 ms

Change Scheme : 
Time: 17 ms

Local Factorization : 
Time: 0 ms

Breuer search : 
Time: 17 ms

Removal of different names for identical cse's : 
Time: 0 ms

Change Scheme : 
Time: 0 ms

Local Factorization : 
Time: 0 ms

Breuer search : 
Time: 17 ms

Removal of different names for identical cse's : 
Time: 0 ms

Change Scheme : 
Time: 0 ms

Local Factorization : 
Time: 0 ms

Breuer search : 
Time: 0 ms

Removal of different names for identical cse's : 
Time: 0 ms

Change Scheme : 
Time: 0 ms

Local Factorization : 
Time: 0 ms

Additional optimization during finishing touch :
Time: 0 ms

A := A
S7 := A*A
S6 := S7*A
S4 := S7*S6
S2 := S4*S4
S1 := S7*S2
S0 := S6*S1
S3 := S4*S0
Z := S2 + S1 + S0 + S3 + S3*S2

Number of operations after optimization is:

Number of (+,-)-operations : 4
Number of (*)-operations : 8
Number of integer exponentiations : 0
Number of other operations : 1

Sumscheme :

   |  3  4  5  6| EC|Far
  0|  1  1  1  1|  1| Z
3  : S2
4  : S1
5  : S0
6  : S3

Productscheme :

   |  9 10 12 13 14 15 16 22| EC|Far
  2|           1  1         |  1| 0
  6|     1           1      |  1| S0
  7|  1           1         |  1| S1
  8|        2               |  1| S2
  9|        1           1   |  1| S3
 10|  1  1                  |  1| S4
 12|  1                    1|  1| S6
 13|                       2|  1| S7
9  : S7
10 : S6
12 : S4
13 : S3
14 : S2
15 : S1
16 : S0
22 : A

Time: 34 ms

off acinfo,priall$

on optdecs$


optimize {x(i+1,i-1):=a(i+1,i-1)+b(i),y(i-1):=a(i-1,i+1)-b(i)} iname s
         declare <<x(4),a(4,4),y(5):real;b(5):integer>>;

      INTEGER B(5),I,S1,S2
      REAL A(4,4),S4,X(4),Y(5)


optimize {x(i+1,i-1):=a(i+1,i-1)+b(i),y(i-1):=a(i-1,i+1)-b(i)} iname s
         declare <<x(4),a(4,4),y(5):real;b(5):integer>>;

int B[6],I,S1,S2;
float A[5][5],S4,X[5],Y[6];

optlang!*:= 'pascal$

optimize {x(i+1,i-1):=a(i+1,i-1)+b(i),y(i-1):=a(i-1,i+1)-b(i)} iname s
         declare <<x(4),a(4,4),y(5):real;b(5):integer>>;

    S2,S1,I: INTEGER;
    B: ARRAY[0..5] OF INTEGER;
    S4: REAL;
    Y: ARRAY[0..5] OF REAL;
    X: ARRAY[0..4] OF REAL;
    A: ARRAY[0..4,0..4] OF REAL;


optimize {x(i+1,i-1):=a(i+1,i-1)+b(i),y(i-1):=a(i-1,i+1)-b(i)} iname s
         declare <<x(4),a(4,4),y(5):real;b(5):integer>>;

REAL A(4,4),S4,X(4),Y(5)


5: 5: 
Time: 153 ms

6: 6: 
Sat May 30 16:25:20 PDT 1992

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