File r38/packages/crack/crack.html artifact 34c91dbb9d part of check-in 52fc28dabe


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//SQ//DTD HTML 2.0 + all extensions//EN"
<TD>Andreas Brand, Thomas Wolf</TD></TR>
<TD><font face="Courier New">CRACK</font></TD></TR>
<TD>Short description</TD>
The package <font face="Courier New">CRACK</font> attempts to
solve an overdetermined system of ordinary or partial
differential equations (ODEs/PDEs) with at most polynomial
non-linearities in the unknown functions and their derivatives.
It can be run in automatic batch mode or interactively.
Applications of <font face="Courier New">CRACK</font> include
a program <a href="conlaw.html">
<font face="Courier New">CONLAW</font></a>
for the computation of conservation laws of DEs, 
a program <a href="liepde.html">
<font face="Courier New">LIEPDE</font></a>
for the computation of infinitesimal symmetries of DEs
and a program <a href="applysym.html">
<font face="Courier New">APPLYSYM</font></a>
for the computation of symmetry and similarity variables from
infinitesimal symmetries.
<TD>REDUCE, version 3.6 or 3.7</TD></TR>
<TD>System requirements</TD>
<TD>The memory requirements depend crucially on the
application. For example, the test files 
<a href="">
<font face="Courier New">crack.tst</font></a>,
<a href="">
<font face="Courier New">applysym.tst</font></a>,
have been 
run in a 4MB session under LINUX. On the other hand, for 
more complex examples in 
<a href="">
<font face="Courier New">liepde.tst</font></a> and
<a href="">
<font face="Courier New">conlaw.tst</font></a>
4MB are not enough but 8MB are. <br>
<font face="Courier New">CRACK</font>
and related programs have been tested under the Portable Standard LISP
(PSL) version and the Codemist Standard Lisp (CSL)
version of REDUCE. </TD></TR>
<TD>In a running REDUCE session either do <br>
<font face="Courier New"> &nbsp; in ""$ </font> <br>
or, in order to speed up computation, either compile it with <br>
<font face="Courier New"> &nbsp; on comp$ </font> <br>
before the above command, or, generate a fast-loading compiled file once with <br>
<font face="Courier New"> &nbsp; faslout "crack"$ </font> <br>
<font face="Courier New"> &nbsp; in ""$ </font> <br>
<font face="Courier New"> &nbsp; faslend$ </font> <br>
and load that file whenever you want to run 
<font face="Courier New">CRACK</font> with <br>
<font face="Courier New"> &nbsp; load crack$ </font> <br>
The above commands assume all files to be in the current directory. 
<TD>More information/updates </TD>
<TD>There are available a 
<a href="">
<font face="Courier New">manual</font></a>, a
<a href="">
<font face="Courier New">test file</font></a> and a
<a href="">
<font face="Courier New">log file</font></a>. <br>
<font face="Courier New"> CRACK </font> can be run from a 
<a href="">web demo</a>
created by Francis Wright and Arrigo Triulzi
with problems of restricted size. <br>
The latest version is available from 
<a href=""></a>. <br>
Publications related to <font face="Courier New">CRACK</font>
can be found 
<a href="">here</a>.
<TD>e-mail: <a href="">
Thomas Wolf</a></TD></TR></TABLE></BODY></HTML>

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