File r38/packages/rlisp/ artifact a3b66196be part of check-in 3519b83598

module io; % Functions for handling input and output of files.

% Author: Anthony C. Hearn.

% Copyright (c) 1995 RAND. All rights reserved.

fluid '(!*echo !*int !*reduce4 semic!*);

global '(contl!* curline!* ifl!* ipl!* linelist!* ofl!* opl!* techo!*);

symbolic procedure file!-transform(u,v);
   % Performs a transformation on the file u.  V is name of function
   % used for the transformation.
   begin scalar echo,ichan,oldichan,val;
      echo := !*echo;
      !*echo := nil;
      ichan := open(u,'input);
      oldichan := rds ichan;
      val := errorset!*(list v,t);
      !*echo := echo;
      close ichan;
      rds oldichan;
      if not errorp val then return car val

symbolic procedure infile u;
   % Loads the single file u into REDUCE without echoing.
   begin scalar !*int;
   return file!-transform(u,function begin1)

symbolic procedure in u; in_non_empty_list u;  % REDUCE 3 hook.

symbolic procedure in_non_empty_list u;
   begin scalar echop;
      echop := null(semic!* eq '!$); % Record echo character from input.
      if null ifl!* then techo!* := !*echo;   % Terminal echo status.
      if !*reduce4 then u := value u;
      for each fl in u do in_list1(fl,echop);
      if ipl!* then ifl!* := car ipl!* else ifl!* := nil;
      if ifl!* then curline!* := caddr ifl!*;
      if !*reduce4 then return mkobject(nil,'noval)

symbolic procedure mkfil!* u;
   % Converts file descriptor U into valid system filename.
   % Allows for u to have an algebraic scalar value.
   begin scalar x;
      return if stringp u then u
	      else if not idp u then typerr(u,"file name")
	      else if flagp(u,'share) and stringp (x := eval u)
	       then x
	      else string!-downcase u

symbolic procedure in_list1(fl,echop);
   begin scalar chan,echo,ochan;
      echo := !*echo;   % Save current echo status.
      if !*reduce4 then if type fl neq 'string then typerr(fl,'string)
			 else fl := value fl;
      chan := open(fl := mkfil!* fl,'input);
      ochan := rds chan;
      if assoc(fl,linelist!*) then nil;
      curline!* := 1;
      ifl!* := list(fl,chan,1);
      ipl!* := ifl!* . ipl!*;  % Add to input file stack.
      !*echo := echop;
      rds ochan;
      close chan;
      !*echo := echo;   % Restore echo status.
      if null ipl!* and contl!* then return nil
       else if null ipl!* or null(fl eq caar ipl!*)
	then rederr list("FILE STACK CONFUSION",fl,ipl!*)
       else ipl!* := cdr ipl!*

symbolic procedure out u; out_non_empty_list u;  % REDUCE 3 hook.

symbolic procedure out_non_empty_list u;
   % U is a list of one file.
   begin integer n; scalar chan,fl,x;
      n := linelength nil;
      if !*reduce4 then u := value u;
      if null u then return nil;
      u := car u;
      if !*reduce4 then if type u neq 'string then typerr(u,'string)
			 else u := value u;
      if u eq 't then return <<wrs(ofl!* := nil); nil>>;
      fl := mkfil u;
      if not (x := assoc(fl,opl!*))
	then <<chan := open(fl,'output);
	       if chan
		 then <<ofl!*:= fl . chan; opl!*:= ofl!* . opl!*>>>>
       else ofl!* := x;
      wrs cdr ofl!*;
      linelength n;
      if !*reduce4 then return mkobject(nil,'noval)

symbolic procedure shut u; shut_non_empty_list u;  % REDUCE 3 hook.

symbolic procedure shut_non_empty_list u;
   % U is a list of names of files to be shut.
   begin scalar fl1;
      if !*reduce4 then u := value u;
      for each fl in u do
       <<if !*reduce4
	  then if type fl neq 'string then typerr(fl,'string)
		else fl := value fl;
	 if fl1 := assoc((fl := mkfil fl),opl!*)
           then <<opl!* := delete(fl1,opl!*);
                  if fl1=ofl!* then <<ofl!* := nil; wrs nil>>;
                  close cdr fl1>>
         else if not (fl1 := assoc(fl,ipl!*))
	  then rerror(rlisp,26,list(fl,"not open"))
         else if fl1 neq ifl!*
          then <<close cadr fl1; ipl!* := delete(fl1,ipl!*)>>
	 else rerror(rlisp,27,
		     list("Cannot shut current input file",car fl1))>>;
      if !*reduce4 then return mkobject(nil,'noval)

deflist ('((in rlis) (out rlis) (shut rlis)),'stat);  % REDUCE 3 only.

flag ('(in out shut),'eval);

flag ('(in out shut),'ignore);



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