File r38/packages/redlog/ artifact e3622563d5 part of check-in 3519b83598

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% $Id:,v 1.10 2003/05/19 10:39:00 dolzmann Exp $
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Copyright (c) 1995-2003 Andreas Dolzmann
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% $Log:,v $
% Revision 1.10  2003/05/19 10:39:00  dolzmann
% The Groebner package now uses the GB package.
% Revision 1.9  1999/03/23 07:41:37  dolzmann
% Changed copyright information.
% Revision 1.8  1997/08/24 16:16:59  sturm
% Call cl_sitheo instead of ofsf_gssimpltheo.
% Added service rl_surep with black box rl_multsurep.
% Added service rl_siaddatl.
% Revision 1.7  1996/10/07 12:03:24  sturm
% Added fluids for CVS and copyright information.
% Revision 1.6  1996/09/26 11:55:42  dolzmann
% Reformated source code.
% Revision 1.5  1996/09/05 11:37:47  dolzmann
% Removed unused variable vl in procedure ofsf_gsmkradvar.
% Revision 1.4  1996/09/05 11:14:57  dolzmann
% Removed unused variable curtorder in procedure ofsf_gsmkradvar.
% Revision 1.3  1996/07/13 11:19:09  dolzmann
% Introduced new switches !*rlgsbnf, !*rlgsutord and related code.
% Revision 1.2  1996/07/07 14:44:10  sturm
% Call cl_nnfnot instead of cl_nnf1.
% Revision 1.1  1996/03/22 12:14:07  sturm
% Moved and split.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
lisp <<
   fluid '(ofsf_gs_rcsid!* ofsf_gs_copyright!*);
   ofsf_gs_rcsid!* := "$Id:,v 1.10 2003/05/19 10:39:00 dolzmann Exp $";
   ofsf_gs_copyright!* := "Copyright (c) 1995-2003 by A. Dolzmann"

module ofsfgs;
% Ordered field standard form groebner simplifier. Submodule of [ofsf].

% <cimpl> ::= (<gp>, <prod1>, <prod2>, <other>)
% <gp> ::= ((<gb> . <prod>) . <other>)
% <gb> ::= (<sf>,...)
% <prod> ::= <sf>
% <prod1> ::= <sf>
% <prod2> ::= <sf>
% <other> ::= (<atomic_formula>,...)

procedure ofsf_gsc(f,atl);
   % Ordered field standard form groebner simplification via
   % conjunctive normal form. [f] is an formula; [atl] is a list of
   % atomic formulas, which are considered to describe a theory. An
   % formula equivalent to [f] is returned. The returned formula is
   % somehow simpler than [f].
   begin scalar w,svrlgsvb;
      svrlgsvb := !*rlgsvb;
      if !*rlverbose and !*rlgsvb then on1 'rlgsvb else off1 'rlgsvb;
      w := ofsf_gsc1(f,atl);
      return w

procedure ofsf_gsc1(f,atl);
   % Ordered field standard form groebner simplification via
   % conjunctive normal form. [f] is an formula; [atl] is a list of
   % atomic formulas, which are considered to describe a theory. An
   % formula equivalent to [f] or ['inctheo] is returned. The
   % returned formula is somehow simpler than [f].
   begin scalar phi,!*rlsiexpla;  % Hack, but otherwise phi is not a bnf!
      if !*rlgsbnf then <<
      	 if !*rlgsvb then ioto_prin2 "[CNF";
      	 phi := cl_simpl(cl_cnf cl_nnf f,atl,-1);
      	 if !*rlgsvb then ioto_prin2 "] "
      >> else
	 phi := cl_simpl(f,atl,-1);
      if phi eq 'inctheo then return 'inctheo;
      if rl_tvalp phi then
	 return phi;
      phi := ofsf_gssimplify0(phi,atl);
      if phi eq 'inctheo then return 'inctheo;
      return cl_simpl(phi,atl,-1)

procedure ofsf_gsd(f,atl);
   % Ordered field standard form groebner simplification via
   % disjunctive normal form. [f] is an formula; [atl] is a list of
   % atomic formulas, which are considered to describe a theory. An
   % formula equivalent to [f] or ['inctheo] is returned. The
   % returned formula is somehow simpler than [f].
   begin scalar w,svrlgsvb;
      svrlgsvb := !*rlgsvb;
      if !*rlverbose and !*rlgsvb then on1 'rlgsvb else off1 'rlgsvb;
      w := ofsf_gsd1(f,atl);
      return w

procedure ofsf_gsd1(f,atl);
   % Ordered field standard form groebner simplification via
   % disjunctive normal form. [f] is an formula; [atl] is a list of
   % atomic formulas, which are considered to describe a theory. An
   % formula equivalent to [f] or ['inctheo] is returned. The
   % returned formula is somehow simpler than [f].
   begin scalar phi,!*rlsiexpla;  % Hack, but otherwise phi is not a bnf!
      if !*rlgsbnf then <<
      	 if !*rlgsvb then ioto_prin2 "[DNF";
      	 phi := cl_simpl(cl_nnfnot cl_dnf f,atl,-1);
      	 if !*rlgsvb then ioto_prin2 "] ";
      >> else
      	 phi := cl_simpl(cl_nnfnot f,atl,-1);
      if phi eq 'inctheo then return 'inctheo;
      if rl_tvalp phi then
   	 return cl_nnfnot phi;
      phi := ofsf_gssimplify0(phi,atl);
      if phi eq 'inctheo then return 'inctheo;
      return cl_simpl(cl_nnfnot phi,atl,-1)

procedure ofsf_gsn(f,atl);
   % Ordered field standard form groebner simplification via boolean
   % normal form. [f] is an formula; [atl] is a list of atomic
   % formulas, which are considered to describe a theory. An formula
   % equivalent to [f] or ['inctheo] is returned. The returned formula
   % is somehow simpler than [f]. This procedure calls in dependency
   % of the structure of [f] either [ofsf_gsc] or [ofsf_gsd]. The
   % following heuristic is used: Is [f] a conjunction of atomic
   % formulas or a disjunction of formulas with at least one complex
   % formula then [ofsf_gsd] is called; in other cases [ofsf_gsc] is
   % called.
   if rl_tvalp f then
   else if cl_atflp(rl_argn f) then
      if rl_op(f) eq 'and then ofsf_gsd(f,atl) else ofsf_gsc(f,atl)
      if rl_op(f) eq 'and then ofsf_gsc(f,atl) else ofsf_gsd(f,atl);

procedure ofsf_gssimplify0(f,atl);
   % Ordered field standard form groebner simplify. [f] is a
   % conjunction over disjunctions of atomic formulas or a
   % disjunctions of atomic formulas or an atomic formula; [atl] is a
   % list of atomic formulas, which are considered to describe a
   % theory. A formula is returned. 
   begin scalar ofsf_gstv!*,!*cgbverbose,!*groebopt;
      return ofsf_gssimplify(f,atl)

procedure ofsf_gssimplify(f,atl);
   % Ordered field standard form groebner simplify. [f] is a
   % conjunction over disjunctions of atomic formulas or a
   % disjunctions of atomic formulas or an atomic formula; [atl] is a
   % list of atomic formulas, which are considered to describe a
   % theory. A formula is returned.
   begin scalar al,gp,ipart,npart,w,gprem,gprodal,gatl;
      atl := cl_sitheo atl;
      if atl eq 'inctheo or ofsf_gsinctheop(atl) then
	 return 'inctheo;
      if (cl_atfp f) or (rl_op f eq 'or) then  % degenerated cnf
	 al := ofsf_gssplit!-cnf {f}
      	 al := ofsf_gssplit!-cnf rl_argn f;
      if w := lto_catsoc('gprem,al) then <<
      	 gp := ofsf_gsextract!-gp atl;
      	 gprem := ofsf_gsgprem(w,gp);
	 if gprem eq 'false then return 'false;
      gatl := append(atl,lto_catsoc('gprem,al));
      gp := ofsf_gsextract!-gp(gatl);
      caar gp := ofsf_gsgbf caar gp;
      ipart := lto_catsoc('impl,al);
      npart := lto_catsoc('noneq,al);
      if ipart then
	 ipart := ofsf_gspart(ipart,gp);
      if npart and gatl then
      	 npart := ofsf_gspart(npart,gp);
      if gprem then <<
 	 if null !*rlgsprod then <<
	    gprodal := lto_catsoc('gprodal,al);
	    gprem := ofsf_gssimulateprod(gprem,gprodal)
      	 return rl_smkn('and,gprem . nconc(ipart,npart))
      return rl_smkn('and,nconc(ipart,npart))

procedure ofsf_gspreducef(f,gl);
   numr gb_reducef(f,gl,ofsf_gsvl(),ofsf_gssm(),ofsf_gssx());
procedure ofsf_gsgreducef(f,gl);
procedure ofsf_gsgbf(fl);

procedure ofsf_gsvl();
   if !*rlgsutord then append(td_vars(),{ofsf_gstv!*}) else nil;

procedure ofsf_gssm();
   if !*rlgsutord then td_sortmode() else 'revgradlex;

procedure ofsf_gssx();
   if !*rlgsutord then td_sortextension() else nil;

%% procedure ofsf_gsvl();
%%    td_vars();
%% procedure ofsf_gssm();
%%    td_sortmode();
%% procedure ofsf_gssx();
%%    td_sortextension();

procedure ofsf_gsinctheop(atl);
   % Ordered field standard form groebner simplifier inconsistent
   % theory predicate. [atl] is a list of atomic formulas.
   % [T] or [nil] is returned.
   begin scalar w;
      if null atl then
     	 return nil;
      if !*rlgsvb then ioto_prin2 "Inctheop... ";
      w := cl_nnfnot ofsf_gsimplication(
       	 cl_nnfnot rl_smkn('and,atl),'((nil . 1) . nil));
      if !*rlgsvb then ioto_prin2t "done.";
      return w eq 'false

procedure ofsf_gssplit!-cnf(f);
   % Ordered field standard form groebner simplifier split conjunctive
   % normal form. [f] is an list of disjunctions of atomic formulas.
   % An assoc list is returned. The returned assoc list have the
   % following items. [('impl . imp)] where [imp] is the list off all
   % disjunctions containing at least one inequation, [('gprem .
   % gprem)] where [gprem] is the list of all atomic formulas occuring
   % in [f] and atomic formulas equivalent to disjunctions of
   % inequalities occuring in [f], [('noneq . noneq)] where [noneq] is
   % a list of disjunctions of atomic formulas containing no
   % inequations, and [('gprodal . gprodal)]. The value [gprodal] is a
   % assoc list containing to each equation the product
   % representation, if the equation was extracted from a disjunction.
   begin scalar noneq,imp,prod,gprodal,gprem,w,x;
      for each phi in f do
	 if rl_op phi memq '(and or) then  % [phi] is not an atomic formula
	    if (w := ofsf_gsdis!-type rl_argn phi) eq 'impl then
	       imp := phi . imp
	    else if w eq 'noneq then
	       noneq := phi . noneq
	    else << % [if w eq 'equal then]
	       prod := 1;
	       for each atf in rl_argn phi do
	       	  prod := multf(prod,ofsf_arg2l atf);
	       x := ofsf_0mk2('equal,prod);
	       gprem := x . gprem;
	       gprodal := (x . phi) . gprodal
	    gprem := phi . gprem;
      if !*rlgsvb then <<
	 ioto_tprin2t {"global: ",length gprem,"; impl: ",length imp,
 	    "; no neq: ",length noneq, "; glob-prod-al: ",length gprodal,"."}
      return { 'impl . imp, 'noneq . noneq, 'gprem . gprem, 'gprodal . gprodal}

procedure ofsf_gsdis!-type(atl);
   % Ordered field standard form groebner simplifier disjunction type.
   % [atl] is a non null list of atomic formulas. ['equal],
   % ['impl], or ['noneq] is returned. ['equal] is returned if and
   % only if all atomic formulas have the relation [equal]; [impl] is
   % returned, if and only if one of the atomic formula is an
   % equality, otherwise [noneq] is returned.
   begin scalar op,w;
      if null atl then return 'equal;
      op := ofsf_op car atl;
      if op eq 'neq then return 'impl;
      w := ofsf_gsdis!-type cdr atl;
      if w eq 'impl then return 'impl;
      if op eq 'equal and w eq 'equal then return 'equal;
      return 'noneq

procedure ofsf_gsextract!-gp(atl);
   % Ordered field standard form extract global premise. [atl] is a
   % list of atomic formulas. A GP is returned.
   begin scalar w;
      w := ofsf_gsdis2impl(for each at in atl collect ofsf_negateat(at));
      return ( (car w . multf(cadr w, caddr w)) . cadddr w)

procedure ofsf_gsgprem(atl,gp);
   % Ordered field standard form groebner simplifier simplify global
   % premise. [atl] is a list of atomic formulas; [gp] is a GP. A
   % formula is returned.
   begin scalar w;
      if !*rlgsvb then ioto_prin2 "[GP";
      w := cl_nnfnot ofsf_gsimplication(cl_nnfnot rl_smkn('and,atl),gp);
      if !*rlgsvb then ioto_prin2 "] ";
      return w

procedure ofsf_gspart(part,gp);
   % Ordered field standard form groebner simplify simplify part.
   % [part] is a list of disjunctions of atomic formulas and atomic
   % formulas. [gp] is a GP. A list [l] of disjunctions of
   % atomic formulas and atomic formulas is returned. The formula on
   % position $i$ in [l] is somehow simpler than the formula on the
   % position $i$ in part. Supposed that the formula
   % $\bigwedge(g_i=0)$ is true where $g_i$ are the terms in [gp] then
   % the positional corresponding fomulas in the two lists [part] and
   % [l] are equivalent.
   begin scalar w,curlen,res;
      if !*rlgsvb then curlen := length part;
      res := for each phi in part collect <<
	 if !*rlgsvb then ioto_prin2 {"[",curlen};
      	 w := ofsf_gsimplication(phi,gp);
	 if !*rlgsvb then << curlen := curlen - 1; ioto_prin2 {"] "} >>;
      if !*rlgsvb then ioto_cterpri();
      return res

procedure ofsf_gsimplication(f,gp);
   % Ordered field standard form groebner simplification implication.
   % [f] is a disjunction of atomic formulas or an atomic formula.
   % [gp] is a GP. Returns a formula. It is a truth
   % value, an atomic formula or a disjunction of atomic formulas,
   % unless the simplification of an atomic formula yields a complex
   % formula.
   begin scalar prem,prod1,prod2,gprod,rprod,iprem,w,z,atl,natl;
      if cl_cxfp f then atl := rl_argn f else atl := {f};
      w := ofsf_gsdis2impl atl;
      iprem := car w;
      prod1 := cadr w;
      prod2 := caddr w;
      gprod := cdar gp;
      prem := append(iprem,caar gp);
      if null prem then return f;
      prem := ofsf_gsgbf prem;
      z := numr simp ofsf_gsmkradvar();
      rprod := ofsf_gseqprod(prod1,prod2,gprod,prem,z);
      if rprod eq 'true then <<
	 if !*rlgsvb then ioto_prin2 "!";
	 return 'true
      w := ofsf_gsusepremise(cdr gp,prem,z);
      if w eq 'true then <<
      	 if !*rlgsvb then ioto_prin2 "!";
	 return 'true
      natl := ofsf_gsredatl(atl,prem,z,rprod);
      if natl eq 'true then <<
      	 if !*rlgsvb then ioto_prin2 "!";
	 return 'true
      if rprod and rprod neq 'false then natl := rprod . natl;
      natl := nconc(natl,ofsf_gspremise(iprem,caar gp));
      return rl_smkn('or,natl)

procedure ofsf_gsredatl(atl,prem,z,rprod);
   % Ordered field standard form reduce atomic formula list. [atl] is
   % a list of SF's; [prem] is a groebner basis; [z] is a kernel;
   % [rprod] is a flag. Returns ['true] or a list of atomic formulas.
   begin scalar a,w,natl;
      while atl do <<
	 a := car atl;
      	 atl := cdr atl;
	 w := ofsf_gsredat(a,prem,z,rprod);
	 if w eq 'true then
	    atl := nil
	 else if w and w neq 'false then
	    natl := w . natl
      if w eq 'true then return 'true;
      return natl;

procedure ofsf_gsusepremise(atl,prem,z);
   % Ordered field standard form use premise. [atl] is a list of
   % atomic formulas; [prem] is a groebner basis; [z] is a kernel.
   % returns [nil] or ['true].
   begin scalar w;
      while atl do <<
	 w := ofsf_gsredat(car atl,prem,z,nil);
	 if w eq 'true then
	    atl := nil
	    atl := cdr atl;
      if w eq 'true then return 'true;

procedure ofsf_gseqprod(iprod1,iprod2,gprod,prem,z);
   % Ordered field standard form equation product. [iprod1], [iprod2],
   % and [prem] are SF's; [prem] is a list of SF's; [z] is a kernel.
   % Returns [nil] or a formula.
   begin scalar p,w;
      p := multf(iprod1,multf(iprod2,gprod));
      % Comment the test on [!*rlgsrad] out if the radical membership
      % test should always be performed for the equation product.
      if !*rlgsrad and
	 (null ofsf_gsgreducef(1,addf(1,negf multf(p,z)) . prem))
	 return 'true;
      w := ofsf_gstryeval('equal,ofsf_gspreducef(p,prem));
      if rl_tvalp w then return w;
      if null !*rlgsprod then return nil;
      if !*rlgsred then
	 return  ofsf_0mk2('equal,ofsf_gspreducef(iprod1,prem));
      return ofsf_0mk2('equal,iprod1);

procedure ofsf_gsmkradvar();
   % Ordered field standard form groebner simplifier make radical
   % memebership test variable. Returns an identifier that is not used
   % as an algebraic mode variable.
   begin scalar w; integer n;
      w := 'rlgsradmemv!*;
      while get(w,'avalue) do
	 w := mkid(w,n := n+1);
      if !*rlgsutord then
	 ofsf_gsupdtorder w;
      return w;

procedure ofsf_gsupdtorder(v);
   % Ordered field standard form groebner simplifier update term
   % order. [v] is a kernel. Inserts the main variable [v] into the
   % variable list of the global fixed term order of the groebner
   % package. Not all torders are supported, if a variable list is
   % present. To get over this problem one can insert the tag
   % variable [v] in the variable list before calling the groebner
   % simplifier.
   if td_vars() and v memq td_vars() then   % vl needs update
      if not(td_sortmode() memq '(lex gradlex revgradlex gradlexgradlex
	 gradlexrevgradlex lexgradlex lexrevgradlex weighted))
	 rederr {"term order",td_sortmode(), "not supported"}
	 ofsf_gstv!* := v;

procedure ofsf_gstryeval(rel,lhs);
   % Ordered field standard form try evaluation. [rel] is an
   % ofsf-relation; [lhs] a SF. returns [nil], a truth value or an
   % atomic formula. In the first case the atomic formula $([lhs]
   % [rel] 0)$ cannot be evaluated or should be ignored. In the other
   % case the returned value is equivalent to the the atomic formula.
   begin scalar w,!*rlsiexpla;
      if !*rlgserf then <<
      	 w := cl_simplat(ofsf_0mk2(rel,lhs),nil);
      	 return if rl_tvalp w then w;
      if domainp lhs then
	 return cl_simplat(ofsf_0mk2(rel,lhs),nil);

procedure ofsf_gsdis2impl(atl);
   % Ordered field standard form groebner simplifier disjunction to
   % implication. [atl] is a list of atomic formulas. A CIMPL is
   % returned. The classification of the atomic formulas in [atl] is
   % done by [ofsf_attype].
   begin scalar prem,prod1,prod2,other,w,a;
      prod1 := prod2 := 1;
      for each at in atl do <<
	 w := ofsf_gsattype at;
	 if w then <<
	    a := car w;
	    if a eq 'equal then
	       prod1 := multf(cdr w,prod1)
	    else if a eq 'cequal then
	       prod2 := multf(cdr w,prod2)
	    else if a eq 'neq then
	       prem := cdr w . prem
	       rederr {"BUG IN OFSF_GSDIS2IMPL",car w}
	 if not (w memq '(equal neq)) then
   	    other := at . other
      return {prem, prod1, prod2, other};

procedure ofsf_gsattype(at);
   % Ordered field standard form groebner simplifier atomic formula
   % type. [at] is an atomic formula. [nil] or a pair $(\rho,p)$ is
   % returned. $\rho$ is either ['equal], ['neq], or ['cequal]; $p$ is
   % a SF.
   (if w eq 'equal then
      ('equal . ofsf_arg2l at)
   else if w memq '(geq leq) then
      ('cequal . ofsf_arg2l at)
   else if w eq 'neq then
      ('neq . ofsf_arg2l at)) where w=ofsf_op at;

procedure ofsf_gsredat(at,gb,z,flag);
   % Ordered field standard form groebner simplifier reduce atomic
   % formula. [at] is an atomic formula; [gb] is a Groebner basis; [z]
   % is a variable; [flag] is a flag. [nil], a truth value or an
   % atomic formula is returned. The behavior of this procedure
   % depends on the switches [rl_gsred] and [rl_gsrad]. [nil] is
   % returned if the atomic formula belongs to the premise or [flag]
   % is [T] and [at] is an equation. Is [flag] is non [nil] then
   % equations can be ignored. In the other cases the returned value
   % is equivalent to [at]. The intention of this procedure is the
   % reduction of [at] wrt. the radical generated by [gb].
   begin scalar w,x,op,arg,nat;
      op := ofsf_op at;
      if (op eq 'neq) or (flag and op eq 'equal) then return nil;
      arg := ofsf_arg2l at;
      w := ofsf_gspreducef(arg,gb);
      if !*rlgsred then
      	 nat := cl_simplat(ofsf_0mk2(op,w),nil)
	 if x := ofsf_gstryeval(op,w) then
	    nat := x
	    nat := at;
      if (rl_tvalp nat) or (op eq 'equal) or (null !*rlgsrad) then
	 return nat;
      if null ofsf_gsgreducef(1,addf(1,negf multf(w,z)) . gb) then
	 return cl_simplat(ofsf_0mk2(op,nil),nil);
      return nat;

procedure ofsf_gspremise(tl,gp);
   % Ordered field standard form groebner simplify premise. [tl] and
   % [gp] are lists of SF's. A list of atomic formulas is returned.
   % The behavior of this procedure depends on the switches [rl_gsred]
   % and [rl_gssub]. The conjunction over the returned formulas is
   % equivalent to the formula $\bigvee(t_i \neq 0)$ supposed that
   % $\bigwedge(g_j = 0)$, where $t_i$ are the terms in [tl] and $g_j$
   % are the terms in [gp]. If the switch [rl_gsred] is on then all
   % terms $t_i$ are reduced modulo Id([gp]). If the switch [!*rl_gssub]
   % is on, the term list is substituted by the reduced groebner base
   % of the term list.
   begin scalar gb,rtl,w;
      if !*rlgsred then <<
	 gb := ofsf_gsgbf gp;
	 for each sf in tl do
	    if w := ofsf_gspreducef(sf,gb) then
	       rtl := lto_insert(w,rtl);
      >> else
	 rtl := tl;
      if !*rlgssub then
	 return for each sf in ofsf_gsgbf rtl collect
      return for each sf in rtl collect

procedure ofsf_gssimulateprod(prem,prodal);
   % Ordered field standard form simulate rlprod switch. [prem] is a
   % quantifier free formula. [prodal] is an assoc list containing to
   % some equations its product representation. truth value or an
   begin scalar w,res;
      if rl_tvalp prem then return prem;
      if cl_atfp prem  and (w := lto_cassoc(prem,prodal)) then
	 return w;
      res := for each f in rl_argn prem collect
	 if cl_atfp f and (w := lto_cassoc(f,prodal)) then w else f;
      return rl_mkn(rl_op prem,res)

endmodule;  % [ofsfgs]

end;  % of file

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