File r38/packages/redlog/ artifact d6a83df1c3 part of check-in 3519b83598

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% $Id:,v 1.10 1999/05/06 12:18:40 sturm Exp $
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Andreas Dolzmann and Thomas Sturm
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% $Log:,v $
% Revision 1.10  1999/05/06 12:18:40  sturm
% Updated comments for exported procedures.
% Revision 1.9  1999/03/26 08:22:36  dolzmann
% Added code for possibly exploding equations and inequalities:
% Introduced new argument sop to the procedures dvfsf_safield and
% dvfsf_saval. Adapted all calls of these procedures to the new
% parameter list. Added procedure dvfsf_compose to compose the result of
% dvfsf_saval1. Added procedure dvfsf_sapfacf for the factorization of
% an equation or an inequality.
% Revision 1.8  1999/03/24 12:33:33  dolzmann
% Added and reformatted comments.
% Removed debugging code.
% Replaced gcdf!* by sfto_gcdf!*.
% Revision 1.7  1999/03/23 08:45:43  dolzmann
% Changed copyright information.
% Revision 1.6  1999/03/19 12:13:04  dolzmann
% Added simplification for atomic formulas of the form a*p+b=0 and a*p+b<>0,
% where a,b in Z and for atomic formulas of the form f || p*g, and p*f | g.
% Revision 1.5  1999/01/17 16:25:29  dolzmann
% Changed copyright notice.
% Added simplification procedures described in "P-adic constraint
% solving" by A. Dolzmann and T. Sturm.
% Revision 1.4  1999/01/10 12:11:51  dolzmann
% Added simplification of atomic formulas involving powers of p and integers.
% This simplification is only for p-adic valuations correct.
% Revision 1.3  1996/10/07 11:32:09  sturm
% Added fluids for CVS and copyright information.
% Revision 1.2  1996/07/15 13:32:41  sturm
% Fixed a bug in dvfsf_saval1.
% Revision 1.1  1996/07/08 12:15:25  sturm
% Initial check-in.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
lisp <<
   fluid '(dvfsf_siat_rcsid!* dvfsf_siat_copyright!*);
   dvfsf_siat_rcsid!* :=
      "$Id:,v 1.10 1999/05/06 12:18:40 sturm Exp $";
   dvfsf_siat_copyright!* := "Copyright (c) 1995-1999 A. Dolzmann and T. Sturm"

module dvfsfsiat;
% Discretely valued field standard form simplify atomic formulas.
% Submodule of [dvfsf]. This submodule provides the black box
% [rl_simplat1] to [cl_simpl].

procedure dvfsf_simplat1(atf,sop);
   % Discretely valued field simplify atomic formula. [atf] is an
   % atomic formula; [sop] is the complex formula operator [atf]
   % occurs with or [nil]. Returns a quantifier-free formula that is a
   % simplified equivalent of [atf]. Accesses the fluid [dvfsf_p!*]
   % and the switches [rlsifac], [rlsiexpl], [rlsiexpla].
   begin scalar op;
      op := dvfsf_op atf;
      if op eq 'equal or op eq 'neq then
 	 return dvfsf_safield(op,dvfsf_arg2l atf,sop);
      return dvfsf_saval(op,dvfsf_arg2l atf,dvfsf_arg2r atf,sop)

procedure dvfsf_saval(op,lhs,rhs,sop);
   % Discretely valued field simplify atomic formula built with
   % valuation relation. [op] is one of ['assoc], ['nasso], ['div], or
   % ['sdiv]; [lhs] and [rhs] are SF's; [sop] is a boolean operator.
   % Returns a formula equivalent to $[op]([lhs],[rhs])$.
      if minusf lhs then lhs := negf lhs;
      if minusf rhs then rhs := negf rhs;
      if lhs = rhs then
 	 return if op eq 'sdiv or op eq 'nassoc then 'false else 'true;
      % At most one of [lhs], [rhs] is zero. The following third reatment
      % of zero sides is probably redundant.
      if null lhs then <<
    	 if op eq 'sdiv then return 'false;
	 if op eq 'nassoc then return dvfsf_safield('neq,rhs,sop);
    	 % We know [op] is one of ['div], ['assoc].
    	 return dvfsf_safield('equal,rhs,sop)
      if null rhs then <<
    	 if op eq 'sdiv or op eq 'nassoc then
 	    return dvfsf_safield('neq,lhs,sop);
    	 if op eq 'assoc then
 	    return dvfsf_safield('equal,lhs,sop);
    	 % We know [op eq 'div] now.
    	 return 'true
      return dvfsf_saval1(op,lhs,rhs)

procedure dvfsf_saval1(op,lhs,rhs);
   % Discretely valued field simplify atomic formula built with
   % valuation relation subroutine. [op] is one of [div], [sdiv],
   % [assoc], [nassoc]; [lhs] and [rhs] are nonzero SF's. Returns a
   % formula equivalent to $[op]([lhs],[rhs])$.
   begin scalar gcd,natf1,sff,junct;
      junct := if op eq 'sdiv or op eq 'nassoc then 'and else 'or;
      lhs := dvfsf_vsimpf lhs;
      rhs := dvfsf_vsimpf rhs;
      gcd := sfto_gcdf!*(lhs,rhs);
      lhs := quotf(lhs,gcd);
      rhs := quotf(rhs,gcd);
      natf1 := dvfsf_saval2(op,lhs,rhs);
      if junct eq 'and then <<
	 if natf1 eq 'false then return 'false;
    	 sff := dvfsf_safield('neq,gcd,'and);
      	 return dvfsf_compose('and,natf1,sff)
      % We know [junct eq 'or].
      if natf1 eq 'true then return natf1;
      sff := dvfsf_safield('equal,gcd,'or);
      return dvfsf_compose('or,natf1,sff)

procedure dvfsf_compose(op,at,f);
   % Discretely valued field compose. [op] is either ['or] or ['and];
   % [at] is an atomic formula; [f] is a formula. Returns a formula
   % equivalent to $[op](at,f)$.
   if op eq 'or and (at eq 'true or f eq 'true) then
   else if op eq 'and and (at eq 'false or f eq 'false) then
   else if (at eq 'true) or (at eq 'false) then
   else if (f eq 'true) or (f eq 'false) then
   else if (op neq rl_op f) or not(cl_cxfp f) then
      rl_mkn(op,at . rl_argn f);

procedure dvfsf_saval2(op,lhs,rhs);
   % Discretely valued field simplify atomic formula built with
   % valuation relation subroutine. [op] is one of [div], [sdiv],
   % [assoc], [nassoc]; [lhs] and [rhs] are nonzero SF's such that
   % [lhs] and [rhs] are relatively prime. Returns a formula
   % equivalent to $[op]([lhs],[rhs])$.
   begin scalar natf1,w;
      if dvfsf_p!* > 0 then  % Concrete valuation given.
	 natf1 := dvfsf_sacval(op,lhs,rhs)
      else <<
	 w := dvfsf_saaval(op,lhs,rhs);
	 if rl_tvalp w then
	    natf1 := w
	 else if w neq 'failed then <<
	    natf1 := w;   % TODO: Repeat the trivial simplifications for [w].
	    op := dvfsf_op natf1;
	    lhs := dvfsf_arg2l natf1;
	    rhs := dvfsf_arg2r natf1
      	 >> else
	    natf1 := dvfsf_mk2(op,lhs,rhs)
      if (op eq 'assor or op eq 'nassoc) and ordp(rhs,lhs) then
	 natf1 := dvfsf_mk2(op,rhs,lhs);
      return natf1

procedure dvfsf_sacval(op,lhs,rhs);
   % Discretely valued field simplify atomic formula built with
   % valuation relation for concrete given valuation. [op] is one of
   % [div], [sdiv], [assoc], [nassoc]; [lhs] and [rhs] are nonzero
   % SF's. Returns a formula equivalent to $[op]([lhs],[rhs])$.
   % Evaluate variable free atomic formulas and move the domain
   % content to one side.
   begin scalar lcont,rcont,lv,rv;
      if domainp lhs and domainp rhs then <<
	 if op eq 'assoc then
	    return if dvfsf_v lhs = dvfsf_v rhs then 'true else 'false;
	 if op eq 'nassoc then
	    return if dvfsf_v lhs neq dvfsf_v rhs then 'true else 'false;
	 if op eq 'sdiv then
	    return if dvfsf_v lhs < dvfsf_v rhs then 'true else 'false;
	 % We know [op eq 'div] now.
	 return if dvfsf_v lhs <= dvfsf_v rhs then 'true else 'false
      % The content is non-zero.
      lcont := sfto_dcontentf lhs;
      lhs := quotf(lhs,lcont);
      rcont := sfto_dcontentf rhs;
      rhs := quotf(rhs,rcont);
      lv := dvfsf_v lcont;
      rv := dvfsf_v rcont;
      if lv >= rv then
 	 lhs := multf(numr simp ((dvfsf_p!*)**(lv-rv)),lhs)
 	 rhs := multf(numr simp ((dvfsf_p!*)**(rv-lv)),rhs);
      return dvfsf_mk2(op,lhs,rhs)

procedure dvfsf_safield(op,lhs,sop);
   % Discretely valued field simplify atomic formula with field
   % relation. [op] is either ['equal] or ['neq]; [lhs] is an SF;
   % [sop] is a boolean operator.
   % Returns a quantifier-free formula equivalent to $[op]([lhs],0)$.
      lhs := dvfsf_vsimpf lhs;
      if domainp lhs then
	 if op eq 'equal then
 	    return if null lhs then 'true else 'false
	 else  % [op eq 'neq]
	    return if null lhs then 'false else 'true;
      lhs := sfto_dprpartf lhs;
      if dvfsf_p!*>0 then
 	 return dvfsf_sapfacf(op,lhs,sop);
      lhs := dvfsf_dppower lhs;
      if domainp lhs then
	 return if op eq 'equal then 'false else 'true;
      return dvfsf_sapfacf(op,lhs,sop)

procedure dvfsf_sapfacf(op,lhs,sop);
   % Discretely valued field standard form polynomial factorization
   % atomic formula with field relation. [op] is either ['equal] or
   % [neq]. [lhs] is an SF. Returns a formula equivalent to
   % $[op](lhs,0)$; [sop] is a boolean operator. This procedure
   % possibly factorize [lhs] to explode the respective atomic
   % formula.
   begin scalar w,junct;
      junct := if op eq 'equal then 'or else 'and;
      if !*rlsifac and (!*rlsiexpla or !*rlsiexpl and sop = junct) then
      	 return rl_smkn(junct,
	    for each x in cdr fctrf lhs collect dvfsf_sapeq(op,car x));
      return dvfsf_sapeq(op,lhs)

procedure dvfsf_dppower(f);
   % Discretely valued field drop p power. [f] is an SF of the form
   % $(p^n f')$. Returns $f'$ as an SF.
   begin scalar qr,p;
      p := numr simp 'p;
      qr := qremf(f,p);
      while null(cdr qr) do <<
	 f := car qr;
 	 qr := qremf(car qr,p);
      return f

procedure dvfsf_saaval(op,lhs,rhs);
   % Discretely valued field simplify atomic formula for abstract
   % valuation. [op] is one of [div], [sdiv], [assoc], [nassoc]; [lhs]
   % and [rhs] are SF's. Returns ['failed] or an atomic formula
   % equivalent $[op]([lhs],[rhs])$.
   begin scalar w;
      w := dvfsf_sappow(op,lhs,rhs);
      if w neq 'failed then
	 return w;
      w := dvfsf_savpc(op,lhs,rhs);
      if w neq 'failed then
	 return w;
      w := dvfsf_sapureintc(op,lhs,rhs);
      if w neq 'failed then
	 return w;
      w := dvfsf_sapfactor(op,lhs,rhs);
      if w neq 'failed then
	 return w;
      return 'failed

procedure dvfsf_sappow(op,lhs,rhs);
   % Discretely valued field simplify powers of p in atomic formula.
   % [op] is one of ['div], ['sdiv], ['nassoc], ['assoc]; [lhs] and
   % [rhs] are SF's. Returns ['failed] or a truth value. Simplifies
   % atomic formulas which relates 1 to $z p^n$, for an integer [z]
   % and a positive integer $n$ to a truth value. Otherwise ['failed]
   % is returned.
   begin scalar lp,rp;
      lp := dvfsf_ppowerp lhs;
      rp := dvfsf_ppowerp rhs;
      if rp and lhs = numr simp 1 then
    	 return if op = 'assoc then 'false else 'true;
      if lp and rhs = numr simp 1 then
    	 return if op = 'nassoc then 'true else 'false;
      return 'failed

procedure dvfsf_savpc(op,lhs,rhs);
   % Discretely valued field simplify atomic formulas build with
   % valuation relation, p, and a constant. [op] is one of [div],
   % [sdiv], [assoc], [nassoc]; [lhs] and [rhs] are SF's, such that
   % [lhs] and [rhs] are relatively prime. Returns ['failed] or an
   % atomic formula equivalent to $[op]([lhs],[rhs])$. The atomic
   % formula is simplified, if it relates $z p^n$ to a constant;
   % otherwise ['failed] is returned.
   % WARNING: This simplifier is correct only for p-adic valued fields.
   begin scalar w,op;
      if not !*rlsifac then
	 return 'failed;
      w := dvfsf_savpc1(op,lhs,rhs);
      if w eq 'failed then
	 return 'failed;
      op := dvfsf_op w;
      if dvfsf_arg2l w = dvfsf_arg2r w then
 	 return if op eq 'nassoc then 'false else 'true;
      return w

procedure dvfsf_savpc1(op,lhs,rhs);
   % Discretely valued field simplify atomic formulas build with
   % valuation relation, p, and a constant subroutine. [op] is one of
   % [div], [sdiv], [assoc], [nassoc]; [lhs] and [rhs] are SF's, such
   % that [lhs] and [rhs] are relatively prime. Returns ['failed] or
   % an atomic formula equivalent to $[op]([lhs],[rhs])$. The atomic
   % formula is simplified, if it relates $z p^n$ to a constant;
   % otherwise ['failed] is returned.
   begin scalar n;
      return if (domainp rhs) and (n := dvfsf_ppowerp lhs) then <<
      	 if op eq 'assoc then
      	    dvfsf_mk2('nassoc,sfto_zdeqn(rhs,n),numr simp 1)
      	 else if op eq 'nassoc then
      	    dvfsf_mk2('assoc,sfto_zdeqn(rhs,n),numr simp 1)
      	 else if op eq 'div then
      	    dvfsf_mk2('nassoc,sfto_zdgen(rhs,n),numr simp 1)
      	 else if op eq 'sdiv then
      	    dvfsf_mk2('nassoc,sfto_zdgtn(rhs,n),numr simp 1)
	    rederr "Bug in dvfsf_savpc"
      >> else if (domainp lhs) and (n := dvfsf_ppowerp rhs) then <<
      	 if op eq 'assoc then
      	    dvfsf_mk2('nassoc,sfto_zdeqn(lhs,n),numr simp 1)
      	 else if op eq 'nassoc then
      	    dvfsf_mk2('assoc,sfto_zdeqn(lhs,n),numr simp 1)
      	 else if op eq 'div then
      	    dvfsf_mk2('assoc,sfto_zdgtn(lhs,n),numr simp 1)
      	 else if op eq 'sdiv then
      	    dvfsf_mk2('assoc,sfto_zdgen(lhs,n),numr simp 1)
	    rederr "Bug in dvfsf_savpc"
      >> else

procedure dvfsf_ppowerp(u);
   % Discretely valued field power of p predicate. [u] is an SF.
   % Returns [nil] or a positive integer $n$. Tests [u] on
   % representing a polynomial $z p^n$ for an integer $z$ and a
   % natural number $n$.
   begin scalar rou,w;
      rou := sfto_reorder(u,'p);
      w := (not domainp rou and mvar rou = 'p and
     	 domainp lc rou and null red rou);
      if w then
	 return ldeg u

procedure dvfsf_ppolyp(f);
   % Discretely valued field p polynomial predicate. [f] is an SF.
   % Returns [T] if [f] is a domian element or is a polynomial
   % containing only the variable ['p] otherwise [nil] is returned.
   begin scalar w;
      if domainp f then
	 return T;
      w := kernels f;
      return null cdr w and car w eq 'p

procedure dvfsf_ppolydec(f);
   % Discretely valued field p polynomial decomposition. [f] is an SF.
   % Returns a list $(...,(a_i,n_i),...)$ such that $[f]=\sum_i
   % a_ip^n_i$ and $n_i>n_{i+1}$.
   if null f then
   else if domainp f then
      {(f . 0)}
      (lc f . ldeg f) . dvfsf_ppolydec red f;

procedure dvfsf_vsimpf(f);
   % Discretely valued field valuation simplification standard form.
   % [f] is an SF. Returns an SF $f'$, such that for all terms $g$ we
   % have $[f] \mathrel{\varrho} g$ if and only if $f'
   % \mathrel{\varrho} g$.
   begin scalar w,fdc,cep,c,n,cdc;
      if domainp f then
	 return f;
      if not dvfsf_ppolyp f then
	 return f;
      fdc := reversip dvfsf_ppolydec(f);
      w := car fdc;
      fdc := cdr fdc;
      if null fdc then
	 return f;
      n := cdr w;
      c := car w;
      if (c = 1) or (c = -1) then
	 return numr simp {'expt,'p,n};
      cdc := sort(zfactor c,function(lambda(x,y); (cdr x > cdr y)));
      if n + cdr car cdc < cdr car fdc then
	 return numr simp {'times,c,{'expt,'p,n}};
      while cdc do <<
	 cep := car cdc;
	 w := dvfsf_vsimpf1(car cep,cdr cep,n,fdc);
	 if w eq 'failed then
	    cdc := nil
	    cdc := cdr cdc;
      if w eq 'failed then
	 return f;
      return numr simp {'times,c,{'expt,'p,n}};

procedure dvfsf_vsimpf1(q,m,n,fdc);
   % Discretely valued field valuation simplification standard form
   % subroutine. [f] is an SF. Returns an SF $f'$, such that for all
   % terms $g$ we have $[f] \mathrel{\varrho} g$ if and only if $f'
   % \mathrel{\varrho} g$.
   begin scalar w,k,qp;
      while fdc do <<
	 w := car fdc;  % a pair $(a . n)$ with $a*p^n$ is monomial of [f]
	 k := cdr w - n;
	 if m<k then <<
	    w := nil;
	    fdc := nil
	 >> else <<
	    qp := abs(q)^(m-k+1);
	    if gcdf!*(qp,car w) = qp then
	       fdc := cdr fdc
	    else <<
	       w := 'failed;
	       fdc := nil;
      if w eq 'failed then
	 return 'failed

procedure dvfsf_sapureintc(op,lhs,rhs);
   % Discretely valued field simplifiy atomic formulas pure integer
   % constraints. [op] is one of ['assoc], ['nassoc], ['div] or
   % ['sdiv]; [lhs] and [rhs] are SF's. Returns ['failed] or an atomic
   % formula. This procedure simplifies atomic formulas which relates
   % integers.
   if not !*rlsifac then
   else if not(domainp lhs and domainp rhs) then
   else if op eq 'assoc or op eq 'nassoc then
      dvfsf_mk2(op,sfto_sqfpartz(lhs*rhs),numr simp 1)
   else if op eq 'div then
      dvfsf_mk2('assoc,sfto_sqfpartz lhs,numr simp 1)
   else if op eq 'sdiv then
      dvfsf_mk2('nassoc,sfto_sqfpartz rhs,numr simp 1)
      rederr "bug dvfsf_sapureintc";

procedure dvfsf_sapeq(op,lhs);
   % Discretely valued field simplify atomic formula p equation. [op]
   % is either ['equal] or ['neq]. [lhs] is an SF. Returns an atomic
   % formula equivalent to $[op]([lhs],0)$. This procedures
   % simplifies atomic formulas of the form $[op](z1 p + z2,0)$, with
   % $z1$ and $z2$ relatively prime.
   if not(not(domainp lhs) and mvar lhs eq 'p and ldeg lhs = 1
      and domainp lc lhs and domainp red lhs)
   else if (lc lhs neq 1) or not(minusf red lhs) or not(primep red lhs) then
      if op eq 'equal then 'false else 'true
      dvfsf_mk2(if op eq 'equal then 'nassoc else 'assoc,
	 negf red lhs,numr simp 1);

procedure dvfsf_sapfactor(op,lhs,rhs);
   % Discretely valued field simplify atomic formula p factor. [op] is
   % one of ['assoc], ['nassoc], ['div], or ['sdiv]. [lhs] and [rhs]
   % are SF's. Returns ['failed] or atomic formula equivalent to
   % $[op]([lhs],[rhs])$. This procedures simplifies atomic formulas
   % of the form $f || p*g$, $p*f | g$.
   begin scalar w;
      if op eq 'sdiv then <<
      	 w := qremf(rhs,numr simp 'p);
      	 if null cdr w then
	    return dvfsf_mk2('div,lhs,car w);
	 return 'failed
      if op eq 'div then <<
      	 w := qremf(lhs,numr simp 'p);
      	 if null cdr w then
	    return dvfsf_mk2('sdiv,car w,rhs);
	 return 'failed
      return 'failed

endmodule;  % [dvfsfsiat]

end;  % of file

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