File r38/lisp/csl/cslbase/FXMathText.h artifact d19d4c8215 part of check-in 3519b83598

// See FXMathText.cpp for an explanation of the status of this file.
// basically it starts off as just a copy of FXText.h but it is being
// edited to support maths display within the text window.

/* Signature: 43f37681 14-Apr-2006 */

*                                                                               *
*                    M u l t i - L i ne   T e x t   W i d g e t                 *
*                                                                               *
* Copyright (C) 1998,2004 by Jeroen van der Zijp.   All Rights Reserved.        *
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or                 *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public                    *
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation;                         *
* version 2.1 of the License.                                                   *
*                                                                               *
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,               *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                *
* Lesser General Public License for more details.                               *
*                                                                               *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public              *
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software           *
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.    *
* $Id: FXMathText.h,v 1.144 2004/05/05 16:03:37 fox Exp $                           *

#include "FXText.h"

#include "FXScrollArea.h"

namespace FX {

#if 0
// The following are here for clarity, but the REAL definitions are
// in FXText.h, and since these are global rather than class-scope
// names there is no need to redefine them here.

/// Text widget options
enum {
  TEXT_READONLY      = 0x00100000,              /// Text is NOT editable
  TEXT_WORDWRAP      = 0x00200000,              /// Wrap at word breaks
  TEXT_OVERSTRIKE    = 0x00400000,              /// Overstrike mode
  TEXT_FIXEDWRAP     = 0x00800000,              /// Fixed wrap columns
  TEXT_NO_TABS       = 0x01000000,              /// Insert spaces for tabs
  TEXT_AUTOINDENT    = 0x02000000,              /// Autoindent
  TEXT_SHOWACTIVE    = 0x04000000,              /// Show active line
  TEXT_COLUMNWRAP    = 0x08000000               /// Wrap at given col always

/// Selection modes
enum FXTextSelectionMode {

/// Highlight style entry
struct FXHiliteStyle {
  FXColor normalForeColor;            /// Normal text foreground color
  FXColor normalBackColor;            /// Normal text background color
  FXColor selectForeColor;            /// Selected text foreground color
  FXColor selectBackColor;            /// Selected text background color
  FXColor hiliteForeColor;            /// Highlight text foreground color
  FXColor hiliteBackColor;            /// Highlight text background color
  FXColor activeBackColor;            /// Active text background color
  FXuint  style;                      /// Highlight text style

* Text mutation callback data passed with the SEL_INSERTED,
* SEL_REPLACED, and SEL_DELETED messages; both old and new
* text is available on behalf of the undo system as well as
* syntax highlighting.
struct FXTextChange {
  FXint   pos;          /// Position in buffer
  FXint   ndel;         /// Number characters deleted at position
  FXint   nins;         /// Number characters inserted at position
  FXchar *ins;          /// Text inserted at position
  FXchar *del;          /// Text deleted at position

#endif // end of commented out code

/// Multiline text widget
class FXAPI FXMathText : public FXScrollArea {
  FXchar        *buffer;              // Text buffer being edited
  FXchar        *sbuffer;             // Text style buffer
  FXint         *visrows;             // Starts of rows in buffer
  FXint          length;              // Length of the actual text in the buffer
  FXint          nvisrows;            // Number of visible rows
  FXint          nrows;               // Total number of rows
  FXint          gapstart;            // Start of the insertion point (the gap)
  FXint          gapend;              // End of the insertion point+1
  FXint          toppos;              // Start position of first visible row
  FXint          keeppos;             // Position to keep on top visible row
  FXint          toprow;              // Row number of first visible row
  FXint          selstartpos;         // Start of selection
  FXint          selendpos;           // End of selection
  FXint          hilitestartpos;      // Hightlight start position
  FXint          hiliteendpos;        // Hightlight end position
  FXint          anchorpos;           // Anchor position
  FXint          cursorpos;           // Cursor position
  FXint          revertpos;           // Position of cursor prior to dragging
  FXint          cursorstart;         // Cursor row start pos
  FXint          cursorend;           // Cursor row end pos
  FXint          cursorrow;           // Cursor row
  FXint          cursorcol;           // Cursor column indent (not character offset!)
  FXint          prefcol;             // Preferred cursor column
  FXint          margintop;           // Margins top
  FXint          marginbottom;        // Margin bottom
  FXint          marginleft;          // Margin left
  FXint          marginright;         // Margin right
  FXint          wrapwidth;           // Wrap width in pixels
  FXint          wrapcolumns;         // Wrap columns
  FXint          tabwidth;            // Tab width in pixels
  FXint          tabcolumns;          // Tab columns
  FXint          barwidth;            // Line number width
  FXint          barcolumns;          // Line number columns
  FXFont        *font;                // Text font
  FXColor        textColor;           // Normal text color
  FXColor        selbackColor;        // Select background color
  FXColor        seltextColor;        // Select text color
  FXColor        hilitebackColor;     // Highlight background color
  FXColor        hilitetextColor;     // Highlight text color
  FXColor        activebackColor;     // Background color for active line
  FXColor        numberColor;         // Line number color
  FXColor        cursorColor;         // Cursor color
  FXColor        barColor;            // Bar background color
  FXint          textWidth;           // Total width of all text
  FXint          textHeight;          // Total height of all text
  FXString       searchstring;        // String of last search
  FXuint         searchflags;         // Flags of last search
  const FXchar  *delimiters;          // Delimiters
  FXchar        *clipbuffer;          // Clipped text
  FXint          cliplength;          // Length of clipped text
  FXint          vrows;               // Default visible rows
  FXint          vcols;               // Default visible columns
  FXString       help;                // Status line help
  FXString       tip;                 // Tooltip
  const FXHiliteStyle *hilitestyles;  // Style definitions
  FXuint         matchtime;           // Match time (ms)
  FXbool         modified;            // User has modified text
  FXuchar        mode;                // Mode widget is in
  FXint          grabx;               // Grab point x
  FXint          graby;               // Grab point y
  void calcVisRows(FXint s,FXint e);
  virtual void eraseCursorOverhang();
  virtual void drawCursor(FXuint state);
  virtual FXuint style(FXint row,FXint beg,FXint end,FXint pos) const;
  virtual void drawBufferText(FXDCWindow& dc,FXint x,FXint y,FXint w,FXint h,FXint pos,FXint n,FXuint style) const;
  virtual void fillBufferRect(FXDCWindow& dc,FXint x,FXint y,FXint w,FXint h,FXuint style) const;
  virtual void drawTextRow(FXDCWindow& dc,FXint line,FXint left,FXint right) const;
  virtual void drawContents(FXDCWindow& dc,FXint x,FXint y,FXint w,FXint h) const;
  virtual void drawNumbers(FXDCWindow& dc,FXint x,FXint y,FXint w,FXint h) const;
  FXint posToLine(FXint pos,FXint ln) const;
  FXbool posVisible(FXint pos) const;
  void updateRange(FXint beg,FXint end) const;
  void movegap(FXint pos);
  void sizegap(FXint sz);
  void squeezegap();
  FXint charWidth(FXchar ch,FXint indent) const;
  FXint wrap(FXint start) const;
  FXint countRows(FXint start,FXint end) const;
  FXint countCols(FXint start,FXint end) const;
  FXint countLines(FXint start,FXint end) const;
  FXint measureText(FXint start,FXint end,FXint& wmax,FXint& hmax) const;
  FXint lineWidth(FXint pos,FXint n) const;
  FXint getYOfPos(FXint pos) const;
  FXint getXOfPos(FXint pos) const;
  FXint changeBeg(FXint pos) const;
  FXint changeEnd(FXint pos) const;
  FXint indentFromPos(FXint start,FXint pos) const;
  FXint posFromIndent(FXint start,FXint indent) const;
  void mutation(FXint pos,FXint ncins,FXint ncdel,FXint nrins,FXint nrdel);
  virtual void replace(FXint pos,FXint m,const FXchar *text,FXint n,FXint style);
  void recompute();
  FXint matchForward(FXint pos,FXint end,FXchar l,FXchar r,FXint level) const;
  FXint matchBackward(FXint pos,FXint beg,FXchar l,FXchar r,FXint level) const;
  FXint findMatching(FXint pos,FXint beg,FXint end,FXchar ch,FXint level) const;
  void flashMatching();
  void moveContents(FXint x,FXint y);
  enum {
    STYLE_MASK      = 0x00FF,   // Mask color table
    STYLE_TEXT      = 0x0100,   // Draw some content
    STYLE_SELECTED  = 0x0200,   // Selected
    STYLE_CONTROL   = 0x0400,   // Control character
    STYLE_HILITE    = 0x0800,   // Highlighted
    STYLE_ACTIVE    = 0x1000    // Active
  enum {
    MOUSE_NONE,                 // No mouse operation
    MOUSE_CHARS,                // Selecting characters
    MOUSE_WORDS,                // Selecting words
    MOUSE_LINES,                // Selecting lines
    MOUSE_SCROLL,               // Scrolling
    MOUSE_DRAG,                 // Dragging text
    MOUSE_TRYDRAG               // Tentative drag
  enum {
    STYLE_UNDERLINE = 0x0001,   /// Underline text
    STYLE_STRIKEOUT = 0x0002,   /// Strike out text
    STYLE_BOLD      = 0x0004    /// Bold text
  FXMathText(const FXMathText&);
  FXMathText& operator=(const FXMathText&);
  long onPaint(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onUpdate(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onFocusIn(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onFocusOut(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onLeftBtnPress(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onLeftBtnRelease(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onMiddleBtnPress(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onMiddleBtnRelease(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onRightBtnPress(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onRightBtnRelease(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onUngrabbed(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onMotion(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onBeginDrag(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onEndDrag(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onDragged(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onDNDEnter(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onDNDLeave(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onDNDMotion(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onDNDDrop(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onDNDRequest(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onSelectionLost(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onSelectionGained(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onSelectionRequest(FXObject*,FXSelector,void* ptr);
  long onClipboardLost(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onClipboardGained(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onClipboardRequest(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onKeyPress(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onKeyRelease(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onBlink(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onFlash(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onAutoScroll(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onQueryHelp(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onQueryTip(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);

  // Control commands
  long onCmdToggleEditable(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onUpdToggleEditable(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdToggleOverstrike(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onUpdToggleOverstrike(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdCursorRow(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onUpdCursorRow(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdCursorColumn(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onUpdCursorColumn(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onUpdHaveSelection(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onUpdSelectAll(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdSetStringValue(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdGetStringValue(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdSearch(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdReplace(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdSearchNext(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdSearchSel(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);

  // Cursor movement
  long onCmdCursorTop(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdCursorBottom(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdCursorHome(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdCursorEnd(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdCursorRight(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdCursorLeft(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdCursorUp(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdCursorDown(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdCursorWordLeft(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdCursorWordRight(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdCursorWordStart(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdCursorWordEnd(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdCursorPageDown(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdCursorPageUp(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdCursorScreenTop(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdCursorScreenBottom(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdCursorScreenCenter(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdCursorParHome(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdCursorParEnd(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdBlockBeg(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdBlockEnd(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdGotoMatching(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdGotoSelected(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdGotoLine(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdScrollUp(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdScrollDown(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);

  // Mark and extend
  long onCmdMark(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdExtend(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);

  // Inserting
  long onCmdOverstString(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdInsertString(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdInsertNewline(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdInsertTab(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);

  // Manipulation Selection
  long onCmdCutSel(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdCopySel(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdPasteSel(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdDeleteSel(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdChangeCase(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdShiftText(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdPasteMiddle(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);

  // Changing Selection
  long onCmdSelectChar(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdSelectWord(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdSelectLine(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdSelectAll(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdSelectMatching(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdSelectBlock(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdDeselectAll(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);

  // Deletion
  long onCmdBackspace(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdBackspaceWord(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdBackspaceBol(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdDelete(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdDeleteWord(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdDeleteEol(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdDeleteAll(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
  long onCmdDeleteLine(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);

  static const FXchar textDelimiters[];


  enum {


  /// Construct multi-line text widget
  FXMathText(FXComposite *p,FXObject* tgt=NULL,FXSelector sel=0,FXuint opts=0,FXint x=0,FXint y=0,FXint w=0,FXint h=0,
             FXint pl=3,FXint pr=3,FXint pt=2,FXint pb=2);

  /// Create server-side resources
  virtual void create();

  /// Detach server-side resources
  virtual void detach();

  /// Perform layout
  virtual void layout();

  /// Return default width
  virtual FXint getDefaultWidth();

  /// Return default height
  virtual FXint getDefaultHeight();

  /// Enable the text widget
  virtual void enable();

  /// Disable the text widget
  virtual void disable();

  /// Need to recalculate size
  virtual void recalc();

  /// Resize this window to the specified width and height
  virtual void resize(FXint w,FXint h);

  /// Move and resize this window in the parent's coordinates
  virtual void position(FXint x,FXint y,FXint w,FXint h);

  /// Get default width
  virtual FXint getContentWidth();

  /// Get default height
  virtual FXint getContentHeight();

  /// Returns true because a text widget can receive focus
#if (FOX_MINOR<=4)
  virtual FXbool canFocus() const;
  virtual bool canFocus() const;

  /// Move the focus to this window
  virtual void setFocus();

  /// Remove the focus from this window
  virtual void killFocus();

  /// Change top margin
  void setMarginTop(FXint pt);

  /// Return top margin
  FXint getMarginTop() const { return margintop; }

  /// Change bottom margin
  void setMarginBottom(FXint pb);

  /// Return bottom margin
  FXint getMarginBottom() const { return marginbottom; }

  /// Change left margin
  void setMarginLeft(FXint pl);

  /// Return left margin
  FXint getMarginLeft() const { return marginleft; }

  /// Change right margin
  void setMarginRight(FXint pr);

  /// Return right margin
  FXint getMarginRight() const { return marginright; }

  /// Return wrap columns
  FXint getWrapColumns() const { return wrapcolumns; }

  /// Set wrap columns
  void setWrapColumns(FXint cols);

  /// Return tab columns
  FXint getTabColumns() const { return tabcolumns; }

  /// Change tab columns
  void setTabColumns(FXint cols);

  /// Return number of columns used for line numbers
  FXint getBarColumns() const { return barcolumns; }

  /// Change number of columns used for line numbers
  void setBarColumns(FXint cols);

  /// Return TRUE if text was modified
  FXbool isModified() const { return modified; }

  /// Set modified flag
  void setModified(FXbool mod=TRUE){ modified=mod; }

  /// Return TRUE if text is editable
  FXbool isEditable() const;

  /// Set editable flag
  void setEditable(FXbool edit=TRUE);

  /// Set styled text mode
  void setStyled(FXbool styled=TRUE);

  /// Return TRUE if style buffer
  FXbool isStyled() const { return (sbuffer!=NULL); }

  /// Change delimiters of words
  void setDelimiters(const FXchar* delims=textDelimiters){ delimiters=delims; }

  /// Return word delimiters
  const FXchar* getDelimiters() const { return delimiters; }

  /// Change text font
  void setFont(FXFont* fnt);

  /// Return text font
  FXFont* getFont() const { return font; }

  /// Change text color
  void setTextColor(FXColor clr);

  /// Return text color
  FXColor getTextColor() const { return textColor; }

  /// Change selected background color
  void setSelBackColor(FXColor clr);

  /// Return selected background color
  FXColor getSelBackColor() const { return selbackColor; }

  /// Change selected text color
  void setSelTextColor(FXColor clr);

  /// Return selected text color
  FXColor getSelTextColor() const { return seltextColor; }

  /// Change highlighted text color
  void setHiliteTextColor(FXColor clr);

  /// Return highlighted text color
  FXColor getHiliteTextColor() const { return hilitetextColor; }

  /// Change highlighted background color
  void setHiliteBackColor(FXColor clr);

  /// Return highlighted background color
  FXColor getHiliteBackColor() const { return hilitebackColor; }

  /// Change active background color
  void setActiveBackColor(FXColor clr);

  /// Return active background color
  FXColor getActiveBackColor() const { return activebackColor; }

  /// Change cursor color
  void setCursorColor(FXColor clr);

  /// Return cursor color
  FXColor getCursorColor() const { return cursorColor; }

  /// Change line number color
  void setNumberColor(FXColor clr);

  /// Return line number color
  FXColor getNumberColor() const { return numberColor; }

  /// Change bar color
  void setBarColor(FXColor clr);

  /// Return bar color
  FXColor getBarColor() const { return barColor; }

  /// Set help text
  void setHelpText(const FXString& text){ help=text; }

  /// Return help text
  FXString getHelpText() const { return help; }

  /// Set the tool tip message for this text widget
  void setTipText(const FXString& text){ tip=text; }

  /// Get the tool tip message for this text widget
  FXString getTipText() const { return tip; }

  /// Get character at position in text buffer
  FXint getChar(FXint pos) const;

  /// Get style at position in style buffer
  FXint getStyle(FXint pos) const;

  /// Extract n characters of text from position pos
  void extractText(FXchar *text,FXint pos,FXint n) const;

  /// Extract n characters of style info from position pos
  void extractStyle(FXchar *style,FXint pos,FXint n) const;

  /// Replace m characters at pos by n characters
  void replaceText(FXint pos,FXint m,const FXchar *text,FXint n,FXbool notify=FALSE);

  /// Replace m characters at pos by n characters
  void replaceStyledText(FXint pos,FXint m,const FXchar *text,FXint n,FXint style=0,FXbool notify=FALSE);

  /// Append n characters of text at the end of the buffer
  void appendText(const FXchar *text,FXint n,FXbool notify=FALSE);

  /// Append n characters of text at the end of the buffer
  void appendStyledText(const FXchar *text,FXint n,FXint style=0,FXbool notify=FALSE);

  /// Insert n characters of text at position pos into the buffer
  void insertText(FXint pos,const FXchar *text,FXint n,FXbool notify=FALSE);

  /// Insert n characters of text at position pos into the buffer
  void insertStyledText(FXint pos,const FXchar *text,FXint n,FXint style=0,FXbool notify=FALSE);

  /// Remove n characters of text at position pos from the buffer
  void removeText(FXint pos,FXint n,FXbool notify=FALSE);

  /// Change style of text range
  void changeStyle(FXint pos,FXint n,FXint style);

  /// Change style of text range from style-array
  void changeStyle(FXint pos,FXint n,const FXchar* style);

  /// Change the text in the buffer to new text
  void setText(const FXchar* text,FXint n,FXbool notify=FALSE);

  /// Change the text in the buffer to new text
  void setStyledText(const FXchar* text,FXint n,FXint style=0,FXbool notify=FALSE);

  /// Retrieve text into buffer
  void getText(FXchar* text,FXint n) const;

  /// Change the text
  void setText(const FXString& text,FXbool notify=FALSE);

  /// Change the text
  void setStyledText(const FXString& text,FXint style=0,FXbool notify=FALSE);

  /// Return text in the widget
  FXString getText() const;

  /// Return length of buffer
  FXint getLength() const { return length; }

  /// Shift block of lines from position start up to end by given amount
  FXint shiftText(FXint start,FXint end,FXint amount,FXbool notify=FALSE);

  * Search for string in text buffer, returning the extent of
  * the string in beg and end.  The search starts from the given
  * starting position, scans forward (SEARCH_FORWARD) or backward
  * (SEARCH_BACKWARD), and wraps around if SEARCH_WRAP has been
  * specified.  The search type is either a plain search (SEARCH_EXACT),
  * case insensitive search (SEARCH_IGNORECASE), or regular expression
  * search (SEARCH_REGEX).
  * For regular expression searches, capturing parentheses are used if
  * npar is greater than 1; in this case, the number of entries in the
  * beg[], end[] arrays must be npar also.  If either beg or end or
  * both are NULL, internal arrays are used.
  * [This API is still subject to change!!]
  FXbool findText(const FXString& string,FXint* beg=NULL,FXint* end=NULL,FXint start=0,FXuint flags=SEARCH_FORWARD|SEARCH_WRAP|SEARCH_EXACT,FXint npar=1);

  /// Return TRUE if position pos is selected
  FXbool isPosSelected(FXint pos) const;

  /// Return TRUE if position is fully visible
  FXbool isPosVisible(FXint pos) const;

  /// Return text position at given visible x,y coordinate
  FXint getPosAt(FXint x,FXint y) const;

  /// Return position of begin of line containing position pos
  FXint lineStart(FXint pos) const;

  /// Return position of end of line containing position pos
  FXint lineEnd(FXint pos) const;

  /// Return start of next line
  FXint nextLine(FXint pos,FXint nl=1) const;

  /// Return start of previous line
  FXint prevLine(FXint pos,FXint nl=1) const;

  /// Return row start
  FXint rowStart(FXint pos) const;

  /// Return row end
  FXint rowEnd(FXint pos) const;

  /// Return start of next row
  FXint nextRow(FXint pos,FXint nr=1) const;

  /// Return start of previous row
  FXint prevRow(FXint pos,FXint nr=1) const;

  /// Return end of previous word
  FXint leftWord(FXint pos) const;

  /// Return begin of next word
  FXint rightWord(FXint pos) const;

  /// Return begin of word
  FXint wordStart(FXint pos) const;

  /// Return end of word
  FXint wordEnd(FXint pos) const;

  /// Return validated position
  FXint validPos(FXint pos) const;

  /// Make line containing pos the top line
  void setTopLine(FXint pos);

  /// Return position of top line
  FXint getTopLine() const;

  /// Make line containing pos the bottom line
  void setBottomLine(FXint pos);

  /// Return the position of the bottom line
  FXint getBottomLine() const;

  /// Make line containing pos the center line
  void setCenterLine(FXint pos);

  /// Set the anchor position
  void setAnchorPos(FXint pos);

  /// Return the anchor position
  FXint getAnchorPos() const { return anchorpos; }

  /// Set the cursor position
  virtual void setCursorPos(FXint pos,FXbool notify=FALSE);

  /// Set cursor row
  void setCursorRow(FXint row,FXbool notify=FALSE);

  /// Return cursor row
  FXint getCursorRow() const { return cursorrow; }

  /// Set cursor column
  void setCursorColumn(FXint col,FXbool notify=FALSE);

  /// Return cursor row, i.e. indent position
  FXint getCursorColumn() const { return cursorcol; }

  /// Return the cursor position
  FXint getCursorPos() const { return cursorpos; }

  /// Return selstartpos
  FXint getSelStartPos() const { return selstartpos; }

  /// Return selendpos
  FXint getSelEndPos() const { return selendpos; }

  /// Select all text
  FXbool selectAll(FXbool notify=FALSE);

  /// Extend the selection from the anchor to the given position
  virtual FXbool extendSelection(FXint pos,FXTextSelectionMode select=SELECT_CHARS,FXbool notify=FALSE);

  /// Select len characters starting at given position pos
  FXbool setSelection(FXint pos,FXint len,FXbool notify=FALSE);

  /// Unselect the text
  virtual FXbool killSelection(FXbool notify=FALSE);

  /// Highlight len characters starting at given position pos
  FXbool setHighlight(FXint start,FXint len);

  /// Unhighlight the text
  FXbool killHighlight();

  /// Scroll text to make the given position visible
  void makePositionVisible(FXint pos);

  /// Change text widget style
  void setTextStyle(FXuint style);

  /// Return text widget style
  FXuint getTextStyle() const;

  /// Change number of visible rows
  void setVisibleRows(FXint rows);

  /// Return number of visible rows
  FXint getVisibleRows() const { return vrows; }

  /// Change number of visible columns
  void setVisibleColumns(FXint cols);

  /// Return number of visible columns
  FXint getVisibleColumns() const { return vcols; }

  * Change brace and parenthesis match highlighting time, in ms.
  * A match highlight time of 0 disables brace matching.
  void setHiliteMatchTime(FXuint t){ matchtime=t; }

  * Return brace and parenthesis match highlighting time, in ms.
  FXuint getHiliteMatchTime() const { return matchtime; }

  /// Set highlight styles
  void setHiliteStyles(const FXHiliteStyle* styles);

  /// Get highlight styles
  const FXHiliteStyle* getHiliteStyles() const { return hilitestyles; }

  /// Save to a stream
  virtual void save(FXStream& store) const;

  /// Load from a stream
  virtual void load(FXStream& store);

  /// Destructor
  virtual ~FXMathText();



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