File r37/packages/rlisp/ artifact 423aee0574 part of check-in 3519b83598

module proc;   % Procedure statement.

% Author: Anthony C. Hearn.

% Copyright (c) 1991 RAND.  All rights reserved.

fluid '(!*nosmacros !*redeflg!* fname!* ftype!*);

global '(!*argnochk !*comp !*lose !*micro!-version cursym!* erfg!*

fluid '(!*defn);

!*lose := t;

ftypes!* := '(expr fexpr macro);

symbolic procedure mkprogn(u,v);
   if eqcar(v,'progn) then 'progn . u . cdr v else list('progn,u,v);

symbolic procedure formproc(u,vars,mode);
   begin scalar body,fname!*,name,type,varlis,x,y;
        u := cdr u;
	name := fname!* := car u;
        if cadr u then mode := cadr u;   % overwrite previous mode
        u := cddr u;
	type := ftype!* := car u;
        if flagp(name,'lose) and (!*lose or null !*defn)
          then return progn(lprim list(name,
                            "not defined (LOSE flag)"),
	 else if !*redeflg!* and getd name
	  then lprim list(name,"redefined");
        varlis := cadr u;
        u := caddr u;
	x := if eqcar(u,'rblock) then cadr u else nil;
        y := pairxvars(varlis,x,vars,mode);
        if x then u := car u . rplaca!*(cdr u,cdr y);
        body:= form1(u,car y,mode);   % FORMC here would add REVAL.
        if !*nosmacros and type eq 'smacro then type := 'expr;
	if not(type eq 'smacro) and get(name,'smacro)
	  then lprim list("SMACRO",name,"redefined");
        if type eq 'expr then body := list('de,name,varlis,body)
         else if type eq 'fexpr then body := list('df,name,varlis,body)
         else if type eq 'macro then body := list('dm,name,varlis,body)
	 else if (x := get(type,'procfn))
	  then return apply3(x,name,varlis,body)
         else body := list('putc,
                           mkquote name,
                           mkquote type,
                           mkquote list('lambda,varlis,body));
        if not(mode eq 'symbolic)
	  then body :=
	      mkprogn(list('flag,mkquote list name,mkquote 'opfn),body);
        if !*argnochk and type memq '(expr smacro)
	  then body := mkprogn(list('put,mkquote name,
				    mkquote 'number!-of!-args,
				    length varlis),
        if !*defn and type memq '(fexpr macro smacro)
          then lispeval body;
        return if !*micro!-version and type memq '(fexpr macro smacro)
                 then nil
                else body


symbolic procedure pairxvars(u,v,vars,mode);
   %Pairs procedure variables and their modes, taking into account
   %the convention which allows a top level prog to change the mode
   %of such a variable;
   begin scalar x,y;
   a: if null u then return append(reversip!* x,vars) . v
       else if (y := atsoc(car u,v))
        then <<v := delete(y,v);
               if not(cdr y eq 'scalar) then x := (car u . cdr y) . x
                else x := (car u . mode) . x>>
       else if null idp car u or get(car u,'infix) or get(car u,'stat)
	     then symerr(list("Invalid parameter:",car u),nil)
       else x := (car u . mode) . x;
      u := cdr u;
      go to a

symbolic procedure procstat1 mode;
   begin scalar bool,u,type,x,y,z;
      bool := erfg!*;
      if fname!* then progn(bool := t, go to a5)
       else if cursym!* eq 'procedure then type := 'expr
       else progn(type := cursym!*,scan());
      if not(cursym!* eq 'procedure) then go to a5;
      if !*reduce4 then go to a1;
      x := errorset!*('(xread (quote proc)),nil);
      if errorp x then go to a3
       else if atom (x := car x) then x := list x;   % No arguments.
      fname!* := car x;   % Function name.
      if idp fname!* % and null(type memq ftypes!*)
	   and (null fname!*
		or (z := gettype fname!*)
		    and null(z memq '(procedure operator)))
	then progn(typerr(list(z,fname!*),"procedure"), go to a3);
      u := cdr x;
      y := u;   % Variable list.
      if idlistp y then x := car x . y
       else lprie list(y,"invalid as parameter list");
      go to a2;
  a1: fname!* := scan();
      if not idp fname!*
	then progn(typerr(fname!*,"procedure name"), go to a3);
      y := errorset!*(list('read_param_list,mkquote mode),nil);
      if errorp y then go to a3;
      y := car y;
      if cursym!* eq '!*colon!* then mode := read_type();
  a2: if idp fname!* and not getd fname!* then flag(list fname!*,'fnc);
	 % To prevent invalid use of function name in body.
  a3: if eof!*>0 then progn(cursym!* := '!*semicol!*, go to a4);
      z := errorset!*('(xread t),nil);
      if not errorp z then z := car z;
%     if not atom z and eqcar(car z,'!*comment!*) then z := cadr z;
      if null erfg!*
	then z :=
	   list('procedure,if null !*reduce4 then car x else fname!*,
  a4: remflag(list fname!*,'fnc);
      fname!* := nil;
      if erfg!* then progn(z := nil,if not bool then error1());
      return z;
  a5: errorset!*('(symerr (quote procedure) t),nil);
      go to a3

symbolic procedure procstat; procstat1 nil;

deflist ('((procedure procstat) (expr procstat) (fexpr procstat)
           (emb procstat) (macro procstat) (smacro procstat)),

% Next line refers to bootstrapping process.

if get('symbolic,'stat) eq 'procstat then remprop('symbolic,'stat);

deflist('((lisp symbolic)),'newnam);



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