File r37/packages/redlog/ artifact 16847e8294 part of check-in 3519b83598

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% $Id:,v 1.11 1999/04/13 13:11:01 sturm Exp $
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Andreas Dolzmann and Thomas Sturm
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% $Log:,v $
% Revision 1.11  1999/04/13 13:11:01  sturm
% Updated comments for exported procedures.
% Revision 1.10  1999/03/22 17:06:43  dolzmann
% Changed copyright information.
% Added and reformatted comments.
% Revision 1.9  1999/03/21 13:34:45  dolzmann
% Added the cl-part of the super simplifier susi.
% Revision 1.8  1999/01/17 15:36:43  dolzmann
% Corrected some typos in the comments.
% Revision 1.7  1997/08/24 16:14:56  sturm
% Added procedure cl_sitheo using fluid !*rlsithok.
% Added service rl_surep with black box rl_multsurep.
% Added service rl_siaddatl.
% Revision 1.6  1996/10/07 11:45:55  sturm
% Added fluids for CVS and copyright information.
% Revision 1.5  1996/09/05 11:50:11  dolzmann
% Minor changes in procedure cl_simplat.
% Revision 1.4  1996/09/05 11:14:20  dolzmann
% Fixed a bug in cl_simplat: atomic formulas are always simplified.
% Revision 1.3  1996/07/13 11:01:59  dolzmann
% Fixed a bug in cl_simpl.
% Introduced new black box rl_smcpknowl.
% Removed procedure cl_cpknowl.
% Added context independent black box implementations cl_smcpknowl,
% cl_smrmknowl, cl_smupdknowl, cl_smmkatl, cl_smsimpl!-impl, and
% cl_smsimpl!-equiv1.
% Revision 1.2  1996/03/25 08:50:55  sturm
% Fixed a bug in procedure cl_simpl.
% Revision 1.1  1996/03/22 10:31:32  sturm
% Moved and split.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
lisp <<
   fluid '(cl_simpl_rcsid!* cl_simpl_copyright!*);
   cl_simpl_rcsid!* := "$Id:,v 1.11 1999/04/13 13:11:01 sturm Exp $";
   cl_simpl_copyright!* := "(c) 1995-1999 by A. Dolzmann and T. Sturm"

module clsimpl;
% Common logic simplification routines. Submodule of [cl]. Here the
% standard simplifier is implemented.

% <theory> ::= (<atomic_formula>,...)

procedure cl_simpl(f,atl,n);
   % Common logic simplify. [f] is a formula; [atl] is a list of
   % atomic formulas, which are considered to describe a theory; [n]
   % is an integer. Depends on switches [!*rlsism], [!*rlsichk],
   % [!*rlsiso], [!*rlsiidem]. Returns the identifier [inctheo] or a
   % formula. [inctheo] means that [atl] is inconsistent. Else the
   % result is [f], simplified (wrt. [atl]). For non-negative [n],
   % simplification stops at level [n].
   begin scalar w;
      if null !*rlsism then
 	 return cl_simpl1(f,nil,n,nil);
      atl := cl_sitheo atl;
      if atl eq 'inctheo then
	 return 'inctheo;
      w := rl_smupdknowl('and,atl,nil,n+1);
      if w eq 'false then return 'inctheo;
      return cl_simpl1(f,w,n,nil)

procedure cl_sitheo(atl);
   % Common logic simplify theory. [atl] is a THEORY. Returns either a
   % list $l$ of atomic formulas, or the identifier [inctheo]. In the
   % first case the conjunction over $l$ is equivalent to the
   % conjuction over [atl], and $l$ contains only simplified atomic
   % formulas. The return value [inctheo] means that the conjunction
   % over [atl] is equivalent to [false]. Accesses the fluid
   % [rlsithok], and returns [atl] in case that [rlsithok] is
   % non-[nil].
   begin scalar atf,w,natl,!*rlsiexpla;
      if !*rlsithok then
	 return atl;
      while atl do <<
	 atf := car atl;
	 atl := cdr atl;
	 w := cl_simplat(atf,nil);
	 if w eq 'false then <<
	    atf := 'inctheo;
	    atl := nil
	 >> else if w neq 'true then
	    natl := w . natl
      if atf eq 'inctheo then
	 return 'inctheo;
      return natl

procedure cl_simpl1(f,knowl,n,sop);
   % Common logic simplify. [f] is a formula; [knowl] is an IRL; [n]
   % is an integer; [sop] is a CL operator. Depends on switches
   % [!*rlsism], [!*rlsichk], [!*rlsiso], [!*rlsiidem]. Returns a
   % formula. Simplifies [f] recursively using [knowl].
   begin scalar op,result,w,newknowl;
      if eqn(n,0) then return f;
      op := rl_op f;
      if rl_tvalp op then return f;
      if rl_junctp op then
	 return rl_smkn(op,cl_smsimpl!-junct(op,rl_argn f,knowl,n));
      if op eq 'not then <<
    	 result := cl_simpl1(rl_arg1 f,knowl,n-1,'not);
    	 if rl_tvalp result then return cl_flip result;
	 if cl_atfp result then return rl_negateat result;
    	 return cl_negate!-invol(result)
      if rl_quap op then <<
	 if !*rlsism then knowl := rl_smrmknowl(knowl,rl_var f);
    	 result := cl_simpl1(rl_mat f,knowl,n-1,op);
    	 if rl_tvalp result then return result;
    	 return rl_mkq(op,rl_var f,result)
      if op eq 'impl then
	 return cl_smsimpl!-imprep(rl_arg2l f,rl_arg2r f,knowl,n);
      if op eq 'repl then
	 return cl_smsimpl!-imprep(rl_arg2r f,rl_arg2l f,knowl,n);
      if op eq 'equiv then
	 return cl_smsimpl!-equiv(rl_arg2l f,rl_arg2r f,knowl,n);
      w := cl_simplat(f,sop);
      if !*rlsism then <<
	 op := rl_op w;
	 if rl_junctp op then
	    return rl_smkn(op,cl_smsimpl!-junct(op,rl_argn w,knowl,n));
	 if rl_tvalp op then
 	    return w;
	 % [w] is atomic.
	 newknowl := rl_smupdknowl('and,{w},rl_smcpknowl knowl,n);
	 if newknowl eq 'false then return 'false;
	 w := rl_smmkatl('and,knowl,newknowl,n);
	 return rl_smkn('and,w)
      if w then return w;
      rederr {"cl_simpl1(): unknown operator",op}

procedure cl_negate!-invol(f);
   % Common logic negate applying the law of involutivity. [f] is a
   % formula. Returns $\phi$ if [f] is of the form $\lnot \phi$,
   % $\lnot [f]$ else.
   if rl_op f eq 'not then rl_arg1 f else rl_mk1('not,f);

procedure cl_gand!-col(fl,n,gand,knowl);
   % Common logic generic ['and] collect. [fl] is a list of formulas;
   % [n] is an integer; [gand] is one of ['and], ['or]; [knowl] is an
   % IRL. Depends on switch [!*rlsichk]. Returns a list $l$ of
   % simplified formulas such that $[gand](l)$ is equivalent to
   % $[gand]([fl])$. With [!*rlsichk] on, $l$ does not contain any
   % double entries. Moreover there are no truth values in $l$, and no
   % element of $l$ has [gand] as its top-level operator.
   begin scalar result,a,gtrue,gfalse;
      gtrue := cl_cflip('true,gand eq 'and);
      gfalse := cl_flip(gtrue);
      while fl do <<
	 a := cl_simpl1(car fl,knowl,n-1,gand);
	 fl := cdr fl;
	 if a eq gfalse then <<
	    result := {gfalse};
	    fl := nil
	 >> else if a neq gtrue then
	    if rl_op a eq gand then <<
	       if !*rlsichk then
		  for each subf in rl_argn a do
		     (if not (subf member result) then
			result := subf . result)
		  for each subf in rl_argn a do
		     result := subf . result
	    >> else
	       if not (!*rlsichk and a member result) then
		  result := a . result;
      return if result then reversip result else {gtrue}

procedure cl_smsimpl!-junct(op,junct,knowl,n);
   % Common logic smart simplify. [op] is one of [and], [or]; [junct]
   % is a list of formulas; [knowl] is an IRL; [n] is an integer.
   % Returns a list of formulas. Accesses the switch [!*rlsism]. With
   % [!*rlsism] on sophisticated simplifications are applied to
   % [junct].
   begin scalar break,w,atl,col,newknowl;
      if not !*rlsism then
	 return cl_gand!-col(junct,n,op,nil);
      newknowl := rl_smcpknowl knowl;
      break := cl_cflip('false,op eq 'and);
      for each subf in junct do <<
	 w := if cl_atfp subf then cl_simplat(subf,op) else subf;
	 if cl_atfp w then atl := w . atl else col := w . col
      newknowl := rl_smupdknowl(op,atl,newknowl,n);
      if newknowl eq 'false then return {break};
      return cl_smsimpl!-junct1(op,atl,reversip col,knowl,newknowl,n,break)

procedure cl_smsimpl!-junct1(op,atl,col,knowl,newknowl,n,break);
   % Common logic smart simplify. [op] is one of [and], [or]; [atl] is
   % a list of atomic formulas; [col] is a list of complex formulas;
   % [knowl] and [newknowl] are IRL's; [n] is an integer; [break] is
   % one of [true], [false] corresponding to [op]. Returns a list of
   % formulas.
   begin scalar a,w,wop,argl,sicol,natl;
      while col do <<
	 a := car col;
	 col := cdr col;
	 w := cl_simpl1(a,newknowl,n-1,op);
	 wop := rl_op w;
	 if wop eq break then <<
	    a := break;
	    col := nil
	 >> else if wop eq op then <<
	    argl := rl_argn w;
	    while argl and cl_atfp car argl do <<
	       natl := car argl . natl;
	       argl := cdr argl
	    if !*rlsiidem and natl then <<
	       col := nconc(reversip sicol,col);
	       sicol := nil
	    sicol := nconc(sicol,reverse argl)  % necessarily constructive!
	 >> else if rl_cxp wop then
	    (if wop neq cl_flip break then sicol := w . sicol)
	 else <<  % [w] is atomic.
	    if !*rlsiidem then <<
	       col := nconc(reversip sicol,col);
	       sicol := nil
	    natl := {w}
	 if natl then <<
	    newknowl := rl_smupdknowl(op,natl,newknowl,n);
	    if newknowl eq 'false then <<
	       a := break;
	       col := nil
	    natl := nil
      if a eq break then return {break};
      return cl_smsimpl!-junct2(op,sicol,knowl,newknowl,n,break)

procedure cl_smsimpl!-junct2(op,sicol,knowl,newknowl,n,break);
   % Common logic smart simplify. [op] is one of [and], [or]; [col] is
   % a list of complex formulas; [knowl] and [newknowl] are IRL's; [n]
   % is an integer; [break] is one of [true], [false] corresponding to
   % [op]. Returns a list of formulas.
   begin scalar atl,w;
      atl := rl_smmkatl(op,knowl,newknowl,n);
      if !*rlsichk then <<
      	 w := sicol;
	 sicol := nil;
	 for each x in w do sicol := lto_insert(x,sicol)
      >> else
	 sicol := reversip sicol;
      if !*rlsiso then atl := sort(atl,'rl_ordatp);
      w := nconc(atl,sicol);
      if w then return w;
      return {cl_flip break}

procedure cl_smsimpl!-imprep(prem,concl,knowl,n);
   % Common logic smart simplify implication/replication. [prem] and
   % [concl] are formulas; [knowl] is an IRL; [n] is an integer.
   % Returns a formula equivalent to [prem impl concl] assuming
   % [knowl].
      if not !*rlsism then
	 return cl_imprep!-col(prem,concl,knowl,n);
      if cl_atfp prem then
 	 prem := cl_simplat(prem,'prem);
      if cl_atfp concl then
 	 concl := cl_simplat(concl,'concl);
      if prem eq 'false or concl eq 'true then
      	 return 'true;
      return cl_smsimpl!-imprep1(prem,concl,knowl,n)

procedure cl_imprep!-col(prem,concl,knowl,n);
   begin scalar w;
      prem := cl_simpl1(prem,knowl,n-1,'prem);
      concl := cl_simpl1(concl,knowl,n-1,'concl);
      if w := cl_smtvchk!-impl(prem,concl) then
	 return w;
      if prem = concl then return 'true;
      return rl_mk2('impl,prem,concl)

procedure cl_smsimpl!-imprep1(prem,concl,knowl,n);
   % Common logic smart simplify implication/replication. [prem] and
   % [concl] are formulas; [knowl] is an IRL; [n] is an integer.
   % Returns a formula equivalent to [prem impl concl] assuming
   % [knowl].
   begin scalar w;
      if cl_atfp prem then
 	 return cl_smsimpl!-imprep!-atprem(prem,concl,knowl,n);
      if cl_atfp concl then
 	 return cl_smsimpl!-imprep!-atconcl(prem,concl,knowl,n);
      prem := cl_simpl1(prem,knowl,n-1,'prem);
      concl := cl_simpl1(concl,knowl,n-1,'concl);
      if w := cl_smtvchk!-impl(prem,concl) then
	 return w;
      if cl_cxfp prem and cl_cxfp concl then <<
	 if !*rlsichk and prem = concl then
	    return 'true;
	 return rl_mk2('impl,prem,concl)
      return cl_smsimpl!-imprep1(prem,concl,knowl,n)

procedure cl_smtvchk!-impl(prem,concl);
   if prem eq 'true then
   else if concl eq 'false then
   else if prem eq 'false or concl eq 'true then

procedure cl_smsimpl!-imprep!-atprem(atprem,concl,knowl,n);
   begin scalar w,newknowl;
      newknowl := rl_smcpknowl knowl;
      if cl_atfp concl then
	 return rl_smsimpl!-impl(atprem,concl,knowl,newknowl,n);
      newknowl := rl_smupdknowl('and,{atprem},newknowl,n);
      concl := cl_simpl1(concl,newknowl,n-1,'concl);
      if w := cl_smtvchk!-impl(atprem,concl) then
	 return w;
      if cl_atfp concl then
	 return rl_smsimpl!-impl(atprem,concl,knowl,newknowl,n);
      return rl_mk2('impl,atprem,concl)

procedure cl_smsimpl!-imprep!-atconcl(prem,atconcl,knowl,n);
   % CL smart simplify implication/replication with atomic formula
   % conclusion. [prem] is a complex formula; [atconcl] is a
   % simplified atomic formula; [knowl] is an IRL; [n] is an integer.
   % Returns a formula.
   begin scalar w,newknowl;
      newknowl := rl_smupdknowl('or,{atconcl},rl_smcpknowl knowl,n);
      prem := cl_simpl1(prem,newknowl,n-1,'prem);
      if w := cl_smtvchk!-impl(prem,atconcl) then
	 return w;
      if cl_atfp prem then
	 return rl_smsimpl!-impl(prem,atconcl,knowl,newknowl,n);
      return rl_mk2('impl,prem,atconcl)

procedure cl_smtvchk!-equiv(lhs,rhs);
   if lhs eq 'true then
   else if rhs eq 'true then
   else if lhs eq 'false then
   else if rhs eq 'false then

procedure cl_smsimpl!-equiv(lhs,rhs,knowl,n);
   begin scalar w,newknowl;
      lhs := cl_simpl1(lhs,knowl,n-1,'equiv);
      rhs := cl_simpl1(rhs,knowl,n-1,'equiv);
      if w := cl_smtvchk!-equiv(lhs,rhs) then
	 return w;
      if !*rlsichk and lhs = rhs then
 	 return 'true;
      if null !*rlsism or cl_cxfp lhs or cl_cxfp rhs then <<
      	 if cl_ordp(lhs,rhs) then
 	    return rl_mk2('equiv,lhs,rhs);
      	 return rl_mk2('equiv,rhs,lhs)
      newknowl := rl_smcpknowl(knowl);
      return rl_smsimpl!-equiv1(lhs,rhs,knowl,newknowl,n)

procedure cl_ordp(f1,f2);
   % Common logic order predicate. [f1] and [f2] are formulas. Returns
   % [T] or [nil]. [nil] is returned if [f1] and [f2] are atomic
   % formulas and [f1] is less than [f2] wrt. [rl_ordatp].
   cl_cxfp f2 or (cl_atfp f1 and rl_ordatp(f1,f2));

procedure cl_simplat(atf,sop);
   % Common logic simplify atomic formula. [atf] is an atomic formula;
   % [sop] is a CL operator. Returns a quantifier-free formula
   % equivalent to [atf].
   if not !*rlidentify then

procedure cl_identifyat(atf);
   % Common logic identify atomic formula. [atf] is an atomic formula.
   % Returns an atomic formula equal to [atf].
   begin scalar w;
      if rl_tvalp atf then return atf;
      if (w := atf member cl_identify!-atl!*) then return car w;
      cl_identify!-atl!* := atf . cl_identify!-atl!*;
      return atf

% The following code implements a "generic smart simplification". All
% black boxes for the smart simplification are implemented generically
% using only a non generic black box rl_negateat. rl_negateat must
% return an atomic formula.

procedure cl_smcpknowl(knowl);
   % Common logic smart simplifier copy knowledge. [knowl] is a
   % knowledge base. Returns a toplevel copy of [knowl].
   for each p in knowl collect p;

procedure cl_smrmknowl(knowl,v);
   % Common logic smart simplifier remove knowledge. [knowl] is a
   % knowledge base; [v] is a variable. Returns a knowledge base.
   % Removes all knowledge involving [v] from the knowledge base.

procedure cl_smupdknowl(op,atl,knowl,n);
   % Common logic smart simplifier update knowledge. [op] is one of
   % the operators [and], [or]; [atl] is a list of atomic formulas;
   % [knowl] is knowledge base; [n] is an integer. Returns a knowledge
   % base. If [op] is [and], then all knowledge in [atl] is added to
   % the [knowl] with the tag [n]. If [op] is [or], then the negation
   % of all knowledge in [atl] is added to [knowl].
   begin scalar at;
      while atl do <<
	 at := car atl;
	 atl := cdr atl;
      	 knowl := cl_smupdknowl1(op,at,knowl,n);
	 if knowl eq 'false then <<
	    atl := nil;
	    at := 'break
      if at eq 'break then
	 return 'false
      	 return knowl

procedure cl_smupdknowl1(op,at,knowl,n);
   begin scalar ent,contra;
      if op eq 'or then <<
      	 ent := rl_negateat at;
      	 contra := at
      >> else <<
      	 ent := at;
      	 contra := rl_negateat at
      if assoc(contra,knowl) then
	 return 'false;
      if assoc(ent,knowl) then
	 return knowl;
      return knowl := (ent . n) . knowl

procedure cl_smmkatl(op,knowl,newknowl,n);
   % Common logic smart simplifier make atomic formula list. [op] is
   % one of the operators [and], [or]; [knowl], [newknowl] are
   % knowledge bases; [n] is an integer. Returns a list of atomic
   % formulas. All knowledge tagged with [n] is extraced from
   % [newknowl] and returned as a list of atomic formulas.
   begin scalar res;
      res := for each pair in newknowl join
	 if cdr pair = n then {car pair};
      if op eq 'or then
      	 res := for each at in res collect rl_negateat at;
      return res

procedure cl_smsimpl!-impl(atprem,atconcl,oldknowl,newknowl,n);
   % Common logic smart simplifier simplify implication. [atprem] and
   % [atconcl] are atomic formulas; [oldknowl] and [newknowl] are
   % knowledge bases; [n] is an integer. Returns a formula.
   begin scalar w;
      w := cl_simpl1(rl_nnf rl_mk2('impl,atprem,atconcl),oldknowl,n,nil);
      if rl_tvalp w or cl_atfp w then
 	 return w;
      atprem := cl_simpl1(atprem,oldknowl,n,'prem);
      atconcl := cl_simpl1(atconcl,oldknowl,n,'concl);
      return rl_mk2('impl,atprem,atconcl)

procedure cl_smsimpl!-equiv1(lhs,rhs,oldknowl,newknowl,n);
   % Common logic smart simplifier simplify equivalence. [lhs] and
   % [rhs] are atomic formulas; [oldknowl] and [newknowl] are
   % knowledge bases; [n] is an integer. Returns a formula.
   begin scalar w,x;
      w := cl_simpl1(rl_nnf rl_mk2('equiv,lhs,rhs),oldknowl,n,nil);
      if rl_tvalp w or cl_atfp w then
 	 return w;
      x := rl_argn w;
      if cl_atfp car x and cl_atfp cadr x and null cddr x then
	 return w;
      lhs := cl_simpl1(lhs,oldknowl,n,'equiv);
      rhs := cl_simpl1(rhs,oldknowl,n,'equiv);
      if cl_ordp(lhs,rhs) then
	 return rl_mk2('equiv,lhs,rhs);
      return rl_mk2('equiv,rhs,lhs)

procedure cl_siaddatl(atl,c);
   % Common logic simplifying add atomic formula list. [atl] is a list
   % of atomic formulas; [c] is [true], a simplified atomic formula,
   % or a simplified conjunction of atomic formulas. Returns [true],
   % [false], a simplified atomic formula, or a simplified conjunction
   % of atomic formulas. The result is equivalent to $\bigwedge [atl]
   % \land [c]$.
   begin scalar w,sicd;
      atl := cl_sitheo atl;
      if atl eq 'inctheo then
	 return 'false;
      sicd := if c eq 'true then
      else if cl_cxfp c then
 	 rl_argn c
      w := rl_smupdknowl('and,nconc(atl,sicd),nil,1);
      if w eq 'false then
 	 return 'false;
      w := rl_smmkatl('and,nil,w,1);
      if !*rlsiso then w := sort(w,'rl_ordatp);
      return rl_smkn('and,w)

% <KNOWL> ::= (...,<LAT>,...)
% <LABEL> ::= <INTEGER> | ['ignore]

procedure cl_susimkatl(op,knowl,newknowl,n);
   % Common logic susi make atomic formula list. [op] is one of the
   % operators [and], [or]; [knowl], [newknowl] are KNOWL's; [n] is an
   % integer. Returns an list $L$ of atomic formulas. All knowledge
   % tagged with [n] is extraced from [newknowl] into $L$.
   begin scalar res;
      res := for each pair in newknowl join
	 if cdr pair = n then {car pair};
      if null res then return nil;
      res := rl_susipost(res,knowl);  % TRUE | FALSE | INCTHEO | atl
      if rl_tvalp res then
	 return {cl_cflip(res,op eq 'and)};
      if res eq 'inctheo then 	              % Das hatte man auch frueher
	 return cl_cflip('false,op eq 'and);  % wissen koennen.
      if op eq 'or then
      	 res := for each at in res collect rl_negateat at;
      res := for each at in res collect rl_susitf(at,knowl);
      return res

procedure cl_susicpknowl(knowl);
   % Common logic susi copy knowledge. [knowl] is a KNOWL. Returns a
   % KNOWL. Copies the toplevel and the LAT's of [knowl].
   for each p in knowl collect (car p . cdr p);

procedure cl_susiupdknowl(op,atl,knowl,n);
   % Common logic susi update knowledge. [op] is one of the operators
   % [and], [or]; [atl] is a list of (simplified) atomic formulas;
   % [knowl] is a KNOWL; [n] is the current level. Returns a KNOWL.
   % Destructively updates [knowl] wrt. the [atl] information.
   begin scalar at;
      while atl do <<
	 at := car atl;
	 atl := cdr atl;
      	 knowl := cl_susiupdknowl1(op,at,knowl,n);
	 if knowl eq 'false then <<
	    atl := nil;
	    at := 'break
      if at eq 'break then
	 return 'false
      	 return knowl

procedure cl_susiupdknowl1(op,at,knowl,n);
   % Common logic susi update knowledge subroutine. [op] is one of
   % [and], [or]; [at] is a (simplified) atomic formula; [knowl] is a
   % KNOWL; [n] is the current level. Returns a KNOWL. Destructively
   % updates [knowl] wrt. [at].
   if op eq 'and then
      cl_susiupdknowl2((at . n),knowl,n)
   else % We know [op eq 'or]
      cl_susiupdknowl2(((rl_negateat at) . n),knowl,n); 

procedure cl_susiupdknowl2(lat,knowl,n);
   % Common logic susi update knowledge subroutine. [lat] is a LAT;
   % [knowl] is a KNOWL; [n] is the current level. Returns a KNOWL.
   % Destructively updates [knowl] wrt. [lat].
   begin scalar a,w,sck,ignflg,delflg,addl;
      sck := knowl;
      while sck do <<
	 a := car sck;
	 sck := cdr sck;
	 w := rl_susibin(a,lat); % 'true | 'false | nil | {commands,...}
	 if w eq 'false then  % What happens with atoms neq false ???
	    sck := nil
	 else <<
	    w := cl_susiinter(w,knowl,a);
	    addl := nconc(addl,cadr w);
	    knowl := car w;
	    if caddr w then
	       ignflg := T;
	    if cadddr w then <<
	       delflg := T;
	       sck := nil
      if w eq 'false then return 'false;
      if null delflg then <<
	 if ignflg then cdr lat := 'ignore;
	 knowl := lat . knowl
      while addl do <<
	 knowl := cl_susiupdknowl2(car addl,knowl,n);
	 if knowl eq 'false then
	    addl := nil
	    addl := cdr addl
      return knowl;

procedure cl_susiinter(prg,knowl,a);
   % Common logic susi interpreter. [prg] is a SUSIPRG; [knowl] is a
   % KNOWL; [a] is a LAT. Returns a list
   % $(\kappa,\alpha,\iota,\delta)$, where $\kappa$ and $\alpha$ are
   % KNOWL's; $\iota$ and $\delta$ are flags.
   begin scalar addl,ignflg,delflg;
      for each p in prg do
	 if car p eq 'delete or car p eq 'ignore then
%      	 if car p eq 'ignore then   % We ignore ['ignore]!
%	    if cdr p then
%	       ignflg := T
%	    else
%	       cdr a := 'ignore
%      	 else if car p eq 'delete then
	    if cdr p then
	       delflg := T
	       knowl := delqip(a,knowl)
      	 else if car p eq 'add then
	    addl := cdr p . addl;
     return {knowl,addl,ignflg,delflg}

endmodule;  % [clsimpl]

end;  % of file

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