File psl-1983/lpt/10-functions.lpt artifact 118390306b part of check-in 3519b83598

PSL Manual                    7 February 1983           Function Definition
section 10.0                                                      page 10.1

                                CHAPTER 10
                                CHAPTER 10
                                CHAPTER 10

     10.1. Function Definition in PSL  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    10.1
          10.1.1. Notes on Code Pointers  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    10.1
          10.1.2. Functions Useful in Function Definition.  .  .  .    10.2
          10.1.3. Function Definition in LISP Syntax  .  .  .  .  .    10.4
          10.1.4. Function Definition in RLISP Syntax .  .  .  .  .    10.6
          10.1.5. Low Level Function Definition Primitives  .  .  .    10.6
          10.1.6. Function Type Predicates.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    10.7
     10.2. Variables and Bindings.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    10.8
          10.2.1. Binding Type Declaration.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    10.8
          10.2.2. Binding Type Predicates .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    10.9
     10.3. User Binding Functions.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   10.10
          10.3.1. Funargs, Closures and Environments  .  .  .  .  .   10.10

10.1. Function Definition in PSL
10.1. Function Definition in PSL
10.1. Function Definition in PSL

  Functions  in PSL are GLOBAL entities.  To avoid function-variable naming
clashes, the Standard LISP Report required that no variable have  the  same
name  as  a  function.    There is no conflict in PSL, as separate function
cells  and  value  cells  are  used.    A  warning  message  is  given  for
compatibility.    The  first major section in this chapter describes how to
define new functions; the second describes the binding of variables in PSL.
The final  section  presents  binding  functions  useful  in  building  new
interpreter functions.

10.1.1. Notes on Code Pointers
10.1.1. Notes on Code Pointers
10.1.1. Notes on Code Pointers

     ____ _______                            Print
  A  code-pointer  may  be  displayed by the Print functions or expanded by
Explode.  The  value  appears  in  the  convention  of  the  implementation
(#<Code:a  nnnn>,  where  a is the number of arguments of the function, and
                                                               ____ _______
nnnn is the function's entry point, on the DEC-20 and VAX).  A code-pointer
may not be created by Compress.    (See  Chapter  12  for  descriptions  of
Explode       Compress
Explode       Compress           ____ _______
Explode  and  Compress.)    The  code-pointer  associated  with  a compiled
function may be retrieved by GetD and  is  valid  as  long  as  PSL  is  in
execution  (on  the  DEC-20  and  VAX,  compiled  code is not relocated, so
____ _______                     ____ _______                         PutD
code-pointers do not change).  A code-pointer may  be  stored  using  PutD,
Put   SetQ
Put   SetQ
Put,  SetQ and the like or by being bound to a variable.  It may be checked
                   Eq                                          ____ _______
for equivalence by Eq.  The value may be checked for being  a  code-pointer
by the CodeP function.
Function Definition           7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 10.2                                                      section 10.1

10.1.2. Functions Useful in Function Definition
10.1.2. Functions Useful in Function Definition
10.1.2. Functions Useful in Function Definition

  In  PSL,  ids  have  a  function cell that usually contains an executable
instruction which either JUMPs directly to the entry point  of  a  compiled
function   or  executes  a  CALL  to  an  auxiliary  routine  that  handles
interpreted functions, undefined functions, or other special services (such
as auto-loading functions, etc).  The  user  can  pass  anonymous  function
                           ____ _______
objects around either as a code-pointer, which is a tagged object referring
to  a  compiled  code  block,  or  a  lambda  expression,  representing  an
interpreted function.

 PutD _____ __ ____ _____ ____  ______ ____ _______    __              ____
(PutD FNAME:id TYPE:ftype BODY:{lambda,code-pointer}): id              expr

                                  _____          ____         ____
     Creates a function with name FNAME and type TYPE,  with  BODY  as
     the function definition.  If successful, PutD returns the name of
     the defined function.

                         ____ _______
     If  the  body  is a code-pointer or is compiled (i.e. !*COMP=T as
     the function was defined), a special instruction to jump  to  the
     start  of  the  code  is placed in the function cell.  If it is a
     lambda, the lambda expression is saved on the property list under
     the indicator !*LAMBDALINK and a call to an interpreter  function
     (LambdaLink) is placed in the function cell.

          ____                              ____    _____
     The  TYPE  is recorded on the property list of FNAME if it is not
     an expr.

       [??? We need to add code to check that the the arglist has no
       [??? We need to add code to check that the the arglist has no
       [??? We need to add code to check that the the arglist has no
       more than 15 arguments for exprs, 1 argument for  fexprs  and
       more than 15 arguments for exprs, 1 argument for  fexprs  and
       more than 15 arguments for exprs, 1 argument for  fexprs  and
       macros,  and ??? for nexprs.  Declaration mechanisms to avoid
       macros,  and ??? for nexprs.  Declaration mechanisms to avoid
       macros,  and ??? for nexprs.  Declaration mechanisms to avoid
       overhead also need to be available.  (In fact  are  available
       overhead also need to be available.  (In fact  are  available
       overhead also need to be available.  (In fact  are  available
       for  the  compiler,  although still poorly documented.)  When
       for  the  compiler,  although still poorly documented.)  When
       for  the  compiler,  although still poorly documented.)  When
       should we expand macros? ???]
       should we expand macros? ???]
       should we expand macros? ???]

                 PutD           GetD
                 PutD    _____  GetD           ____            _____
     After using PutD on FNAME, GetD returns a pair of the the FNAME's
      ____   ____
     (TYPE . BODY).

     The GlobalP predicate returns  T  if  queried  with  the  defined
     function's name.  If the function FNAME has already been declared
     as a GLOBAL or FLUID variable the warning:

     *** FNAME is a non-local variable

     occurs,  but  the  function  is  defined.    If function FNAME is
     already defined, a warning message appears:  

     *** Function FNAME has been redefined

     Note:  All function types may be compiled.

  The following switches are useful when defining functions.
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983           Function Definition
section 10.1                                                      page 10.3

            __________                                               ______
!*REDEFMSG [Initially: T]                                            switch

     If !*REDEFMSG is not NIL, the message 

     *** Function `FOO' has been redefined

     is printed whenever a function is redefined.

            __________                                               ______
!*USERMODE [Initially: T]                                            switch

     Controls  action  on  redefinition  of a function.  All functions
     defined if !*USERMODE is T are flagged USER.  Functions which are
     flagged USER can be redefined freely.  If an attempt is  made  to
     redefine a function which is not flagged USER, the query 

        Do you really want to redefine the system function `FOO'?

     is  made, requiring a Y, N, YES, NO, or B response.  B starts the
     break loop, so that one can change  the  setting  of  !*USERMODE.
     After  exiting  the break loop, one must answer Y, Yes, N, or No.
     See YesP in Chapter 13.  If !*UserMode is NIL, all functions  can
     be redefined freely, and all functions defined have the USER flag
     removed.    This  provides some protection from redefining system

        __________                                                   ______
!*COMP [Initially: NIL]                                              switch

     The value of !*COMP controls whether or  not  PutD  compiles  the
     function  defined in its arguments before defining it.  If !*COMP
     is NIL the function is defined as a lambda expression.  If !*COMP
     is non-NIL, the function is first compiled.  Compilation produces
     certain changes in the semantics of functions, particularly FLUID
     type access.

 GetD _ ___    ___  ____                                               ____
(GetD U:any): {NIL, pair}                                              expr

     If U is not the name of a defined function, NIL is returned.   If
     _                                                            ____
     U     is     a     defined     function     then     the     pair
       ____  _____  _____  _____
       ____  _____  _____  _____
       ____  _____  _____  _____
       expr, fexpr, macro, nexpr
       expr, fexpr, macro, nexpr     ____ _______  ______
     ({expr, fexpr, macro, nexpr} . {code-pointer, lambda})         is

 CopyD ___ __ ___ __   ___ __                                          ____
(CopyD NEW:id OLD:id): NEW:id                                          expr

                                    ___                    ___
     The function body and type for NEW become the same as OLD.  If no
     definition exists for OLD an error:

     ***** OLD has no definition in COPYD
Function Definition           7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 10.4                                                      section 10.1

     is given.  NEW is returned.

 RemD _ __    ___  ____                                                ____
(RemD U:id): {NIL, pair}                                               expr

     Removes  the  function named U from the set of defined functions.
                                    ____                  GetD
     Returns the (ftype . function) pair or NIL, as does  GetD.    The
     ________                   _
     function type attribute of U is removed from the property list of

10.1.3. Function Definition in LISP Syntax
10.1.3. Function Definition in LISP Syntax
10.1.3. Function Definition in LISP Syntax

                  De  Df  Dn  Dm      Ds
                  De  Df  Dn  Dm      Ds
  The  functions  De, Df, Dn, Dm, and Ds are most commonly used in the LISP
syntax form of PSL.  They are difficult to use from RLISP as there is not a
convenient way to represent the argument list.  The functions are  compiled
if the compiler is loaded and the GLOBAL !*COMP is T. 

 De _____ __ ______ __ ____  __ ____    __                            _____
(De FNAME:id PARAMS:id-list [FN:form]): id                            macro

                                _____          expr       ____  __
     Defines the function named FNAME, of type expr.  The forms FN are
     made  into  a  lambda  expression  with the formal parameter list
     PARAMS, and this  is used as the body of the function.

     Previous definitions of the function are lost.  The name  of  the
     defined function, FNAME, is returned.

 Df _____ __ _____ __ ____ __ ___   __                                _____
(Df FNAME:id PARAM:id-list FN:any): id                                macro

                                   _____          fexpr       ____  __
     Defines  the  function  named FNAME, of type fexpr.  The forms FN
     are made into a lambda expression with the formal parameter  list
     PARAMS, and this is used as the body of the function.

     Previous  definitions  of the function are lost.  The name of the
     defined function, FNAME, is returned.

 Dn _____ __ _____ __ ____ __ ___   __                                _____
(Dn FNAME:id PARAM:id-list FN:any): id                                macro

                                _____          nexpr         ____   __
     Defines the function named FNAME, of type nexpr.   The  forms  FN
     are  made into a lambda expression with the formal parameter list
     PARAMS, and this is used as the body of the function.


   Or the compiled code pointer for the lambda expression if  the  compiler
is on.
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983           Function Definition
section 10.1                                                      page 10.5

     Previous  definitions  of the function are lost.  The name of the
     defined function, FNAME, is returned.

 Dm _____ __ _____ __ ____ __ ___   __                                _____
(Dm MNAME:id PARAM:id-list FN:any): id                                macro

                                _____          macro         ____   __
     Defines the function named FNAME, of type macro.   The  forms  FN
     are  made into a lambda expression with the formal parameter list
     PARAMS, and this is used as the body of the function.

     Previous definitions of the function are lost.  The name  of  the
     defined function, FNAME, is returned.

 Ds _____ __ _____ __ ____ __ ___   __                                _____
(Ds SNAME:id PARAM:id-list FN:any): id                                macro

                   ______            _______
                   ______            _______
                   ______            _______
                   smacro            Smacros
                   smacro  _____     Smacros
     Defines  the  smacro  SNAME.    Smacros  are actually a syntactic
     notation for a special class of macros,  those  that  essentially
     treat  the  macro's  argument  as  a  list  of  arguments  to  be
     substituted into the body of the expression and then expanded  in
     line,  rather  than using the computational power of the macro to
     customize code. Thus they are a special  case  of  defmacro.  See
     also the BackQuote facility.

     For example:

        Lisp syntax:
        To make a substitution macro for
        FIRST ->CAR we could say

        (DM FIRST(X)
            (LIST 'CAR (CADR X)))

        Instead the following is clearer

        (DS FIRST(X)
             (CAR X))

10.1.4. Function Definition in RLISP Syntax
10.1.4. Function Definition in RLISP Syntax
10.1.4. Function Definition in RLISP Syntax

  [???  THIS  IS  NOT  SUFFICIENT  DOCUMENTATION!   Either move it all to
  [???  THIS  IS  NOT  SUFFICIENT  DOCUMENTATION!   Either move it all to
  [???  THIS  IS  NOT  SUFFICIENT  DOCUMENTATION!   Either move it all to
  chapter 3 or do a better job here. ???]
  chapter 3 or do a better job here. ???]
  chapter 3 or do a better job here. ???]

  In RLISP syntax, procedures are defined by using the Procedure construct,
as discussed in Chapter 3.

   mode type PROCEDURE name(args);

where mode is SYSLISP or LISP or SYMBOLIC and defaults to  LISP,  and  type
defaults to EXPR.
Function Definition           7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 10.6                                                      section 10.1

10.1.5. Low Level Function Definition Primitives
10.1.5. Low Level Function Definition Primitives
10.1.5. Low Level Function Definition Primitives

                                                     PutD     GetD
                                                     PutD     GetD
  The  following  functions  are  used especially by PutD and GetD, defined
                                Eval     Apply
                                Eval     Apply
above in Section 10.1.2, and by Eval and Apply, defined in Chapter 11.

 FUnBoundP _ __   _______                                              ____
(FUnBoundP U:id): boolean                                              expr

                                                ________            _
     Tests whether there is a definition in the function  cell  of  U;
     returns NIL if so, T if not.

     Note:    Undefined  functions  actually  call a special function,
     UndefinedFunction                  Error      FUnBoundP
     UndefinedFunction                  Error      FUnBoundP
     UndefinedFunction,  that  invokes  Error.     FUnBoundP   defines
     "unbound" to mean "calls UndefinedFunction".

 FLambdaLinkP _ __   _______                                           ____
(FLambdaLinkP U:id): boolean                                           expr

     Tests  whether  U is an interpreted function; return T if so, NIL
     if not. This is done by checking for the special code-address  of
     the lambdaLink function, which calls the interpreter.

 FCodeP _ __   _______                                                 ____
(FCodeP U:id): boolean                                                 expr

     Tests  whether  U is a compiled function; returns T if so, NIL if

 MakeFUnBound _ __   ___                                               ____
(MakeFUnBound U:id): NIL                                               expr

     Makes U an undefined function by planting a special  call  to  an
                     UndefinedFunction         ________         _
     error function, UndefinedFunction, in the function cell of U.

 MakeFLambdaLink _ __   ___                                            ____
(MakeFLambdaLink U:id): NIL                                            expr

     Makes  U an interpreted function by planting a special call to an
     interpreter  support  function  (lambdaLink)  function   in   the
     ________         _
     function cell of U.}

 MakeFCode _ __ _ ____ _______   ___                                   ____
(MakeFCode U:id C:code-pointer): NIL                                   expr

     Makes  U  a  compiled  function by planting a special JUMP to the
     code-address associated with C.

 GetFCodePointer _ __   ____ _______                                   ____
(GetFCodePointer U:id): code-pointer                                   expr

              ____ _______     _
     Gets the code-pointer for U.
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983           Function Definition
section 10.1                                                      page 10.7

 Code!-Number!-Of!-Arguments _ ____ _______    ___ _______             ____
(Code!-Number!-Of!-Arguments C:code-pointer): {NIL,integer}            expr

     Some  compiled  functions  have  the  argument number they expect
     stored in association with the codepointer C.  This  integer,  or
     NIL is returned.  

                                   _____               ____
                                   _____               ____
                                   _____               ____
       [??? Should be extended for nexprs and declared exprs. ???]
       [??? Should be extended for nexprs and declared exprs. ???]
       [??? Should be extended for nexprs and declared exprs. ???]

10.1.6. Function Type Predicates
10.1.6. Function Type Predicates
10.1.6. Function Type Predicates

  See Section 2.7 for a discussion of the function types available in PSL.

 ExprP _ ___   _______                                                 ____
(ExprP U:any): boolean                                                 expr

               _         ____ _______  ______             __      expr
     Test  if  U  is  a  code-pointer, lambda form, or an id with expr

 FExprP _ ___   _______                                                ____
(FExprP U:any): boolean                                                expr

             _       __      fexpr
     Test if U is an id with fexpr definition.

 NExprP _ ___   _______                                                ____
(NExprP U:any): boolean                                                expr

             _       __      nexpr
     Test if U is an id with nexpr definition.

 MacroP _ ___   _______                                                ____
(MacroP U:any): boolean                                                expr

             _       __      macro
     Test if U is an id with macro definition.

10.2. Variables and Bindings
10.2. Variables and Bindings
10.2. Variables and Bindings

  Variables in PSL are ids, and associated values are usually stored in and
retrieved from the  value  cell  of  this  id.    If  variables  appear  as
parameters  in  lambda  expressions or in Prog's, the contents of the value
cell are saved on a binding stack.  A new value or NIL  is  stored  in  the
value  cell  and the computation proceeds.  On exit from the lambda or Prog
the old value is restored.  This is called the "shallow binding"  model  of
LISP.  It is chosen to permit compiled code to do binding efficiently.  For
even  more  efficiency,  compiled code may eliminate the variable names and
simply keep values in registers or a stack.  The scope of a variable is the
range over which the variable  has  a  defined  value.    There  are  three
different binding mechanisms in PSL.

LOCAL BINDING  Only  compiled  functions  bind  variables  locally.   Local
Function Definition           7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 10.8                                                      section 10.2

               variables  occur  as formal parameters in lambda expressions
               and as LOCAL variables in Prog's.  The binding occurs  as  a
               lambda  expression  is  evaluated  or  as  a  Prog  form  is
               executed.  The scope of a local variable is the body of  the
               function in which it is defined.

FLUID BINDING  FLUID  variables are GLOBAL in scope but may occur as formal
               parameters  or  Prog  form  variables.      In   interpreted
               functions,  all  formal  parameters  and LOCAL variables are
               considered to have FLUID  binding  until  changed  to  LOCAL
               binding  by  compilation.    A  variable can be treated as a
               FLUID only by declaration.  If FLUID variables are  used  as
               parameters or LOCALs they are rebound in such a way that the
               previous  binding  may be restored.  All references to FLUID
               variables are to the currently active binding.    Access  to
               the values is by name, going to the value cell.

GLOBAL BINDING GLOBAL  variables  may  never  be rebound.  Access is to the
               value bound to the variable.  The scope of a GLOBAL variable
               is universal.  Variables declared GLOBAL may not  appear  as
               parameters  in lambda expressions or as Prog form variables.
               A variable must be declared GLOBAL prior to  its  use  as  a
               GLOBAL  variable  since  the  default  type  for  undeclared
               variables is FLUID.  Note that the interpreter does not stop
               one from rebinding a global variable.    The  compiler  will
               issue a warning in this situation.

10.2.1. Binding Type Declaration
10.2.1. Binding Type Declaration
10.2.1. Binding Type Declaration

 Fluid ______ __ ____   ___                                            ____
(Fluid IDLIST:id-list): NIL                                            expr

          __      ______                                       __
     The  ids  in IDLIST are declared as FLUID type variables (ids not
     previously declared are initialized to NIL).  Variables in IDLIST
     already declared FLUID are ignored.  Changing a  variable's  type
     from GLOBAL to FLUID is not permissible and results in the error:

     ***** ID cannot be changed to FLUID 

 Global ______ __ ____   ___                                           ____
(Global IDLIST:id-list): NIL                                           expr

          __      ______                                            __
     The  ids  of IDLIST are declared GLOBAL type variables.  If an id
     has not been previously  declared,  it  is  initialized  to  NIL.
     Variables  already  declared  GLOBAL  are  ignored.    Changing a
     variable's type from FLUID  to  GLOBAL  is  not  permissible  and
     results in the error:  

     ***** ID cannot be changed to GLOBAL 
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983           Function Definition
section 10.2                                                      page 10.9

 UnFluid ______ __ ____   ___                                          ____
(UnFluid IDLIST:id-list): NIL                                          expr

     The  variables  in  IDLIST  which  have  been  declared  as FLUID
     variables are no longer considered as FLUID  variables.    Others
     are  ignored.    This  affects  only  compiled functions, as free
     variables in interpreted functions are  automatically  considered
     FLUID (see [Griss 81]).

10.2.2. Binding Type Predicates
10.2.2. Binding Type Predicates
10.2.2. Binding Type Predicates

 FluidP _ ___   _______                                                ____
(FluidP U:any): boolean                                                expr

     If  U  is  FLUID (by declaration only), T is returned; otherwise,
     NIL is returned.

 GlobalP _ ___   _______                                               ____
(GlobalP U:any): boolean                                               expr

     If U has been declared  GLOBAL  or  is  the  name  of  a  defined
     function, T is returned; else NIL is returned.

 UnBoundP _ __   _______                                               ____
(UnBoundP U:id): boolean                                               expr

     Tests whether U has no value.

10.3. User Binding Functions
10.3. User Binding Functions
10.3. User Binding Functions

  The  following  functions  are  available  to build one's own interpreter
functions that use the built-in FLUID binding mechanism, and interact  well
with the automatic unbinding that takes place during Throw and Error calls.

  [??? Are these correct when Environments are managed correctly ???]
  [??? Are these correct when Environments are managed correctly ???]
  [??? Are these correct when Environments are managed correctly ???]

 UnBindN _ _______   _________                                         ____
(UnBindN N:integer): Undefined                                         expr

     Used in user-defined interpreter functions (like Prog) to restore
     previous bindings to the last N values bound.

 LBind1 ______ __ ___________ ___   _________                          ____
(LBind1 IDNAME:id VALUETOBIND:any): Undefined                          expr

     Support  for LAMBDA-like binding.  The current value of IDNAME is
     saved on the binding stack; the  value  of  VALUETOBIND  is  then
     bound to IDNAME.
Function Definition           7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 10.10                                                     section 10.3

 PBind1 ______ __   _________                                          ____
(PBind1 IDNAME:id): Undefined                                          expr

                  Prog                ______
     Support  for Prog.  Binds NIL to IDNAME after saving value on the
                                 LBind1 ______
     binding stack.  Essentially LBind1(IDNAME, NIL)

10.3.1. Funargs, Closures and Environments
10.3.1. Funargs, Closures and Environments
10.3.1. Funargs, Closures and Environments

  [??? Not yet connected to V3 ???]
  [??? Not yet connected to V3 ???]
  [??? Not yet connected to V3 ???]

  We have an  experimental  implementation  of  Baker's  re-rooting  funarg
scheme [Baker  78],  in  which we always re-root upon binding; this permits
efficient use of a GLOBAL  value  cell  in  the  compiler.    We  are  also
considering  implementing  a  restricted  FUNARG or CLOSURE mechanism.  The
implementation we have does not work with the current version of PSL.

  This currently uses a module (ALTBIND)  to  redefine  the  fluid  binding
                                                     _ ____
mechanism of PSL to be functionally equivalent to an a-list binding scheme.
However,  it  retains  the principal advantage of the usual shallow binding
scheme: variable lookup is extremely cheap -- just look in  a  value  cell.
Typical  LISP  programs currently run about 8% slower if using ALTBIND than
with the initial shallow binding mechanism.  It is expected  that  this  8%
difference  will  go  away  presently.    This mechanism will also probably
become a standard part of PSL, rather than an add on module.

  To use ALTBIND simply do "load  altbind;"  ["(load  altbind)"  in  LISP].
Existing  code,  both  interpreted and compiled, should then commence using
the new binding mechanism.

  The following functions are of most interest to the user:

 Closure _ ____   ____                                                _____
(Closure U:form): form                                                macro

     This is similar to  Function,  but  returns  a  function  closure
     including  environment  information,  similar to Function in LISP
             Function*                           Eval       Apply
             Function*                           Eval       Apply
     1.5 and Function* in LISP 1.6 and MACLISP.  Eval  and  Apply  are
     redefined  to handle closures correctly.  Currently only closures
     of exprs are supported.

 EvalInEnvironment _ ____ ___ ___ _______   ___                        ____
(EvalInEnvironment F:form ENV:env-pointer): any                        expr

 ApplyInEnvironment __ ________ ____ ____ ____ ___ ___ _______   ___   ____
(ApplyInEnvironment FN:function ARGS:form-list ENV:env-pointer): any   expr

                    Eval     Apply
                    Eval     Apply
     These are like Eval and Apply, but take an extra, last  argument,
     and  environment  pointer.    They  perform  their  work  in this
     environment instead of the current one.

  The following functions should be used with care:
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983           Function Definition
section 10.3                                                     page 10.11

 CaptureEnvironment    ___ _______                                     ____
(CaptureEnvironment ): env-pointer                                     expr

     Save  the  current  bindings  to be restored at some later point.
     This is best used inside a closure.   CaptureEnvironment  returns
     an  environment pointer.  This object is normally a circular list
     structure, and so should  not  be  printed.    The  same  warning
     applies  to  closures, which contain environment pointers.  It is
     hoped that environment pointers will be made a new LISP data type
     soon,  and  will  be  made  to  print   safely,   relaxing   this

  [???  add true envpointer ???]
  [???  add true envpointer ???]
  [???  add true envpointer ???]

 RestoreEnvironment ___ ___ _______   _________                        ____
(RestoreEnvironment PTR:env-pointer): Undefined                        expr

     Restore   old   bindings  to  what  they  were  in  the  captured
     environment, PTR.

 ClearBindings    _________                                            ____
(ClearBindings ): Undefined                                            expr

     Restore bindings to top level, i.e strip the entire stack.

  For    a     demonstration     of     closures,     do     (in     RLISP)
`in "";'.

  [??? Give a practical example ???]
  [??? Give a practical example ???]
  [??? Give a practical example ???]

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