File psl-1983/lap/ibmize.clu artifact 84b94746fb part of check-in 3519b83598

% IBMIZE -- Extract underline and boldface info. from a
% 	    lineprinter file (and convert for the IBM)
% Control chararacters handled: TAB, NL, FF, CR
% Other control characters assumed to be printing.
% Tab stops assumed every 8 columns.

% 9/14/82 Added handling of empty lines at end of page.
%   Somewhat ugly change.

% The pgstream represents the state of output.  Pgline
% is the current line within the page, beginning at 1.
% Emptycount keeps track of saved up lines with no visible
% contents.  These will be output if a nonempty line arrives
% before end of page.
pgstream = record[pgline: int, s: stream, emptycount: int]

ac = array[char]

% Line with possible underscore and/or boldface
u_b_line = record[line: array[char],
   underscore: array[bool],
   bold: array[bool]]

LINE_LENGTH = 150	% maximum printing length of output line

main = proc ()
	sin: stream := get_io("read", "Input file: ", "lpt")
	    except others: return end
	sout: stream := get_io("write", "Output file: ", "ibm")
	    except others: return end
	process_file(sin, pgstream${s: sout, pgline: 1, emptycount: 0})
	end main

% process_file(sin: stream, lout: pgstream)
% Reads from sin until end of file, process each line to make
% overstriking work, and keeps track of the position on the current
% page, inserting form feeds as it deems necessary.
process_file = proc (sin: stream, lout: pgstream)
   oline: u_b_line :=
      u_b_line${line: ac$fill(0, LINE_LENGTH, ' '),
	 underscore: array[bool]$fill(0, LINE_LENGTH, false),
	 bold: array[bool]$fill(0, LINE_LENGTH, false)}
   sout: stream := lout.s
   while true do
      process_line(sin, lout, oline)
   end except others: end
   %% stream$putc(sout,'\p')
end process_file

process_line = proc (sin: stream, lout: pgstream, oline: u_b_line)
   signals (done)

   sout: stream := lout.s
   line: string := get_line(sin)
   except others: signal done end
   %% Insert FF if needed.
   %% if lout.pgline > 60 cand ~ char$equal(string$fetch(line,1),'\p')
   %%   then
   %%     stream$putc (sout, '\p')
   %%     lout.pgline := 1
   %%     lout.emptycount := 0
   %%     end
   for i: int in int$from_to(0,LINE_LENGTH - 1) do
      oline.line[i] := ' '
      oline.underscore[i] := false
      oline.bold[i] := false
   col: int := 0

   for c: char in string$chars (line) do

      %% Special handling for non-printing chars and '_'

      if c = ' ' then col := col + 1
      elseif c = '\r' then col := 0
      elseif c = '\n' then lout.pgline := lout.pgline + 1
      elseif c = '\b' then col := col - 1
      elseif c = '\t' then col := col + 8 - (col // 8)
      elseif c = '\p' then
	 col := 0
	 lout.pgline := 1
      elseif c = '_' then
	 oline.underscore[col] := true
	 col := col + 1
	 oc: char := oline.line[col]
	 if oc = ' ' then
	    oline.line[col] := c
	 elseif oc = c then
	    oline.bold[col] := true
	 col := col + 1
   emptyp: bool := true

   for i: int in int$from_to(0,LINE_LENGTH - 1) do
      if oline.line[i] ~= ' ' cor
	 oline.underscore[i] then
	 emptyp := false

   if emptyp then
      lout.emptycount := lout.emptycount + 1
      %% Put out any saved-up empty lines first
      for i:int in int$from_to(1,lout.emptycount) do
      lout.emptycount := 0
      %% Print out everything involved in the line.
      output_line(oline, sout)
   %% Print the formfeed that came with (terminating) the line.
   if char$equal('\p',string$fetch(line,string$size(line))) then
      %% Throw away any empty lines just preceding \p
      lout.emptycount := 0
   elseif ~emptyp then

end process_line

% output_line(oline, sout: stream)
output_line = proc(oline: u_b_line, sout: stream)
   high: int := line_high(oline)
   for i: int in int$from_to (0, high) do
      stream$putc(sout, oline.line[i])
      if oline.underscore[i] then
	 stream$putc(sout, '\b')
	 stream$putc(sout, '_')
   %% stream$putc (sout, '\n')
end output_line

% line_high (line: u_b_line) returns (int)
% Returns the index in the line of the last printing character.
% If none exists, returns the minimum index minus 1.
line_high = proc(oline: u_b_line) returns (int)
   for i: int in
      int$from_to_by(ac$high(oline.line), ac$low(oline.line), -1)
      if oline.line[i] ~= ' '
	 cor oline.underscore[i]
      then return(i) end
   return(ac$low(oline.line) - 1)
end line_high

% get_line (sin: stream) returns (string) signals (end_of_file)
% Reads from the stream characters through the first \n or \p.
% If end of file is reached before any characters are entered,
% end of file is signalled, otherwise not.
% All characters read are returned.
get_line = proc (sin: stream) returns (string) signals (end_of_file)
   a: ac := ac$new ()
   while true do
      c: char := stream$getc_image (sin)
      except others:
	 if ac$size (a) = 0 then signal end_of_file end
      ac$addh (a, c)
      if c = '\n' cor c = '\p' then break end
   %%	if ac$top (a) = '\r' then ac$remh (a) end except when bounds: end
   return (string$ac2s (a))
end get_line
%%% Defines: get_line line_high main output_line process_file process_line
%%% Edited: 14 September 1982 10:41:36
%%% Uses: get_io
%%% Written: 14 September 1982 10:45:04

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