File psl-1983/help/useful.hlp artifact a4f741270a part of check-in 3519b83598

A number of useful options can be defined by Loading Useful.
Descriptions follow.

BACKQUOTE and friends

(Note that the  special symbols decribed  here will only  work in  LISP
syntax,  not  RLISP.   In  RLISP  you  may  simply  use  the  functions

The backquote symbol  "`" is  a read  macro which  introduces a  quoted
expression  which  may  contain  the  unquote  symbols  comma  ","  and
comma-atsign ",@".   Any  appropriate form consisting  of the  unquoted
expression, calls  to the  function cons,  and quoted  expressions  are
produced so  that the  resulting expression  looks like  the quoted one
except that the values of the unquote expressions are substitued in the
appropriate place.   ",@"  splices  in  the  value  of  the  subsequent
expression (i.e. strips off the outer layer of parentheses).  Thus

  `(a (b ,x) c d ,@x e f)

is equivalent to
  (cons 'a (cons (list 'b x) (append '(c d) (append x '(e f)))))

In particular, if x is bound to (1 2 3) this will evaluate to

  (a (b (1 2 3)) c d 1 2 3 e f)

",." is like  ",@", except  it may  use destructive  operations on  its


DESETQ is a destructuring setq.  That is, the first argument is a piece
of list  structure whose  atoms are  all ids.   Each is  setq'd to  the
corresponding part of the second argument.  For instance

  (desetq (a (b) . c) '((1) (2) (3) 4))
setq's a to (1), b to 2, and c to ((3) 4).


DEFMACRO is a useful tool for  defining macros.  A DEFMACRO form  looks

  (defmacro <name> <pattern> <s1> <s2> ... <sN>)

The <pattern> is an S-expression made of pairs and ids.  It is  matched
against the arguments  of the  macro much  like the  first argument  to
desetq.  All of the non-nil ids in <pattern> are local variables  which
may be used freely in  the body (the <si>).   When the macro is  called
the <si>  are evaluated  as in  a  progn with  the local  variables  in
<pattern> appropriately  bound,  and the  value  of <sN>  is  returned.
DEFMACRO is often used with backquote.


Another macro defining  macro similar  to DEFMACRO  is DEFLAMBDA.   The
arguments to DEFLAMBDA are  identical to those  for DE.  The  resulting
macro is simply application  of a lambda  expression.  Thus a  function
defined with  DEFLAMBDA will  have  semantics identical  to that  of  a
function defined with  DE, modulo the  ability to dynamically  redefine
the function.  This is a convenient  way to cause functions to be  open

For example, if (NEW-FOO X Y) should return (LIST X Y (LIST X Y)) we do
not want it to be a simple substitution style macro, in case one of the
actual arguments has side effects, or  is expensive to compute.  If  we
define it by


then we will have the desired behaviour.  In particular,


will expand to

  ((LAMBDA (X Y) 
     (LIST X Y (LIST X Y)) )


PROG1 evaluates its  arguments in  order, like PROGN,  but returns  the
value of the first. 

LET and LET*

LET is  a macro  giving  a more  perspicuous  form for  writing  lambda
expressions.  The basic form is

  (let ((v1 i1) (v2 i2) ...(vN iN))

The i's are evaluated (in an  unspecified order), and then the v's  are
bound to these values, the s's   evaluated, and the value of the   last
is returned.  Note that the i's are evaluated in  the outer environment
before the v's are bound. 

LET!*  is  just  like  LET,  except  that  it  makes  the   assignments
sequentially.  That is, the first binding is made before the  value
for the second one is computed. 


MACROEXPAND is a useful tool for debugging macro definitions.  If given
one argument, MACROEXPAND will all expand all the macros in that  form.
Often we wish more control over this process.  For example, if a  macro
expands into a let, we may not wish to see the LET itself expanded to a
lambda expression.   Therefor  additional  arguments may  be  given  to
MACROEXPAND.  If these are  supplied, only they  should be macros,  and
only those specified will be expanded.


These are convenient macros  for adding and  deleting things from  the
head of a list.  (push item stack) is equivalent to (setq stack  (cons
item stack)),  and  (pop stack)  does  (setq stack  (cdr  stack))  and
returns the  item popped  off stack.   An additional  argument may  be
supplied to pop, in which case it is a variable which is setq'd to the
popped value.


These are convenient macros  for incrementing and decrementing  numeric
variables.  (incr i) is equivalent to (setq i (add1 i)) and (decr i) to
(setq i (sub1  i)).  Additional  arguments may be  supplied, which  are
summed and used as the amounts by to increment or decrement.


The DO macro is a general iteration construct similar to that of  LISPM
and friends.  However, it does differ in some details; in particular it
is not compatible with the "old style DO" of MACLISP (which is a  crock
anyway), nor  does  it  support  the "no  end  test  means  once  only"
convention (which was just an ugly kludge to get an initialized  prog).
DO has the form

(do (i1 i2 ... iN)
    (test r1 r2 ... rK)

where there may be zero   or more i's, r's,  and  s's.  In general  the
i's will have the form

(var init step)

On entry  to  the  DO form,  all  the  inits are  evaluated,  then  the
variables are bound to their respective inits.  The test is  evaluated,
and if non-nil the form evaluates the r's and returns the value of  the
last one.  If none are supplied it returns nil.  If the test  evaluates
to nil the s's are evaluated, the variables are assigned the values  of
their respective steps in parallel, and the test evaluated again.  This
iteration continues until test evaluates to a non-nil value.  Note that
the inits are evaluated in the surrounding environment, while the steps
are evaluated in  the new environment.  The body of the DO (the s's) is
a prog,  and  may  contain labels  and  GO's,  though use  of  this  is
discouraged.  It may be changed at a later date.  RETURN used within a
DO will return immediately  without evaluating the  test or exit  forms

There are alternative forms for the i's:  If the step is  omitted,  the
variable's value is left  unchanged.  If  both the  init and  step  are
omitted  or  if the  i is  an id  it is  initialized to  nil, and  left
unchanged.  This is particularly useful for introducing dummy variables
which will be setq'd inside the body.

DO* is like DO,  expcept the variable bindings  and updatings are  done
sequentially instead of in parallel.

DO-LOOP is like  Do, except  that it  takes an  additional argument,  a
prologue.  The general form is

(do-loop (i1 i2 ... iN)
    (p1 p2 ... pJ)
    (test r1 r2 ... rK)

This is executed just like the corresponding DO, except that after  the
bindings are established  and initial values  assigned, but before  the
test is first executed the pi's are evaluated, in order.  Note that the
pi's are all evaluated exactly once (assuming that none of the pi's err
out, or otherwise throw to  a surrounding context).  DO-LOOP* does  the
variable bindings and undates sequentially instead of in parallel.

IF, WHEN, and UNLESS for If and Only If Statements

IF is a macro to  simplify the writing of a  common form of COND  where
there are only two clauses and the antecedent of the second is t.

  (if <test> <then-clause> <else1>...<elseN>)

The <then-clause> is  evaluated if  and only  if the  test is  non-nil,
otherwise the elses are evaluated, and the last returned.  There may be
zero elses.

Related macros for common COND forms are WHEN and UNLESS.

  (when <test> s1 s2 ... sN)

evaluates the si and returns the value  of sN if and only if <test>  is
non-nil.  Otherwise WHEN returns nil.

  (unless <test> s1 s2 ... sN) <=> (when (not <test>) s1 s2 ... sN).


(psetq var1  val1 var2  val2 ...  varN  valN) setq's  the vars  to  the
corresponding vals.  The vals are all evaluated before any  assignments
are made.  That is, this is a parallel setq.

PSETF is to SETF as PSETQ is to SETQ.


USEFUL contains an expanded  version of the  standard SETF macro.   The
principal difference from  the default  is that it  always returns  the
the thing assigned (i.e. the right hand side).  For example,

  (setf (cdr foo) '(x y z))

returns  '(x  y  z).   In  the   default  SETF  the  return  value   is

USEFUL also makes several more functions known to SETF.  All the  c...r
functions are  included.   LIST and  CONS  are also  include,  and  are
similar to desetq.  For example,

  (setf (list (cons a b) c (car d)) '((1 2) 3 4 5))

sets a to  1, b to  (2), c to 3, and  rplaca's the car of d  to 4.   It
returns ((1 2) 3 4 5). 


USEFUL defines several MACLISP style sharp sign read macros.  Note that
these only  work with  the  LISP reader,  not RLISP.   Those  currently
included are

  #' :  this is like  the quote mark ' but  is for FUNCTION instead  of

  #/ :	this returns the numeric form of the following character
	read without raising it.  For example #/a is 97 while
	#/A is 65.
  #\ :  This is a  read macro for the CHAR  macro, described in the PSL
	manual.  Not that the argument is raised, if *RAISE it non-nil.
	For example, #\a = #\A = 65, while #\!a = #\(lower a) = 97.
	Char has been redefined in USEFUL to be slightly
	more table driven -- users can now add new "prefixes" such as 
	META or CONTROL: just hang the appropriate function (from integers
	to integers) off the char-prefix-function property of the "prefix".
	A LARGE number of additional alias for various characters have been
	added, including all the "standard" ASCII names like NAK and DC1.

  #. :	this causes the  following expression to  be evaluated at  read
	time.  For example, `(1 2 #.(plus 1 2) 4) reads as (1 2 3 4)
  #+ :  this reads  two expressions, and passes  them to the  if_system
	macro.   That is, the first should be a system name, and if
	that is the current system the second argument is returned by
	the reader.  If not, nil is returned.  #- is similar, but
	causes the second arg to be returned only if it is NOT the
	current system.  Note that this does NOT use splice macros,
	since PSL doesn't have them (I don't really know why not -- at
	the very least there ought to be a way to tell the reader
	"ignore this", even if splice macros are thought to be a


FOR is a general iteration construct  similar in many ways to the  Lisp
Machine LOOP  construct,  and  the earlier  InterLISP  CLISP  iteration
construct.  FOR, however,  is considerably simpler,  far more  "lispy",
and somewhat less  powerful.  FOR will  only work in  LISP syntax.   In
fact, loading  FOR will,  for  the time  being,  "break" RLISP,  as  it
redefines the FOR macro.  It is hoped that eventually the RLISP  parser
will be modified to emit calls on this new FOR macro instead of the old

The arguments to FOR  are clauses; each  clause is itself  a list of  a
keyword and one  or more  arguments.  The clauses  may introduce  local
variables, specify return values, have side-effects, when the iteration
should cease, and so on.  Before going further, it is probably best  to
give an example.  The following function will zip together three  lists
into a list of three element lists.

(de zip3 (x y z) (for (in u x) (in v y) (in w z) (collect (list u v w))))

The three IN clauses specify that their first argument should take
successive elements of the respective lists, and the COLLECT clause specifies
that the answer should be a list built out of its argument.  For
example, (zip3 '(1 2 3 4) '(a b c d) '(w x y z)) is 
((1 a w)(2 b x)(3 c y)(4 d z)).

Following are described all the possible clauses.  The first few
introduce iteration variables.  Most of these also give some means of
indicating when iteration should cease.  For example, when a list being
mapped over by an IN clause is exhausted, iteration must cease.  If
several such clauses are given in FOR expression, iteration will cease
whenever on of the clauses indicates it should, whether or not the
other clauses indicate that it should cease.

(in v1 v2) assigns the variable v1 successive elements of the list v2.

This may take an additional, optional argument:
a function to be applied to the extracted element or sublist  before
it is assigned to the variable.   The following returns the sum of  the
lengths of all the elements of L. [rather a kludge -- not sure why this
is here.  Perhaps it should come out again.]

  (de SumLengths (L) (for (in N L length) (sum N)))
For example, (SumLengths '((1 2 3 4 5)(a b c)(x y))) is 10.

(on v1 v2) assigns the varaible v1 successive cdrs of the list v2.

(from var init final step) is a numeric clause.  The variable is first
assigned init, and then incremented by step until it is larger than
final.  Init, final, and step are optional.  Init and step both default
to 1, and if final is omitted the iteration will continue until
stopped by some other means.  To specify a step with init or final
omitted, or a final with init omitted place nil (the constant -- it
cannot be an expression) in the appropriate slot to be omitted.
Final and step are only evaluated once.

(for var init next) assigns the variable init first, and subsequently
the value of the expression next.  Init and next may be omitted.  Note
that this is identical to the behaviour of iterators in a DO.

(with v1 v2 ... vN) introduces N locals, initialized to nil.  In
addition, each vi may also be of the form (var init), in which case it
will be initialized to init.

There are two clauses which allow arbitrary code to be executed before
the first iteration, and after the last.  (initially s1 s2 ... sN) will
cause the si's to be evaluated in the new environment (i.e. with the
iteration variables bound to their initial values) before the first
iteration.  (finally s1 s2 ... sN) causes the si's to be evaluated just
before the function returns.

(do s1 s2 ... sN) causes the si's to be evaluated at each iteration.

The next few clauses build up return types.  Except for the
RETURNS/RETURNING clause, they may each take an additional argument
which specifies that instead of returning the appropriate value, it is
accumulated in the specified variable.  For example, an unzipper might
be defined as 

(de unzip3 (L)
  (for (in u L) (with X Y Z)
    (collect (car U) X)
    (collect (cadr U) Y)
    (collect (caddr U) Z)
    (returns (list X Y Z))))

This is essentially the opposite of zip3.  Given a list of three element
lists, it unzips them into three lists, and returns a list of those
three lists.  For example, (unzip '((1 a w)(2 b x)(3 c y)(4 d z)))
is ((1 2 3 4)(a b c d)(w x y z)).

(returns exp) causes the given expression  to be the value of the  FOR.
Returning is  synonymous  with returns.   It  may be  given  additional
arguments, in which case they are  evaluated in order and the value  of
the last is returned (implicit PROGN).

(collect exp) causes the succesive values of the expression to be
collected into a list.

(adjoin exp) is similar, but only adds an element to the list if it is
not equal to anything already there.

(adjoinq exp) is like adjoin, but uses eq instead of equal.

(conc exp) causes the succesive values to be nconc'd together.

(join exp) causes them to be appended.

(union exp) forms the union of all the exp

(unionq exp), (intersection exp), (intersectionq exp) are similar, but
use the specified function instead of union.

(count exp) returns the number of times exp was non-nil.

(sum exp), (product exp), (maximize exp), and (minimize exp) do the obvious.
Synonyms are summing, maximizing, and minimizing.

(always exp) will return t if exp is non-nil on each iteration.  If exp
is ever nil, the loop will terminate immediately, no epilogue code,
such as that introduced by finally will be run, and nil will be
returned.  (never exp) is equivlent to (always (not exp)).

Explicit tests for the end of the loop may be given using (while exp).
The loop will terminate if exp becomes nil at the beginning of an
iteration.  (until exp) is equivalent to (while (not exp)).
Both while and until may be given additional arguments;
(while e1 e2 ... eN) is equivalent to (while (and e1 e2 ... eN))
and (until  e1 e2 ... eN) is equivalent to (until (or e1 e2 ... eN)).

(when exp) will cause a jump to the next iteration if exp is nil.
(unless exp) is equivalent to (when (not exp)).

Unlike MACLISP and clones' LOOP, FOR does all variable binding/updating
in  parallel.   There  is  a   similar  macro,  FOR*,  which  does   it
sequentially.  All variable binding/updating  still preceeds any  tests
or other code.  Also note that all WHEN or UNLESS clauses apply to  all
action  clauses,  not  just  subsequent  ones.   This  fixed  order  of
evaluation makes  FOR  less  powerful  than LOOP,  but  also  keeps  it
considerably simpler.  The basic order of evaluation is 

  1) bind variables to initial values (computed in the outer environment)
  2) execute prologue (i.e. INITIALLY clauses)
  3) while none of the termination conditions are satisfied:
     4) check conditionalization clauses (WHEN and UNLESS), and start next
	iteration if all are not satisfied.
     5) perform body, collecting into variables as necessary
     6) next iteration
  7) (after a termination condition is satisfied) execute the epilogue (i. e.
     FINALLY clauses)


Defswitch provides a convenient machanism for declaring variables whose
values need to be set in a disciplined manner.  It is quite similar to
T's DEFINE-SWITCH.  The form of a defswitch expression is

  (defswitch <name> <var> [<read-action> {<set-action>}])

This declares  <name> to be a function of no arguments for deterimining
the value of  the  variable  <var>.   <var> is   declared fluid.   SETF
will set the value of  <var> when given a call  on <name> as its  first
argument.  When  <name>  is  called  <read-action>  will  be  evaluated
(after the value of the  variable is looked up).   When it is set   the
<set-action>s will be evaluated (before the value is set).  <name>  may
be used as a "free" variable in the <read-action> and <set-action>s, in
which case it will hold the current value and new value,  respectively.
If <var> is nil an uninterned id will be used for the variable.  

Suppose we wish to  keep a list  in a variable, FOO,  but also want  to
always have it's  length available  in FOOLENGTH.   We can  do this  by
always accessing FOO by a function as follows:

  (defswitch FOO nil nil (setq FOOLENGTH (length FOO)))

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