File psl-1983/3-1/util/nstruct.lsp artifact 769e49e6f5 part of check-in 3519b83598

;;; -*- Mode:Lisp; Package:SI; Lowercase:True; Base:8 -*-
;;;	** (c) Copyright 1980 Massachusetts Institute of Technology **

;The master copy of this file is in MC:ALAN;NSTRUCT >
;The current Lisp machine copy is in AI:LISPM2;STRUCT >
;The current Multics copy is in >udd>Mathlab>Bawden>defstruct.lisp

;*****  READ THIS PLEASE!  *****
;If you are thinking of munging anything in this file you might want
;to consider finding me (ALAN) and asking me to mung it for you.
;There is more than one copy of this file in the world (it runs in PDP10
;and Multics MacLisp and on LispMachines) and whatever amazing
;features you are considering adding might be usefull to those people
;as well.  If you still cannot contain yourself long enough to find
;me, AT LEAST send me a piece of mail describing what you did and why.
;Thanks for reading this flame.
;					 Alan Bawden (ALAN@MC)

;Things to fix:

;For LispMachine:
; :%P-LDB type (this is hard to do, punt for now.)

;For Multics:
; displacement is a problem (no displace)
; nth, nthcdr don't exist there
; ldb, dpb don't exist, so byte fields don't work without Mathlab macros
; callable accessors don't work
; dpb is needed at the user's compile time if he is using byte fields.

;   PSL change   deleted
;(eval-when (compile)
;  (cond ((status feature ITS)
;	 (load '|alan;lspenv init|))
;	((status feature Multics)
;	 (load '|>udd>Mathlab>Bawden>lspenv.lisp|))))
;(cond ((status nofeature noldmsg)
;       (terpri msgfiles)
;       (princ '#.(and (status feature PDP10)
;		      (maknam (nconc (exploden ";Loading DEFSTRUCT ")
;				     (exploden (caddr (truename infile))))))
;	      msgfiles)))
;(declare (genprefix defstruct-internal-)
;	 (macros t))
;(eval-when (eval compile)
;  (setsyntax #/: (ascii #\space) nil))

;	PSL change -- make sure everything we need at run time gets loaded
(imports '(useful common strings))

(eval-when (eval)
  ;;So we may run the thing interpreted we need the simple
  ;;defstruct that lives here:
;     PSL change
  (lapin "struct.initial"))
;  (cond ((status feature ITS)
;	 (load '|alan;struct initial|))
;	((status feature Multics)
;	 (load '|>udd>Mathlab>Bawden>initial_defstruct|))))

(eval-when (compile)
  ;;To compile the thing this probably is an old fasl: (!)
;     PSL change
  (load nstruct))
;  (cond ((status feature ITS)
;	 (load '|alan;struct boot|))
;	((status feature Multics)
;	 (load '|>udd>Mathlab>Bawden>boot_defstruct|))))

(defun nth (n l)
  (do ((n n (sub1 n))
       (l l (cdr l)))
      ((zerop n) (car l))))

(defun nthcdr (n l)
  (do ((n n (1- n))
       (l l (cdr l)))
      ((zerop n) l)))

;     PSL change	I'm not sure whether we need this at all
(defun displace (x y)
  (cond ((atom y)
	 (rplaca x 'progn)
	 (rplacd x (list y)))
	 (rplaca x (car y))
	 (rplacd x (cdr y))))

;;; You might think you could use progn for this, but you can't!
(defun defstruct-dont-displace (x y)
  x	;ignored
;;; Eval this before attempting incremental compilation
(eval-when (eval compile)

;     PSL change
;(defmacro append-symbols args
;  (do ((l (reverse args) (cdr l))
;       (x)
;       (a nil (if (or (atom x)
;		      (not (eq (car x) 'quote)))
;		  (if (null a)
;		      `(exploden ,x)
;		      `(nconc (exploden ,x) ,a))
;		  (let ((l (exploden (cadr x))))
;		    (cond ((null a) `',l)
;			  ((= 1 (length l)) `(cons ,(car l) ,a))
;			  (t `(append ',l ,a)))))))
;      ((null l) `(implode ,a))
;    (setq x (car l))))
;(defmacro append-symbols args
;  `(make_atom (catenate . ,args)))
;(defmacro append-symbols args
;  `(intern (string-append . ,args)))
(defmacro append-symbols args
  `(intern (string-concat . ,args)))

(defmacro defstruct-putprop (sym val ind)
  `(push `(defprop ,,sym ,,val ,,ind) returns))

(defmacro defstruct-put-macro (sym fcn)
;     PSL change
  `(push `(putd ',,sym 'macro (function (lambda (**put-mac**)
					  (,,fcn **put-mac**))))
;  #M `(defstruct-putprop ,sym ,fcn 'macro)
;  #Q (setq fcn (if (and (not (atom fcn))
;			(eq (car fcn) 'quote))
;		   `'(macro . ,(cadr fcn))
;		   `(cons 'macro ,fcn)))
;  #Q `(push `(fdefine ',,sym ',,fcn t) returns))

(defmacro make-empty () `'%%defstruct-empty%%)

(defmacro emptyp (x) `(eq ,x '%%defstruct-empty%%))
;;;Here we must deal with the fact that error reporting works
;;;differently everywhere!

;    PSL change
(defmacro defstruct-error (message . args)
  `(stderror (list ,message . ,args)))
;;;;first arg is ALWAYS a symbol or a quoted symbol:
;(defmacro defstruct-error (message &rest args)
;  (let* ((chars (nconc (exploden (if (atom message)
;				     message
;				     (cadr message)))
;		       '(#/.)))		;"Bad frob" => "Bad frob."
;	 (new-message
;	  (maknam (if (null args)
;		      chars
;		      (let ((c (car chars)))	;"Bad frob." => "-- bad frob."
;			(or (< c #/A)
;			    (> c #/Z)
;			    (rplaca chars (+ c #o40)))
;			(append '(#/- #/- #\space) chars))))))
;  `(error ',new-message
;	  ,@(cond ((null args) `())
;		  ((null (cdr args)) `(,(car args)))
;		  (t `((list ,@args)))))))
;;;;first arg is ALWAYS a string:
;(defmacro defstruct-error (message &rest args)
;  `(error ,(catenate "defstruct: "
;		     message
;		     (if (null args)
;			 "."
;			 ": "))
;	  ,@(cond ((null args) `())
;		  ((null (cdr args)) `(,(car args)))
;		  (t `((list ,@args))))))
;;;;first arg is ALWAYS a string:
;(defmacro defstruct-error (message &rest args)
;  (do ((l args (cdr l))
;       (fs "")
;       (na nil))
;      ((null l)
;      `(ferror nil
;	       ,(string-append message
;			       (if (null args)
;				   "."			       
;				   (string-append ":" fs)))
;	       ,.(nreverse na)))
;    (cond ((and (not (atom (car l)))
;		(eq (caar l) 'quote)
;		(symbolp (cadar l)))
;	   (setq fs (string-append fs " " (string-downcase (cadar l)))))
;	  (t
;	   (push (car l) na)
;	   (setq fs (string-append fs " ~S"))))))

);End of eval-when (eval compile)
;;;If you mung the the ordering af any of the slots in this structure,
;;;be sure to change the version slot and the definition of the function
;;;get-defstruct-description.  Munging the defstruct-slot-description
;;;structure should also cause you to change the version "number" in this manner.
(defstruct (defstruct-description
	     (:type :list)
	     (:default-pointer description)
	     (:conc-name defstruct-description-)
	     (:alterant nil))
  (version 'one)
  (displace 'defstruct-dont-displace)
;     PSL change
  (named-p t)
;  named-p
  (default-pointer nil)
  (but-first nil)
  (property-alist nil)
  ;;end of "expand-time" slots
  (initial-offset 0)
  (eval-when '(eval compile load))
  (conc-name nil)
;    PSL change
  (callable-accessors nil)
;  (callable-accessors #M nil #Q t)
  (size-macro nil)
  (size-symbol nil)

(defun get-defstruct-description (name)
  (let ((description (get name 'defstruct-description)))
    (cond ((null description)
	     "A structure with this name has not been defined" name))
	  ((not (eq (defstruct-description-version) 'one))
	   (defstruct-error "The description of this structure is out of date,
it should be recompiled using the current version of defstruct"
	  (t description))))

;;;See note above defstruct-description structure before munging this one.
(defstruct (defstruct-slot-description
	     (:type :list)
	     (:default-pointer slot-description)
	     (:conc-name defstruct-slot-description-)
	     (:alterant nil))
  (ppss nil)
  (type 'notype)
  (property-alist nil)

;;;Perhaps this structure wants a version slot too?
(defstruct (defstruct-type-description
	     (:type :list)
	     (:default-pointer type-description)
	     (:conc-name defstruct-type-description-)
	     (:alterant nil))
  (cons-keywords nil)
  (named-type nil)
  (overhead 0)
  (defstruct-expander nil)
;; (DEFSTRUCT (<name> . <options>) . <slots>) or (DEFSTRUCT <name> . <slots>)
;; <options> is of the form (<option> <option> (<option> <val>) ...)
;; <slots> is of the form (<slot> (<slot> <initial-value>) ...)
;; Options:
;;   :TYPE defaults to HUNK
;;   :CONSTRUCTOR defaults to "MAKE-<name>"
;;   :DEFAULT-POINTER defaults to empty (if no <val> given defaults to "<name>")
;;   :CONC-NAME defaults to empty (if no <val> given defaults to "<name>-")
;;   :SIZE-SYMBOL defaults to empty (if no <val> given defaults to "<name>-SIZE")
;;   :SIZE-MACRO defaults to empty (if no <val> given defaults to "<name>-SIZE")
;;   :ALTERANT defaults to "ALTER-<name>"
;;   :BUT-FIRST must have a <val> given
;;   :INCLUDE must have a <val> given
;;   :PROPERTY (:property foo bar) gives the structure a foo property of bar.
;;   :INITIAL-OFFSET can cause defstruct to skip over that many slots.
;;   :NAMED takes no value.  Tries to make the structure a named type.
;;   :CALLABLE-ACCESSORS defaults to T on the LispMachine, NIL elsewhere.
;;   <type> any type name can be used without a <val> instead of saying (TYPE <type>)
;;   <other> any symbol with a non-nil :defstruct-option property.  You say
;;     (<other> <val>) and the effect is that of (:property <other> <val>)
;; Properties used:
;;   DEFSTRUCT-TYPE-DESCRIPTION each type has one, it is a type-description.
;;   DEFSTRUCT-NAME each constructor, alterant and size macro has one, it is a name.
;;   DEFSTRUCT-DESCRIPTION each name has one, it is a description (see below).
;;   DEFSTRUCT-SLOT each accesor has one, it is of the form: (<name> . <slot>)
;;   :DEFSTRUCT-OPTION if a symbol FOO has this property then it can be used as an
;;     option giving the structure a FOO property of the value (which must be given).
;     PSL change
;(defprop defstruct "Structure" definition-type-name)

;     PSL change
(defmacro defstruct (options . items)
;(defmacro defstruct (options &body items)
  (let* ((description (defstruct-parse-options options))
	 (type-description (get (defstruct-description-type)
	 (name (defstruct-description-name))
	 (new-slots (defstruct-parse-items items description))
	 (returns nil))
    (push `',name returns)
    (or (null (defstruct-type-description-defstruct-expander))
	(setq returns (append (funcall (defstruct-type-description-defstruct-expander)
;     PSL change
;    #Q (push `(record-source-file-name ',name 'defstruct) returns)
    (defstruct-putprop name description 'defstruct-description)
    (let ((alterant (defstruct-description-alterant))
	  (size-macro (defstruct-description-size-macro))
	  (size-symbol (defstruct-description-size-symbol)))
      (cond (alterant
	     (defstruct-put-macro alterant 'defstruct-expand-alter-macro)
	     (defstruct-putprop alterant name 'defstruct-name)))
      (cond (size-macro
	     (defstruct-put-macro size-macro 'defstruct-expand-size-macro)
	     (defstruct-putprop size-macro name 'defstruct-name)))
      (cond (size-symbol
;	PSL change
	     (push `(defvar ,size-symbol
;	     (push `(#M defvar #Q defconst ,size-symbol
			,(+ (defstruct-description-size)
;     PSL change	old style DO
    (do ((cs (defstruct-description-constructors) (cdr cs))) ((null cs))
;    (do cs (defstruct-description-constructors) (cdr cs) (null cs)
	(defstruct-put-macro (caar cs) 'defstruct-expand-cons-macro)
	(defstruct-putprop (caar cs) name 'defstruct-name))
    `(eval-when ,(defstruct-description-eval-when)
		,.(defstruct-define-ref-macros new-slots description)
		. ,returns)))
(defun defstruct-parse-options (options)
  (let ((name (if (atom options) options (car options)))
	(type nil)
	(constructors (make-empty))
	(alterant (make-empty))
	(included nil)
	(named-p nil)
	(but-first nil)
	(description (make-defstruct-description)))
    (setf (defstruct-description-name) name)
    (do ((op) (val) (vals)
	 (options (if (atom options) nil (cdr options))
		  (cdr options)))
	((null options))
      (if (atom (setq op (car options)))
	  (setq vals nil)
	  (setq op (prog1 (car op) (setq vals (cdr op)))))
      (setq val (if (null vals) (make-empty) (car vals)))
;      PSL change
;  #Q AGAIN 
      (selectq op
	 (if (emptyp val)
	       "The type option to defstruct must have a value given"
	 (setq type val))
	 (setf (defstruct-description-default-pointer)
	       (if (emptyp val) name val)))
	 (if (emptyp val)
	       "The but-first option to defstruct must have a value given"
	 (setq but-first val)
	 (setf (defstruct-description-but-first) val))
	 (setf (defstruct-description-conc-name)
	       (if (emptyp val)
		   (append-symbols name '-)
	 (setf (defstruct-description-callable-accessors)
	       (if (emptyp val) t val)))
	 (setf (defstruct-description-displace)
	       (cond ((or (emptyp val)
			  (eq val 't))
		     ((null val) 'defstruct-dont-displace)
		     (t val))))
	 (cond ((null val)
		(setq constructors nil))
		(and (emptyp val)
		     (setq val (append-symbols 'make- name)))
		(setq val (cons val (cdr vals)))
		(if (emptyp constructors)
		    (setq constructors (list val))
		    (push val constructors)))))
	 (setq alterant val))
	 (setf (defstruct-description-size-macro)
	       (if (emptyp val)
;     PSL change
		   (append-symbols name '\-size)
;		   (append-symbols name '-size)
	 (setf (defstruct-description-size-symbol)
	       (if (emptyp val)
;     PSL change
		   (append-symbols name '\-size)
;		   (append-symbols name '-size)
	 (and (emptyp val)
		"The include option to defstruct requires a value"
	 (setq included val)
	 (setf (defstruct-description-include) vals))
	 (push (cons (car vals) (if (null (cdr vals)) t (cadr vals)))
	 (or (emptyp val)
	       "The named option to defstruct doesn't take a value" name))
	 (setq named-p t))
	 (and (emptyp val)
		"The eval-when option to defstruct requires a value"
	 (setf (defstruct-description-eval-when) val))
	 (and (or (emptyp val)
		  (not (fixp val)))
		"The initial-offset option to defstruct requires a fixnum"
	 (setf (defstruct-description-initial-offset) val))
	 (cond ((get op 'defstruct-type-description)
		(or (emptyp val)
		      "defstruct type used as an option with a value"
		      op 'in name))
		(setq type op))
	       ((get op ':defstruct-option)
		(push (cons op (if (emptyp val) t val))
;     PSL change
;		#Q (multiple-value-bind (new foundp)
;					(intern-soft op si:pkg-user-package)
;		     (or (not foundp)
;			 (eq op new)
;			 (progn (setq op new) (go AGAIN))))
		  "defstruct doesn't understand this option"
		  op 'in name))))))
    (cond ((emptyp constructors)
	   (setq constructors
		 (list (cons (append-symbols 'make- name)
    (setf (defstruct-description-constructors) constructors)
    (cond ((emptyp alterant)
	   (setq alterant
		 (append-symbols 'alter- name))))
    (setf (defstruct-description-alterant) alterant)
    (cond ((not (null type))
	   (let ((type-description
		  (or (get type 'defstruct-type-description)
;     PSL change
;		   #Q (multiple-value-bind
;				(new foundp)
;				(intern-soft type si:pkg-user-package)
;			(and foundp
;			     (not (eq type new))
;			     (progn (setq type new)
;				    (get type 'defstruct-type-description))))
			"Unknown type in defstruct"
			type 'in name))))
	     (if named-p
		 (setq type
		       (or (defstruct-type-description-named-type)
			    "There is no way to make this defstruct type named"
			    type 'in name)))))))
    (cond (included
	   (let ((d (get-defstruct-description included)))
	     (if (null type)
		 (setq type (defstruct-description-type d))
		 (or (eq type (defstruct-description-type d))
		       "defstruct types must agree for include option"
		       included 'included 'by name)))
	     (and named-p
		  (not (eq type (defstruct-type-description-named-type
				  (or (get type 'defstruct-type-description)
					"Unknown type in defstruct"
					type 'in name 'including included)))))
		    "Included defstruct's type isn't a named type"
		    included 'included 'by name))
	     (if (null but-first)
		 (setf (defstruct-description-but-first)
		       (defstruct-description-but-first d))
		 (or (equal but-first (defstruct-description-but-first d))
		       "but-first options must agree for include option"
		       included 'included 'by name)))))
	  ((null type)
	   (setq type
	     (cond (named-p
;     PSL change
;		    #+PDP10 ':named-hunk
;		    #+Multics ':named-list
;		    #+LispM ':named-array)
;		    #+PDP10 ':hunk
;		    #+Multics ':list
;		    #+LispM ':array)))))
    (let ((type-description (or (get type 'defstruct-type-description)
				  "Undefined defstruct type"
				  type 'in name))))
      (setf (defstruct-description-type) type)
      (setf (defstruct-description-named-p)
	    (eq (defstruct-type-description-named-type) type)))
(defun defstruct-parse-items (items description)
  (let ((name (defstruct-description-name))
	(offset (defstruct-description-initial-offset))
	(include (defstruct-description-include))
	(o-slot-alist nil)
	(conc-name (defstruct-description-conc-name)))
    (or (null include)
	(let ((d (get (car include) 'defstruct-description)))
	  (setq offset (+ offset (defstruct-description-size d))) 
	  (setq o-slot-alist
		(subst nil nil (defstruct-description-slot-alist d)))
	  (do ((l (cdr include) (cdr l))
	       (it) (val))
	      ((null l))
	    (cond ((atom (setq it (car l)))
		   (setq val (make-empty)))
		   (setq val (cadr it))
		   (setq it (car it))))
	    (let ((slot-description (cdr (assq it o-slot-alist))))
	      (and (null slot-description)
		     "Unknown slot in included defstruct"
		     it 'in include 'included 'by name))
	      (setf (defstruct-slot-description-init-code) val)))))
;     PSL change	1+ ==> add1
    (do ((i offset (add1 i))
;    (do ((i offset (1+ i))
	 (l items (cdr l))
	 (slot-alist nil)
;     PSL change
;	 #+PDP10 (chars (exploden conc-name)))
	((null l)
	 (setq slot-alist (nreverse slot-alist))
	 (setf (defstruct-description-size) i)
	 (setf (defstruct-description-slot-alist)
	       (nconc o-slot-alist slot-alist))
      (cond ((atom (car l))
	     (push (defstruct-parse-one-field
;     PSL change
		     (car l) i nil nil conc-name)
;		     (car l) i nil nil conc-name #+PDP10 chars)
	    ((atom (caar l))
	     (push (defstruct-parse-one-field
;     PSL change
		     (caar l) i nil (cdar l) conc-name)
;		     (caar l) i nil (cdar l) conc-name #+PDP10 chars)
;     PSL change	old style DO
	     (do ((ll (car l) (cdr ll))) ((null ll))
;	     (do ll (car l) (cdr ll) (null ll)
		 (push (defstruct-parse-one-field
			 (caar ll) i (cadar ll)
;     PSL change
			 (cddar ll) conc-name)
;			 (cddar ll) conc-name #+PDP10 chars)

;     PSL change
(defun defstruct-parse-one-field (it number ppss rest conc-name)
;(defun defstruct-parse-one-field (it number ppss rest conc-name #+PDP10 chars)
;     PSL change
  (let ((mname (if conc-name (intern (string-concat conc-name it))
;  (let ((mname (if conc-name #+PDP10 (implode (append chars (exploden it)))
;			     #+Multics (make_atom (catenate conc-name it))
;			     #+LispM (intern (string-append conc-name it))
;     PSL change	bootstrap apparently doesn't work
    (cons it
	  (let ((kludge (make-defstruct-slot-description)))
	       (setf (defstruct-slot-description-number kludge) number)
	       (setf (defstruct-slot-description-ppss kludge) ppss)
	       (setf (defstruct-slot-description-init-code kludge)
		     (if (null rest) (make-empty) (car rest)))
	       (setf (defstruct-slot-description-ref-macro-name kludge)
;    (cons it (make-defstruct-slot-description
;	       number number
;	       ppss ppss
;	       init-code (if (null rest) (make-empty) (car rest))
;	       ref-macro-name mname))))
(defun defstruct-define-ref-macros (new-slots description)
  (let ((name (defstruct-description-name))
	(returns nil))
    (if (not (defstruct-description-callable-accessors))
	(do ((l new-slots (cdr l))
;     PSL change
;	     #Q (parent `(,name defstruct))
	    ((null l))
	  (setq mname (defstruct-slot-description-ref-macro-name (cdar l)))
	  (defstruct-put-macro mname 'defstruct-expand-ref-macro)
	  (defstruct-putprop mname (cons name (caar l)) 'defstruct-slot))
	(let ((type-description
		(get (defstruct-description-type)
	  (let ((code (defstruct-type-description-ref-expander))
		(n (defstruct-type-description-ref-no-args))
		(but-first (defstruct-description-but-first))
		(default-pointer (defstruct-description-default-pointer)))
	    (do ((args nil (cons (gensym) args))
;     PSL change	1- ==> sub1
		 (i n (sub1 i)))
;		 (i n (1- i)))
		((< i 2)
		 ;;Last arg (if it exists) is name of structure,
		 ;; for documentation purposes.
		 (and (= i 1)
		      (setq args (cons name args)))
		 (let ((body (cons (if but-first
				       `(,but-first ,(car args))
				       (car args))
				   (cdr args))))
		   (and default-pointer
			(setq args `((,(car args) ,default-pointer)
				     &optional . ,(cdr args))))
		   (setq args (reverse args))
		   (setq body (reverse body))
		   (do ((l new-slots (cdr l))
		       ((null l))
		     (setq mname (defstruct-slot-description-ref-macro-name
				   (cdar l)))
;     PSL change
;		     #M ;;This must come BEFORE the defun. THINK!
		     (defstruct-put-macro mname 'defstruct-expand-ref-macro)
		     (let ((ref (lexpr-funcall
				  (defstruct-slot-description-number (cdar l))
			   (ppss (defstruct-slot-description-ppss (cdar l))))
;     PSL change
		       (push `(defun ,mname ,args
;		       (push `(#M defun #Q defsubst-with-parent ,mname #Q ,parent ,args
				,(if (null ppss) ref `(ldb ,ppss ,ref)))
		     (defstruct-putprop mname
					(cons name (caar l))

;     PSL change
;(defprop defstruct-expand-cons-macro
;	 defstruct-function-parent
;	 macroexpander-function-parent)
;(defprop defstruct-expand-size-macro
;	 defstruct-function-parent
;	 macroexpander-function-parent)
;(defprop defstruct-expand-alter-macro
;	 defstruct-function-parent
;	 macroexpander-function-parent)
;(defprop defstruct-expand-ref-macro 
;	 defstruct-function-parent
;	 macroexpander-function-parent)
;(defun defstruct-function-parent (sym)
;  (values (or (get sym 'defstruct-name)
;	      (car (get sym 'defstruct-slot)))
;	  'defstruct))
(defun defstruct-expand-size-macro (x)
  (let ((description (get-defstruct-description (get (car x) 'defstruct-name))))
    (let ((type-description (or (get (defstruct-description-type)
				  "Unknown defstruct type"
      (funcall (defstruct-description-displace)
	       (+ (defstruct-description-size)

(defvar defstruct-ref-macro-name)

(defun defstruct-expand-ref-macro (x)
  (let* ((defstruct-ref-macro-name (car x))
	 (pair (get (car x) 'defstruct-slot))
	 (description (get-defstruct-description (car pair)))
	 (type-description (or (get (defstruct-description-type)
				 "Unknown defstruct type"
	 (code (defstruct-type-description-ref-expander))
	 (n (defstruct-type-description-ref-no-args))
	 (args (reverse (cdr x)))
	 (nargs (length args))
	 (default (defstruct-description-default-pointer))
	 (but-first (defstruct-description-but-first)))
    (cond ((= n nargs)
	   (and but-first
		(rplaca args `(,but-first ,(car args)))))
;     PSL change	1+ ==> add1
	  ((and (= n (add1 nargs)) default)
;	  ((and (= n (1+ nargs)) default)
	   (setq args (cons (if but-first
				`(,but-first ,default)
	     "Wrong number of args to an accessor macro" x)))
    (let* ((slot-description 
	     (cdr (or (assq (cdr pair)
			"This slot no longer exists in this structure"
			(cdr pair) 'in (car pair)))))
	    (ref (lexpr-funcall
		   (nreverse args)))
	    (ppss (defstruct-slot-description-ppss)))
      (funcall (defstruct-description-displace)
	       (if (null ppss)
		   `(ldb ,ppss ,ref))))))
(defun defstruct-parse-setq-style-slots (l slots others x)
  (do ((l l (cddr l))
       (kludge (cons nil nil)))
      ((null l) kludge)
    (or (and (cdr l)
	     (symbolp (car l)))
	  "Bad argument list to constructor or alterant macro" x))
    (defstruct-make-init-dsc kludge (car l) (cadr l) slots others x)))

(defun defstruct-make-init-dsc (kludge name code slots others x)
  (let ((p (assq name slots)))
    (if (null p)
	(if (memq name others)
	    (push (cons name code) (cdr kludge))
	      "Unknown slot to constructor or alterant macro" name 'in x))
	(let* ((slot-description (cdr p))
	       (number (defstruct-slot-description-number))
	       (ppss (defstruct-slot-description-ppss))
	       (dsc (assoc number (car kludge))))
	  (cond ((null dsc)
		 (setq dsc (list* number nil (make-empty) 0 0 nil))
		 (push dsc (car kludge))))
	  (cond ((null ppss)
		 (setf (car (cddr dsc)) code)
		 (setf (cadr dsc) t))
		(t (cond ((and (numberp ppss) (numberp code))
			  (setf (ldb ppss (cadr (cddr dsc))) -1)
			  (setf (ldb ppss (caddr (cddr dsc))) code))
			  (push (cons ppss code) (cdddr (cddr dsc)))))
		   (or (eq t (cadr dsc))
		       (push name (cadr dsc)))))))))

(defun defstruct-code-from-dsc (dsc)
  (let ((code (car (cddr dsc)))
	(mask (cadr (cddr dsc)))
	(bits (caddr (cddr dsc))))
    (if (emptyp code)
	(setq code bits)
	(or (zerop mask)
	    (setq code (if (numberp code)
			   (boole 7 bits (boole 2 mask code))
			   (if (zerop (logand mask
;   PSL change (next 2 lines)  1+ => add1, 1- => sub1
;					      (1+ (logior mask (1- mask)))))
;			       (let ((ss (haulong (boole 2 mask (1- mask)))))
					      (add1 (logior mask(sub1 mask)))))
			       (let ((ss (haulong (boole 2 mask (sub1 mask)))))
				 `(dpb ,(lsh bits (- ss))
				       ,(logior (lsh ss 6)
;     PSL change
						(logand 8#77
;						(logand #o77
							(- (haulong mask) ss)))
			       `(boole 7 ,bits (boole 2 ,mask ,code)))))))
;     PSL change	old style DO
    (do ((l (cdddr (cddr dsc)) (cdr l))) ((null l))
;    (do l (cdddr (cddr dsc)) (cdr l) (null l)
	(setq code `(dpb ,(cdar l) ,(caar l) ,code)))
(defun defstruct-expand-cons-macro (x)
  (let* ((description (get-defstruct-description (get (car x) 'defstruct-name)))
	 (type-description (or (get (defstruct-description-type)
				 "Unknown defstruct type"
	 (slot-alist (defstruct-description-slot-alist))
	 (cons-keywords (defstruct-type-description-cons-keywords))
	 inits kludge
	   (cdr (or (assq (car x) (defstruct-description-constructors))
		      "This constructor is no longer defined for this structure"
		      (car x) 'in (defstruct-description-name)))))
	 (aux nil)
	 (aux-init nil))
     (if (null constructor-description)
	 (setq kludge (defstruct-parse-setq-style-slots (cdr x)
	 (prog (args l)
	       (setq kludge (cons nil nil))
	       (setq args (cdr x))
	       (setq l (car constructor-description))
	     R (cond ((null l)
		      (if (null args)
			  (return nil)
			  (go barf-tma)))
		     ((atom l) (go barf))
		     ((eq (car l) '&optional) (go O))
		     ((eq (car l) '&rest) (go S))
		     ((eq (car l) '&aux) (go A))
		     ((null args) (go barf-tfa)))
	       (defstruct-make-init-dsc kludge
					(pop l)
					(pop args)
	       (go R)
	     O (and (null args) (go OD))
	       (pop l)
	       (cond ((null l) (go barf-tma))
		     ((atom l) (go barf))
		     ((eq (car l) '&optional) (go barf))
		     ((eq (car l) '&rest) (go S))
		     ((eq (car l) '&aux) (go barf-tma)))
	       (defstruct-make-init-dsc kludge
					(if (atom (car l)) (car l) (caar l))
					(pop args)
	       (go O)
	    OD (pop l)
	       (cond ((null l) (return nil))
		     ((atom l) (go barf))
		     ((eq (car l) '&optional) (go barf))
		     ((eq (car l) '&rest) (go S))
		     ((eq (car l) '&aux) (go A)))
	       (or (atom (car l))
		   (defstruct-make-init-dsc kludge
					    (caar l)
					    (cadar l)
	       (go OD)
	     S (and (atom (cdr l)) (go barf))
	       (defstruct-make-init-dsc kludge
					(cadr l)
					`(list . ,args)
	       (setq l (cddr l))
	       (and (null l) (return nil))
	       (and (atom l) (go barf))
	       (or (eq (car l) '&aux) (go barf))
	     A (pop l)
	       (cond ((null l) (return nil))
		     ((atom l) (go barf))
		     ((atom (car l))
		      (push (car l) aux)
		      (push (make-empty) aux-init))
		      (push (caar l) aux)
		      (push (cadar l) aux-init)))
	       (go A)
	  barf (defstruct-error
		 "Bad format for defstruct constructor arglist"
		 `(,(car x) . ,(car constructor-description)))
      barf-tfa (defstruct-error "Too few arguments to constructor macro" x)
      barf-tma (defstruct-error "Too many arguments to constructor macro" x)))
;     PSL change	old style DO
     (do ((l slot-alist (cdr l))) ((null l))
;     (do l slot-alist (cdr l) (null l)
	 (let* ((name (caar l))
		(slot-description (cdar l))
		(code (do ((aux aux (cdr aux))
			   (aux-init aux-init (cdr aux-init)))
			  ((null aux) (defstruct-slot-description-init-code))
			(and (eq name (car aux)) (return (car aux-init)))))
		(ppss (defstruct-slot-description-ppss)))
	   (or (and (emptyp code) (null ppss))
	       (let* ((number (defstruct-slot-description-number))
		      (dsc (assoc number (car kludge))))
		 (cond ((null dsc)
			(setq dsc (list number nil (make-empty) 0 0))
			(setq dsc (list* number nil (make-empty) 0 0 nil))
			(push dsc (car kludge))))
		 (cond ((emptyp code))
		       ((eq t (cadr dsc)))
		       ((null ppss)
			(and (emptyp (car (cddr dsc)))
			     (setf (car (cddr dsc)) code)))
		       ((memq name (cadr dsc)))
		       ((and (numberp ppss) (numberp code))
			(setf (ldb ppss (cadr (cddr dsc))) -1)
			(setf (ldb ppss (caddr (cddr dsc))) code))
			(push (cons ppss code) (cdddr (cddr dsc)))))))))
     (selectq (defstruct-type-description-cons-flavor)
	       (do ((l nil (cons nil l))
;     PSL change	1- ==> sub1
		    (i (defstruct-description-size) (sub1 i)))
;		    (i (defstruct-description-size) (1- i)))
		   ((= i 0) (setq inits l)))
;     PSL change	old style DO
	       (do ((l (car kludge) (cdr l))) ((null l))
;	       (do l (car kludge) (cdr l) (null l)
;     PSL change	incompatible NTH
		   (setf (nth inits (add1 (caar l)))
;		   (setf (nth (caar l) inits)
			 (defstruct-code-from-dsc (car l)))))
	       (setq inits (car kludge))
;     PSL change	old style DO
	       (do ((l inits (cdr l))) ((null l))
;	       (do l inits (cdr l) (null l)
		   (rplacd (car l) (defstruct-code-from-dsc (car l)))))
		 "Unknown constructor kind in this defstruct type"
     (funcall (defstruct-description-displace)
	      x (funcall (defstruct-type-description-cons-expander)
			 inits description (cdr kludge)))))
(defun defstruct-expand-alter-macro (x)
  (let* ((description (get-defstruct-description (get (car x) 'defstruct-name)))
	 (type-description (or (get (defstruct-description-type)
				 "Unknown defstruct type"
	 (ref-code (defstruct-type-description-ref-expander)))
    (or (= 1 (defstruct-type-description-ref-no-args))
	  "Alterant macros cannot handle this defstruct type"
    (do ((l (car (defstruct-parse-setq-style-slots 
		   (cddr x)
	    (cdr l))
	 (but-first (defstruct-description-but-first))
	 (body nil)
	 (var (gensym))
	 (vars nil)
	 (vals nil))
	((null l)
	 (funcall (defstruct-description-displace)
		  `((lambda (,var) 
		      . ,(if (null vars)
			     `(((lambda ,vars . ,body) . ,vals))))
		    ,(if but-first
			 `(,but-first ,(cadr x))
			 (cadr x)))))
      (let ((ref (funcall ref-code (caar l) description var)))
	(and (emptyp (car (cddr (car l))))
	     (setf (car (cddr (car l))) ref))
	(let ((code (defstruct-code-from-dsc (car l))))
	  (if (null (cdr l))
	      (push `(setf ,ref ,code) body)
	      (let ((sym (gensym)))
		(push `(setf ,ref ,sym) body)
		(push sym vars)
		(push code vals))))))))
(defmacro defstruct-define-type (type . options)
  (do ((options options (cdr options))
       (op) (args)
       (type-description (make-defstruct-type-description))
       (cons-expander nil)
       (ref-expander nil)
       (defstruct-expander nil))
      ((null options)
       (or cons-expander
	   (defstruct-error "No cons option in defstruct-define-type" type))
       (or ref-expander
	   (defstruct-error "No ref option in defstruct-define-type" type))
       `(progn 'compile
	       ,@(and defstruct-expander (list defstruct-expander))
	       (defprop ,type ,type-description defstruct-type-description)))
    (cond ((atom (setq op (car options)))
	   (setq args nil))
	   (setq args (cdr op))
	   (setq op (car op))))
;     PSL change
    (selectq op
        (or (> (length args) 2)
	      "Bad cons option in defstruct-define-type"
	      (car options) 'in type))
	(let ((n (length (car args)))
;     PSL change
	      (name (append-symbols type '\-defstruct-cons)))
;	      (name (append-symbols type '-defstruct-cons)))
	  (or (= n 3)
		"Bad cons option in defstruct-define-type"
		(car options) 'in type))
	  (setf (defstruct-type-description-cons-flavor)
		#-LispM (cadr args)
;     PSL change
;		#+LispM (intern (string (cadr args)) si:pkg-user-package))
	  (setf (defstruct-type-description-cons-expander) name)
	  (setq cons-expander `(defun ,name ,(car args)
				 . ,(cddr args)))))
        (or (> (length args) 1)
	      "Bad ref option in defstruct-define-type"
	      (car options) 'in type))
	(let ((n (length (car args)))
;     PSL change
	      (name (append-symbols type '\-defstruct-ref)))
;	      (name (append-symbols type '-defstruct-ref)))
	  (or (> n 2)
		"Bad ref option in defstruct-define-type"
		(car options) 'in type))
	  (setf (defstruct-type-description-ref-no-args) (- n 2))
	  (setf (defstruct-type-description-ref-expander) name)
	  (setq ref-expander `(defun ,name ,(car args)
				. ,(cdr args)))))
        (setf (defstruct-type-description-overhead)
	      (if (null args)
		    "Bad option to defstruct-define-type"
		    (car options) 'in type)
		  (car args))))
        (setf (defstruct-type-description-named-type)
	      (if (null args)
		  (car args))))
        (setf (defstruct-type-description-cons-keywords) args))
        (or (> (length args) 1)
	      "Bad defstruct option in defstruct-define-type"
	      (car options) 'in type))
;     PSL change
	(let ((name (append-symbols type '\-defstruct-expand)))
;	(let ((name (append-symbols type '-defstruct-expand)))
	  (setf (defstruct-type-description-defstruct-expander) name)
	  (setq defstruct-expander `(defun ,name . ,args))))
;     PSL change
;       #Q (multiple-value-bind (new foundp)
;	      (intern-soft op si:pkg-user-package)
;	    (or (not foundp)
;		(eq op new)
;		(progn (setq op new) (go AGAIN))))
	 "Unknown option to defstruct-define-type"
	 (car options) 'in type)))))
;     PSL change
;(defprop :make-array t :defstruct-option)
;(defstruct-define-type :array
;  #Q (:named :named-array)
;  #Q (:keywords :make-array)
;  (:cons
;    (arg description etc) :alist
;    #M etc		;ignored in MacLisp
;    #Q (lispm-array-for-defstruct arg #'(lambda (v a i) `(aset ,v ,a ,i))
;				  description etc nil nil nil 1)
;    #M (maclisp-array-for-defstruct arg description 't))
;  (:ref
;    (n description arg)
;    description		;ignored
;    #M `(arraycall t ,arg ,n)
;    #Q `(aref ,arg ,n)))
;(defstruct-define-type :named-array
;  (:keywords :make-array)
;  :named (:overhead 1)
;  (:cons
;    (arg description etc) :alist
;    (lispm-array-for-defstruct arg #'(lambda (v a i) `(aset ,v ,a ,(1+ i)))
;			       description etc nil t nil 1))
;  (:ref (n description arg)
;	description	;ignored
;	`(aref ,arg ,(1+ n))))
;(defstruct-define-type :fixnum-array
;  #Q (:keywords :make-array)
;  (:cons
;    (arg description etc) :alist
;    #M etc		;ignored in MacLisp
;    #Q (lispm-array-for-defstruct arg #'(lambda (v a i) `(aset ,v ,a ,i))
;				  description etc 'art-32b nil nil 1)
;    #M (maclisp-array-for-defstruct arg description 'fixnum))
;  (:ref
;    (n description arg)
;    description		;ignored
;    #M `(arraycall fixnum ,arg ,n)
;    #Q `(aref ,arg ,n)))
;(defstruct-define-type :flonum-array
;  #Q (:keywords :make-array)
;  (:cons
;    (arg description etc) :alist
;    #M etc		;ignored in MacLisp
;    #Q (lispm-array-for-defstruct arg #'(lambda (v a i) `(aset ,v ,a ,i))
;				  description etc 'art-float nil nil 1)
;    #M (maclisp-array-for-defstruct arg description 'flonum))
;  (:ref
;    (n description arg)
;    description		;ignored
;    #M `(arraycall flonum ,arg ,n)
;    #Q `(aref ,arg ,n)))
;(defstruct-define-type :un-gc-array
;  (:cons
;    (arg description etc) :alist
;    etc			;ignored
;    (maclisp-array-for-defstruct arg description 'nil))
;  (:ref
;    (n description arg)
;    description		;ignored
;    `(arraycall nil ,arg ,n)))
;(defstruct-define-type :array-leader
;  (:named :named-array-leader)
;  (:keywords :make-array)
;  (:cons
;    (arg description etc) :alist
;    (lispm-array-for-defstruct arg #'(lambda (v a i)
;				       `(store-array-leader ,v ,a ,i))
;			       description etc nil nil t 1))
;  (:ref
;    (n description arg)
;    description		;ignored
;    `(array-leader ,arg ,n)))
;(defstruct-define-type :named-array-leader
;  (:keywords :make-array)
;  :named (:overhead 1)
;  (:cons
;    (arg description etc) :alist
;    (lispm-array-for-defstruct
;      arg
;      #'(lambda (v a i)
;	  `(store-array-leader ,v ,a ,(if (zerop i)
;					  0
;					  (1+ i))))
;      description etc nil t t 1))
;  (:ref
;    (n description arg)
;    description		;ignored
;    (if (zerop n)
;	`(array-leader ,arg 0)
;	`(array-leader ,arg ,(1+ n)))))
;(defprop :times t :defstruct-option)
;(defstruct-define-type :grouped-array
;  (:keywords :make-array :times)
;  (:cons
;    (arg description etc) :alist
;    (lispm-array-for-defstruct
;      arg
;      #'(lambda (v a i) `(aset ,v ,a ,i))
;      description etc nil nil nil
;      (or (cdr (or (assq ':times etc)
;		   (assq ':times (defstruct-description-property-alist))))
;	  1)))
;  (:ref
;    (n description index arg)
;    description		;ignored
;    (cond ((numberp index)
;	   `(aref ,arg ,(+ n index)))
;	  ((zerop n)
;	   `(aref ,arg ,index))
;	  (t `(aref ,arg (+ ,n ,index))))))
;(defun lispm-array-for-defstruct (arg cons-init description etc type named-p leader-p times)
;  (let ((p (cons nil nil))
;	(no-op 'nil))
;    (defstruct-grok-make-array-args
;      (cdr (assq ':make-array (defstruct-description-property-alist)))
;      p)
;    (defstruct-grok-make-array-args
;      (cdr (assq ':make-array etc))
;      p)
;    (and type (putprop p type ':type))
;    (and named-p (putprop p `',(defstruct-description-name) ':named-structure-symbol))
;    (putprop p
;	     (let ((size (if named-p
;			     (1+ (defstruct-description-size))
;			     (defstruct-description-size))))
;	       (if (numberp times)
;		   (* size times)
;		   `(* ,size ,times)))	     
;	     (if leader-p ':leader-length ':dimensions))
;    (or leader-p
;	(let ((type (get p ':type)))
;	  (or (atom type)
;	      (not (eq (car type) 'quote))
;	      (setq type (cadr type)))
;	  (caseq type
;	    ((nil art-q art-q-list))
;	    ((art-32b art-16b art-8b art-4b art-2b art-1b art-string) (setq no-op '0))
;	    ((art-float) (setq no-op '0.0))
;	    (t (setq no-op (make-empty))))))
;    (do ((creator
;	   (let ((dims (remprop p ':dimensions)))
;	     (do l (cdr p) (cddr l) (null l)
;		 (rplaca l `',(car l)))
;	     `(make-array ,(if (null dims) 0 (car dims)) ,@(cdr p))))
;	 (var (gensym))
;	 (set-ups nil (if (equal (cdar l) no-op)
;			  set-ups
;			  (cons (funcall cons-init (cdar l) var (caar l))
;				set-ups)))
;	 (l arg (cdr l)))
;	((null l)
;	 (if set-ups
;	     `((lambda (,var)
;		 ,@(nreverse set-ups)
;		 ,var)
;	       ,creator)
;	     creator)))))
;(defun defstruct-grok-make-array-args (args p)
;  (let ((nargs (length args)))
;    (if (and (not (> nargs 7))
;	     (or (oddp nargs)
;		 (do ((l args (cddr l)))
;		     ((null l) nil)
;		   (or (memq (car l) '(:area :type :displaced-to :leader-list
;				       :leader-length :displaced-index-offset
;				       :named-structure-symbol :dimensions
;				       :length))
;		       (return t)))))
;	(do ((l args (cdr l))
;	     (keylist '(:area :type :dimensions :displaced-to :old-leader-length-or-list
;			:displaced-index-offset :named-structure-symbol)
;		      (cdr keylist)))
;	    ((null l)
;	     (and (boundp 'compiler:compiler-warnings-context)
;		  (boundp 'compiler:last-error-function)
;		  (not (null compiler:compiler-warnings-context))
;		  (compiler:barf args '|-- old style :MAKE-ARRAY constructor keyword argument|
;				 'compiler:warn))
;	     p)
;	  (putprop p (car l) (car keylist)))
;	(do ((l args (cddr l)))
;	    ((null l) p)
;	  (if (or (null (cdr l))
;		  (not (memq (car l) '(:area :type :displaced-to :leader-list
;				       :leader-length :displaced-index-offset
;				       :named-structure-symbol :dimensions
;				       :length))))
;	      (defstruct-error
;		"defstruct can't grok these make-array arguments"
;		args))
;	  (putprop p
;		   (cadr l)
;		   (if (eq (car l) ':length)
;		       ':dimensions
;		       (car l)))))))
;(defun maclisp-array-for-defstruct (arg description type)
;  (do ((creator `(array nil ,type ,(defstruct-description-size)))
;       (var (gensym))
;       (no-op (caseq type
;		(fixnum 0)
;		(flonum 0.0)
;		((t nil) nil)))
;       (set-ups nil (if (equal (cdar l) no-op)
;			set-ups
;			(cons `(store (arraycall ,type ,var ,(caar l))
;				      ,(cdar l))
;			      set-ups)))
;       (l arg (cdr l)))
;      ((null l)
;       (if set-ups
;	   `((lambda (,var)
;	       ,@(nreverse set-ups)
;	       ,var)
;	     ,creator)
;	   creator))))
;(defprop :sfa-function t :defstruct-option)
;(defprop :sfa-name t :defstruct-option)
;(defstruct-define-type :sfa
;  (:keywords :sfa-function :sfa-name)
;  (:cons
;    (arg description etc) :alist
;    (do ((creator `(sfa-create ,(or (cdr (or (assq ':sfa-function etc)
;					     (assq ':sfa-function (defstruct-description-property-alist))))
;				     `',(defstruct-description-name))
;			       ,(defstruct-description-size)
;			       ,(or (cdr (or (assq ':sfa-name etc)
;					     (assq ':sfa-name (defstruct-description-property-alist))))
;				    `',(defstruct-description-name))))
;	 (l arg (cdr l))
;	 (var (gensym))
;	 (set-ups nil (if (null (cdar l))
;			  set-ups
;			  (cons `(sfa-store ,var ,(caar l)
;					    ,(cdar l))
;				set-ups))))
;	((null l)
;	 (if set-ups
;	     `((lambda (,var)
;		 ,@(nreverse set-ups)
;		 ,var)
;	       ,creator)
;	     creator))))
;  (:ref
;    (n description arg)
;    description		;ignored
;    `(sfa-get ,arg ,n)))
;(defstruct-define-type :hunk
;  (:named :named-hunk)
;  (:cons
;    (arg description etc) :list
;    description		;ignored
;    etc			;ignored
;    (if arg
;	`(hunk . ,(nconc (cdr arg) (ncons (car arg))))
;	(defstruct-error "No slots in hunk type defstruct")))
;  (:ref
;    (n description arg)
;    description		;ignored
;    `(cxr ,n ,arg)))
;(defstruct-define-type :named-hunk
;  :named (:overhead 1)
;  (:cons
;    (arg description etc) :list
;    etc			;ignored
;    (if arg
;	`(hunk ',(defstruct-description-name)
;	       . ,(nconc (cdr arg) (ncons (car arg))))
;	`(hunk ',(defstruct-description-name) nil)))
;  (:ref
;    (n description arg)
;    description		;ignored
;    (cond ((= n 0) `(cxr 0 ,arg))
;	  (t `(cxr ,(1+ n) ,arg)))))

;     PSL change
;#+(or PDP10 NIL)
(defstruct-define-type :vector
  (:named :named-vector)
    (arg description etc) :list
    description		;ignored
    etc			;ignored
    `(vector ,@arg))
    (n description arg)
    description		;ignored
    `(vref ,arg ,n)))

;added for PSL

(defstruct-define-type :named-vector
  (:keywords :make-vector)
  :named (:overhead 1)
    (arg description etc) :list
    description		;ignored
    etc			;ignored
    `(vector ',(defstruct-description-name) ,@arg))
    (n description arg)
    description		;ignored
    `(vref ,arg ,(add1 n))))

;#+(or PDP10 NIL)
;;;;Do this (much) better someday:
;(defstruct-define-type :extend
;  :named
;  (:defstruct (description)
;    (and (defstruct-description-include)
;	 (error "--structure of type extend cannot include another."
;		(defstruct-description-name)))
;    (let* ((name (defstruct-description-name))
;	   (ica-name (append-symbols 'internal-cons-a- name))
;	   (v-slots nil))
;      (do ((i (defstruct-description-size) (1- i)))
;	  ((zerop i))
;	(push (do ((l (defstruct-description-slot-alist) (cdr l))
;		   (n (1- i)))
;;		  ((null l) (let ((base 10.)
;				  (*nopoint t))
;			      (implode (cons #/# (exploden n)))))
;		(let ((slot-description (cdar l)))
;		  (and (= (defstruct-slot-description-number) n)
;		       (null (defstruct-slot-description-ppss))
;		       (return (caar l)))))
;	      v-slots))
;      (push (cons 'extend-internal-conser ica-name)
;	    (defstruct-description-property-alist)) 
;      `((defvst (,name (no-selector-macros) (constructor ,ica-name))
;	  ,@v-slots))))
;  (:cons (arg description etc) alist
;    etc ;ignored
;    (do ((alist arg (cdr alist))
;	 (var (gensym))
;	 (name (defstruct-description-name))
;	 (conser `(,(cdr (assq 'extend-internal-conser
;			       (defstruct-description-property-alist)))))
;	 (inits nil (if (null (cdar alist))
;			inits
;			(cons `(setf (|defvst-reference-by-name/||
;				       ,name ,(caar alist) ,conser ,var)
;				     ,(cdar alist))
;			      inits))))
;	((null alist)
;	 (if (null inits)
;	     conser
;	     `((lambda (,var)
;		 ,.inits
;		 ,var)
;	       ,conser)))))
;  (:ref (n description arg)
;    `(|defvst-reference-by-name/||
;       ,(defstruct-description-name) ,n ,defstruct-ref-macro-name ,arg)))
(defstruct-define-type :list
  (:named :named-list)
    (arg description etc) :list
    description		;ignored
    etc			;ignored
    `(list . ,arg))
    (n description arg)
    description		;ignored
    #+Multics `(,(let ((i (\ n 4)))
		   (cond ((= i 0) 'car)
			 ((= i 1) 'cadr)
			 ((= i 2) 'caddr)
			 (t 'cadddr)))
		,(do ((a arg `(cddddr ,a))
		      (i (// n 4) (1- i)))
		     ((= i 0) a)))
;     PSL change     incompatible NTH
    #-Multics `(nth ,arg ,(add1 n))))
;    #-Multics `(nth ,n ,arg)))

(defstruct-define-type :named-list
  :named (:overhead 1)
    (arg description etc) :list
    etc			;ignored
    `(list ',(defstruct-description-name) . ,arg))
    (n description arg)
    description		;ignored
;    #+Multics `(,(let ((i (\ (1+ n) 4)))
;		   (cond ((= i 0) 'car)
;			 ((= i 1) 'cadr)
;			 ((= i 2) 'caddr)
;			 (t 'cadddr)))
;		,(do ((a arg `(cddddr ,a))
;		      (i (// (1+ n) 4) (1- i)))
;		     ((= i 0) a)))
;     PSL change	incompatible NTH
     #-Multics `(nth ,arg ,(+ n 2))))
;    #-Multics `(nth ,(1+ n) ,arg)))
(defstruct-define-type :list*
    (arg description etc) :list
    description		;ignored
    etc			;ignored
    `(list* . ,arg))
    (n description arg)
;     PSL change	1- ==> sub1
    (let ((size (sub1 (defstruct-description-size))))
;    (let ((size (1- (defstruct-description-size))))
      #+Multics (do ((a arg `(cddddr ,a))
		     (i (// n 4) (1- i)))
		    ((= i 0)
		     (let* ((i (\ n 4))
			    (a (cond ((= i 0) a)
				     ((= i 1) `(cdr ,a))
				     ((= i 2) `(cddr ,a))
				     (t `(cdddr ,a)))))
		       (if (< n size) `(car ,a) a))))
      #-Multics (if (< n size)
;     PSL change	incompatible NTH
		    `(nth ,arg ,(add1 n))
		    `(pnth ,arg ,(add1 n)))))
;		    `(nth ,n ,arg)
;		    `(nthcdr ,n ,arg))))
  (:defstruct (description)
    (and (defstruct-description-include)
	   "Structure of type list* cannot include another"

(defstruct-define-type :tree
    (arg description etc) :list
    etc			;ignored
    (if (null arg) (defstruct-error
		     "defstruct cannot make an empty tree"
    (make-tree-for-defstruct arg (defstruct-description-size)))
    (n description arg)
    (do ((size (defstruct-description-size))
	 (a arg)
      (cond ((= size 1) (return a))
;     PSL change	// ==> /
	    ((< n (setq tem (/ size 2)))
;	    ((< n (setq tem (// size 2)))
	     (setq a `(car ,a))
	     (setq size tem))
	    (t (setq a `(cdr ,a))
	       (setq size (- size tem))
	       (setq n (- n tem))))))
  (:defstruct (description)
    (and (defstruct-description-include)
	   "Structure of type tree cannot include another"

(defun make-tree-for-defstruct (arg size)
       (cond ((= size 1) (car arg))
	     ((= size 2) `(cons ,(car arg) ,(cadr arg)))
	     (t (do ((a (cdr arg) (cdr a))
;     PSL change	// ==> /, 1- ==> sub1
		     (m (/ size 2))
		     (n (sub1 (/ size 2)) (sub1 n)))
;		     (m (// size 2))
;		     (n (1- (// size 2)) (1- n)))
		    ((zerop n)
		     `(cons ,(make-tree-for-defstruct arg m)
			    ,(make-tree-for-defstruct a (- size m))))))))

;(defstruct-define-type :fixnum
;  (:cons
;    (arg description etc) :list
;    etc			;ignored
;    (and (or (null arg)
;	     (not (null (cdr arg))))
;	 (defstruct-error
;	   "Structure of type fixnum must have exactly 1 slot to be constructable"
;	   (defstruct-description-name)))
;    (car arg))
;  (:ref
;    (n description arg)
;    n			;ignored
;    description		;ignored
;    arg))
(defprop :external-ptr t :defstruct-option)

(defstruct-define-type :external
  (:keywords :external-ptr)
  (:cons (arg description etc) :alist
	 (let ((ptr (cdr (or (assq ':external-ptr etc)
			     (assq ':external-ptr
			       "No pointer given for external array"
	   (do ((creator `(array nil external ,ptr ,(defstruct-description-size)))
	        (var (gensym))
	        (alist arg (cdr alist))
	        (inits nil (cons `(store (arraycall fixnum ,var ,(caar alist))
					 ,(cdar alist))
	       ((null alist)
	        (if (null inits)
		    `((lambda (,var) ,.inits ,var)
  (:ref (n description arg)
	description	;ignored
	`(arraycall fixnum ,arg ,n)))
;(defvar *defstruct-examine&deposit-arg*)
;(defun defstruct-examine (*defstruct-examine&deposit-arg*
;			  name slot-name)
;  (eval (list (defstruct-slot-description-ref-macro-name
;		(defstruct-examine&deposit-find-slot-description
;		  name slot-name))
;	      '*defstruct-examine&deposit-arg*)))
;(defvar *defstruct-examine&deposit-val*)
;(defun defstruct-deposit (*defstruct-examine&deposit-val*
;			  *defstruct-examine&deposit-arg*
;			  name slot-name)
;  (eval (list 'setf
;	      (list (defstruct-slot-description-ref-macro-name
;		     (defstruct-examine&deposit-find-slot-description
;		       name slot-name))
;		    '*defstruct-examine&deposit-arg*)
;	      '*defstruct-examine&deposit-val*)))

;(defun defstruct-get-locative (*defstruct-examine&deposit-arg*
;			       name slot-name)
;  (let ((slot-description (defstruct-examine&deposit-find-slot-description
;			    name slot-name)))
;    (or (null (defstruct-slot-description-ppss))
;	(defstruct-error
;	  "You cannot get a locative to a byte field"
;	  slot-name 'in name))
;    (eval (list 'locf
;		(list (defstruct-slot-description-ref-macro-name)
;		      '*defstruct-examine&deposit-arg*)))))
;(defun defstruct-examine&deposit-find-slot-description (name slot-name)
;  (let ((description (get-defstruct-description name)))
;    (let ((slot-description
;	    (cdr (or (assq slot-name (defstruct-description-slot-alist))
;		     (defstruct-error
;		       "No such slot in this structure"
;		       slot-name 'in name))))
;	  (type-description
;	    (or (get (defstruct-description-type) 'defstruct-type-description)
;		(defstruct-error
;		  "Undefined defstruct type"
;		  (defstruct-description-type)))))
;      (or (= (defstruct-type-description-ref-no-args) 1)
;	  (defstruct-error
;	    "defstruct-examine and defstruct-deposit cannot handle structures of this type"
;	    (defstruct-description-type)))
;      slot-description)))
;     PSL change
;(defprop defstruct
;	 #.(and (status feature PDP10)
;		(caddr (truename infile)))
;	 version)
;(sstatus feature defstruct)

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