File psl-1983/3-1/lpt/20-syslisp.lpt artifact db8843aa04 part of check-in 3519b83598

PSL Manual                    7 February 1983                       SYSLISP
section 20.0                                                      page 20.1

                                CHAPTER 20
                                CHAPTER 20
                                CHAPTER 20

     20.1. Introduction to the SYSLISP level of PSL.  .  .  .  .  .    20.1
     20.2. The Relationship of SYSLISP to RLISP .  .  .  .  .  .  .    20.2
          20.2.1. SYSLISP Declarations .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    20.2
          20.2.2. SYSLISP Mode Analysis.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    20.3
          20.2.3. Defining Special Functions for Mode Analysis .  .    20.4
          20.2.4. Modified FOR Loop .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    20.4
          20.2.5. Char and IDLOC Macros.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    20.5
          20.2.6. The Case Statement.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    20.6
          20.2.7. Memory Access and Address Operations.  .  .  .  .    20.7
          20.2.8. Bit-Field Operation  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    20.8
     20.3. Using SYSLISP.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    20.9
          20.3.1. To Compile SYSLISP Code .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    20.9
     20.4. SYSLISP Functions  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   20.10
          20.4.1. W-Arrays .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   20.11
     20.5. Remaining SYSLISP Issues .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   20.12
          20.5.1. Stand Alone SYSLISP Programs  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   20.12
          20.5.2. Need for Two Stacks  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   20.12
          20.5.3. New Mode System.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   20.13
          20.5.4. Extend CREF for SYSLISP .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   20.13

  This  chapter  is  very  out  of  date  and  will  be replaced as soon as

20.1. Introduction to the SYSLISP level of PSL
20.1. Introduction to the SYSLISP level of PSL
20.1. Introduction to the SYSLISP level of PSL

  SYSLISP [Benson 81] is  a  BCPL-like  language,  couched  in  LISP  form,
providing operations on machine words, machine bytes and LISP ITEMs (tagged
objects, packed into one or more words).  We actually think of SYSLISP as a
lower  level  of  PSL,  dealing  with  words,  bytes,  bit-fields,  machine
operations, and compile-time  storage  allocation,  enabling  us  to  write
essentially all of the kernel in PSL.

  The control structures and definition language are those of LISP, but the
         Plus2  Times2                                     WPlus2  WTimes2
         Plus2  Times2                                     WPlus2  WTimes2
familiar Plus2, Times2, etc. are mapped to word operations WPlus2, WTimes2,
etc.  SYSLISP handles static allocation of SYSLISP variables and arrays and
initial  LISP  symbols,  permitting  the  easy  definition  of higher level
Standard LISP functions and storage areas.    SYSLISP  provides  convenient
compile-time  constants  for  handling  strings,  LISP  symbols,  etc.  The
SYSLISP compiler is based on the  PORTABLE  STANDARD  LISP  Compiler,  with
extensions   to  handle  word  level  objects  and  efficient,  open-coded,
word-level operations.  The SYSLISP mode of  the  compiler  does  efficient
compile-time   folding   of   constants  and  more  comprehensive  register
allocation than in the distributed version of the PLC.  Currently,  SYSLISP
handles  bytes  through  the  explicit  packing  and  unpacking  operations
SYSLISP                       7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 20.2                                                      section 20.1

GetByte(word-address,byte-number)                                         /
PutByte(word-address,byte-number,byte-value) without the  notion  of  byte-
pointer; it is planned to extend SYSLISP to a C-like language by adding the
appropriate declarations and analysis of word/byte/structure operations.

  SYSLISP  is  a collection of functions and their corresponding data types
which are used to implement low level primitives in PSL,  such  as  storage
allocation, garbage collection and input and output.  The basic data object
in  SYSLISP is the "word", a unit of storage large enough to contain a LISP
____                            ____                         ____
item.  On the PDP-10, a SYSLISP word is just a 36-bit PDP-10 word.  On  the
VAX  and most other byte addressed machines, a word is 4 bytes, or 32 bits.
Conceptually, SYSLISP functions manipulate the actual bit patterns found in
words, unlike normal LISP functions which manipulate higher-level  objects,
           ____    ______         _____                            ______
such   as  pairs,  vectors,  and  floats  or  arbitrary-precision  numbers.
Arithmetic in SYSLISP is comparable  to  the  corresponding  operations  in
FORTRAN or PASCAL.  In fact, SYSLISP is most closely modeled after BCPL, in
that operations are essentially "typeless".

20.2. The Relationship of SYSLISP to RLISP
20.2. The Relationship of SYSLISP to RLISP
20.2. The Relationship of SYSLISP to RLISP

  RLISP  was  extended with a CASE statement, SYSLISP declarations, smacros
and macros to provide convenient infix syntax (+, *, /  etc.)  for  calling
the  SYSLISP  primitives.    Even  though  SYSLISP is semantically somewhat
different from LISP (RLISP), we have tried to keep the syntax as similar as
possible so that SYSLISP code is "familiar" to RLISP  users,  and  easy  to
use.    RLISP functions can be easily converted and interfaced to functions
at the SYSLISP level, gaining  considerable  efficiency  by  declaring  and
directly using words and bytes instead of tagged LISP objects.

20.2.1. SYSLISP Declarations
20.2.1. SYSLISP Declarations
20.2.1. SYSLISP Declarations

  SYSLISP  variables  are either GLOBAL, memory locations (allocated by the
compiler), or local stack locations.  Locals are  declared  by  SCALAR,  as
usual.  Globals come in the following flavors:

WCONST id = wconstexp {,id = wconstexp} ;

Wconstexp is an expression involving constants and wconsts.

WVAR wvardecl {, wvardecl} ;

wvardecl ::= id | id = wconstexp

WARRAY warraydecl {, warraydecl} ;

warraydecl ::= id[wconstexp] | id[] = [ wconstexp {,wconstexp} ]
                        | id[] = string
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983                       SYSLISP
section 20.2                                                      page 20.3

WSTRING warraydecl {, warraydecl} ;

Each of these declarations can also be prefixed with the keywords:


If nothing appears, then a DEFAULT is used.

(Notice  there are no metasyntactic square brackets here,
only curly brackets.)

  For example, the following GLOBAL-DATA is used in PSL:

   on SysLisp;

   exported WConst MaxSymbols = 8000,
                   MaxConstants = 500,
                   HeapSize = 100000;

   external WArray SymNam, SymVal, SymFnc, SymPrp, ConstantVector;

   external WVar NextSymbol, NextConstant;

   exported WConst MaxRealRegs = 5,
                   MaxArgs = 15;

   external WArray ArgumentBlock;

   off SysLisp;


20.2.2. SYSLISP Mode Analysis
20.2.2. SYSLISP Mode Analysis
20.2.2. SYSLISP Mode Analysis

  In  SYSLISP mode, the basic operators +, *, -, /, etc., are bound to word
            WPlus2   WTimes2   WMinus
            WPlus2   WTimes2   WMinus
operators  (WPlus2,  WTimes2,  WMinus,  etc.),  which   compile   OPEN   as
conventional  machine  operations  on  machine  words.    Thus most SYSLISP
expressions, loops, etc. look exactly like their RLISP equivalents.

20.2.3. Defining Special Functions for Mode Analysis
20.2.3. Defining Special Functions for Mode Analysis
20.2.3. Defining Special Functions for Mode Analysis

  To have the Mode analyzer (currently  a  REFORM  function)  replace  LISP
function names by SYSLISP ones, do:

SYSLISP                       7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 20.4                                                      section 20.2

  The Following have been done:

   DefList('((Plus WPlus2)
             (Plus2 WPlus2)
             (Minus WMinus)
             (Difference WDifference)
             (Times WTimes2)
             (Times2 WTimes2)
             (Quotient WQuotient)
             (Remainder WRemainder)
             (Mod WRemainder)
             (Land WAnd)
             (Lor WOr)
             (Lxor WXor)
             (Lnot WNot)
             (LShift WShift)
             (LSH WShift)), 'SysName);

   DefList('((Neq WNeq)
             (Equal WEq)
             (Eqn WEq)
             (Eq WEq)
             (Greaterp WGreaterp)
             (Lessp WLessp)
             (Geq WGeq)
             (Leq WLeq)
             (Getv WGetv)
             (Indx WGetv)
             (Putv WPutv)
             (SetIndx WPutv)), 'SysName);

20.2.4. Modified FOR Loop
20.2.4. Modified FOR Loop
20.2.4. Modified FOR Loop

  The FOR loop is modified in SYSLISP mode to use the Wxxxx functions to do
loop incrementation and testing.  

  [??? Should pick up via SysReform ???]
  [??? Should pick up via SysReform ???]
  [??? Should pick up via SysReform ???]

20.2.5. Char and IDLOC Macros
20.2.5. Char and IDLOC Macros
20.2.5. Char and IDLOC Macros

  In  SYSLISP  mode, '<id> refers to the tagged item, just as in LISP mode,
IdLoc                                                          LispVar
IdLoc                    __                                    LispVar
IdLoc <id> refers to the id space offset  of  the  <id>,  and  LispVar <id>
refers  to  the  GLOBAL  value  cell  of a GLOBAL or FLUID variable.  Note:
LispVar can be used on the left hand side of an  argument  sentence.    For
example,  to  store a NIL in the value cell of id FOO, we do any one of the
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983                       SYSLISP
section 20.2                                                      page 20.5



 Char _ __   _______                                                  _____
(Char U:id): integer                                                  macro

  The  Char  macro  returns  the  ASCII  code  corresponding  to its single
character-id argument.  CHAR also can handle alias's  for  certain  special
characters,  remove  QUOTE  marks  that  may  be  needed  to  pass  special
characters through the parser, and can accept a prefixes to  compute  LOWER
case, <Ctrl> characters, and <Meta> characters.  For example:

       Little_a:= Char LOWER A;  % In case we think RAISE will occur
       Little_a:= Char '!a;      % !a should not be raised
       Meta_X := Char META X;
       Weird := Char META Lower X;
       Dinger := Char <Ctrl-G>;
       Dinger := Char BELL;

  The  following  Aliases  are  defined by PUTing the association under the
indicator 'CharConst:

   DefList('((NULL 8#0)
             (BELL 8#7)
             (BACKSPACE 8#10)
             (TAB 8#11)
             (LF 8#12)
             (EOL 8#12)
             (FF 8#14)
             (CR 8#15)
             (EOF 26)
             (ESC 27)
             (ESCAPE 27)
             (BLANK 32)
             (RUB 8#177)
             (RUBOUT 8#177)
             (DEL 8#177)
             (DELETE 8#177)), 'CharConst);

20.2.6. The Case Statement
20.2.6. The Case Statement
20.2.6. The Case Statement

  RLISP in  SYSLISP  mode  provides  a  Numeric  case  statement,  that  is
implemented quite efficiently; some effort is made to examine special cases
(compact  vs.  non  compact  sets  of  cases, short vs. long sets of cases,

  [??? Note, CASE can also be used from  LISP  mode,  provided  tags  are
  [??? Note, CASE can also be used from  LISP  mode,  provided  tags  are
  [??? Note, CASE can also be used from  LISP  mode,  provided  tags  are
  numeric.  There is also an FEXPR, CASE ???]
  numeric.  There is also an FEXPR, CASE ???]
  numeric.  There is also an FEXPR, CASE ???]

  The syntax is:
SYSLISP                       7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 20.6                                                      section 20.2

Case-Statement ::= CASE expr OF case-list END

Case-list      ::=  Case-expr [; Case-list ]

Case-expr      ::=  Tag-expr : expr

tag-expr       ::=  DEFAULT | OTHERWISE  |
                    tag | tag, tag ... tag |
                    tag TO tag

Tag            ::=  Integer | Wconst-Integer

% This is a piece of code from the Token Scanner,
% in file ""
    case ChTokenType of
    0 to 9:      % digit
    <<  TokSign := 1;
        goto InsideNumber >>;
    10:  % Start of ID
    <<  if null LispVar !*Raise then
            goto InsideID
        <<  RaiseLastChar();
            goto InsideRaisedID >> >>;
    11:  % Delimiter, but not beginning of diphthong
    <<  LispVar TokType!* := '3;
        return MkID TokCh >>;
    12:  % Start of comment
        goto InsideComment;
    13:  % Diphthong start-Lisp function uses P-list of starting char
        return ScanPossibleDipthong(TokChannel, MkID TokCh);
    14:  % ID escape character
    <<  if null LispVar !*Raise then
            goto GotEscape
        else goto GotEscapeInRaisedID >>;
    15:  % string quote
    <<  BackupBuf();
        goto InsideString >>;
    16:  % Package indicator -
         %        at start of token means use global package
    <<  ResetBuf();
        ChangedPackages := 1;
        Package 'Global;
        if null LispVar !*Raise then
            goto GotPackageMustGetID
        else goto GotPackageMustGetIDRaised >>;
    17:  % Ignore - can't ever happen
        ScannerError("Internal error - consult a wizard");
    18:  % Minus sign
    <<  TokSign := -1;
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983                       SYSLISP
section 20.2                                                      page 20.7

        goto GotSign >>;
    19:  % Plus sign
    <<  TokSign := 1;
        goto GotSign >>;
    20:  % decimal point
    <<  ResetBuf();
        if ChTokenType >= 10 then
        <<  UnReadLastChar();
            return ScanPossibleDipthong(TokChannel, '!.) >>
        <<  TokSign := 1;
            TokFloatFractionLength := 1;
            goto InsideFloatFraction >> >>;
        return ScannerError("Unknown token type")

20.2.7. Memory Access and Address Operations
20.2.7. Memory Access and Address Operations
20.2.7. Memory Access and Address Operations

  The operators @ and & (corresponding to GetMem and Loc) may be used to do
direct memory operations, similar to * and & in C.

  @ may also be used on the LHS of an assignment.  Example:

   WARRAY FOO[10];
   WVAR   FEE=&FOO[0];

   @(fee+2) := @(fee+4) + & foo(5);

20.2.8. Bit-Field Operation
20.2.8. Bit-Field Operation
20.2.8. Bit-Field Operation

  The  Field  and PutField operations are used for accessing fields smaller
than whole words:




  Special cases such as bytes, halfwords,  single  bits  are  optimized  if

  For  example,  the following definitions on the DEC-20 are used to define
SYSLISP                       7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 20.8                                                      section 20.2

the fields of an item (in file

   % Divide up the 36 bit DEC-20 word:

   WConst  TagStartingBit = 0,
           TagBitLength = 18,
           StrictTagStartingBit = 9,
           StrictTagBitLength = 9,
           InfStartingBit = 18,
           InfBitLength = 18,
           GCStartingBit = 0,
           GCBitLength = 9;

   % Access to tag (type indicator) of Lisp item in ordinary code

   syslsp macro procedure Tag U;
       list('Field, cadr U, '(wconst TagStartingBit), '(wconst TagBitLe

   syslsp macro procedure PutTag U;
       list('PutField, cadr U, '(wconst TagStartingBit),
                               '(wconst TagBitLength), caddr U);

   % Access to tag of Lisp item in garbage collector,
   %  if GC bits may be in use

   syslsp macro procedure StrictTag U;
       list('Field, cadr U, '(wconst StrictTagStartingBit),
                            '(wconst StrictTagBitLength));

   syslsp macro procedure PutStrictTag U;
                   cadr U, '(wconst StrictTagStartingBit),
                           '(wconst StrictTagBitLength), caddr U);

   % Access to info field of item (pointer or immediate operand)

   syslsp macro procedure Inf U;
       list('Field, cadr U, '(wconst InfStartingBit), '(wconst InfBitLe

   syslsp macro procedure PutInf U;
       list('PutField, cadr U, '(wconst InfStartingBit),
                               '(wconst InfBitLength), caddr U);
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983                       SYSLISP
section 20.3                                                      page 20.9

20.3. Using SYSLISP
20.3. Using SYSLISP
20.3. Using SYSLISP

  Restriction:  SYSLISP  code  is  currently  ONLY  compiled,  since  it is
converted into machine level operations, most of  which  are  dangerous  or
tricky to use in an interpreted environment.

  Note:  In  SYSLISP  mode, we currently execute some commands in the above
PARSE/EVAL/PRINT mode, either to load files or  select  options,  but  most
SYSLISP  code  is  compiled  to  a  file,  rather  than  being  immediately
interpreted or compiled in-core.

20.3.1. To Compile SYSLISP Code
20.3.1. To Compile SYSLISP Code
20.3.1. To Compile SYSLISP Code

  Use PSL:RLISP, which usually has the Compiler, with  SYSLISP  extensions,
loaded.   Alternatively, one may use <psl>syscmp.exe.  This is a version of
RLISP built upon <PSL>psl.exe with the SYSLISP  compiler  and  data-machine
macros loaded.

   % Turn on SYSLISP mode:

   ON SYSLISP; % This is causes the "mode-analysis" to be done
               % Converting some LISP names to SYSLISP names.

   % Use SYSLSP as the procedure type.


   % Small file to access BPS origin and end.
   % Starts in LISP mode

   Fluid '(NextBP0 LastBP0);


   On SYSLISP,COMP; % Switch to SYSLISP mode

   syslsp procedure BPSize();
    Begin scalar N1,L1;
      If Null LispVar NextBP0 then LispVar NextBP0:=GtBPS 0;
      If Null LispVar LastBP0 then LispVar LastBP0:=GtWarray 0;
      N1 :=GtBPS(0);
      L1:= GtWarray(0);
      PrintF('" NextBPS=8#%o, used %d,  LastBPS=8#%o, used %d%n",
                 N1,   N1-LispVar(NextBP0),     L1,LispVar(LastBP0)-L1)
      LispVar NextBP0:=N1;
      LispVar LastBP0:=L1;

   BPSize();     % Call the function
SYSLISP                       7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 20.10                                                     section 20.4

20.4. SYSLISP Functions
20.4. SYSLISP Functions
20.4. SYSLISP Functions

  [??? What about overflow in Syslisp arithmetic? ???]
  [??? What about overflow in Syslisp arithmetic? ???]
  [??? What about overflow in Syslisp arithmetic? ???]

 WPlus2 _ ____  _ ____   ____                           ____ ________  ____
(WPlus2 U:word, V:word): word                           open-compiled, expr

 WDifference _ ____  _ ____   ____                      ____ ________  ____
(WDifference U:word, V:word): word                      open-compiled, expr

 WTimes2 _ ____  _ ____   ____                          ____ ________  ____
(WTimes2 U:word, V:word): word                          open-compiled, expr

 WQuotient _ ____  _ ____   ____                        ____ ________  ____
(WQuotient U:word, V:word): word                        open-compiled, expr

 WRemainder _ ____  _ ____   ____                       ____ ________  ____
(WRemainder U:word, V:word): word                       open-compiled, expr

 WShift _ ____  _ ____   ____                           ____ ________  ____
(WShift U:word, V:word): word                           open-compiled, expr

 WAnd _ ____  _ ____   ____                             ____ ________  ____
(WAnd U:word, V:word): word                             open-compiled, expr

 WOr _ ____  _ ____   ____                              ____ ________  ____
(WOr U:word, V:word): word                              open-compiled, expr

 WXor _ ____  _ ____   ____                             ____ ________  ____
(WXor U:word, V:word): word                             open-compiled, expr

 WNot _ ____   ____                                     ____ ________  ____
(WNot U:word): word                                     open-compiled, expr

 WEQ _ ____  _ ____   _______                           ____ ________  ____
(WEQ U:word, V:word): boolean                           open-compiled, expr

 WNEQ _ ____  _ ____   _______                          ____ ________  ____
(WNEQ U:word, V:word): boolean                          open-compiled, expr

 WGreaterP _ ____  _ ____   _______                     ____ ________  ____
(WGreaterP U:word, V:word): boolean                     open-compiled, expr

 WLessP _ ____  _ ____   _______                        ____ ________  ____
(WLessP U:word, V:word): boolean                        open-compiled, expr

 WGEQ _ ____  _ ____   _______                          ____ ________  ____
(WGEQ U:word, V:word): boolean                          open-compiled, expr
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983                       SYSLISP
section 20.4                                                     page 20.11

 WLEQ _ ____  _ ____   _______                          ____ ________  ____
(WLEQ U:word, V:word): boolean                          open-compiled, expr

 WGetV _ ____  _ ____   ____                           ____ ________  _____
(WGetV U:word, V:word): word                           open-compiled, macro

 WPutV _ ____  _ ____  _ ____   ____                   ____ ________  _____
(WPutV U:word, V:word, W:word): word                   open-compiled, macro

 Byte _ ____  _ ____   ____                             ____ ________  ____
(Byte U:word, V:word): word                             open-compiled, expr

 PutByte _ ____  _ ____  _ ____   ____                  ____ ________  ____
(PutByte U:word, V:word, W:word): word                  open-compiled, expr

20.4.1. W-Arrays
20.4.1. W-Arrays
20.4.1. W-Arrays

 CopyWArray ___ _ ______  ___ _ ______  _____ ___   ___ _ ______       ____
(CopyWArray NEW:w-vector, OLD:w-vector, UPLIM:any): NEW:w-vector       expr

     Copy UPLIM + 1 words.

 CopyWRDSToFrom ___ _ ______  ___ ___   ___                            ____
(CopyWRDSToFrom NEW:w-vector, OLD:any): any                            expr

     Like CopyWArray in heap.

 CopyWRDS _ ___   ___                                                  ____
(CopyWRDS S:any): any                                                  expr

     Allocate new WRDS array in heap.

20.5. Remaining SYSLISP Issues
20.5. Remaining SYSLISP Issues
20.5. Remaining SYSLISP Issues

  The system should be made less dependent on the assemblers, compilers and
loaders of the particular machine it is implemented on.  One way to do this
is  to  bring up a very small kernel including a fast loader to load in the

20.5.1. Stand Alone SYSLISP Programs
20.5.1. Stand Alone SYSLISP Programs
20.5.1. Stand Alone SYSLISP Programs

  In principle it works, but we need to  clearly  define  a  small  set  of
support  functions.    Also, need to implement EXTERNAL properly, so that a
normal LINKING loader can be used.  In PSL, we currently produce  a  single
kernel  module,  with resident LAP (or later FAP), and it serves as dynamic
linking loader for SYSLISP (ala MAIN SAIL).
SYSLISP                       7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 20.12                                                     section 20.5

20.5.2. Need for Two Stacks
20.5.2. Need for Two Stacks
20.5.2. Need for Two Stacks

  We must distinguish between true LISP items and untagged SYSLISP items on
the  stack  for the garbage collector to work properly.  Two of the options
for this are

  1. Put a mark on the stack indicating a region containing untagged items.

  2. Use a separate stack for untagged items.

  Either of these involves a change in the  compiler,  since  it  currently
only  allocates  one  frame  for  temporaries  on  the  stack  and does not
distinguish where they get put.

  The garbage collector should probably be recoded more modularly and at  a
higher  level,  short  of redesigning the entire storage management scheme.
This in itself would probably require the existence  of  a  separate  stack
which is not traced through for return addresses and SYSLISP temporaries.

20.5.3. New Mode System
20.5.3. New Mode System
20.5.3. New Mode System

  A  better  scheme  for  intermixing  SYSLISP and LISP within a package is
needed.  Mode Reduce will probably take care of this.

20.5.4. Extend CREF for SYSLISP
20.5.4. Extend CREF for SYSLISP
20.5.4. Extend CREF for SYSLISP

  The usual range of LISP tools should be available, such as  profiling,  a
break package, tracing, etc.

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