File psl-1983/3-1/lpt/16-editor.lpt artifact 78cbe45cb5 part of check-in 3519b83598

PSL Manual                    7 February 1983                        EDITOR
section 16.0                                                      page 16.1

                                CHAPTER 16
                                CHAPTER 16
                                CHAPTER 16

     16.1. A Mini-Structure Editor  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    16.1
     16.2. The EMODE Screen Editor  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    16.3
          16.2.1. Windows and Buffers in Emode  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    16.5
     16.3. Introduction to the Full Structure Editor  .  .  .  .  .    16.6
     16.4. User Entry to Editor  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    16.6
     16.5. Editor Command Reference .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    16.8

16.1. A Mini Structure-Editor
16.1. A Mini Structure-Editor
16.1. A Mini Structure-Editor

  PSL  and  RLISP  provide  a fairly simple structure editor, essentially a
subset   of   the   structure   editor   described   below    in    section
FULL-STRUCTURE-EDITOR.    This  mini  editor is usually resident in PSL and
RLISP, or can be LOADed.  It is useful  for  correcting  errors  in  input,
often  via  the  E  option  in  the  BREAK  loop.  Do HELP(EDITOR) for more

  To edit an expression, call the function Edit with the expression  as  an
argument.    The  edited  copy  is  returned.   To edit the definition of a
function, call EditF with the function name as an argument.

  In the editor, the  following  commands  are  available  (N  indicates  a
non-negative integer):

P                                                                      ____
P                                                                      edit

     Prints  the subexpression under consideration.  On entry, this is
     the entire expression.  This  only  prints  down  PLEVEL  levels,
     replacing  all edited subexpressions by ***.  PLEVEL is initially

PL  _                                                                  ____
PL (N)                                                                 edit

     Changes PLEVEL to N.

                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
N                                                              edit-command
N _______                                                      edit-command
N:integer                                                      edit-command

     Sets  the  subexpression  under  consideration  to  be  the   nth
     subexpression  of the current one.  That is, walk down to the nth
EDITOR                        7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 16.2                                                      section 16.1

                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
-N                                                             edit-command
-N _______                                                     edit-command
-N:integer                                                     edit-command

     Sets  the  current subexpression to be the nth Cdr of the current

UP                                                                     ____
UP                                                                     edit

     Go to the subexpression you were in just before this one.

T                                                                      ____
T                                                                      edit

     Go to the top of the original expression.

F  _                                                                   ____
F (S)                                                                  edit

     Find the first occurrence of the S-expression S.    The  test  is
                    Equal        Eq
                    Equal        Eq
     performed  by  Equal,  not  Eq.   The current level is set to the
     first level in which S was found.

                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
 N                                                             edit-command
 N _______                                                     edit-command
(N:integer)                                                    edit-command

     Delete the Nth element of the current expression.

                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
 N                                                             edit-command
 N _______  ___                                                edit-command
(N:integer [ARG])                                              edit-command

     Replace the Nth element by ARGs.

                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
 -N                                                            edit-command
 -N _______  ___                                               edit-command
(-N:integer [ARG])                                             edit-command

     Insert the elements ARGs before the nth element.

 R __ __                                                               ____
(R S1 S2)                                                              edit

     Replace all occurrences of S1 (in the tree you are placed at)  by

B                                                                      ____
B                                                                      edit

     Enter a Break loop under the editor.
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983                        EDITOR
section 16.1                                                      page 16.3

OK                                                                     ____
OK                                                                     edit

     Leave the editor, returning the edited expression.

HELP                                                                   ____
HELP                                                                   edit

     Print an explanatory message.

  If  the  editor is called from a Break loop, the edited value is assigned
back to ERRORFORM!*.

16.2. The EMODE Screen Editor
16.2. The EMODE Screen Editor
16.2. The EMODE Screen Editor

  EMODE is an EMACS-like screen editor, written entirely in PSL.  To invoke
EMODE, call the function EMODE after LOADing the EMODE module.    EMODE  is
modeled after EMACS, so use that fact as a guide.

  After  starting  up  EMODE,  you can use one of the following commands to

<Ctrl-X Ctrl-Z>
          "quits" to the EXEC (you can continue or start again).
<Ctrl-Z Ctrl-Z>
          goes back into "normal" I/O mode.

EMODE is built to run on a Teleray terminal as the default.   To  use  some
other  terminal  you must LOAD in a set of different driver functions after
loading EMODE.  The following drivers are currently available:

   - HP2648A
   - VT100
   - VT52
   - AAA [Ann Arbor Ambassador]

The sources for these files are on <PSL.EMODE>  (logical  name  PE:).    It
should be quite easy to modify one of these files for other terminals.  See
the  file  PE:TERMINAL-DRIVERS.TXT  for  some  more information on how this

  An important (but currently somewhat bug-ridden) feature of EMODE is  the
ability  to  evaluate expressions that are in your buffer.  Use <Meta-E> to
evaluate the expression starting on the current line.  <Meta-E>  (normally)
automatically  enters  two  window  mode  if  anything  is "printed" to the
OUT_WINDOW buffer, which is shown in the lower window.  If you  don't  want
EDITOR                        7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 16.4                                                      section 16.2

to  see things being printed to the output window, you can set the variable
!*OUTWINDOW to NIL.  (Or use the RLISP command  "OFF  OUTWINDOW;".)    This
prevents  EMODE  from automatically going into two window mode if something
is printed to OUT_WINDOW.  You must still use the "<Ctrl-X> 1"  command  to
enter one window mode initially.

  You  may  also  find the <Ctrl-Meta-Y> command useful.  This inserts into
the current buffer the text printed as a result of the last <Meta-E>.

  The function "PrintAllDispatch" prints out the  current  dispatch  table.
You must call EMODE before this table is set up.

  While  in  EMODE,  the <Meta-?> (meta-question mark) character asks for a
command character and tries to print information about it.

  The basic dispatch table is (roughly) as follows:

Character          Function                Comments

<Ctrl-@>           SETMARK
<Ctrl-A>           !$BEGINNINGOFLINE
<Ctrl-B>           !$BACKWARDCHARACTER
<Ctrl-E>           !$ENDOFLINE
<Ctrl-F>           !$FORWARDCHARACTER
Linefeed           !$CRLF                  Acts like carriage return
<Ctrl-K>           KILL_LINE
<Ctrl-L>           FULLREFRESH
Return             !$CRLF
<Ctrl-N>           !$FORWARDLINE
<Ctrl-O>           OPENLINE
<Ctrl-P>           !$BACKWARDLINE
<Ctrl-R>                                   Backward search for string, type
                                           a carriage return to terminate
                                           the string
<Ctrl-S>                                   Forward search for string
<Ctrl-U>                                   Repeat a command.  Asks for
                                           count (terminate with a carriage
                                           return), then it asks for the
                                           command character
<Ctrl-V>           DOWNWINDOW
<Ctrl-W>           KILL_REGION
<Ctrl-X>           !$DOCNTRLX              As in EMACS, <Ctrl-X> is a
                                           prefix for "fancier" commands
<Ctrl-Y>           INSERT_KILL_BUFFER      Yanks back killed text
<Ctrl-Z>           DOCONTROLMETA           As in EMACS, acts like
escape             ESCAPEASMETA            As in EMACS, escape acts like
                                           the <Meta-> key
<Ctrl-Meta-B>      BACKWARD_SEXPR
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983                        EDITOR
section 16.2                                                      page 16.5

<Ctrl-Meta-F>      FORWARD_SEXPR
<Ctrl-Meta-Y>      INSERT_LAST_EXPRESSION  Insert the last "expression"
                                           typed as the result of a
<Ctrl-Meta-Z>      OLDFACE                 Leave EMODE, go back to
                                           "regular" RLISP
<Meta-Ctrl-rubout> KILL_BACKWARD_SEXPR
<Meta-<>           !$BEGINNINGOFBUFFER     As in EMACS, move to beginning
                                           of  buffer
<Meta->>           !$ENDOFBUFFER           As in EMACS, move to end of
<Meta-?>           !$HELPDISPATCH          Asks for a character, tries to
                                           print information about it
<Meta-B>           BACKWARD_WORD
<Meta-D>           KILL_FORWARD_WORD
<Meta-E>                                   Evaluate an expression
<Meta-V>           UPWINDOW                As in EMACS, move up a window
<Meta-W>           COPY_REGION
<Meta-X>           !$DOMETAX               As in EMACS, <Meta-X> is another
                                           prefix for "fancy" stuff
<Meta-Y>           UNKILL_PREVIOUS         As in EMACS
<Meta-Rubout>      KILL_BACKWARD_WORD
<Ctrl-X> <Ctrl-B>  PRINTBUFFERNAMES        Prints a list of buffers
<Ctrl-X> <Ctrl-R>  CNTRLXREAD              Read a file into the buffer
<Ctrl-X> <Ctrl-W>  CNTRLXWRITE             Write the buffer out to a file
<Ctrl-X> <Ctrl-Z>                          As in EMACS, exits to the EXEC
<Ctrl-X> 1         ONEWINDOW               Go into one window mode
<Ctrl-X> 2         TWOWINDOWS              Go into two window mode
<Ctrl-X> B         CHOOSEBUFFER            EMODE asks for a buffer name,
                                           and then puts you in that buffer
<Ctrl-X> O         OTHERWINDOW             Select other window
<Ctrl-X> P         WRITESCREENPHOTO        Write a "photograph" of the
                                           screen to a file

16.2.1. Windows and Buffers in Emode
16.2.1. Windows and Buffers in Emode
16.2.1. Windows and Buffers in Emode

  [??? This section to be completed at a later date. ???]
  [??? This section to be completed at a later date. ???]
  [??? This section to be completed at a later date. ???]

16.3. Introduction to the Full Structure Editor
16.3. Introduction to the Full Structure Editor
16.3. Introduction to the Full Structure Editor

  PSL  also  provides  an  extremely  powerful form-oriented editor .  This

   This version of the UCI LISP editor was translated to to  Standard  LISP
by  Tryg  Ager  and Jim MacDonald of IMSSS, Stanford, and adapted to PSL by
E. Benson.  The UCI LISP editor is derived from the INTERLISP editor.
EDITOR                        7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 16.6                                                      section 16.3

facility  allows  the  user  to easily alter function definitions, variable
values and property list entries.  It thereby makes it entirely unnecessary
for the user to employ a conventional text editor  in  the  maintenance  of
programs.   This document is a guide to using the editor.  Certain features
of the UCI LISP editor have not been incorporated in the translated editor,
and we have tried to mark all such differences.

16.3.1. Starting the Structure Editor
16.3.1. Starting the Structure Editor
16.3.1. Starting the Structure Editor

  This section describes normal user entry to the editor (with  the  EditF,
EditP       EditV
EditP       EditV
EditP  and  EditV fuunctions) and the editing commands which are available.
This section is by no means complete.   In  particular,  material  covering
programmed  calls  to  the editor routines is not treated.  Consult the UCI
LISP manual for further details.

  To edit a function named FOO do 


To edit the value of an atom named BAZ do 


To edit the property list of an atom named FOOBAZ do 


These functions are described later in the chapter.

  Warning:  Editing the property list of an atom may position  pointers  at
unprintable  structures.    It  is  best to use the F (find) command before
trying to print property lists.  This editor capability  is  variable  from
implementation to implementation.

  The editor prompts with 


  You  can  then  input  any editor command.  The input scanner is not very
smart.  It terminates its  scan  and  begins  processing  when  it  sees  a
printable  character immediately followed by a carriage return.  Do not use
escape to terminate  an  editor  command.    If  the  editor  seems  to  be
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983                        EDITOR
section 16.3                                                      page 16.7

repeatedly  requesting  input type P<ret> (print the current expression) or
some other command that ordinarily does no damage, but terminates the input

  The following set of topics makes a good "first glance" at the editor.

    Entering the editor:  EDITF, EDITV.
    Leaving the editor:   OK.
    Editor's attention:   CURRENT-EXP.
    Changing attention:   POS-INTEGER, NEG-INTEGER, 0, ^, NX, BK.
    Printing:             P, PP.
    Modification:         POS-INTEGER, NEG-INTEGER, A, B, :, N.
    Changing parens:      BI, BO.
    Undoing changes:      UNDO.

For the more discriminating user, the next topics  might  be  some  of  the

Searches:             PATTERN, F, BF.
Complex commands:     R, SW, XTR, MBD, MOVE.
Changing parens:      LI, LO, RI, RO.
Undoing changes:      TEST, UNBLOCK, !UNDO.

  Other  features  should  be skimmed but not studied until it appears that
they may be useful.

16.3.2. Structure Editor Commands
16.3.2. Structure Editor Commands
16.3.2. Structure Editor Commands

  Note that arguments contained in angle brackets <> are optional.

A   ___                                                                ____
A ([ARG])                                                              edit

                              ___                                _
     This command inserts the ARGs (arbitrary LISP expressions)  After
     the  current expression.  This is accomplished by doing an UP and
     a (-2 exp1 exp2 ... expn) or  an  (N  exp1  exp2  ...  expn),  as
     appropriate.    Note  the  way in which the current expression is
     changed by the UP.

B   ___                                                                ____
B ([ARG])                                                              edit

                              ___                          _
     This command inserts the ARGs (arbitrary LISP forms)  Before  the
     current expression.  This is accomplished by doing an UP followed
     by  a (-1 exp1 exp2 ... expn).  Note the way in which the current
     expression is changed by the UP.
EDITOR                        7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 16.8                                                      section 16.3

BELOW  ___   _                                                         ____
BELOW (COM, <N>)                                                       edit

     This  command  changes  the  current  expression in the following
                               ___                     ___
     manner.  The edit command COM is executed.    If  COM  is  not  a
     recognized  command, then (_ COM) is executed instead.  Note that
     COM should cause  ascent  in  the  edit  chain  (i.e.  should  be
     equivalent  to  some  number  of  zeros).    BELOW then evaluates
     (note!) N and descends N links in the resulting edit chain.  That
     is, BELOW ascends the edit chain (does repeated 0s)  looking  for
     the link specified by COM and stops N links below that (backs off
     N 0s).  If N is not given, 1 is assumed.

BF  ___   ___                                                          ____
BF (PAT, <FLG>)                                                        edit

     Also can be used as: 

     BF PAT

                                 _         _                   ___
     This  command  performs  a  Backwards Find, searching for PAT (an
     edit pattern).  Search begins  with  the  expression  immediately
     before  the  current  expression  and  proceeds  in reverse print
     order.  (If the current expression is the top  level  expression,
     the  entire  expression  is  searched  in  reverse  print order.)
     Search begins at the end of each list,  and  descends  into  each
     element  before  attempting  to match that element.  If the match
     fails, proceed to the previous element, etc. until the  front  of
     the  list  is  reached.   At that point, BF ascends and backs up,

     The search algorithm may be slightly modified by use of a  second
     argument.  Possible FLGs and their meanings are as follows.

     T         begins  search  with the current expression rather than
               with the preceding expression at this level.
                                    BF ___
     NIL       or missing - same as BF PAT.

     NOTE:  if the variable UPFINDFLG is non-NIL, the editor  does  an
     UP                                 ___
     UP  after  the expression matching PAT is located.  Thus, doing a
     BF for a function name yields a current expression which  is  the
     entire  function  call.  If this is not desired, UPFINDFLG may be
     set to NIL.  UPFINDFLG is initially T. 

     BF is protected from circular searches by the variable  MAXLEVEL.
                                 Car       Cdr
                                 Car       Cdr
     If  the  total  number  of  Cars  and Cdrs descended into reaches
     MAXLEVEL (initially 300), search  of  that  tail  or  element  is
     abandoned exactly as though a complete search had failed.
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983                        EDITOR
section 16.3                                                      page 16.9

BI  __  __                                                             ____
BI (N1, N2)                                                            edit

     This  command  inserts  a  pair  of  parentheses  in  the current
                              _        _
     expression; i.e. it is a Balanced Insert.  (Note that parentheses
     are ALWAYS balanced, and  hence  must  be  added  or  removed  in
     pairs.)   A left parenthesis is inserted before element N1 of the
     current expression.    A  right  parenthesis  is  inserted  after
     element N2 of the current expression.  Both N1 and N2 are usually
     integers, and element N2 must be to the right of element N1.

     (BI n1) is equivalent to (BI n1 n1).

     The  NTH  command is used in the search, so that N1 and N2 may be
     any location specifications.  The expressions used are the  first
     element  of the current expression in which the specified form is
     found at any level.

BIND   ___                                                             ____
BIND ([COM])                                                           edit

     This command provides the user with temporary variables  for  use
     during  the  execution  of  the  sequence  of edit commands coms.
     There are three variables available: #1, #2 and #3.  The  binding
     is  recursive  and BIND may be executed recursively if necessary.
     All variables are initialized to NIL.   This  feature  is  useful
     chiefly in defining edit macros.

BK                                                                     ____
BK                                                                     edit

     The   current   expression  becomes  the  expression  immediately
                                                     _     _
     preceding the present current expression; i.e.  Back  Up.    This
     command generates an error if the current expression is the first
     expression in the list.

BO  _                                                                  ____
BO (N)                                                                 edit

     The BO command removes a pair of parentheses from the Nth element
                                                 _           _
     of  the  current  expression;  i.e. it is a Balanced Remove.  The
     parameter N is usually an integer.  The NTH command  is  used  in
     the  search,  however,  so that any location specification may be
     used.  The expression referred to is the  first  element  of  the
     current  expression  in  which the specified form is found at any

 CHANGE ___ __  ___                                                    ____
(CHANGE LOC To [ARG])                                                  edit

     This command replaces the current expression after executing  the
                            ___    ___
     location specification LOC by ARGs.
EDITOR                        7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 16.10                                                     section 16.3

 COMS  ___                                                             ____
(COMS [ARG])                                                           edit

     This  command  evaluates  its  ARGs  and  executes  them  as edit

 COMSQ  ___                                                            ____
(COMSQ [ARG])                                                          edit

     This command executes each ARG as an edit command.

  At any given time, the attention of the editor is  focused  on  a  single
expression  or  form.    We  call that form the current expression.  Editor
commands may be divided into two  broad  classes.    Those  commands  which
change  the  current  expression  are  called attention- changing commands.
Those commands which modify structure  are  called  structure  modification

DELETE                                                                 ____
DELETE                                                                 edit

     This  command  deletes  the  current  expression.  If the current
     expression is a tail, only the first element is  deleted.    This
     command is equivalent to (:).

 E ____  _                                                             ____
(E FORM <T>)                                                           edit

     This command evaluates FORM.  This may also be typed in as:

     E FORM

     but  is  valid only if typed in from the TTY.  (E FORM) evaluates
     FORM and prints the value on the terminal.  The form (E  FORM  T)
     evaluates FORM but does not print the result.

 EditF __ __   ___                                                     ____
(EditF FN:id): any                                                     expr

     This function initiates editing of the function whose name is FN.

 EditFns __ ____ __ ____  ____ ____   ___                             _____
(EditFns FN-LIST:id-list, COMS:form): NIL                             fexpr

     This  function  applies the sequence of editor commands, COMS, to
                                               __ ____
     each of several functions.  The argument  FN-LIST  is  evaluated,
     and should evaluate to a list of function names.  COMS is applied
                             __ ____
     to  each  function  in  FN-LIST,  in turn.  Errors in editing one
     function do not affect editing of others.  The editor call is via
     EditF, so that values may also be edited in this way.
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983                        EDITOR
section 16.3                                                     page 16.11

 EditP __ __  ____ ____ ____   ___                                    _____
(EditP AT:id, COMS:form-list): any                                    fexpr

     This  function initiates editing of the property list of the atom
     whose name is at.  The argument COMS is a possibly null  sequence
     of  edit commands which is executed before calling for input from
     the terminal.

 EditV __ __  ____ _____ ____   ___                                   _____
(EditV AT:id, COMS:forms-list): NIL                                   fexpr

     This function initiates editing of the value of  the  atom  whose
               __                  ____
     name  is  AT.    The argument COMS is a possibly null sequence of
     edit commands which is executed before calling for input from the

 EMBED ___ __ ___                                                      ____
(EMBED LOC In ARG)                                                     edit

     This command replaces the expression which would be current after
     executing the location specification LOC  by  another  expression
     which  has  that  expression  as a sub-expression.  The manner in
     which the transformation is carried out depends on  the  form  of
     ___        ___      ____
     ARG.    If ARG is a list, then each occurrence of the atom '*' in
     ARG is replaced by the expression which would  be  current  after
     doing  LOC.   (NOTE: a fresh copy is used for each substitution.)
     If ARG is atomic, the result is equivalent to:

     (EMBED loc IN (arg *))

     A call of the form 

     (EMBED loc IN exp1 exp2 ... expn)

     is equivalent to:  

     (EMBED loc IN (exp1 exp2 ... expn *))

                                   ___              EMBED
     If the expression after doing LOC is a  tail,  EMBED  behaves  as
     though the expression were the first element of that tail.

 EXTRACT ____ ____ ____                                                ____
(EXTRACT LOC1 From LOC2)                                               edit

     This command replaces the expression which would be current after
     doing  the  location  specification  LOC2 by the expression which
     would be current after doing LOC1.  The expression  specified  by
EDITOR                        7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 16.12                                                     section 16.3

     ____                                               ____
     LOC1 must be a sub-expression of that specified by LOC2.

 F ___  ___                                                            ____
(F PAT <FLG>)                                                          edit

     Also can be used as: 

     F PAT

     This command causes the next command, PAT, to be interpreted as a
     pattern.    The  current  expression  is  searched  for  the next
                   ___        _         ___
     occurrence of PAT; i.e.  Find.  If PAT is a top level element  of
     the   current   expression,  then  PAT  matches  that  top  level
     occurrence  and  a  full  recursive  search  is  not   attempted.
     Otherwise, the search proceeds in print order.  Recursion is done
                  Car                 Cdr
                  Car                 Cdr
     first in the Car and then in the Cdr direction.

     The  form  (F  PAT  FLG) of the command may be used to modify the
     search algorithm according to the value of FLG.  Possible  values
     and their actions are:

     N         suppresses  the  top-level  check.   That is, finds the
               next print order occurrence of PAT  regardless  of  any
               top level occurrences.

     T         like  N,  but  may succeed without changing the current
               expression.  That is,  succeeds  even  if  the  current
               expression itself is the only occurrence of PAT.

     positive integer
               finds  the  nth place at which PAT is matched.  This is
               equivalent to (F PAT T) followed by n-1 (F PAT N)s.  If
               n occurrences are not found, the current expression  is

     NIL or missing
               Only   searches  top  level  elements  of  the  current
               expression.  May succeed without changing  the  current

     NOTE:    If the variable UPFINDFLG is non-NIL, F does an UP after
     locating a match.  This ensures that F  fn,  in  which  fn  is  a
     function  name,  results  in  a  current  expression which is the
     entire function call.  If this is undesirable, set  UPFINDFLG  to
     NIL.  Its initial value is T. 

     As  protection  against  searching  circular lists, the search is
     abandoned if the total number of  Car-Cdr  descents  exceeds  the
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983                        EDITOR
section 16.3                                                     page 16.13

     value of the variable MAXLEVEL.  (The initial value is 300.)  The
     search   fails   just   as   if   the  entire  element  had  been
     unsuccessfully searched.

 FS  ___                                                               ____
(FS [PAT])                                                             edit

         FS                                     _    _
     The FS command does sequential finds; i.e. Find Sequential.  That
     is, it searches (in print order) first for the  first  PAT,  then
     for  the  second  PAT,  etc.    If  any search fails, the current
     expression is left  at  that  form  which  matched  in  the  last
     successful  search.   This command is, therefore, equivalent to a
     sequence of F commands.

 F= ___ ___                                                            ____
(F= EXP FLG)                                                           edit

                                                             _     Eq
     This command is equivalent to (F (== exp)  flg);  i.e.  Find  Eq.
     That  is, it searches, in the manner specified by FLG, for a form
              Eq    ___
     which is Eq to EXP.  Note that for keyboard type-ins, this always
     fails unless EXP is atomic.

HELP                                                                   ____
HELP                                                                   edit

     This command provides an easy way of  invoking  the  HELP  system
     from the editor.

 I ___  ___                                                            ____
(I COM [ARG])                                                          edit

                                ___               ___
     This command evaluates the ARGs and executes COM on the resulting
     values.   This command is thus equivalent to:  (com val1 val2 ...
     valn), Each vali is equal to (EVAL argi).

 IF ___                                                                ____
(IF ARG)                                                               edit

     This command, useful in  edit  macros,  conditionally  causes  an
     editor  error.    If  (EVAL  arg) is NIL (or if evaluation of arg
     causes a LISP error), then IF generates an editor error.

 INSERT  ___                                                           ____
(INSERT [EXP ARG LOC])                                                 edit

         INSERT                                          A   B       :
         INSERT                                          A   B       :
     The INSERT command  provides  equivalents  of  the  A,  B  and  :
                                                      ___   ___
     commands incorporating a location specification, LOC.  ARG can be
     AFTER,  BEFORE,  or FOR.  This command inserts EXPs AFTER, BEFORE
     or FOR (in place  of)  the  expression  which  is  current  after
     executing LOC.  Note, however, that the current expression is not
EDITOR                        7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 16.14                                                     section 16.3

 LC ___                                                                ____
(LC LOC)                                                               edit

     This   command,   which   takes   as   an   argument  a  location
     specification,  explicitly  invokes  the  location  specification
                    _ _
     search;  i.e.  Locate.  The current expression is changed to that
     which is current after executing LOC.

     See LOC-SPEC for details on the definition of LOC and the  search
     method in question.

 LCL ___                                                               ____
(LCL LOC)                                                              edit

     This   command,   which   takes   as   an   argument  a  location
     specification,  explicitly  invokes  the  location  specification
     search.  However, the search is limited to the current expression
                    _ _    _
     itself;  i.e.  Locate Limited.  The current expression is changed
     to that which is current after executing LOC.

 LI _                                                                  ____
(LI N)                                                                 edit

     This command inserts  a  left  parenthesis  (and,  of  course,  a
                                         _                _
     matching  right  parenthesis); i.e. Left Parenthesis Insert.  The
     left parenthesis is  inserted  before  the  Nth  element  of  the
     current  expression  and  the right parenthesis at the end of the
     current expression.  Thus, this command is equivalent  to  (BI  n

     The  NTH  command  is  used  in  the  search, so that N, which is
     usually an integer, may  be  any  location  specification.    The
     expression  referred  to  is  the  first  element  of the current
     expression which contains the form specified at any level.

 LO _                                                                  ____
(LO N)                                                                 edit

     This command removes a left parenthesis  (and  a  matching  right
     parenthesis,  of  course)  from  the  Nth  element of the current
                       _                   _
     expression; i.e.  Left Parenthesis Remove.   All  elements  after
     the Nth are deleted.

     The  command  uses the NTH command for the search.  The parameter
     N,  which  is  usually  an   integer,   may   be   any   location
     specification.   The expression actually referred to is the first
     element of the current expression which  contains  the  specified
     form at any depth.

  Many  of  the  more  complex edit commands take as an argument a location
specification (abbreviated LOC  throughout  this  document).    A  location
specification  is  a list of edit commands, which are, with two exceptions,
executed in the normal way.  Any command not recognized by  the  editor  is
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983                        EDITOR
section 16.3                                                     page 16.15

treated  as  though  it  were  preceded  by  F.  Furthermore, if one of the
commands causes an error and the current expression  has  been  changed  by
prior  commands,  the  location  operation  continues rather than aborting.
This is a sort of back-up operation.  For  example,  suppose  the  location
specification  is  (COND  2  3), and the first clause of the first Cond has
only 2 forms.  The location operation proceeds by searching  for  the  next
Cond and trying again.  If a point were reached in which there were no more
Conds, the location operation would then fail.

 LP ____                                                               ____
(LP COMS)                                                              edit

     This  command,  useful  in  macros,  repeatedly  executes COMS (a
     sequence of edit commands) until an  editor  error  occurs;  i.e.
     _  _      LP
     Loop.  As LP exits, it prints the number of OCCURRENCES; that is,
     the  number  of  times  COMS  was  successfully  executed.  After
     execution of the command, the current expression is left at  what
     it was after the last complete successful execution of COMS.

     The  command  terminates  if the number of iterations exceeds the
     value of the variable MAXLOOP (initially 30).

 LPQ ____                                                              ____
(LPQ COMS)                                                             edit

     This command, useful  in  macros,  repeatedly  executes  COMS  (a
     sequence  of  edit  commands)  until an editor error occurs; i.e.
     _  _ _
     Loop Quietly.   After  execution  of  the  command,  the  current
     expression  is  left  at  what  it  was  after  the last complete
     successful execution of COMS.

     The command terminates if the number of  iterations  exceeds  the
     value of the variable MAXLOOP (initially 30).

     This  command is equivalent to LP, except that OCCURRENCES is not

 M  ___    ___                                                         ____
(M (NAM) ([EXP) COMS)])                                                edit

     This can also be used as:  

     (M NAM COMS)

     or as: 

     (M (NAM) ARG COMS)
EDITOR                        7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 16.16                                                     section 16.3

     The  editor provides the user with a macro facility; i.e. M.  The
     user may define frequently used  command  sequences  to  be  edit
     macros, which may then be invoked simply by giving the macro name
     as  an  edit  command.    The  M command provides the user with a
     method of defining edit macros.

     The first alternate form of the command defines an atomic command
     which takes no arguments.  The argument NAM is the atomic name of
     the macro.  This defines NAM to be an edit  macro  equivalent  to
                                        ____      ___
     the  sequence  of  edit  commands  COMS.  If NAM previously had a
     definition as an edit macro, the new definition replaces the old.
     NOTE:  Edit command names take precedence over macros.  It is not
     possible to redefine edit command names.

     The main form of the M command as  given  above  defines  a  list
     command,  which takes a fixed number of arguments.  In this case,
     NAM is defined to be an edit macro equivalent to the sequence  of
     edit  commands  COMS.    However,  as (nam exp1 exp2 ... expn) is
     executed, the expi are substituted for the corresponding argi  in
     ____        ____
     COMS before COMS are executed.

     The second alternate form of the M command defines a list command
     which  may  take  an arbitrary number of arguments.  Execution of
     the macro NAM is accomplished  by  substituting  (exp1  exp2  ...
     expn)  (that  is,  the  Cdr  of the macro call (nam exp1 exp2 ...
                                             ___      ____
     expn)) for all occurrences of the atom  ARG  in  COMS,  and  then
     executing COMS.

 MAKEFN  ___ ____  ____ __  __                                         ____
(MAKEFN (NAM VARS) ARGS N1 <N2>)                                       edit

     This  command  defines  a  portion of the current expression as a
     function and replaces that portion of the expression by a call to
                        ____ _      _              ___  ____
     the function; i.e. Make Function.  The form  (NAM  VARS)  is  the
                             __           __
     call which replaces the N1st through N2nd elements of the current
     expression.  Thus, NAM is the name of the function to be defined.
     VARS   is   a   sequence  of  local  variables  (in  the  current
     expression), and ARGS is a list of dummy variables.  The function
     definition is formed by replacing each occurrence of  an  element
                    Cdr     ___ ____
     in  vars  (the Cdr of (NAM VARS)) by the corresponding element of
     ____         ____
     ARGS.  Thus, ARGS are the names of the formal parameters  in  the
     newly defined function.

        __                                          __
     If N2 is omitted, it is assumed to be equal to N1.

MARK                                                                   ____
MARK                                                                   edit

     This command saves the current position within the form in such a
     way that it can later be returned to.  The return is accomplished
     via _ or __.
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983                        EDITOR
section 16.3                                                     page 16.17

MBD  ___                                                               ____
MBD (ARG)                                                              edit

     This  command  replaces the current expression by some form which
     has the current expression as a sub-expression.    If  ARG  is  a
     ____   MBD
     list,  MBD substitutes a fresh copy of the current expression for
                                        ___      ___
     each occurrence of the atom '*' in ARG.  If ARG is a sequence  of
     expressions, as:  

     (MBD exp1 exp2 ... expn)

     then the call is equivalent to one of the form:  

     (MBD (exp1 exp2 ... expn *))

     The same is true if arg is atomic:  

     (MBD atom) = (MBD (atom *))

 MOVE  ____  __ ___  ____                                              ____
(MOVE <LOC1> To COM <LOC2>)                                            edit

          MOVE                               ____
     The  MOVE  command  allows  the user to Move a structure from one
     point to another.  The user may specify the form to be moved (via
     LOC1, the first location specification), the position to which it
     is to be moved (via LOC2, the second location specification)  and
                                           ___                 ___
     the action to be performed there (via COM).  The argument COM may
     be BEFORE, AFTER or the name of a list command (e.g. :, N, etc.).
     This  command performs in the following manner.  Take the current
     expression after executing LOC1 (or its first element, if it is a
     tail); call it expr.  Execute  LOC2  (beginning  at  the  current
     expression  AS OF ENTRY TO MOVE -- NOT the expression which would
                                   ____                     ___
     be current after execution of LOC1), and then execute (COM expr).
     Now go back and delete expr from  its  original  position.    The
     current expression is not changed by this command.

     If  LOC1  is  NIL  (that  is, missing), the current expression is
     moved.  In this case, the current expression becomes  the  result
     of the execution of (COM expr).

     If  LOC2  is  NIL  (that  is  missing)  or HERE, then the current
     expression specifies the point to which the form given by LOC2 is
     to be moved.
EDITOR                        7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 16.18                                                     section 16.3

 N  ___                                                                ____
(N [EXP])                                                              edit

     This  command adds the EXPs to the end of the current expression;
     i.e. Add at End.  This compensates for the fact that the negative
     integer command does not allow insertion after the last element.

                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
 -N:integer                                                    edit-command
 -N:integer  ___                                               edit-command
(-N:integer [EXP])                                             edit-command

     Also can be used as: 


     This is really two separate commands.   The  atomic  form  is  an
     attention  changing  command.  The current expression becomes the
     nth form from the end of the old  current  expression;  i.e.  Add
     Before  End.    That  is,  -1  specifies the last element, -2 the
     second from last, etc.

     The list form of the command is a structure modification command.
     This command inserts exp1 through expn (at least one expi must be
     present) before the nth element (counting from the BEGINNING)  of
     the  current  expression.    That is, -1 inserts before the first
     element, -2 before the second, etc.

 NEX ___                                                               ____
(NEX COM)                                                              edit

     Also can be used as: 


                                    BELOW                  NX
                                    BELOW ___              NX
     This command is equivalent to (BELOW COM) followed by NX.    That
     is,  it  does repeated 0s until a current expression matching com
     is found.  It then backs off by one 0 and does a NX.

     The atomic form of the command is equivalent to (NEX _).  This is
     useful if the user is doing repeated (NEX x)s.  He can MARK at  x
     and then use the atomic form.

 NTH ___                                                               ____
(NTH LOC)                                                              edit

                                         LCL        BELOW     UP
                                         LCL ___    BELOW     UP
     This  command effectively performs (LCL LOC), (BELOW <), UP.  The
     net effect is to search the current expression only for the  form
     specified  by the location specification LOC.  From there, return
     to the initial level and set the current  expression  to  be  the
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983                        EDITOR
section 16.3                                                     page 16.19

     tail  whose  first  element contains the form specified by LOC at
     any level.

 NX _                                                                  ____
(NX N)                                                                 edit

     Also can be used as: 


     The atomic form of this command makes the current expression  the
     expression  following the present current expression (at the same
                  _ _
     level); i.e. Next.

     The list form of the command  is  equivalent  to  n  (an  integer
     number) repetitions of NX.  If an error occurs (e.g. if there are
     not  N expressions following the current expression), the current
     expression is unchanged.

OK                                                                     ____
OK                                                                     edit

     This command causes normal exit from the editor.

     The state of the edit is saved on property LASTVALUE of the  atom
     EDIT.  If the next form edited is the same, the edit is restored.
     That  is,  it is (with the exception of a BLOCK on the undo-list)
     as though the editor had never been exited.

     It is possible to save edit states for  more  than  one  form  by
     exiting from the editor via the SAVE command.

 ORF  ___                                                              ____
(ORF [PAT])                                                            edit

     This command searches the current expression, in print order, for
     the  first  occurrence of any form which matches one of the PATs;
                 __    _                    UP
     i.e.  Print Order Final.  If found, an UP is  executed,  and  the
     current  expression  becomes  the  expression so specified.  This
     command is equivalent to (F (*ANY* pat1 pat2 ... patn) N).   Note
     that the top level check is not performed.

 ORR  ____                                                             ____
(ORR [COMS])                                                           edit

     This  command  operates  in the following manner.  Each COMS is a
                             ORR                          ____
     list of edit commands.  ORR first executes the first COMS.  If no
     error occurs, ORR terminates, leaving the current  expression  as
     it  was at the end of executing COMS.  Otherwise, it restores the
     current expression to what it  was  on  entry  and  repeats  this
EDITOR                        7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 16.20                                                     section 16.3

                                ____              ____
     operation  on  the  second COMS, etc.  If no COMS is successfully
     executed without error, ORR generates an error  and  the  current
     expression is unchanged.

 P __  __                                                              ____
(P N1 <N2>)                                                            edit

     Also can be used as: 


     This  command  prints  the  current  expression; i.e. Print.  The
     atomic form of the command prints the  current  expression  to  a
     depth of 2.  More deeply nested forms are printed as &.

     The form (P N1) prints the N1st element of the current expression
     to a depth of 2.  The argument N1 need not be an integer.  It may
     be  a general location specification.  The NTH command is used in
     the search, so that the expression printed is the  first  element
     of  the current expression which contains the desired form at any

     The third form of the command prints  the  N1st  element  of  the
                                       __          __
     current  expression to a depth of N2.  Again, N1 may be a general
     location specification.

     If N1 is 0, the current expression is printed.

     Many of the editor commands,  particularly  those  which  search,
     take  as  an argument a pattern (abbreviated PAT).  A pattern may
     be any combination of literal list structure and special  pattern

     The special elements are as follows.

     &         this matches any single element.

     *ANY*     if  (CAR pat) is the atom *ANY*, then (CDR pat) must be
               a list of patterns.  PAT matches any form which matches
                                       Cdr ___
               any of the patterns in (Cdr PAT).

     @         if an element of pat  is  a  literal  atom  whose  last
               character  is  @, then that element matches any literal
               atom  whose  initial  characters  match   the   initial
               characters  of  the  element.    That  is,  VER matches

     --        this matches any tail of a list or any interior segment
               of a list.
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983                        EDITOR
section 16.3                                                     page 16.21

                   Car                                     Cdr
                   Car ___              ___                Cdr ___
     ==        if (Car PAT) is ==, then PAT matches X iff (Cdr PAT) is
               Eq to X.

                   ___                           Cdr    ___
     :::       if  PAT  begins  with  :::,  the  Cdr of PAT is matched
               against tails of the expression.

                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
 N:integer                                                     edit-command
 N:integer  ___                                                edit-command
(N:integer [EXP])                                              edit-command

     Also can be used as: 


     This command, a  strictly  positive  integer  N,  is  really  two
     commands.      The   atomic   form   of   the   command   is   an
     attention-changing command.  The current expression  becomes  the
     nth element of the current expression.

     The list form of the command is a structure modification command.
     It  replaces  the  Nth  element  of the current expression by the
     forms EXP.  If no forms are given, then the Nth  element  of  the
     current expression is deleted.

PP                                                                     ____
PP                                                                     edit

                  _      _
     This command Pretty-Prints the current expression.

 R ____ ____                                                           ____
(R EXP1 EXP2)                                                          edit

                    _                              ____    ____
     This  command  Replaces  all  occurrences  of EXP1 by EXP2 in the
     current expression.

     Note that EXP1 may be  either  the  literal  s-expression  to  be
     replaced,  or  it may be an edit pattern.  If a pattern is given,
     the form which first matches that pattern is replaced throughout.
     All forms which match the pattern are NOT replaced.

 REPACK ___                                                            ____
(REPACK LOC)                                                           edit

     Also can be used as: 


     This command allows the editing of long strings (or  atom  names)
EDITOR                        7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 16.22                                                     section 16.3

     one  character at a time.  REPACK calls the editor recursively on
     UNPACK of the specified  atom.    (In  the  atomic  form  of  the
     command,  the  current  expression  is  used unless it is a list;
     then, the first element is  used.    In  the  list  form  of  the
     command,  the  form  specified  by  the location specification is
     treated in the same way.)  If the lower editor is exited via  OK,
     the  result  is repacked and replaces the original atom.  If STOP
     is used, no replacement is done.  The new atom is always printed.

 RI __ __                                                              ____
(RI N1 N2)                                                             edit

     This command moves a right parenthesis.  The parenthesis is moved
     from the end of the the N1st element of the current expression to
                 __                      __                      _
     after  the  N2nd  element  of  the  N1st  element;   i.e.   Right
                  _                                   __
     Parenthesis  Insert.   Remaining elements of the N1st element are
     raised to the top level of the current expression.

                    __       __
     The arguments, N1  and  N2,  are  normally  integers.    However,
     because  the  NTH  command is used in the search, they may be any
     location specifications.  The expressions  referred  to  are  the
     first  element  of  the current expression in which the specified
     form is found at  any  level,  and  the  first  element  of  that
     expression  in  which  the  form  specified by N2 is found at any

 RO _                                                                  ____
(RO N)                                                                 edit

     This command moves the right parenthesis from the end of the  nth
     element  of  the  current  expression  to  the end of the current
                        _                   _
     expression;  i.e.  Right  Parenthesis  Remove.     All   elements
     following the Nth are moved inside the nth element.

                   NTH                                              _
     Because  the  NTH command is used for the search, the argument N,
     which is normally an integer, may be any location  specification.
     The  expression  referred  to is the first element of the current
     expression in which the specified form is found at any depth.

 S ___ ___                                                             ____
(S VAR LOC)                                                            edit

                  _         SetQ                               ___
     This command Sets (via SetQ) the variable whose name  is  VAR  to
     the current expression after executing the location specification
     LOC.  The current expression is not changed.

SAVE                                                                   ____
SAVE                                                                   edit

     This  command  exits  normally from the editor.  The state of the
     edit is saved on the property EDIT-SAVE of the atom being edited.
     When the same atom is next edited,  the  state  of  the  edit  is
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983                        EDITOR
section 16.3                                                     page 16.23

     restored  and (with the exception of a BLOCK on the undo-list) it
     is as if the editor had never been exited.  It is  not  necessary
     to  use  the  SAVE command if only a single atom is being edited.
     See the OK command.

 SECOND ___                                                            ____
(SECOND LOC)                                                           edit

     This command changes the current expression to what it  would  be
     after  the  location  specification  LOC  is executed twice.  The
     current expression is unchanged if either execution of LOC fails.

STOP                                                                   ____
STOP                                                                   edit

     This command exits abnormally from the editor; i.e. Stop Editing.
     This command is useful mainly in conjunction with  TTY:  commands
     which  the  user  wishes  to  abort.  For example, if the user is


                                               OK        MOVE
                                               OK        MOVE
     and he exits from the lower  editor  via  OK,  the  MOVE  command
     completes  its  operation.  If, on the other hand, the user exits
         STOP  TTY:                       MOVE
         STOP  TTY:                       MOVE
     via STOP, TTY: produces an error and MOVE aborts.

 SW __ __                                                              ____
(SW N1 N2)                                                             edit

                  __        __        __
     This command Swaps the N1st and  N2nd  elements  of  the  current
     expression.    The  arguments  are  normally  but not necessarily
                SW       NTH
                SW       NTH
     integers.  SW uses  NTH  to  perform  the  search,  so  that  any
     location  specifications  may  be  used.  In each case, the first
     element of the current expression which  contains  the  specified
     form at any depth is used.

TEST                                                                   ____
TEST                                                                   edit

     This  command  adds  an  undo-block to the undo-list.  This block
                         UNDO     !UNDO
                         UNDO     !UNDO
     limits the scope of UNDO and !UNDO commands to changes made after
     the block was inserted.  The block may be removed via UNBLOCK.

 THIRD ___                                                             ____
(THIRD LOC)                                                            edit

     This command executes the location specification loc three times.
                                                    LC  ___
     It is equivalent  to  three  repetitions  of  (LC  LOC).    Note,
     however,  that  if  any of the executions causes an editor error,
     the current expression remains unchanged.
EDITOR                        7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 16.24                                                     section 16.3

 ____ THROUGH ____                                                     ____
(LOC1 THROUGH LOC2)                                                    edit

     This  command  makes  the current expression the segment from the
     form specified by LOC1 through (including) the form specified  by
                                  LC        UP   BI
     ____                         LC ____   UP   BI   ____
     LOC2.   It is equivalent to (LC LOC1), UP, (BI 1 LOC2), 1.  Thus,
     it makes a single element of the  specified  elements  and  makes
     that the current expression.

     This  command  is  meant  for  use in the location specifications
                  DELETE, EMBED, EXTRACT     REPLACE
                  DELETE, EMBED, EXTRACT     REPLACE
     given to the DELETE, EMBED, EXTRACT and REPLACE commands, and  is
     not  particularly  useful  by  itself.  Use of THROUGH with these
     commands sets a special flag so that the editor removes the extra
     set of parens added by THROUGH.

 ____ TO ____                                                          ____
(LOC1 TO LOC2)                                                         edit

     This command makes the current expression the  segment  from  the
     form  specified  by  LOC1  up  to  (but  not  including) the form
                                               LC          UP    BI
                  ____                         LC  ____    UP    BI
     specified by LOC2.  It is equivalent to  (LC  LOC1),  UP,  (BI  1
     loc),  (RI  1  -2),  1.    Thus, it makes a single element of the
     specified elements and makes that the current expression.

     This command is meant for  use  in  the  location  specifications
                   DELETE, EMBED, EXTRACT     REPLACE
                   DELETE, EMBED, EXTRACT     REPLACE
     given  to the DELETE, EMBED, EXTRACT and REPLACE commands, and is
     not particularly useful by itself.  Use of TO with these commands
     sets a special flag so that the editor removes the extra  set  of
     parens added by TO.

TTY:                                                                   ____
TTY:                                                                   edit

     This  command  calls  the  editor  recursively, invoking a 'lower
     editor.'  The user may execute any and all edit commands in  this
     lower  editor.  The TTY: command terminates when the lower editor
                   OK    STOP
                   OK    STOP
     is exited via OK or STOP.

     The form being edited in the lower editor is  the  same  as  that
     being  edited  in  the  upper  editor.    Upon entry, the current
     expression in the lower is the same as that in the upper editor.

UNBLOCK                                                                ____
UNBLOCK                                                                edit

     This command removes an undo-block from the  undo-list,  allowing
     UNDO       !UNDO
     UNDO       !UNDO
     UNDO  and  !UNDO to operate on changes which were made before the
     block was inserted.

     Blocks may be inserted by exiting from the editor and by the TEST
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983                        EDITOR
section 16.3                                                     page 16.25

UNDO  ___                                                              ____
UNDO (COM)                                                             edit

     Also can use as: 


     This  command  undoes  editing  changes.  All editing changes are
     undoable, provided that  the  information  is  available  to  the
     editor.    (The  necessary information is always available unless
     several forms are being edited and the SAVE command is not used.)
     Changes made in the current editing session are ALWAYS undoable.

     The short form of the command  undoes  the  most  recent  change.
                            UNDO       !UNDO
                            UNDO       !UNDO
     Note,  however,  that  UNDO  and  !UNDO changes are skipped, even
     though they are themselves undoable.

     The long form of the command allows the user to undo an arbitrary
                                                 UNDO       !UNDO
                                                 UNDO       !UNDO
     command, not necessarily the most recent.   UNDO  and  !UNDO  may
     also be undone in this manner.

UP                                                                     ____
UP                                                                     edit

     If   the  current  expression  is  a  tail  of  the  next  higher
     expression, UP has no effect.  Otherwise the  current  expression
     becomes   the  form  whose  first  element  is  the  old  current

 XTR ___                                                               ____
(XTR LOC)                                                              edit

     This command replaces  the  current  expression  by  one  of  its
     subexpressions.   The location specification, LOC, gives the form
     to be used.  Note that only the current expression  is  searched.
     If  the current expression is a tail, the command operates on the
     first element of the tail.

                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
0                                                              edit-command

     This  command  makes  the  current  expression  the  next  higher
     expression.    This  usually,  but  not  always,  corresponds  to
     returning to the next higher left parenthesis.  This command  is,
     in  some  sense,  the inverse of the POS-INTEGER and NEG- INTEGER
     atomic commands.

                                                        _____  ____ _______
                                                        _____  ____ _______
                                                        _____  ____ _______
##                                                      fexpr, edit-command
##   ___ ____    ___                                    fexpr, edit-command
## ([COM:form]): any                                    fexpr, edit-command
EDITOR                        7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 16.26                                                     section 16.3

     The  value  of  this  fexpr,  useful  mainly  in  macros,  is the
     expression which would be current after executing all of the COMs
     in sequence.  The current expression is not changed.

                                                      CHANGE   INSERT
                                                      CHANGE   INSERT
  Commands in which this fexpr might be  used  (e.g.  CHANGE,  INSERT,  and
REPLACE) make special checks and use a copy of the expression returned.

                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
^                                                              edit-command
^                                                              edit-command
^                                                              edit-command

     This   command   makes  the  top  level  expression  the  current

                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
?                                                              edit-command
?                                                              edit-command
?                                                              edit-command

     This command prints the current expression to a level of 100.  It
     is equivalent to (P 0 100).

                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
??                                                             edit-command
??                                                             edit-command
??                                                             edit-command

     This command displays the entries on the undo-list.

                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
_                                                              edit-command
_                                                              edit-command
_                                                              edit-command

     This command returns to the position indicated by the most recent
     MARK               MARK
     MARK               MARK
     MARK command.  The MARK is not removed.

                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
 _                                                             edit-command
 _ ___                                                         edit-command
(_ PAT)                                                        edit-command

     This command ascends (does  repeated  0s),  testing  the  current
     expression  at  each  ascent  for  a match with PAT.  The current
     expression becomes the first  form  to  match.    If  pattern  is
     atomic,  it is matched with the first element of each expression;
     otherwise, it is matched against the entire form.

                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
__                                                             edit-command
__                                                             edit-command
__                                                             edit-command

     This command returns to the position indicated by the most recent
     MARK                         MARK
     MARK                         MARK
     MARK command and removes the MARK.
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983                        EDITOR
section 16.3                                                     page 16.27

                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
 :                                                             edit-command
 :  ___                                                        edit-command
(: [EXP])                                                      edit-command

     Also can be used as: 


     This  command  replaces  the current expression by the forms EXP.
     If no forms are given (as in the second form of the command), the
     current expression is deleted.

                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
     ::                                                        edit-command
 ___ :: ___                                                    edit-command
(PAT :: LOC)                                                   edit-command

     This command sets the current expression to the  first  form  (in
     print order) which matches PAT and contains the form specified by
     the  location  specification  LOC  at  any level.  The command is
                    F          LCL
                    F ___      LCL ___      ___
     equivalent to (F PAT N), (LCL LOC), (_ PAT).

                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
\                                                              edit-command
\                                                              edit-command
\                                                              edit-command

     This command returns to the expression which was  current  before
     the last 'big jump.'  Big jumps are caused by these commands:  ^,
     _, __, !NX, all commands which perform a search or use a location
     specification,  \  itself,  and  \P.    NOTE:  \  is shift-L on a

                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
\P                                                             edit-command
\P                                                             edit-command
\P                                                             edit-command

     This command returns to the expression which was  current  before
     the  last print operation (P, PP or ?).  Only the two most recent
     locations are saved.  NOTE: \ is shift-L on a teletype.

                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
!NX                                                            edit-command
!NX                                                            edit-command
!NX                                                            edit-command

     This command makes the next expression  at  a  higher  level  the
     current expression.  That is, it goes through any number of right
     parentheses to get to the next expression.

                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
!UNDO                                                          edit-command
!UNDO                                                          edit-command
!UNDO                                                          edit-command
EDITOR                        7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 16.28                                                     section 16.3

     This  command  undoes  all  changes  made  in the current editing
     session (back to  the  most  recent  block).    All  changes  are

     Blocks  may  be  inserted  by  exiting  the editor or by the TEST
     command.  They may be removed with the UNBLOCK command.

                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
                                                               ____ _______
!0                                                             edit-command
!0                                                             edit-command
!0                                                             edit-command

     This command does repeated 0s  until  it  reaches  an  expression
     which  is  not  a  tail  of  the  next  higher  expression.  That
     expression becomes the new current expression.    That  is,  this
     command  returns  to the next higher left parenthesis, regardless
     of intervening tails.

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