File psl-1983/3-1/lpt/08-strings.lpt artifact 2e547e9c39 part of check-in 3519b83598

PSL Manual                    7 February 1983           Strings and Vectors
section 8.0                                                        page 8.1

                                 CHAPTER 8
                                 CHAPTER 8
                                 CHAPTER 8
                            STRINGS AND VECTORS
                            STRINGS AND VECTORS
                            STRINGS AND VECTORS

     8.1. Vector-Like Objects .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .     8.1
     8.2. Strings .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .     8.1
     8.3. Vectors .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .     8.3
     8.4. Word Vectors  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .     8.5
     8.5. General X-Vector Operations  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .     8.5
     8.6. Arrays  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .     8.7
     8.7. Common LISP String Functions .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .     8.7

8.1. Vector-Like Objects
8.1. Vector-Like Objects
8.1. Vector-Like Objects

                          ______   ______   ____ ______   ________ ______
  In  this  Chapter, LISP strings, vectors, word-vectors, halfword-vectors,
    ____ ______
and byte-vectors are described.  Each may have several  elements,  accessed
by  an integer index.  For convenience, members of this set are referred to
   _ ______    _ ______                           ____
as x-vectors.  X-vector functions also apply  to  lists.    Currently,  the
                                                                Size    UpB
          _ ______                                              Size    UpB
index for x-vectors ranges from 0 to an upper limit, called the Size or UpB
                        _ ______           Size               ______
(upper bound).  Thus an x-vector X has 1 + Size(X) elements.  Strings index
from  0  because  they are considered to be packed vectors of bytes.  Bytes
are 7 bits on the DEC-20 and 8 bits on the VAX.

                                           ______                  ____
                                           ______                  ____
                                           ______                  ____
  [??? Note that with new integer tagging, strings  are  "packed"  words,
  [??? Note that with new integer tagging, strings  are  "packed"  words,
  [??? Note that with new integer tagging, strings  are  "packed"  words,
  which are special cases of vectors.  Should we add byte-vectors too, so
  which are special cases of vectors.  Should we add byte-vectors too, so
  which are special cases of vectors.  Should we add byte-vectors too, so
  that strings are different print mode of byte vector ???]
  that strings are different print mode of byte vector ???]
  that strings are different print mode of byte vector ???]

  [??? Size should probably be replaced by UPLIM or UPB. ???]
  [??? Size should probably be replaced by UPLIM or UPB. ???]
  [??? Size should probably be replaced by UPLIM or UPB. ???]

  In  RLISP  syntax,  X[i];  may  be  used to access the i'th element of an
_ ______
x-vector, and X[i]:=y; is used to  change  the  i'th  element  to  y. These
                                           Indx     SetIndx
                                           Indx     SetIndx
functions correspond to the LISP functions Indx and SetIndx.

  [??? Change names to GetIndex, PutIndex ???]
  [??? Change names to GetIndex, PutIndex ???]
  [??? Change names to GetIndex, PutIndex ???]

For  functions  which  change  an object from one data type to another, see
Section 4.3.

8.2. Strings
8.2. Strings
8.2. Strings

    ______                                   ______
  A string is currently thought of as a Byte vector, or  a  packed  integer
______                                                  ______
vector,  with  elements  that  are ASCII characters.  A string has a header
containing its length and perhaps a tag.  The next M words  contain  the  0
...  Size  characters,  packed  as  appropriate, terminated with at least 1
                                      ______                ______
NULL.  On the DEC-20, this means that strings have an ASCIZ string starting
Strings and Vectors           7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 8.2                                                        section 8.2

in the second word.  (ASCIZ strings are NULL terminated.)

 Make!-String ____ _______ _______ _______   ______                    ____
(Make!-String SIZE:integer INITVAL:integer): string                    expr

                                  ______        ____
     Constructs  and  returns  a  string  with  SIZE characters,  each
     initialized to the ASCII code INITVAL.

 MkString _____ _______ _______ _______   ______                       ____
(MkString UPLIM:integer INITVAL:integer): string                       expr

     An old form of Make!-String.  Returns a string of characters  all
                    _______                   _____
     initialized to INITVAL, with upper bound UPLIM.  So, the returned
                                _____   _
     string contains a total of UPLIM + 1 characters.

 String  ____ _______    ______                                       _____
(String [ARGS:integer]): string                                       nexpr

            ______                            ____
     Create string of elements from a list of ARGS.

       [???  Should  we check each arg in 0 ... 127.  What about 128
       [???  Should  we check each arg in 0 ... 127.  What about 128
       [???  Should  we check each arg in 0 ... 127.  What about 128
       - 255 with 8 bit vectors? ???]
       - 255 with 8 bit vectors? ???]
       - 255 with 8 bit vectors? ???]

         (String 65 66 67) returns "ABC"

 CopyStringToFrom ___ ______ ___ ______   ___ ______                   ____
(CopyStringToFrom NEW:string OLD:string): NEW:string                   expr

                                 ___        ___
     Copy all  characters  from  OLD  into  NEW.    This  function  is

 CopyString _ ______   ______                                          ____
(CopyString S:string): string                                          expr

     Copy to new heap string, allocating space.

  [??? Should we add GetS, PutS, UpbS, etc ???]
  [??? Should we add GetS, PutS, UpbS, etc ???]
  [??? Should we add GetS, PutS, UpbS, etc ???]

  When  processing strings it is frequently necessary to be able to specify
a particular character.   In  PSL  a  character  is  just  its  ASCII  code
representation,  but  it  is difficult to remember the code, and the use of
codes does not add to the readability of programs.  One can  use  the  Char
macro, defined in Chapter 20.  It expects a single character id as argument
and returns the ASCII code of that character.  For example

             (Char A)  returns 65
             (Char !a) returns 97
             (Char !@) returns 64
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983           Strings and Vectors
section 8.2                                                        page 8.3

Note  that to get lower-case a one must precede the a by "!", otherwise the
a will be raised.  See also the sharp-sign macros in Chapter 17.

8.3. Vectors
8.3. Vectors
8.3. Vectors

    ______                                          ____
  A vector is a structured entity in which  random  item  elements  may  be
                    _______             ______
accessed  with  an  integer  index.   A vector has a single dimension.  Its
maximum size is determined by the implementation and available  space.    A
suggested input/output "vector notation" is defined (see Chapter 12).

 GetV _ ______ _____ _______   ___                                     ____
(GetV V:vector INDEX:integer): any                                     expr

                                           _____        ______ _
     Returns  the value stored at position INDEX of the vector V.  The
     type mismatch error may occur.  An error occurs if the INDEX does
                           UPBV _
     not lie within 0 ... (UPBV V) inclusive:

     ***** INDEX subscript is out of range 

                                                        _ _____
     A similar effect may be obtained in RLISP by using V[INDEX];.

 MkVect _____ _______   ______                                         ____
(MkVect UPLIM:integer): vector                                         expr

                                       ______      _____
     Defines and allocates space for a vector with UPLIM + 1  elements
     accessed as 0 ... UPLIM.  Each element is initialized to NIL.  If
     UPLIM  is  -1,  an  empty vector is returned.  An error occurs if
     _____                                                  ______
     UPLIM is < -1 or if there is not enough space  for  a  vector  of
     this size:  

     ***** A vector of size UPLIM cannot be allocated 

 Make!-Vector _____ _______ _______ ___   ______                       ____
(Make!-Vector UPLIM:integer INITVAL:any): vector                       expr

          MkVect                                    _______
     Like MkVect but each element is initialized to INITVAL.

 PutV _ ______ _____ _______ _____ ___   ___                           ____
(PutV V:vector INDEX:integer VALUE:any): any                           expr

             _____           ______  _                _____   _____
     Stores  VALUE  in  the  vector  V  at  position  INDEX.  VALUE is
     returned.  The type mismatch error may occur.  If INDEX does  not
                  UPBV _
     lie in 0 ... UPBV(V), an error occurs:

     ***** INDEX subscript is out of range 

     A   similar  effect  can  be  obtained  in  RLISP  by  typing  in
     _ _____   _____
     V[INDEX]:=VALUE;.  It is important to use square  brackets,  i.e.
Strings and Vectors           7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 8.4                                                        section 8.3

 UpbV _ ___    ___  _______                                            ____
(UpbV U:any): {NIL, integer}                                           expr

                                   _    _      ______
     Returns  the  upper  limit of U if U is a vector, or NIL if it is

 Vector  ____ ___    ______                                           _____
(Vector [ARGS:any]): vector                                           nexpr

            ______                  ____    ____        ______
     Create vector of elements from list of ARGS.  The  vector  has  N
                     Size                                      ____
     elements, i.e.  Size = N - 1, in which N is the number of ARGS.

 CopyVectorToFrom ___ ______ ___ ______   ___ ______                   ____
(CopyVectorToFrom NEW:vector OLD:vector): NEW:vector                   expr

     Move elements, don't recurse.  

       [ ???Check size compatibility? ]
       [ ???Check size compatibility? ]
       [ ???Check size compatibility? ]

 CopyVector _ ______   ______                                          ____
(CopyVector V:vector): vector                                          expr

     Copy to new vector in heap.

  The  following  functions  can  be used after the FAST!-VECTOR module has
been loaded (LOAD FAST!-VECTOR).

 IGetV _ ______ _____ _______   ___                     ____ ________  ____
(IGetV V:vector INDEX:integer): any                     open-compiled, expr

     Used the same way as GetV.

 IPutV _ ______ _____ _______ _____ ___   ___           ____ ________  ____
(IPutV V:vector INDEX:integer VALUE:any): any           open-compiled, expr

     Fast version of PutV.

 ISizeV _ ___    ___ _______                            ____ ________  ____
(ISizeV U:any): {NIL,integer}                           open-compiled, expr

     Fast version of UpbV.

 ISizeS _ _ ______   _______                            ____ ________  ____
(ISizeS X:x-vector): integer                            open-compiled, expr

     Fast version of Size.

 IGetS _ _ ______ _ _______   ___                       ____ ________  ____
(IGetS X:x-vector I:integer): any                       open-compiled, expr

     Fast version of Indx.
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983           Strings and Vectors
section 8.3                                                        page 8.5

 IPutS _ _ ______ _ _______ _ ___   ___                 ____ ________  ____
(IPutS X:x-vector I:integer A:any): any                 open-compiled, expr

     Fast version of SetIndx.

8.4. Word Vectors
8.4. Word Vectors
8.4. Word Vectors

  ____ ______       _ _______
  Word-vectors  or  w-vectors  are  vector-like  structures,  in which each
element is a "word" sized, untagged entity.  This can be thought  of  as  a
                ______ ______
special case of fixnum vector, in which the tags have been removed.

 Make!-Words _____ _______ _______ _______   ____ ______               ____
(Make!-Words UPLIM:integer INITVAL:integer): Word-Vector               expr

                                            ____ ______      _____
     Defines  and  allocates  space  for  a Word-Vector with UPLIM + 1
     elements, each initialized to INITVAL.

 Make!-Halfwords _____ _______ _______ _______   ________ ______       ____
(Make!-Halfwords UPLIM:integer INITVAL:integer): Halfword-Vector       expr

                                       ________ ______      _____
     Defines and allocates space for a Halfword-vector with UPLIM +  1
     elements, each initialized to INITVAL.

 Make!-Bytes _____ _______ _______ _______   ____ ______               ____
(Make!-Bytes UPLIM:integer INITVAL:integer): Byte-vector               expr

                                            ____ ______      _____
     Defines  and  allocates  space  for  a Byte-Vector with UPLIM + 1
     elements, each initialized to INITVAL.

  [??? Should we convert elements to true integers when accessing ???]
  [??? Should we convert elements to true integers when accessing ???]
  [??? Should we convert elements to true integers when accessing ???]

  [??? Should we add GetW, PutW, UpbW, etc ???]
  [??? Should we add GetW, PutW, UpbW, etc ???]
  [??? Should we add GetW, PutW, UpbW, etc ???]

8.5. General X-Vector Operations
8.5. General X-Vector Operations
8.5. General X-Vector Operations

 Size _ _ ______   _______                                             ____
(Size X:x-vector): integer                                             expr

                           _ ______
     Size (upper bound) of x-vector.

 Indx _ _ ______ _ _______   ___                                       ____
(Indx X:x-vector I:integer): any                                       expr

                                   _ ______
     Access the I'th element of an x-vector.

       [??? Rename to GetIndex, or some such ???]
       [??? Rename to GetIndex, or some such ???]
       [??? Rename to GetIndex, or some such ???]

                                _                             Size _
     Generates a range error if I is outside the range 0 ...  Size(X):
Strings and Vectors           7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 8.6                                                        section 8.5

     ***** Index is out of range

 SetIndx _ _ ______ _ _______ _ ___   ___                              ____
(SetIndx X:x-vector I:integer A:any): any                              expr

     Store  an  appropriate  value,  A,  as  the  I'th  element  of an
     _ ______                               _
     x-vector.  Generates a range error if  I  is  outside  the  range
         Size _

     ***** Index is out of range

 Sub _ _ ______ __ _______ _ _______   _ ______                        ____
(Sub X:x-vector I1:integer S:integer): x-vector                        expr

                                 _ ______              __
     Extract  a  subrange  of an x-vector, starting at I1, producing a
                     Size                              Size
         _ ______    Size _   ____         _ ______    Size        ___
     new x-vector of Size S.  Note that an x-vector of Size 0 has  one

 SetSub _ _ ______ __ _______ _ _______ _ _ ______   _ ______          ____
(SetSub X:x-vector I1:integer S:integer Y:x-vector): x-vector          expr

                       _         _      _             __           _
     Store subrange of Y of size S into X starting at I1.  Returns Y.

 SubSeq _ _ ______ __ _______ __ _______   _ ______                    ____
(SubSeq X:x-vector LO:integer HI:integer): x-vector                    expr

                  _ ______    Size __ __
     Returns  an  x-vector of Size HI-LO-1, beginning with the element
        _            __                                              _
     of X with index LO.  In other words, returns the subsequence of X
                 __            ____ ______ __
     starting at LO and ending just before HI.  For example,

        (Setq A '[0 1 2 3 4 5 6])
        (SubSeq A 4 6)

     returns [4 5].

 SetSubSeq _ _ ______ __ _______ __ _______ _ _ ______   _ _ ______    ____
(SetSubSeq X:x-vector LO:integer HI:integer Y:x-vector): Y:x-vector    expr

     _            Size __ __
     Y must be of Size HI-LO-1; it must also be of the  same  type  of
     _ ______      _              __         __      _
     x-vector  as  X.    Elements LO through HI-1 in X are replaced by
                        Size _     _   _                 _
     elements 0 through Size(Y) of Y.  Y is returned and X is  changed
     destructively.         If A is "0123456" and B is "abcd", then 

        (SetSubSeq A 3 7 B)

     returns "abcd".  A is "012abcd" and B is unchanged.

 Concat _ _ ______ _ _ ______   _ ______                               ____
(Concat X:x-vector Y:x-vector): x-vector                               expr

                   _ ______
     Concatenate 2 x-vectors.  Currently they must be of same type.
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983           Strings and Vectors
section 8.5                                                        page 8.7

       [??? Should we do conversion to common type ???]
       [??? Should we do conversion to common type ???]
       [??? Should we do conversion to common type ???]

 TotalCopy _ ___   ___                                                 ____
(TotalCopy S:any): any                                                 expr

     Returns  a  unique  copy  of  entire  structure,  i.e., it copies
     everything for which storage is allocated - everything but  inums
                     Copy            TotalCopy
                     Copy            TotalCopy
     and  ids.  Like Copy (Chapter 7)TotalCopy will not terminate when
     applied to circular structures.

8.6. Arrays
8.6. Arrays
8.6. Arrays

  Arrays do not exist in PSL as distinct data-types; rather an array  macro
package  is anticipated for declaring and managing multi-dimensional arrays
   ____   _________       ____
of items, characters and  words,  by  mapping  them  onto  one  dimensional

  [??? What operations, how to map, and what sort of checking ???]
  [??? What operations, how to map, and what sort of checking ???]
  [??? What operations, how to map, and what sort of checking ???]

8.7. Common LISP String Functions
8.7. Common LISP String Functions
8.7. Common LISP String Functions

  A  Common  LISP  compatible package of string and character functions has
been implemented in PSL, obtained by  LOADing  the  STRINGS  module.    The
following  functions are defined from Chapters 13 and 14 of the Common LISP
                     Char       String
                     Char       String
manual [Steele 81].  Char  and  String  are  not  defined  because  of  PSL
functions with the same name.

  Common  LISP  provides  a  character  data  type in which every character
object has three attributes:  code, bits, and font.    The  bits  attribute
allows  extra  flags to be associated with a character.  The font attribute
permits a specification of the style of the glyphs (such as italics).   PSL
does  not support nonzero bit and font attributes.  Because of this some of
the Common LISP character functions described below have no affect  or  are
not very useful as implemented in PSL.  They are present for compatibility.

  Recall  that  in  PSL a character is represented as its code, a number in
the range 0...127.  For an argument to the  following  character  functions
give  the code or use the Char function or the sharp-sign macros in Chapter

 Standard!-CharP _ _________   _______                                 ____
(Standard!-CharP C:character): boolean                                 expr

     Returns T if the argument is a "standard character", that is, one
     of the ninety-five ASCII printing characters or <return>.
Strings and Vectors           7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 8.8                                                        section 8.7

             (Standard-CharP (Char A)) returns T
             (Standard-CharP (Char !^A)) returns NIL

 GraphicP _ _________   _______                                        ____
(GraphicP C:character): boolean                                        expr

     Returns  T  if  C  is  a  printable  character and NIL if it is a
     non-printable (formatting  or  control)  character.    The  space
     character is assumed to be graphic.

 String!-CharP _ _________   _______                                   ____
(String!-CharP C:character): boolean                                   expr

     Returns T if C is a character that can be an element of a string.
                                      Standard-Charp     Graphicp
                                      Standard-Charp     Graphicp
     Any  character  that  satisfies  Standard-Charp and Graphicp also
     satisfies String-Charp.

 AlphaP _ _________   _______                                          ____
(AlphaP C:character): boolean                                          expr

     Returns T if C is an alphabetic character.

 UpperCaseP _ _________   _______                                      ____
(UpperCaseP C:character): boolean                                      expr

     Returns T if C is an upper case letter.

 LowerCaseP _ _________   _______                                      ____
(LowerCaseP C:character): boolean                                      expr

     Returns T if C is a lower case letter.

 BothCaseP _ _________   _______                                       ____
(BothCaseP C:character): boolean                                       expr

     In PSL this function is the same as AlphaP.

 DigitP _ _________   _______                                          ____
(DigitP C:character): boolean                                          expr

     Returns  T  if  C  is  a  digit  character  (optional  radix  not

 AlphaNumericP _ _________   _______                                   ____
(AlphaNumericP C:character): boolean                                   expr

     Returns T if C is a digit or an alphabetic.
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983           Strings and Vectors
section 8.7                                                        page 8.9

 Char!= __ _________  __ _________   _______                           ____
(Char!= C1:character  C2:character): boolean                           expr

                  __     __
     Returns T if C1 and C2 are the same in all three attributes.

 Char!-Equal __ _________  __ _________   _______                      ____
(Char!-Equal C1:character  C2:character): boolean                      expr

                    __     __
     Returns  T  if C1 and C2 are similar.  Differences in case, bits,
     or font are ignored by this function.

 Char!< __ _________  __ _________   _______                           ____
(Char!< C1:character  C2:character): boolean                           expr

                  __                       __
     Returns T if C1 is strictly less than C2.

 Char!> __ _________  __ _________   _______                           ____
(Char!> C1:character  C2:character): boolean                           expr

                  __                          __
     Returns T if C1 is strictly greater than C2.

 Char!-LessP __ _________  __ _________   _______                      ____
(Char!-LessP C1:character  C2:character): boolean                      expr

     Like Char!< but ignores differences in case, fonts, and bits.

 Char!-GreaterP __ _________  __ _________   _______                   ____
(Char!-GreaterP C1:character  C2:character): boolean                   expr

     Like Char!> but ignores differences in case, fonts, and bits.

 Char!-Code _ _________   _________                                    ____
(Char!-Code C:character): character                                    expr

     Returns the code attribute of C.  In  PSL  this  function  is  an
     identity function.

 Char!-Bits _ _________   _______                                      ____
(Char!-Bits C:character): integer                                      expr

     Returns the bits attribute of C, which is always 0 in PSL.

 Char!-Font _ _________   _______                                      ____
(Char!-Font C:character): integer                                      expr

     Returns the font attribute of C, which is always 0 in PSL.

 Code!-Char _ _______    _________ ___                                 ____
(Code!-Char I:integer): {character,nil}                                expr

     The  purpose  of  this  function  is  to  be  able to construct a
     character by specifying the code, bits, and font.   Because  bits
     and  font  attributes  are  not  used  in  PSL,  Code!-Char is an
Strings and Vectors           7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 8.10                                                       section 8.7

     identity function.

 Character _  _________  ______  __    _________                       ____
(Character C:{character, string, id}): character                       expr

                          _                        _                 _
     Attempts  to  coerce C to be a character.  If C is a character, C
     is returned.  If C is a string, then the first character  of  the
     string is returned.  If C is a symbol, the first character of the
     symbol is returned.  Otherwise an error occurs.

 Char!-UpCase _ _________   _________                                  ____
(Char!-UpCase C:character): character                                  expr

         LowerCaseP                    Char-UpCase
         LowerCaseP _                  Char-UpCase
     If  LowerCaseP(C)  is  true, then Char-UpCase returns the code of
                       _                                    _
     the upper case of C.  Otherwise it returns the code of C.

 Char!-DownCase _ _________   _________                                ____
(Char!-DownCase C:character): character                                expr

        UpperCaseP                  Char-DownCase
        UpperCaseP _                Char-DownCase
     If UpperCaseP(C) is true, then Char-DownCase returns the code  of
                       _                                    _
     the lower case of C.  Otherwise it returns the code of C.

 Digit!-Char _ _________   _______                                     ____
(Digit!-Char C:character): integer                                     expr

                                        _                            _
     Converts  character to its code if C is a one-digit number.  If C
     is larger than one digit, NIL is returned.  If C is not  numeric,
     an error message is caused.

 Char!-Int _ _________   _______                                       ____
(Char!-Int C:character): integer                                       expr

     Converts character to integer.  This is the identity operation in

 Int!-Char _ _______   _________                                       ____
(Int!-Char I:integer): character                                       expr

     Converts integer to character.  This is the identity operation in

  The string functions follow.

 RplaChar _ ______  _ _______  _ _________   _________                 ____
(RplaChar S:string  I:integer  C:character): character                 expr

                       _             _             _
     Store a character C in a string S at position I.
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983           Strings and Vectors
section 8.7                                                       page 8.11

 String!= __ ______  __ ______   _______                               ____
(String!= S1:string  S2:string): boolean                               expr

                             __       __
     Compares  two  strings  S1  and  S2,  case sensitive.  (Substring
     options not implemented).

 String!-Equal __ ______  __ ______   _______                          ____
(String!-Equal S1:string  S2:string): boolean                          expr

                         __     __
     Compare two strings S1 and S2, ignoring case, bits and font.

                                                  _____ _______
  The following string comparison functions  are  extra-boolean.    If  the
comparison results in a value of T, the first position of inequality in the
strings is returned.

 String!< __ ______  __ ______   _____ _______                         ____
(String!< S1:string  S2:string): extra-boolean                         expr

     Lexicographic comparison of strings.  Case sensitive.

 String!> __ ______  __ ______   _____ _______                         ____
(String!> S1:string  S2:string): extra-boolean                         expr

     Lexicographic comparison of strings.  Case sensitive.

 String!<!= __ ______  __ ______   _____ _______                       ____
(String!<!= S1:string  S2:string): extra-boolean                       expr

     Lexicographic comparison of strings.  Case sensitive.

 String!>!= __ ______  __ ______   _____ _______                       ____
(String!>!= S1:string  S2:string): extra-boolean                       expr

     Lexicographic comparison of strings.  Case sensitive.

 String!<!> __ ______  __ ______   _____ _______                       ____
(String!<!> S1:string  S2:string): extra-boolean                       expr

     Lexicographic comparison of strings.  Case sensitive.

 String!-LessP __ ______  __ ______   _____ _______                    ____
(String!-LessP S1:string  S2:string): extra-boolean                    expr

     Lexicographic  comparison  of  strings.    Case  differences  are

 String!-GreaterP __ ______  __ ______   _____ _______                 ____
(String!-GreaterP S1:string  S2:string): extra-boolean                 expr

     Lexicographic  comparison  of  strings.    Case  differences  are
Strings and Vectors           7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 8.12                                                       section 8.7

 String!-Not!-GreaterP __ ______  __ ______   _____ _______            ____
(String!-Not!-GreaterP S1:string  S2:string): extra-boolean            expr

     Lexicographic  comparison  of  strings.    Case  differences  are

 String!-Not!-LessP __ ______  __ ______   _____ _______               ____
(String!-Not!-LessP S1:string  S2:string): extra-boolean               expr

     Lexicographic  comparison  of  strings.    Case  differences  are

 String!-Not!-Equal __ ______  __ ______   _____ _______               ____
(String!-Not!-Equal S1:string  S2:string): extra-boolean               expr

     Lexicographic  comparison  of  strings.    Case  differences  are

 String!-Repeat _ ______  _ _______   ______                           ____
(String!-Repeat S:string  I:integer): string                           expr

                     _                    _
     Appends copy of S to itself total of I-1 times.

 String!-Trim ___  ____  ______   _ ______   ______                    ____
(String!-Trim BAG:{list, string}  S:string): string                    expr

                                               ___               _
     Remove leading and trailing characters in BAG from a string S.

          (String-Trim "ABC" "AABAXYZCB") returns "XYZ"
          (String-Trim (List (Char A) (Char B) (Char C))
           returns "XYZ"
          (String-Trim '(65 66 67) "ABCBAVXZCC") returns "VXZ"

 String!-Left!-Trim ___  ____  ______   _ ______   ______              ____
(String!-Left!-Trim BAG:{list, string}  S:string): string              expr

     Remove leading characters from string.

 String!-Right!-Trim ___  ____  ______   _ ______   ______             ____
(String!-Right!-Trim BAG:{list, string}  S:string): string             expr

     Remove trailing characters from string.

 String!-UpCase _ ______   ______                                      ____
(String!-UpCase S:string): string                                      expr

     Copy and raise all alphabetic characters in string.
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983           Strings and Vectors
section 8.7                                                       page 8.13

 NString!-UpCase _ ______   ______                                     ____
(NString!-UpCase S:string): string                                     expr

     Destructively raise all alphabetic characters in string.

 String!-DownCase _ ______   ______                                    ____
(String!-DownCase S:string): string                                    expr

     Copy and lower all alphabetic characters in string.

 NString!-DownCase _ ______   ______                                   ____
(NString!-DownCase S:string): string                                   expr

     Destructively lower all alphabetic characters in string.

 String!-Capitalize _ ______   ______                                  ____
(String!-Capitalize S:string): string                                  expr

     Copy and raise first letter of all words in string; other letters
     in lower case.

 NString!-Capitalize _ ______   ______                                 ____
(NString!-Capitalize S:string): string                                 expr

     Destructively  raise  first letter of all words; other letters in
     lower case.

 String!-to!-List _ ______   ____                                      ____
(String!-to!-List S:string): list                                      expr

     Unpack string characters into a list.

 String!-to!-Vector _ ______   ______                                  ____
(String!-to!-Vector S:string): vector                                  expr

     Unpack string characters into a vector.

 SubString _ ______  __ _______  __ _______   ______                   ____
(SubString S:string  LO:integer  HI:integer): string                   expr

             SubSeq                                   ______
     Same as SubSeq, but the first argument must be a string.  Returns
                    _    Size __   __
     a substring of S of Size HI - LO - 1, beginning with the  element
     with index LO.

 String!-Length _ ______   _______                                     ____
(String!-Length S:string): integer                                     expr

     Last index of a string, plus one.

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