File psl-1983/3-1/lpt/02-getstart.lpt artifact 03db65fd31 part of check-in 3519b83598

PSL Manual                    7 February 1983               Getting Started
section 2.0                                                        page 2.1

                                 CHAPTER 2
                                 CHAPTER 2
                                 CHAPTER 2
                         GETTING STARTED WITH PSL
                         GETTING STARTED WITH PSL
                         GETTING STARTED WITH PSL

     2.1. Purpose of This Chapter.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .     2.1
     2.2. Defining Logical Device Names for PSL .  .  .  .  .  .  .     2.1
          2.2.1. DEC-20 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .     2.2
          2.2.2. VAX .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .     2.2
     2.3. Starting PSL  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .     2.3
          2.3.1. DEC-20 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .     2.3
          2.3.2. VAX .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .     2.3
     2.4. Running the PSL System .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .     2.4
          2.4.1. Loading Optional Modules .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .     2.4
          2.4.2. Notes on Running PSL and RLISP .  .  .  .  .  .  .     2.4
          2.4.3. Transcript of a Short Session with PSL  .  .  .  .     2.5
     2.5. Error and Warning Messages.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .     2.8
     2.6. Compilation Versus Interpretation  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .     2.8
     2.7. Function Types.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .     2.9
     2.8. Switches and Globals.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    2.10
     2.9. Reporting Errors and Misfeatures.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    2.10

2.1. Purpose of This Chapter
2.1. Purpose of This Chapter
2.1. Purpose of This Chapter

  This  chapter is for beginning users of PSL on the DEC-20 and the VAX 750
and 780 at Utah.  It also is meant to be a guide  to  those  familiar  with
LISP,  and  particularly  STANDARD  LISP, who would like to use PSL as they
read the manual.

  It begins with descriptions of how  to  set  up  various  logical  device
definitions  required by PSL and how to run PSL.  A number of miscellaneous
hints and reminders are given in the remainder of the chapter.

2.2. Defining Logical Device Names for PSL
2.2. Defining Logical Device Names for PSL
2.2. Defining Logical Device Names for PSL

  When PSL is installed on your system, the person doing  the  installation
has  the  option  of  using  a number of different directory structures and
names, depending on local conventions and available space.  There are  also
options to select a small system (without all source-code online) or a full
system.    Also,  as  each  release  of  PSL  is  prepared,  we may find it
convenient to change the names and number of sub-directories.  In order  to
minimize  the  inconvenience,  an  attempt  has  been made to refer to such
directories through some form of logical name  ("logical  device  name"  on
DEC-20, shell-variable or link on VAX-UNIX, etc.).  In some cases these can
be  used  as  if  they were directory names (DEC-20), and in some cases not
(VAX).  These definitions are edited at installation time to reflect  local
Getting Started               7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 2.2                                                        section 2.2

usage,   and   stored   in   a   file   whose   name   is   something  like
"".  This file will be placed on an appropriate  directory
(often  <PSL>  on  the DEC-20, ~psl on the VAX, etc.).  A message should be
sent out by your installer to indicate where the file is, and its name.  It
is suggested that a use of this file be placed in your LOGIN.CMD  ,  .cshrc
or equivalent file.

2.2.1. DEC-20
2.2.1. DEC-20
2.2.1. DEC-20

  It  is  absolutely essential that TAKE <PSL>LOGICAL-NAMES.CMD be inserted
in your LOGIN.CMD file, or executed at EXEC level before using PSL.  PSL is
written  to  rely  on  these  logical  device  definitions  in   place   of
"hard-coded"  directory names.  PSL also uses TOPS-20 search paths, so that
for example, "PH:" is defined as the directory (or search  list)  on  which
PSL  looks for help files, "PL:" is the directory (or search list) on which
              Lap     Fasl
              Lap     Fasl
PSL looks for Lap and Fasl files of the form "xxxx.b", etc.

  The logical name "PSL:" is defined to be the directory on which  the  PSL
executables reside.  Thus "PSL:PSL.EXE" should start PSL executing.

  There   should   usually   be   a   PSL:BARE-PSL.EXE,   PSL:PSL.EXE   and
PSL:RLISP.EXE.  BARE-PSL is the minimum system that is  constructed  during
the  PSL  build sequence.  PSL and RLISP usually contain additional modules
selected by the installer, felt to be most commonly used by your community.

2.2.2. VAX
2.2.2. VAX
2.2.2. VAX

  In the current version of UNIX (4.1) there is no  equivalent  of  logical
device  definitions  that  can be used to access files on other directories
from within PSL or many UNIX utilities.  We have defined  a  set  of  shell
variables  ($  variables)  that  may be used outside of an executing PSL to
refer to the appropriate directories, and a series of PSL global  variables
for  use  inside  PSL  that  contain  the equivalent of search paths.  In a
future release of PSL for the VAX, we may be able to look up such shell  or
environment variables during the attempt to OPEN a file.

  These  variables  are  defined  in  the  file "psl-names", usually on the
directory "~psl"  (actually  /u/local/psl  at  UTAH).    Insert  a  "source
~psl/psl-names"  or  equivalent  in  your  .cshrc  file.  Variables such as
"$psl", "$pl", and "$pu" (on which many utility  sources  are  stored)  are

  There  should  usually be a "$psl/bare-psl", "$psl/psl" and "$psl/rlisp".
Bare-psl is the minimum system that is constructed  during  the  PSL  build
sequence.  PSL and RLISP usually contain additional modules selected by the
installer, felt to be most commonly used by your community.
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983               Getting Started
section 2.3                                                        page 2.3

2.3. Starting PSL
2.3. Starting PSL
2.3. Starting PSL

2.3.1. DEC-20
2.3.1. DEC-20
2.3.1. DEC-20

  After  defining the device names, type either PSL:RLISP or PSL:PSL to the
at-sign prompt, @.  A welcome message indicates the nature  of  the  system
running,  usually  with a date and version number.  This information may be
useful in describing problems.  [Messages concerning  bugs  or  misfeatures
should be directed to PSL-BUGS@UTAH-20; see Section 2.9.]

  BARE-PSL.EXE  is a "bare" PSL using LISP (i.e. parenthesis) syntax.  This
is a small core-image and is ideal for simple  LISP  execution.    It  also
includes  a  resident  Fasl,  so  additional  modules  can  be  loaded.  In
particular, the compiler is not normally part of PSL.EXE.

  RLISP.EXE is PSL with additional modules  loaded,  corresponding  to  the
most  common  system  run  at  Utah.  It contains the compiler and an RLISP
parser.  For more information about RLISP see Chapter 3.

  It is assumed by PSL and RLISP that file names be of the form  "*.sl"  or
"*.lsp"  for LISP files, "*.red" for RLISP files, "*.b" for Fasl files, and
"*.lap" for Lap files.

2.3.2. VAX
2.3.2. VAX
2.3.2. VAX

  The executable files are $psl/psl and $psl/rlisp.  Loadable  modules  are
on $pl/*.b or $pl/*.lap.  Help files are on $ph/*.hlp.

  $psl/rlisp  has the RLISP parser and compiler.  Additional modules can be
                          Load                                       Error
                          Load                                       Error
loaded from $pl using the Load function.  <Ctrl-C> causes a call to  Error,
and  may  be  used to stop a runaway computation.  <Ctrl-Z> or the function
Quit cause the process to be stopped, and control returned  to  the  shell;
the  process  may  be continued.  A sequence of <Ctrl-D>'s (EOF) causes the
process to be terminated.  This is to allow the use of I/O redirection from
the shell.  

  [??? Add Cntrl-B for BREAK loop call ???]
  [??? Add Cntrl-B for BREAK loop call ???]
  [??? Add Cntrl-B for BREAK loop call ???]

  Unix 4.1 and 4.1a allow only 14 characters for file names,  and  case  is
significant.    The  use  of  ".r"  instead of ".red" is recommended as the
extension  for  RLISP  files  to  save  on  meaningful  characters;   other
extensions are as on the DEC-20.
Getting Started               7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 2.4                                                        section 2.4

2.4. Running the PSL System
2.4. Running the PSL System
2.4. Running the PSL System

  The  following  sub-sections  collect  a few miscellaneous notes that are
further expanded on elsewhere.  They are provided here simply  to  get  you

2.4.1. Loading Optional Modules
2.4.1. Loading Optional Modules
2.4.1. Loading Optional Modules

  Certain modules are not present in the "kernel" or "bare-psl" system, but
can  be loaded as options.  Some of these optional modules will "auto-load"
when first referenced; others may be explicitly  loaded  by  the  user,  or
included  by the installer when building the "PSL" and "RLISP" core images.
Optional modules can be loaded by executing

   LOAD modulename;  % in RLISP syntax
   (LOAD modulename) % in LISP syntax.

  The global variable  OPTIONS!*  contains  a  list  of  modules  currently
loaded;  it  does not mention those in the "bare-psl" kernel.  Do not reset
this variable; it is used by LOAD to avoid loading already present modules.
[See RELOAD in Chapter 18].

2.4.2. Notes on Running PSL and RLISP
2.4.2. Notes on Running PSL and RLISP
2.4.2. Notes on Running PSL and RLISP

          Help      Help
          Help      Help
   a. Use Help(); [(Help) in LISP] for general help or  an  indication
                                      Help              Help
                                      Help              Help
      of  what help is available; use Help (a, b, c); [(Help a b c) in
      LISP] for information on topics a, b, and  c. This  call  prints
      files  from  the  PH:  (i.e. <PSL.HELP>) directory.  Try Help x;
      [(Help x) in LISP] on:

      ?               Exec            Mini            Step
      Br              Find            MiniEditor      Strings
      Break           Switches        MiniTrace       TopLoop
      Bug             For             Package         Tr
      Debug           Globals         PRLISP          Trace
      Defstruct       GSort           PSL             UnBr
      Edit            Help            RCREF           UnTr
      EditF           JSYS            RLISP           Useful
      Editor          Load            ShowSwitches    ZFiles
      Emode           Manual          Slate           ZPEdit

        [??? Help() does not work in RLISP ???]
        [??? Help() does not work in RLISP ???]
        [??? Help() does not work in RLISP ???]

   b. File I/O needs string-quotes (") around file names.  File  names
      may use full TOPS-20 or UNIX conventions, including directories,
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983               Getting Started
section 2.4                                                        page 2.5

      sub-directories, etc.

      Input in RLISP mode is done using the 'IN "File-Name";' command.

      Use (Dskin "File-Name") for input from LISP mode.

      For information on similar I/O functions see Chapter 12.

           Quit     Quit
           Quit     Quit
   c. Use  Quit;  [(Quit) in LISP] or <Ctrl-C> on the DEC-20 (<Ctrl-Z>
      on the VAX) to exit.  <Ctrl-C> (<Ctrl-Z> on the VAX)  is  useful
      for stopping run-away computations.  On the DEC-20, typing START
      or  CONTINUE to the @ prompt from the EXEC usually restarts in a
      reasonable way.

2.4.3. Transcript of a Short Session with PSL
2.4.3. Transcript of a Short Session with PSL
2.4.3. Transcript of a Short Session with PSL

  The following is a transcript of running PSL on the DEC-20.
Getting Started               7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 2.6                                                        section 2.4

   PSL 3.1, 11-Oct-82

   1 Lisp> % Notice the numbered prompt.
   1 Lisp> % Comments begin with "%" and do not change the prompt
   1 Lisp> % number.
   1 Lisp> (Setq Z '(1 2 3))  % Make an assignment for Z.
   (1 2 3)
   2 Lisp> (Cdr Z)            % Notice the change in prompt number.
   (2 3)
   3 Lisp> (De Count (L)      % Count counts the number or elements
   3 Lisp>    (Cond ((Null L) 0)  % in a list L.
   3 Lisp>          (T (Add1 (Count (Cdr L))))))
   4 Lisp> (Count Z)          % Call Count on Z.
   5 Lisp> (Tr Count)  % Trace the recursive execution of "Count".
   6 Lisp>             % A call on "Count" now shows the value of
   6 Lisp>             % "Count" and of its arguments each time
   6 Lisp> (Count Z)   % it is called.
   COUNT being entered
      L:   (1 2 3)
     COUNT (level 2) being entered
        L: (2 3)
       COUNT (level 3) being entered
          L:       (3)
         COUNT (level 4) being entered
            L:     NIL
         COUNT (level 4) = 0
       COUNT (level 3) = 1
     COUNT (level 2) = 2
   COUNT = 3
   7 Lisp> (De Factorial (X)
   7 Lisp>    (Cond ((Eq 1)
   7 Lisp>          (T (Times X (Factorial (Sub1 X))))))
   8 Lisp> (Tr Factorial)
   9 Lisp> (Factorial 4)     % Trace execution of "Factorial".
   FACTORIAL being entered
      X:   4
     FACTORIAL (level 2) being entered
        X: 3
       FACTORIAL (level 3) being entered
          X:       2                    % Notice values being returned.
         FACTORIAL (level 4) being entered
            X:     1
         FACTORIAL (level 4) = 1
       FACTORIAL (level 3) = 2
     FACTORIAL (level 2) = 6
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983               Getting Started
section 2.4                                                        page 2.7

   10 Lisp> (Untr Count Factorial)
   11 Lisp> (Count 'A)  % This generates an error causing the break
                              % loop to be entered.
   ***** An attempt was made to do CDR on `A', which is not a pair
   Break loop
   12 Lisp break>> ?
   This is a Read-Eval-Print loop, similar to the top level loop,
   except that the following IDs at the top level cause functions to
   be called rather than being evaluated:
   ?        Print this message, listing active Break IDs
   T        Print stack backtrace
   Q        Exit break loop back to ErrorSet
   A        Abort to top level, i.e. restart PSL
   C        Return last value to the ContinuableError call
   R        Reevaluate ErrorForm!* and return
   M        Display ErrorForm!* as the "message"
   E        Invoke a simple structure editor on ErrorForm!*
                   (For more information do Help Editor.)
   I        Show a trace of any interpreted functions

   See the manual for details on the Backtrace, and how ErrorForm!* is
   set.  The Break Loop attempts to use the same TopLoopRead!* etc, as
   the calling top loop, just expanding the PromptString!*.
   13 Lisp break>>          % Get a Trace-Back of the
   13 Lisp break>> I        % interpreted functions.
   Backtrace, including interpreter functions, from top of stack:
   14 Lisp break>> Q        % To exit the Break Loop.
   15 Lisp>                 % Load in a file, showing its execution.
   15 Lisp>                 % The file contains the following:
   15 Lisp>                 % (Setq X (Cons 'A (Cons 'B Nil)))
   15 Lisp>                 % (Count X)
   15 Lisp>                 % (Reverse X)
   15 Lisp> (Dskin "")
   (A B)
   (B A)
   16 Lisp> (Quit)
   17 Lisp> ^C

   18 Lisp> (Quit)
Getting Started               7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 2.8                                                        section 2.5

2.5. Error and Warning Messages
2.5. Error and Warning Messages
2.5. Error and Warning Messages

  Many  functions  detect and signal appropriate errors (see Chapter 14 for
details); in many cases, an error message is printed.  The error conditions
are given as part of a function's definition  in  the  manual.    An  error
message  is  preceded  by  five stars (*); a warning message is preceded by
three.  For example, most primitive  functions  check  the  type  of  their
arguments  and  display  an error message if an argument is incorrect.  The
type mismatch error mentions the function in which the error was  detected,
gives the expected type, and prints the actual value passed.

  Sometimes one sees a prompt of the form:  

   Do you really want to redefine the system function `FOO'?

This  means  you  have  tried  to define a function with the same name as a
function used by the PSL system.  A  Y,  N,  YES,  NO,  or  B  response  is
required.  B starts a break loop.  After quitting the break loop, answer Y,
N,  Yes, or No to the query.  See the definition of YesP in Chapter 13.  An
affirmative response is extremely dangerous and should be given only if you
are a system expert.  Usually this means that your function must be given a
different name.

  A common warning message is 

  *** Function "FOO" has been redefined

If this occurs without  the  query  above,  you  are  redefining  your  own
function.    This happens normally if you read a file, edit it, and read it
in again.

  The switch !*USERMODE  controls  whether  redefinition  of  functions  is
"dangerous".  When NIL, no query is generated.  User functions entered when
!*USERMODE  is  on  are  flagged  with  the  'USER  indicator, used by this
mechanism.  The switch !*REDEFMSG, described in section 10.1.2, can be  set
to  suppress  these  warning messages.  There is also a property 'LOSE that
will prevent redefinition; the  new  definition  will  be  ignored,  and  a
warning given.

2.6. Compilation Versus Interpretation
2.6. Compilation Versus Interpretation
2.6. Compilation Versus Interpretation

  PSL  uses  both  compiled  and interpreted code.  If compiled, a function
usually executes faster and is smaller.  However, there are  some  semantic
differences of which the user should be aware.  For example, some recursive
functions  are made non-recursive, and certain functions are open-compiled.
A call to an open-compiled function  is  replaced,  on  compilation,  by  a
series  of online instructions instead of just being a reference to another
function.  Functions compiled open may not do as much type checking.    The
user may have to supply some declarations to control this behavior.
PSL Manual                    7 February 1983               Getting Started
section 2.6                                                        page 2.9

  The exact semantic differences between compiled and interpreted functions
are  more  fully  discussed in Chapter 18 and in the Portable LISP Compiler
paper [Griss 81].  

  [??? We intend to consider the modification of the LISP semantics so as
  [??? We intend to consider the modification of the LISP semantics so as
  [??? We intend to consider the modification of the LISP semantics so as
  to ensure that these differences are minimized.  If a conflict  occurs,
  to ensure that these differences are minimized.  If a conflict  occurs,
  to ensure that these differences are minimized.  If a conflict  occurs,
  we  will  restrict  the interpreter, rather than extending (and slowing
  we  will  restrict  the interpreter, rather than extending (and slowing
  we  will  restrict  the interpreter, rather than extending (and slowing
  down) the capabilities of the compiled code. ???]
  down) the capabilities of the compiled code. ???]
  down) the capabilities of the compiled code. ???]

  We indicate on the function definition line if it is  typically  compiled
OPEN;  this  information helps in debugging code that uses these functions.
These functions do not appear in backtraces and cannot be redefined, traced
or broken in compiled code.

  [??? Should we  make  open-compiled  functions  totally  un-redefinable
  [??? Should we  make  open-compiled  functions  totally  un-redefinable
  [??? Should we  make  open-compiled  functions  totally  un-redefinable
  without  special action, even for interpreted code.  Consistency!  E.g.
  without  special action, even for interpreted code.  Consistency!  E.g.
  without  special action, even for interpreted code.  Consistency!  E.g.
  flag 'COND LOSE. ???]
  flag 'COND LOSE. ???]
  flag 'COND LOSE. ???]

2.7. Function Types
2.7. Function Types
2.7. Function Types

  Eval                                                               NoEval
  Eval                                                               NoEval
  Eval-type functions are those called with evaluated  arguments.    NoEval
functions  are  called  with  unevaluated arguments.  Spread-type functions
have their arguments passed  in  a  one-to-one  correspondence  with  their
formal  parameters.  NoSpread functions receive their arguments as a single

  There are four function types implemented in PSL:

expr         Eval  Spread
expr         Eval  Spread
expr      An Eval, Spread function, with a maximum of  15  arguments.    In
          referring  to  the  formal parameters we mean their values.  Each
          function of this type should always be called with  the  expected
          number  of  parameters,  as indicated in the function definition.
          Future versions of PSL will check this consistency.

fexpr       NoEval  NoSpread
fexpr       NoEval  NoSpread
fexpr     A NoEval, NoSpread function.  There is no limit on the number  of
          arguments.    In  referring  to the formal parameters we mean the
          unevaluated arguments, collected as a single List, and passed  as
          a single formal parameter to the function body.

nexpr         Eval   NoSpread
nexpr         Eval   NoSpread
nexpr     An  Eval,  NoSpread function.  Each call on this kind of function
          may present a different number of arguments, which are evaluated,
          collected into a list, and passed in to the function  body  as  a
          single formal parameter.

_____          _____
_____          _____
_____          _____
macro          macro
macro          macro
macro     The  macro  is  a  function  which creates a new S-expression for
          subsequent evaluation or compilation.  There is no limit  to  the
          number  of  arguments  a macro may have.  The descriptions of the
          Eval     Expand
          Eval     Expand
          Eval and Expand functions in Chapter 11 provide precise details.
Getting Started               7 February 1983                    PSL Manual
page 2.10                                                       section 2.8

2.8. Switches and Globals
2.8. Switches and Globals
2.8. Switches and Globals

  Generally, switch names begin with !* and global names end with !*, where
"!"    is an escape character.  One can set a switch !*xxx to T by using On
xxx; in RLISP [(on xxx) in LISP]; one can set it to NIL by using  Off  xxx;
in  RLISP [(off xxx) in LISP].  For example) !*ECHO, !*PVAL and !*PECHO are
switches that control Input  Echo,  Value  Echo  and  Parse  Echo.    These
switches are described more fully in Chapters 12 and 13.

  For  more  information,  type "HELP SWITCHES;" or "HELP GLOBALS;", or see
Section 6.7.

2.9. Reporting Errors and Misfeatures
2.9. Reporting Errors and Misfeatures
2.9. Reporting Errors and Misfeatures

  Send bug MAIL to PSL-BUGS@UTAH-20.  The message will be distributed to  a
list  of users concerned with bugs and maintenance, and a copy will be kept

 Bug    _________                                         ___ __ ____  ____
(Bug ): undefined                                         DEC-20 only, expr

     The function Bug(); can be called from within  PSL:RLISP.    This
     starts  MAIL (actually MM) in a lower fork, with the To: line set
     up to Griss.  Simply type the subject of the complaint, and  then
     the message.

     After typing message about a bug or a misfeature end finally with
     a <Ctrl-Z>.

     <Ctrl-N> aborts the message.

  [??? needs switches ???]
  [??? needs switches ???]
  [??? needs switches ???]

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