File psl-1983/3-1/doc/nmode/ artifact baf2c6684b part of check-in 3519b83598

- R 44X (11 February 1983) <PSL.NMODE-DOC>
PLA 97_LAS 80 0_FIR 2_INT 1 6.0_TYP 160 163 162 193_INP 12 101_MAR 2
201 OUT 160_202 OUT 163_203 OUT 162_204 OUT 193
205 INP 12 101_206 INP 12 102

                                  202/9836 NMODE Command Summary

                                         201/11 February 1983


          201/What Cursor Position               C-X =
          Show Function on Key              M-?
          List Matching Commands            <help>


          201/Find File                           C-X C-F
          Write File                          C-X C-W
          Save File                           C-X C-S
          Save All Files                      M-X Save All Files
          Write Region to File                M-X Write Region
          Append Region to File              M-X Append to File
          Prepend Region to File             M-X Prepend to File
          Insert File                         M-X Insert File
          Revert File                         M-X Revert File
          Set Visited Filename                M-X Set Visited Filename


          201/Find File                           C-X C-F
          Select Buffer                       C-X B
          Select Previous Buffer              C-M-L
          List Buffers                        C-X C-B
          Go to Buffer Start                 M-<  (or)  <clr-end>
          Go to Buffer End                   M->  (or)  Shift-<clr-end>
          Kill Buffer                         C-X K
          Kill Some Buffers                   M-X Kill Some Buffers
          Append Region to Buffer           C-X A
          Rename Buffer                     M-X Rename Buffer
          Insert Buffer                       M-X Insert Buffer
          Set Buffer Not-Modified            M-~


          201/Kill Region                         C-W
          Copy Region                       M-W
          Fill Region                         M-G
          Upcase Region                      C-X C-U
          Downcase Region                   C-X C-L
          Append Region to File              M-X Append to File
          Prepend Region to File             M-X Prepend to File
          Append Region to Buffer           C-X A

          202/The Mark

          201/Set/Pop Mark                       C-@
          Exchange Point and Mark           C-X C-X
          Set Mark at Beginning              C-<
          Set Mark at End                    C->
          Mark Word                         M-@
          Mark Paragraph                    M-H
          Mark Form                         C-M-@
          Mark Defun                        M-Backspace
          Mark Whole Buffer                  C-X H


          201/Move Forward Character            C-F  (or)  <right-arrow>
          Move Backward Character          C-B  (or)  <left-arrow>
          Forward Delete Character           C-D  (or)  <del-chr>
          Backward Delete Character         Rubout
          Transpose Characters              C-T
          Quote Character                    C-Q


          201/Move to Next Line                  C-N  (or)  <down-arrow>
          Move to Previous Line              C-P  (or)  <up-arrow>
          Goto Start of Line                  C-A
          Goto End of Line                   C-E
          Kill Line                           C-K  (or)  <del-ln>
          Transpose Lines                    C-X C-T
          Center Line                        M-S
          Join To Previous Line              M-^
          Insert Blank Line                  C-O  (or)  <ins-ln>
          Split Line                          C-M-O
          Delete Blank Lines                 C-X C-O
          Delete Matching Lines              M-X Delete Matching Lines
          Delete Non-Matching Lines          M-X Delete Non-Matching Lines


          201/Move Forward Word                 M-F  (or)  Control-<right-arrow>
          Move Backward Word               M-B  (or)  Control-<left-arrow>
          Forward Kill Word                  M-D
          Backward Kill Word                 M-Rubout
          Mark Word                         M-@
          Transpose Words                   M-T
          Upcase Word                       M-U
          Downcase Word                     M-L
          Capitalize Word                     M-C


          201/Move Forward Sentence             M-E
          Move Backward Sentence           M-A
          Forward Kill Sentence              M-K
          Backward Kill Sentence             C-X Rubout


          201/Move Forward Paragraph           M-]
          Move Backward Paragraph          M-[
          Mark Paragraph                    M-H
          Fill Paragraph                      M-Q

          202/Killing and Unkilling Text

          201/Kill Line                           C-K  (or)  <del-ln>
          Forward Kill Word                  M-D
          Backward Kill Word                 M-Rubout
          Forward Kill Sentence              M-K
          Backward Kill Sentence             C-X Rubout
          Forward Kill Form                  C-M-K
          Backward Kill Form                 C-M-Rubout
          Kill Region                         C-W
          Copy Region                       M-W
          Yank Killed Text                   C-Y
          Yank Previous Kill                 M-Y
          Append Next Kill                   C-M-W

          202/Deleting Text

          201/Forward Delete Character           C-D  (or)  <del-chr>
          Backward Delete Character         Rubout
          Delete Horizontal Spaces            M-\
          Delete Blank Lines                 C-X C-O
          Delete Matching Lines              M-X Delete Matching Lines
          Delete Non-Matching Lines          M-X Delete Non-Matching Lines

          202/String Search

          201/Foward Search                     C-S
          Reverse Search                     C-R
          Count Occurrences                 M-X Count Occurrences

          202/String Replacement

          201/Query Replace                      M-%
          Replace String                     C-%


          201/Back to Indentation on Line        M-M
          Indent Line                        Tab
          Indent New Line                    Newline
          Indent Form                        C-M-Q
          Indent Region                      C-M-\

          202/Text Filling and Justification

          201/Set Fill Prefix                      C-X .
          Set Right Margin                   C-X F
          Fill Region                         M-G
          Fill Paragraph                      M-Q
          Fill Comment                       M-Z
          Auto Fill Mode (toggle)             M-X Auto Fill Mode

          202/Case Conversion

          201/Upcase Word                       M-U
          Downcase Word                     M-L
          Capitalize Word                     M-C
          Upcase Region                      C-X C-U
          Downcase Region                   C-X C-L


          201/Enter Lisp Mode                    M-X Lisp Mode
          Enter Text Mode                   M-X Text Mode

          202/Lisp Forms

          201/Move Forward Form                 C-M-F
          Move Backward Form               C-M-B
          Forward Kill Form                  C-M-K
          Backward Kill Form                 C-M-Rubout
          Transpose Forms                   C-M-T
          Mark Form                         C-M-@
          Indent Form                        C-M-Q

          202/Lisp Lists

          201/Move Backward Up List             C-(
          Move Forward Up List              C-)
          Move Forward Into List             C-M-D
          Insert Parens                      M-(

          202/Lisp Defuns

          201/Mark Defun                        C-M-H
          Beginning of Defun                 C-M-A
          End of Defun                       C-M-E
          Execute Defun                      C-] D

          202/Lisp Execution

          201/Execute Form                       C-] E
          Execute Defun                      C-] D
          Quit from Break Loop              C-] Q
          Abort from Break Loop             C-] A
          Backtrace from Break Loop         C-] B
          Continue from Break Loop          C-] C
          Retry from Break Loop             C-] R

          202/Screen Management

          201/Redisplay Screen                   C-L
          Reposition Window                  C-M-R
          Scroll to Next Screenful            C-V  (or)  <recall>
          Scroll to Previous Screenful        M-V  (or)  Shift-<recall>
          Scroll Buffer Up One Line          Control-<recall>
          Scroll Buffer Down One Line       Shift-Control-<recall>
          Invert Video                       C-X V


          201/Two Windows                       C-X 2
          One Window                        C-X 1
          Go to Other Window                C-X O
          Exchange Windows                  C-X E
          Scroll Other Window                C-M-V
          Grow Window                       C-X ^

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