module str; % Routines for structuring expressions.
% Author: Anthony C. Hearn.
% Copyright (c) 1991 The RAND Corporation. All rights reserved.
fluid '(!*fort !*nat !*savestructr scountr svar svarlis);
global '(varnam!*);
varnam!* := 'ans;
switch savestructr;
flag('(structr),'intfn); % To fool the supervisor into printing
% results of STRUCTR.
% ***** two essential uses of RPLACD occur in this module.
symbolic procedure structr u;
begin scalar scountr,fvar,svar,svarlis;
% SVARLIS is a list of elements of form:
% (<unreplaced expression> . <newvar> . <replaced exp>);
scountr :=0;
fvar := svar := varnam!*;
if cdr u
then <<fvar := svar := cadr u; if cddr u then fvar := caddr u>>;
u := structr1 aeval car u;
if !*fort then svarlis := reversip!* svarlis
else if not !*savestructr
then <<assgnpri(u,nil,'only);
if not eqcar(u,'mat) then terpri(); % MAT already has eol
if scountr=0 then return nil
else <<if null !*nat then terpri();
prin2t " where">>>>;
if !*fort or not !*savestructr
then for each x in svarlis do
<<terpri!* t;
if null !*fort then prin2!* " ";
assgnpri(cddr x,list cadr x,t)>>;
if !*fort then assgnpri(u,list fvar,t)
else if !*savestructr
then return 'list . u .
foreach x in svarlis
collect list('equal,cadr x,
mkquote cddr x)
rlistat '(structr);
symbolic procedure structr1 u;
% This routine considers special case STRUCTR arguments. It could be
% easily generalized.
if atom u then u
else if car u eq 'mat
then car u .
(for each j in cdr u collect for each k in j collect structr1 k)
else if car u eq 'list
then 'list . for each j in cdr u collect structr1 j
else if car u eq 'equal then list('equal,cadr u,structr1 caddr u)
else if car u eq '!*sq
then mk!*sq(structf numr cadr u ./ structf denr cadr u)
else if getrtype u then typerr(u,"STRUCTR argument")
else u;
symbolic procedure structf u;
if null u then nil
else if domainp u then u
else begin scalar x,y;
x := mvar u;
if sfp x then if y := assoc(x,svarlis) then x := cadr y
else x := structk(prepsq!*(structf x ./ 1),
% else if not atom x and not atomlis cdr x
else if not atom x
and not(atom car x and flagp(car x,'noreplace))
then if y := assoc(x,svarlis) then x := cadr y
else x := structk(x,structvar(),x);
% Suggested patch by Rainer Schoepf to cache powers.
% if ldeg u = 1
% then return x .** ldeg u .* structf lc u .+ structf red u;
% z := retimes exchk list (x .** ldeg u);
% if y := assoc(z,svarlis) then x := cadr y
% else x := structk(z, structvar(), z);
% return x .** 1 .* mystructf lc u .+ mystructf red u
return x .** ldeg u .* structf lc u .+ structf red u
symbolic procedure structk(u,id,v);
begin scalar x;
if x := subchk1(u,svarlis,id)
then rplacd(x,(v . id . u) . cdr x)
else if x := subchk2(u,svarlis)
then svarlis := (v . id . x) . svarlis
else svarlis := (v . id . u) . svarlis;
return id
symbolic procedure subchk1(u,v,id);
begin scalar w;
while v do
<<smember(u,cddar v)
and <<w := v; rplacd(cdar v,subst(id,u,cddar v))>>;
v := cdr v>>;
return w
symbolic procedure subchk2(u,v);
begin scalar bool;
for each x in v do
smember(cddr x,u)
and <<bool := t; u := subst(cadr x,cddr x,u)>>;
if bool then return u else return nil
symbolic procedure structvar;
scountr := scountr + 1;
return if arrayp svar then list(svar,scountr)
else intern compress append(explode svar,explode scountr)