module forall; % FOR ALL and LET-related commands.
% Author: Anthony C. Hearn.
% Modifications by: Herbert Melenk.
% Copyright (c) 1993 RAND. All rights reserved.
fluid '(!*resimp !*sub2 alglist!* arbl!* asymplis!* frasc!* wtl!*);
fluid '(!*!*noremove!*!* frlis!* newrule!* oldrules!* props!* subfg!*);
fluid '(!*reduce4 powlis!* powlis1!*);
global '(!*match cursym!* erfg!* letl!* mcond!*);
letl!* := '(let match clear saveas such); % Special delimiters.
% Contains two RPLAC references commented out.
symbolic procedure forallstat;
begin scalar arbl,conds;
if cursym!* memq letl!* then symerr('forall,t);
arbl := remcomma xread nil;
if cursym!* eq 'such then
<<if not(scan() eq 'that) then symerr('let,t);
conds := xread nil>>;
if not(cursym!* memq letl!*) then symerr('let,t)
else return list('forall,arbl,conds,xread1 t)
symbolic procedure forall u;
begin scalar x,y;
x := for each j in car u collect newvar j;
y := pair(car u,x);
mcond!* := subla(y,cadr u);
% mcond!* := formbool(subla(y,eval cadr u),nil,'algebraic);
frasc!* := y;
frlis!* := union(x,frlis!*);
return lispeval caddr u
symbolic procedure arbstat;
<<lpriw("*****","ARB no longer supported");
symbolic procedure newvar u;
if not idp u then typerr(u,"free variable")
% else if flagp(u,'reserved)
% then typerr(list("Reserved variable",u),"free variable")
else intern compress append(explode '!=,explode u);
symbolic procedure formforall(u,vars,mode);
begin scalar arbl!*,x,y;
u := cdr u;
% vars := append(car u,vars); % Semantics are different.
if null cadr u then x := t else x := formbool(cadr u,vars,mode);
% if null cadr u then x := t else x := form1(cadr u,vars,mode);
y := form1(caddr u,vars,mode);
% Allow for a LET or MATCH call during a similar evaluation.
% This might occur in autoloading.
if eqcar(y,'let) then y := 'let00 . cdr y
else if eqcar(y,'match) then y := 'match00 . cdr y;
return list('forall,list('list,mkquote union(arbl!*,car u),
mkquote x,mkquote y))
symbolic procedure def u;
% Defines a list of operators.
<<lprim "Please do not use this operator; it is no longer supported";
for each x in u do
if not eqexpr x or not idlistp cadr x then errpri2(x,t)
else <<mkop caadr x;
forall list(cdadr x,t,list('let,mkarg(list x,nil)))>>>>;
deflist('((forall formforall)),'formfn);
deflist('((forall forallstat)),'stat);
flag ('(clear let match),'quote);
symbolic procedure formlet1(u,vars,mode);
requote ('list . for each x in u collect
if eqexpr x
then list('list,mkquote car x,form1(cadr x,vars,mode),
!*s2arg(form1(caddr x,vars,mode),vars))
else form1(x,vars,mode));
symbolic procedure requote u;
if atom u or not(car u eq 'list) then u
else (if x then mkquote x else u) where x=requote1 cdr u;
symbolic procedure requote1 u;
begin scalar x,y;
a: if null u then return reversip x
else if numberp car u or car u memq '(nil t)
then x := car u . x
else if atom car u then return nil
else if caar u eq 'quote then x := cadar u . x
else if caar u eq 'list and (y := requote1 cdar u)
then x := y . x
else return nil;
u := cdr u;
go to a
symbolic procedure !*s2arg(u,vars);
%makes all NOCHANGE operators into their listed form;
if atom u or eq(car u,'quote) then u
else if not idp car u or not flagp(car u,'nochange)
then for each j in u collect !*s2arg(j,vars)
else mkarg(u,vars);
symbolic procedure formclear(u,vars,mode);
list('clear,formclear1(cdr u,vars,mode));
symbolic procedure formclear1(u,vars,mode);
'list . for each x in u collect
if flagp(x,'share) then mkquote x else form1(x,vars,mode);
symbolic procedure formlet(u,vars,mode);
list('let,formlet1(cdr u,vars,mode));
symbolic procedure formmatch(u,vars,mode);
list('match,formlet1(cdr u,vars,mode));
symbolic procedure let u; let0 u; % to distinguish between operator
% and function.
symbolic procedure let0 u;
let00 u where frasc!* = nil;
symbolic procedure let00 u;
u := errorset!*(list('let1,mkquote u),t);
frasc!* := mcond!* := nil;
if errorp u then error1() else return car u
symbolic procedure let1 u;
begin scalar x,y;
u := reverse u; % So that rules are added in order given.
while u do
<<if idp u then typerr(u,"rule list")
else if eqcar(y := listeval0(x := car u),'list)
then rule!-list(reverse cdr y,t)
else if idp x then revalruletst x
else if car x eq 'replaceby
then if frasc!*
then rerror(alg,100,
"=> invalid in FOR ALL statement")
else rule!-list(list x,t)
else if car x eq 'equal
then if smemq('!~,x)
then if frasc!* then typerr(x,"rule")
else rule!-list(list x,t)
else let2(cadr x,caddr x,nil,t)
else revalruletst x;
u := cdr u>>
symbolic procedure revalruletst u;
(if u neq v then let1 list v else typerr(u,"rule list"))
where v = reval u;
symbolic procedure let2(u,v,w,b);
begin scalar flgg,x,y,z;
% FLGG is set true if free variables are found.
if (y := getrtype u) and (z := get(y,'typeletfn))
and flagp(z,'direct)
then return lispapply(z,list(u,v,y,b,getrtype v))
else if (y := getrtype v) and (z := get(y,'typeletfn))
and flagp(z,'direct)
then return lispapply(z,list(u,v,nil,b,y));
x := subla(frasc!*,u);
if x neq u
then if atom x then return errpri1 u
else <<flgg := t; u := x>>;
x := subla(frasc!*,v);
if x neq v
then <<v := x;
if eqcar(v,'!*sq!*) then v := prepsq!* cadr v>>;
% to ensure no kernels are replaced by uneq copies
% during pattern matching process.
% Check for unmatched free variables.
x := smemql(frlis!*,mcond!*);
y := smemql(frlis!*,u);
if (z := setdiff(x,y))
or (z := setdiff(setdiff(smemql(frlis!*,v),x),
then <<lprie ("Unmatched free variable(s)" . z);
erfg!* := 'hold;
return nil>>
else if atom u then nil
else if car u eq 'getel then u := lispeval cadr u
else if flagp(car u,'immediate) then u := reval u;
return let3(u,v,w,b,flgg)
symbolic procedure let3(u,v,w,b,flgg);
% U is left-hand-side of a rule, v the right-hand-side.
% W is true if a match, NIL otherwise.
% B is true if the rule is being added, NIL if being removed.
% Flgg is true if there are free variables in the rule.
begin scalar x,y1,y2,z;
x := u;
if null x then <<u := 0; return errpri1 u>>
else if numberp x then return errpri1 u;
% Allow redefinition of id's, regardless of type.
% The next line allows type of LHS to be redefined.
y2 := getrtype v;
if b and idp x then <<remprop(x,'rtype); remprop(x,'avalue)>>;
% else if idp x and flagp(x,'reserved)
% then rederr list(x,"is a reserved identifier");
if (y1 := getrtype x)
then return if z := get(y1,'typeletfn)
then lispapply(z,list(x,v,y1,b,getrtype v))
else typelet(x,v,y1,b,getrtype v)
else if y2
then return if z := get(y2,'typeletfn)
then lispapply(z,list(x,v,nil,b,y2))
else typelet(x,v,nil,b,y2)
else letscalar(u,v,w,x,b,flgg)
symbolic procedure letscalar(u,v,w,x,b,flgg);
if not atom x
then if not idp car x then return errpri2(u,'hold)
else if car x eq 'df
then if null letdf(u,v,w,x,b) then nil
else return nil
else if getrtype car x
then return let2(reval x,v,w,b)
else if not get(car x,'simpfn)
then <<redmsg(car x,"operator");
mkop car x;
return let3(u,v,w,b,flgg)>>
else nil
else if null b and null w
then <<remprop(x,'avalue);
remprop(x,'rtype); % just in case
remflag(list x,'antisymmetric);
% remprop(x,'klist);
% commented out: the relevant objects may still exist.
remflag(list x,'linear);
remflag(list x,'noncom);
remflag(list x,'symmetric);
wtl!* := delasc(x,wtl!*);
if flagp(x,'opfn)
then <<remflag(list x,'opfn); remd x>>;
rmsubs(); % since all kernel lists are gone.
return nil>>;
if eqcar(x,'expt) and caddr x memq frlis!*
then letexprn(u,v,w,!*k2q x,b,flgg)
% Special case of a non-integer exponent match.
else if eqcar(x,'sqrt)
then let2(list('expt,cadr x,'(quotient 1 2)),v,w,b);
% Since SQRTs can be converted into EXPTs.
x := simp0 x;
return if not domainp numr x then letexprn(u,v,w,x,b,flgg)
else errpri1 u
symbolic procedure letexprn(u,v,w,x,b,flgg);
% Replacement of scalar expressions.
begin scalar y,z;
if denr x neq 1
then return let2(let!-prepf numr x,
list('times,let!-prepf denr x,v),w,b)
else if red(x := numr x)
then return let2(let!-prepf !*t2f lt x,
list('difference,v,let!-prepf red x),w,b)
else if null (y := kernlp x)
then <<y := term!-split x;
return let2(let!-prepf car y,
list('difference,v,let!-prepf cdr y),w,b)>>
else if y neq 1
then return let2(let!-prepf quotf!*(x,y),
list('quotient,v,let!-prepf y),w,b);
x := klistt x;
y := list(w . (if mcond!* then mcond!* else t),v,nil);
if cdr x
then return <<rmsubs(); !*match:= xadd!*(x . y,!*match,b)>>
else if null w and cdar x=1 % ONEP
then <<x := caar x;
if null flgg and (null mcond!* or mcond!* eq 't
or not smember(x,mcond!*))
then <<if atom x
then if flagp(x,'used!*) then rmsubs()
else nil
else if 'used!* memq cddr fkern x
then rmsubs();
else if atom x then return errpri1 u
else <<rmsubs(); % if get(car x,'klist) then rmsubs();
% the "get" is always true currently.
put(car x,
xadd!*(cdr x . y,get(car x,'opmtch),b))>>>>
else <<rmsubs();
if v=0 and null w and not flgg
then <<asymplis!* := xadd(car x,asymplis!*,b);
:= xadd(caar x . cdar x . y,powlis!*,'replace)>>
else if w or not(cdar y eq t) or frasc!*
then powlis1!* := xadd(car x . y,powlis1!*,b)
else if null b and (z := assoc(caar x,asymplis!*))
and z=car x
then asymplis!* := delasc(caar x,asymplis!*)
else <<powlis!* := xadd(caar x . cdar x . y,powlis!*,b);
if b then asymplis!* := delasc(caar x,asymplis!*)>>>>
rlistat '(clear let match);
% Further support for rule lists and local rule applications.
symbolic procedure clearrules u; rule!-list(u,nil);
% symbolic procedure letrules u; rule!-list(u,t);
rlistat '(clearrules); % letrules.
symbolic procedure rule!-list(u,type);
% Type is true if the rule is being added, NIL if being removed.
begin scalar v,x,y,z;
a: frasc!* := nil; % Since free variables must be declared in each
% rule.
if null u or u = {{}} then return (mcond!* := nil);
mcond!* := t;
v := car u;
if idp v
then if (x := get(v,'avalue)) and car x eq 'list
then <<u := append(reverse cdadr x,cdr u); go to a>>
else typerr(v,"rule list")
else if car v eq 'list
then <<u := append(cdr v,cdr u); go to a>>
else if car v eq 'equal
then lprim "Please use => instead of = in rules"
else if not(car v eq 'replaceby) then typerr(v,"rule");
y := remove!-free!-vars cadr v;
if eqcar(caddr v,'when)
then <<mcond!* := formbool(remove!-free!-vars!* caddr caddr v,
z := remove!-free!-vars!* cadr caddr v>>
else z := remove!-free!-vars!* caddr v;
u := cdr u;
go to a
symbolic procedure rule!*(u,v,frasc,mcond,type);
% Type is T if a rule is being added, OLD if an old rule is being
% reinstalled, or NIL if a rule is being removed.
begin scalar x;
frasc!* := frasc;
mcond!* := mcond eq t or subla(frasc,mcond);
if type and type neq 'old
then <<newrule!* := list(u,v,frasc,mcond);
% prin2t list("newrule:",newrule!*);
if idp u
then <<if x := get(u,'rtype)
then <<props!*:= (u . ('rtype . x)) . props!*;
if x := get(u,'avalue)
then <<updoldrules(x,nil);
% Asymptotic case.
if v=0 and eqcar(u,'expt) and idp cadr u
and numberp caddr u
and (x := assoc(cadr u,asymplis!*))
then updoldrules(x,nil)>>;
return rule(u,v,frasc,if type eq 'old then t else type)
symbolic procedure rule(u,v,frasc,type);
begin scalar flg,frlis,x,y,z;
% FLGG is set true if free variables are found.
x := subla(frasc,u);
if x neq u
then if atom x then return errpri1 u
else <<flg := t; u := x>>;
x := subla(frasc,v);
if x neq v
then <<v := x;
if eqcar(v,'!*sq!*) then v := prepsq!* cadr v>>;
% to ensure no kernels are replaced by uneq copies
% during pattern matching process.
% Check for unmatched free variables.
frlis := for each j in frasc collect cdr j;
x := smemql(frlis,mcond!*);
y := smemql(frlis,u);
if (z := setdiff(x,y))
or (z := setdiff(setdiff(smemql(frlis,v),x),
then <<lprie ("Unmatched free variable(s)" . z);
erfg!* := 'hold;
return nil>>
else if eqcar(u,'getel) then u := lispeval cadr u;
return let3(u,v,nil,type,flg)
mkop '!~; % Declare as algebraic operator.
symbolic procedure tildepri u; <<prin2!* "~"; prin2!* cadr u>>;
newtok '((!= !>) replaceby);
infix =>;
precedence =>,to;
symbolic procedure equalreplaceby u;
'replaceby . u;
flag('(replaceby),'equalopr); % Make LHS, RHS etc work.
flag('(replaceby),'spaced); % Make it print with spaces.
symbolic procedure formreplaceby(u,vars,mode);
list('list,mkquote car u,form1(cadr u,vars,mode),
!*s2arg(form1(caddr u,vars,mode),vars));
infix when;
precedence when,=>;
symbolic procedure formwhen(u,vars,mode);
list('list,algid('when,vars),form1(cadr u,vars,mode),
% We exclude formbool in following so that rules print prettily.
% mkarg(formbool(caddr u,vars,mode),vars));
mkarg(caddr u,vars));
flag('(whereexp),'listargp); % letsub.
% put('letsub,'simpfn,'simpletsub);
% symbolic procedure simpletsub u; simp evalletsub1(u,t);
symbolic procedure evalwhereexp u;
% We assume that the arguments of this function are well-formed, as
% they would be if produced from a "where" parse.
% It looks like there is a spurious simplification, but it's needed
% in x:= (e^(12i*pi/5) - e^(8i*pi/5) + 4e^(6i*pi/5) - e^(4i*pi/5)
% - 2e^(2i*pi/5) - 1)/(16e^(6i*pi/5)); y:= {e^(~a*i*pi/~(~ b))
% => e^((a - b)/b*i*pi) when numberp a and numberp b and a>b};
% x where y;
evalletsub({cdar u,{'aeval,mkquote{'aeval,carx(cdr u,'where)}}},nil);
flag('(aeval),'opfn); % To make the previous procedure work.
% symbolic procedure evalletsub1(u,v);
% begin scalar x;
% x := car u;
% u := carx(cdr u,'simpletsub);
% if eqcar(x,'list) then x := cdr x else errach 'simpletsub;
% return evalletsub2({x,{'aeval,mkquote u}},v)
% end;
symbolic procedure evalletsub(u,v);
if errorp(u := evalletsub2(u,v))
then rerror(alg,24,"Invalid simplification")
else car u;
symbolic procedure evalletsub2(u,v);
% car u is an untagged list of rules or ruleset names,
% cadr u is an expression to be evaluated by errorset* with the
% rules activated locally,
% v should be nil unless the rules contain equations.
% Returns the expression value corresponding to the
% errorset protocol.
begin scalar newrule!*,oldrules!*,props!*,w;
w := set_rules(car u,v);
% We need resimp on since u may contain (*SQ ... T).
u := errorset!*(cadr u,nil); % where !*resimp = t;
% Restore previous environment, if changed.
restore_rules w;
return u
symbolic procedure set_rules(u,v);
begin scalar !*resimp,x,y,z;
for each j in u do
% The "v" check in next line causes "a where a=>4" to fail.
if eqcar(j,'replaceby) then y := j . y
else if null v and eqcar(j,'equal)
then <<lprim "Please use => instead of = in rules";
y := ('replaceby . cdr j) . y>>
else if (x := validrule j)
or idp j and (x := validrule reval j)
then (x := reverse car x) and <<rule!-list(x,t); z := x . z>>
else typerr(j,"rule list");
return y . z
symbolic procedure restore_rules u;
<<for each j in u do rule!-list(j,nil);
for each j in oldrules!*
do if atom cdar j
then if idp cdar j
then if cdar j eq 'scalar
then let3(caar j,cadr j,nil,t,nil)
else typelet(caar j,cadr j,nil,t,cdar j)
else nil
else rule!*(car j,cadr j,caddr j,cadddr j,'old);
where !*resimp := nil;
symbolic procedure restore_props;
% At present, the only thing props!* can contain is an RTYPE
% property. However, it is in this form to handle any other cases
% that arise.
for each j in props!* do
if pairp cdr j then put(car j,cadr j,cddr j)
else flag({car j},cdr j);
symbolic procedure resimpcar u; resimp car u;
symbolic procedure validrule u;
(if null x then nil else list x) where x=validrule1 u;
symbolic procedure validrule1 u;
if atom u then nil
else if car u eq 'list
then if null cdr u then {{}}
else for each j in cdr u collect validrule1 j
else if car u eq 'replaceby then u
else if car u eq 'equal then 'replaceby . cdr u
else nil;
symbolic procedure remove!-free!-vars!* u;
remove!-free!-vars u where !*!*noremove!*!* := t;
symbolic procedure remove!-free!-vars u;
begin scalar x,w;
return if atom u then u
else if car u eq '!~
then if !*!*noremove!*!*
then if (x := atsoc(cadr u,frasc!*))
or eqcar(cadr u,'!~)
and (x := atsoc(cadadr u,frasc!*))
then cdr x else u
else if atom cdr u then typerr(u,"free variable")
else if idp(w:=cadr u) or eqcar(w,'!~) and (w:=cadr w)
then <<frlis!* := union(list get!-free!-form cadr u,
else if idp caadr u % Free operator.
then <<frlis!* := union(list get!-free!-form caadr u,
caadr u . remove!-free!-vars!-l cdadr u>>
else typerr(u,"free variable")
else remove!-free!-vars!-l u
symbolic procedure remove!-free!-vars!-l u;
if atom u then u
else if car u eq '!*sq then remove!-free!-vars!-l prepsq!* cadr u
else (if x=u then u else x)
where x=remove!-free!-vars car u . remove!-free!-vars!-l cdr u;
symbolic procedure get!-free!-form u;
begin scalar x,opt;
if x := atsoc(u,frasc!*) then return cdr x;
if eqcar(u,'!~) then <<u:= cadr u; x := '(!! !~ !! !~); opt := t>>
else x := '(!! !~);
x := intern compress append(x,explode u);
frasc!* := (u . x) . frasc!*;
if opt then flag({x},'optional);
return x
symbolic procedure term!-split u;
% U is a standard form which is not a kernel list (i.e., kernlp
% is false). Result is the dotted pair of the leading part of the
% expression for which kernlp is true, and the remainder;
begin scalar x;
while null red u do <<x := lpow u . x; u := lc u>>;
return tpowadd(x,!*t2f lt u) . tpowadd(x,red u)
symbolic procedure tpowadd(u,v);
<<for each j in u do v := !*t2f(j .* v); v>>;
symbolic procedure frvarsof(u,l);
% Extract the free variables in u in their left-to-right order.
if memq(u,frlis!*) then if memq(u,l) then l else append(l,{u})
else if atom u then l
else frvarsof(cdr u,frvarsof(car u,l));
symbolic procedure simp0 u;
begin scalar !*factor,x,y,z;
if eqcar(u,'!*sq) then return simp0 prepsq!* cadr u;
y := setkorder frvarsof(u,nil);
x := subfg!* . !*sub2;
alglist!* := nil . nil; % Since assignments will change.
subfg!* := nil;
if atom u
or idp car u
and (flagp(car u,'simp0fn) or get(car u,'rtype))
then z := simp u
else z := simpiden u;
rplaca(alglist!*,delasc(u,car alglist!*));
% Since we don't want to keep this value.
subfg!* := car x;
!*sub2 := cdr x;
setkorder y;
return z
flag('(cons difference eps expt minus plus quotient times),'simp0fn);
symbolic procedure let!-prepf u;
subla(for each x in frasc!* collect (cdr x . car x),prepf u);
symbolic procedure match u;
match00 u where frasc!* = nil;
symbolic procedure match00 u;
<<for each x in u do let2(cadr x,caddr x,t,t);
frasc!* := mcond!* := nil>>;
symbolic procedure clear u;
u := errorset!*(list('clear1,mkquote u),t);
mcond!* := frasc!* := nil;
if errorp u then error1() else return car u
symbolic procedure clear1 u;
begin scalar x,y;
while u do
<<if flagp(x := car u,'share)
then if not flagp(x,'reserved) then set(x,x) else rsverr x
% if argument is an explicit list, clear each element.
else if eqcar(x,'list)
then u := nil . append(cdr x,cdr u)
% The following two cases allow for rules or the lhs of
% rules as arguments to CLEAR.
else if eqcar(x,'replaceby) then rule!-list(list x,nil)
else if smemq('!~,x)
then if eqcar(x,'equal) then rule!-list(list x,nil)
else rule!-list(list list('replaceby,x,nil),nil)
% Hook for a generalized "clear" facility.
else if (y := get(if atom x then x else car x,'clearfn))
then apply1(y,x)
else <<let2(x,nil,nil,nil); let2(x,nil,t,nil)>>;
u := cdr u>>
symbolic procedure typelet(u,v,ltype,b,rtype);
% General function for setting up rules for typed expressions.
% LTYPE is the type of the left hand side U, RTYPE, that of RHS V.
% B is a flag that is true if this is an update, nil for a removal.
begin scalar ls;
if null rtype then rtype := 'scalar;
if ltype eq rtype then go to a
else if null b then go to c
else if ltype
then if ltype eq 'list and rtype eq 'scalar
then <<ls := t; go to l>>
else typerr(list(ltype,u),rtype)
else if not atom u
then if arrayp car u then go to a else typerr(u,rtype);
l: put(u,'rtype,rtype);
ltype := rtype;
a: if b and (not atom u or flagp(u,'used!*)) then rmsubs();
c: if not atom u
then if arrayp car u
then setelv(u,if b then v else nil)
else put(car u,'opmtch,xadd!*(cdr u .
list(nil . (if mcond!* then mcond!* else t),v,nil),
get(car u,'opmtch),b))
else if null b
then <<remprop(u,'avalue);
if ltype eq 'array then remprop(u,'dimension)>>
else if ls
then <<remprop(u,'rtype); put!-avalue(u,rtype,v)>>
else <<if (b := get(u,'avalue))
then if not(rtype eq car b)
and (not(car b memq(ls := '(scalar list)))
or not(rtype memq ls))
then typerr(list(car b,u),rtype);
symbolic procedure setk(u,v);
if not atom u
then (if x then setk0(car u . apply1(x,cdr u),v)
else if get(car u,'rtype) eq 'matrix then setk0(u,v)
else setk0(car u . revlis cdr u,v))
where x=get(car u,'evalargfn)
else setk0(u,v);
symbolic procedure setk0(u,v);
% Clear frasc!* to allow for autoloading within LET constructs.
begin scalar x,frasc!*;
% We need to reset alglist!* for structures on the left or right
% hand side.
if (x := getrtype v) and get(x,'setelemfn)
then <<alglist!* := nil . nil; let2(u,v,nil,t)>>
else if not atom u
and idp car u
% Excalc currently needs getrtype to check for free indices.
% Getrtype *must* be called as first argument in OR below.
and ((x := getrtype u or get(car u,'rtype))
and (x := get(x,'setelemfn))
or (x := get(car u,'setkfn)))
% We must update alglist!* when an element is defined.
then <<alglist!* := nil . nil; apply2(x,u,v)>>
% alglist!* is updated here in simp0.
else let2(u,v,nil,t);
return v
symbolic procedure setk1(u,v,b);
begin scalar x,y,z,!*uncached;
!*uncached := t;
if atom u
then <<if null b
then <<if not get(u,'avalue)
then msgpri(nil,u,"not found",nil,nil)
else remprop(u,'avalue);
return nil>>
else if (x:= get(u,'avalue)) then put!-avalue(u,car x,v)
else put!-avalue(u,'scalar,v);
return v>>
else if not atom car u
then rerror(alg,25,"Invalid syntax: improper assignment");
u := car u . revlis cdr u;
if null b
then <<z:=assoc(u,wtl!*);
if not(y := get(car u,'kvalue))
or not (x := assoc(u,y))
then << if null z then
msgpri(nil,u,"not found",nil,nil)>>
else put(car u,'kvalue,delete(x,y));
if z then wtl!*:=delasc(u,wtl!*);
return nil>>
else if not (y := get(car u,'kvalue))
then put!-kvalue(car u,nil,u,v)
else <<if x := assoc(u,y)
then <<updoldrules(u,v); y := delasc(car x,y)>>;
put!-kvalue(car u,y,u,v)>>;
return v
% symbolic procedure put!-avalue(u,v,w);
% if smember(u,w) then recursiveerror u
% else put(u,'avalue,{v,w});
symbolic procedure put!-avalue(u,v,w);
% This definition allows for an assignment such as a := a 4.
if v eq 'scalar
then if eqcar(w,'!*sq) and sq_member(u,cadr w)
then recursiveerror u
else if !*reduce4 then putobject(u,w,'generic)
else put(u,'avalue,{v,w})
else if smember(u,w) then recursiveerror u
else put(u,'avalue,{v,w});
symbolic procedure sq_member(u,v);
sf_member(u,numr v) or sf_member(u,denr v);
symbolic procedure sf_member(u,v);
null domainp v and
(mvar_member(u,mvar v) or sf_member(u,lc v) or sf_member(u,red v));
symbolic procedure mvar_member(u,v);
% This and arglist member have to cater for the funny forms we
% find in packages like TAYLOR.
u = v or (null atom v and arglist_member(u,cdr v));
symbolic procedure arglist_member(u,v);
null atom v and (mvar_member(u,car v) or arglist_member(u,cdr v));
% symbolic procedure put!-kvalue(u,v,w,x);
% if smember(w,x) then recursiveerror w
% else put(u,'kvalue,aconc(v,{w,x}));
symbolic procedure put!-kvalue(u,v,w,x);
% This definition is needed to allow p(2) := sqrt(1-p^2).
if (if eqcar(x,'!*sq) then sq_member(w,cadr x) else smember(w,x))
then recursiveerror w
else put(u,'kvalue,aconc(v,{w,x}));
symbolic procedure klistt u;
if atom u then nil else caar u . klistt cdr carx(u,'list);
symbolic procedure kernlp u;
% Returns leading domain coefficient if U is a monomial product
% of kernels, NIL otherwise.
if domainp u then u else if null red u then kernlp lc u else nil;
symbolic procedure xadd(u,v,b);
% Adds replacement U to table V, with new rule at head.
% Note that format of u and v depends on whether a free variable
% occurs in the expression or asymplis* is being updated!!.
begin scalar x;
x := assoc(car u,v);
if null x
then if b and not(b eq 'replace) then v := u . v else nil
else if b
then <<v := delete(x,v);
if not atom cdr x and length x=5
then x := cdr x; % No free variable.
if not atom cdr x % atom is asymplis update.
then updoldrules(caddr x,cdadr x);
if not(b eq 'replace) then v := u . v>>
% else if cadr x=cadr u then v := delete(x,v);
else if atom cdr x and cdr x=cdr u
or not atom cdr x and cadr x=cadr u
then v := delete(x,v);
return v
symbolic procedure updoldrules(v,w);
(if null u then nil
else oldrules!* := append(
(if not atom v and numberp cdr v % asymptotic case.
then list list(list('expt,car v,cdr v),0,nil,t)
else if atom car u
then list list(car u . car v,cadr v,nil,t)
else (if car u neq y
then list list(car u,y,x,rsubla(x,w))
else nil) where y=rsubla(x,v)),
where x=caddr u)
where u=newrule!*;
symbolic procedure xadd!*(u,v,b);
% Adds replacement U to table V, with new rule at head.
% Also checks boolean part for equality.
% Note, in an earlier version, we removed all rules in the CLEAR mode
% regardless of whether they came from a LET or a MATCH, or had
% boolean constraints. However, this made the fps tests not work.
begin scalar x;
% a:
x := v;
% while x and not(car u=caar x and (cadr u=cadar x or null b))
while x and not(car u=caar x and cadr u=cadar x)
do x := cdr x;
if x then <<v := delete(car x,v);
if b then updoldrules(caddar x,cdadar x)
% else go to a>>;
if b then v := u . v;
return v
symbolic procedure rsubla(u,v);
begin scalar x;
if null u or null v then return v
else if atom v
then return if x:= rassoc(v,u) then car x else v
else return(rsubla(u,car v) . rsubla(u,cdr v))